The Village Squire, 1981-08, Page 30People
A cycling veteran with a cause
Armed with a three -wheeled cycle. 100
pounds of equipment, sunglasses and a
friendly smile, Harold Lapointe is triking
around South-western Ontario for a
worthwhile cause.
Acquainting himself with old and new
friends in each town along his way. the
war veteran is travelling through nine
counties, over 6.000 kilometres of roads
and highways. to spread the word about
a disabled children's floor to be
constructed and furnished at
Westmin ster Campus Complex in
London. The project is in need of $1
million over the next five years. Since the
floor will be used by children from
Oxford, Middlesex, Bruce. Huron, Perth.
Elgin, Lambton, Kent and Essex
counties. Lapointe is telling people in
these counties of the need for funding.
He is not soliciting donations on this trip,
or organizing any fund-raising activities,
but says he'll help with fund-raising in
the future.
An important part of the children's
ward will be a memorial to men of this
area who died in wars since Con-
federation. to be placed in the foyer of
the floor says Lapointe.
"I hope my great-grandchildren never
know what a disabled war veteran is, but
we've gotta leave a memorial to those
who paid the supreme sacrifice." he said.
during a stop in Seaforth.
Lapointe has not trained for the trip.
but feels he has kept in shape by walking
and biking daily. The 60 -year-old veteran
sports a leg brace for an injury received in
Belgium in 1944. He feels that as a
veteran himself, concerned with
Westmin ster, he is the best person to
inform people of the need for funds.
Harold Lapointe has trained .for his trip
around south-western Ontario. just by
walking and bicycling daily.
Lapointe visits various Legions and has
received accommodation from Legion
members, but is prepared to camp if
necessary. That's what the 100 pounds of
equipment in his rear carrier is for.
Young Listowel entrepreneurs are booked solid
Contrary to popular misconception.
SWEAT is not a new punk rock band. but
the name of an organization which two
ambitious Listowel students established
this summer. Students Willing, Energetic
and Able to Toil was started by David
Walker, Listowel and Myron Kuepfer
R.R. 2, Listowel.
The entrepreneurs have canvassed the
local area and distributed pamphlets
which read "We are an organized,
efficient team of students who are willing
and able to do all manner of labour."
Most jobs SWEAT is called about are
handled by Walker and Kuepfer. but if
they're busy, they'll call other students
who suit the employers' needs. For this
service. they receive a commission from
the student's wages.
Ironically, the idea for SWEAT
occurred to Walker in the shower. as he
contemplated what he would do for the
summer. According to his mother.
Sharron Walker, he wanted a job that
would give him experience at different
things and would be a challenge. Keupfcr
thought of the name SWEAT after
hearing his partner's plan.
Mrs. Walker said the boys are "booked
solid" and work "from dawn to dusk".
The calls are mainly from older people
who need work done but hate to impose
on their families.
Anderson hired by
new Perth board
In a decision in early July, Jim
Anderson, formerly with the Perth
Count Historical Board, was appointed
archivist of the newly formed Perth
Archives Board.
Also appointed to the new body is
Lutzen Riedstra as researcher.
The hirings were approved by both
Stratford City city council and county
Anderson, who earlier this year staged
a thirty-seven day hunger strike to
protest the dissolution of the county's
historical board, resumed eating when he
was assured at a public meeting of
support for his cause. He was concerned
two major Historical Board projects,
Thomson Museum and Fryfogel Inn,
would be shelved.
Anderson and Reidstra were selected
from among twenty-one applicants for the
two positions, and officially began their
new jobs July 8.
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