The Rural Voice, 1980-09, Page 463 /Me t. 1. FEDERAL HOG SUBSIDY There have been requests from producers who have "lost" copies of their O.P.P.M.B. statements which they require to make application for the Federal Hog Stabilization Subsidy. To retrieve and reproduce these documents from our computer files is a lengthy and painstaking chore. It must be done by a manual "search" through the micro -fiche data files by extra clerical help, and takes considerable time. At the July Directors' meeting, the Board agreed that Head Office would accept requests from producers to supply individual records. However, since it is not fair to finance this particular operation from the levy collected from "innocent" producers, it was decided that there would be a $2.00 charge for each individual statement (settlement form and cheque) supplied. Requests for such help should be in writing and should be made to The General Manager, O.P.P.M.B. Re- quests already received will now be processed automatically (regardless of the information in the form letter reply to these producers). 2. O.P.P.M.B. SWINE RESEARCH The Research Committee O. F. Y.M.B. have reviewed the numerous submis- sions made by researchers for funding of projects during 1980-81. Three of the projects being funded are continuing studies. The Board commitment to research into renewable energy sources (methane, solar power, wind power) based at the new research facilities at Arkell is in its third year; Dr. S. Rosendal and his research team will be carrying on the second year of research into "Haemophilus Pneu- monia"; and Dr. G.T. King will complete his two year project dealing with "Reproductive Efficiency in Swine Herds". Further studies concerning mycotox- icoses in corn and their effect on swine will be carried out on an O.P.P.M.B. grant to Dr. T.K. Smith, Ontario Veterinary College. 3. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK PROTECTION ASSOCIATION The O.P.P.M.B. is a member of this organization which concerns itself with livestock thefts and rustling. The Assoc- iation offers rewards to individuals who PERTH t4t,0 COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS' NEWS provide information leading to a convic- tion for livestock theft. The Ontario Cattlemen's Association matches this reward in cases of cattle theft. O.P.P.M.B. Directors would be inter- ested in hearing from County Associ- ations as to whether this is a problem in the case of hogs and whether the O.P.P.M.B. should adopt the same policy of matching reward payments. 4. SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING, The 1980 Semi -Annual Meeting of the Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing Board will be held at the Skyline Hotel on Wednesday, September 10th, 1980. 5. PROVINCIAL SOW-WEANER STABILIZATION PLAN The Government of Ontario has announced the development of this plan on a five year period, based on the number of sows held on the farm. The plan works in 6 month periods ending on September 30th and March 31st. The first period will be April 1st, 1980 to September 30th, 1980. Stabiliz- ation payments will be made shortly after the end of each period and the calculations will be based on what happened to prices for market hogs during the preceding 6 months. A producer may enroll (voluntarily) up to 100 sows. Sows eligible to be included are those that have had a litter within the past 3 months or are now re -bred. Gilts held for breeding, or which have been bred but have not had a litter cannot be included. Application forms are being mailed to all pork producers registered with the O.P.P.M.B. As well, forms will be available at your local county Agricul- tural Office (O.M.A.F.). The plan is contributory. The pro- vince will pay out S2.00 for each $1.00 paid by the fanner. Since a pay -out is expected for the first period, there are no farmers' fees in the fund.However, the Commission will withhold 1/5 of the producers' share of the pay -out at this time. Farmer fees will be collected later - once hog prices recover above stabili- zation levels. Details on how the calculations are made and other information will be available from your local Agricultural Office or from the Farm Income Stabilization Commission, O.M.A.F. (416) 965-1811. 6. CONSUMER RELATIONS OFFICER Corrine Labossiere, who will carry out the functions of the Ontario Pork Hostess on a full-time basis, will be available for functions at the county level upon request to the Promotion Department, at no charge to the county 7. CANADIAN PORK COUNCIL - SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING The 1980 Semi -Annual Meeting of the Canadian Pork Council was held on July 8th and 9th in Victoria, B.C. Directors Malcolm, Farrell and Smith attended as representatives of the O.P.P.M.B. Topics on the agenda included re- ports on the state of the industry in each province; the progress being made by the National Grading Committee; an up -date on the Drug Residue situation and a survey of the various provincial Stabilization Plans. ONTARIO WEANER PIG MARKET COMMITTEE The "Ad Hoc" Committee of the O.P.P.M.B. met on July 15th under the chairmanship of Director Dave Mc- Donald. Representatives from the organizing group of the Ontario Weaner Pig Association were invited to this meeting and two of their members will join the Committee. The efforts of this Committee are centred around regulation of procedures at auction sales barns; improvement of quality; uniformity of reporting and pricing. 8. ONTARIO FREEZER MEAT ASSOCIATION The O.P.P.M.B. has taken an Assoc- iate Membership in this organization which has been formed to represent the interests of wholesale butchers, espec- ially those involved in supplying bulk purchases to the consumer. The basic purpose of the group is to up -grade the image of the wholesale butcher. They have agreed to a "Code of Practice" in regard to bulk beef sales and the O.P.P.M.B. are recommending that they also endorse a similar "Code of Practice" in regard to bulk sales of pork; in fact, we have compiled such a document for their consideration. 9. PORK -NUMBER ONE RED MEAT Federally Inspected Output: Jan. -April 1980 1979 1980 Change Million Lbs. Pork 591.9 735.5 + 0.2 Beef 578.8 579.6 +24.3 SALES DATES: August 27, 9 a.m. Yorkshire Type Conference, Ridgtown College Sept. 4, 7:30 p.m., Quality Swine Gilt & Boar Sale, Shedden Sept. 11, 7:30 p.m., All Breed Sale, Western Fair. Sept. 15, 7:30 p.m., Kerridge Acres Production Sale, Shores, Glanworth Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m., Test Station Boar & Gilt Sale. New Dundee THE RURAL VOICE/SEPTEMBER 1980 PG. 45