The Signal, 1936-12-24, Page 22-11Pd.7. DataInbir 1w. pis ' .; THE SIGNAL r GODERICH, ONT. ismel Established 1114/8 Member of Canadian Weekly News- papers Asauc•t Uoi °ODERICIt : CANADA 1'ubllahed every- Thursday morning. Subscription price $2.00 per Year. $1.&) is paid in atfcatser. Subscribers fa Rutted States will please add 50c for postage. THE SIG \Al. I'1tIN1rING CO. LTD. W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager Te1epb:ne 35 : Goderlcll, Ont. Thursday, December '-?4(h, 1908 bird was killed by the impact. Now some enterprising press correspondent will be sending fu a story of mice nibbling at the bag of flour painted 'on the Big Mill chimney. THE POWER OONTRAOTB The Globe and Mail came out the other day with a leading editorial cult, but there was nut unanimity and advising Premier Hepburn to honor the power coutracts which were set aatde-"repudiated" is the word com- aoal, used -by set of the Ontario Legislature. The Globe and Mail de• dares that the honor of the Province a involved, but weakens this state - meat by advocating, not the restora- tion of the old contreets. but the mak- ing of new ones, to a a{drit of Rice sad take betweeu the power companies and the Province • • • Pickpockets have been reaping a Harvest at the poolifical meetings In Plat lturtl11ga. Their activity is; la•rhato Just a reminder teat prople'r i pocket's are affdr•led by the kind of goveruwell t they get.-Kinett rdlue News. ' la •ole Nees animating that pock- ets were out worth picking until the (present Guveruwent cntae In? Iloxing 1)ay is taking hold In On- tiitio. A large number of towur in' arwId se Mrs. Clew, and 1 was going the Province are making It. a holldaf to tell her that rho, „um pick Out this year. Soave of the merchants in auwething ror the alfa and 1 would Bottle up for it, Then I got that sort of ■ fuuny feetlul( inside ole Now it was a [bought that to -ebb' the wife would like something that' was more et u Chrtst*tasry uature... something maybe dnlaty Ilke. hied across to the nt•w store then. It's run by a young couple from the city. Real amort Inside 1t la toe/ black and ebite In jagged ....Ours, with glass handles on the door, and a lot of tlaiuty pink uuderthings showing tip in easea 1 I got inside the door all right, hal- e ing a mite guilty. There was n few of the town's wuckey-moans strutting around with little pooches on string* and trying to look luterested. I got Phil Ostler of Lazy Meadows By HARRY J. BOYLE BUYING PRESENTS Nell, by the time you read tide, Christmas s111 likely be over /11111 you w 111 be thinking that you likely ate too much or aowethiug. Itut all lu all you Iliad u good tiles• and /brae is au deuf- Ing the fuel Down herr at Lazy Newdow's, we oto hace a Wight) flue Ilium., but the maim trial au4 tribula- tion of the: 44/111uu is my going out to buy pr•,w•nls. j 'Tula year' 1 weut up as usual to :Clem Illggivai drygo.als shore. 1 rx usual to see if 1 Goderich were prepared to follow Mr. Hepburn replied heatedly to this editorial, referring to 0* recent change In the ownership of The Globe and more than lualnuating that The Globe and Mail was influenced In Its fhf proposal was dropped. Aa a rule comparatively little burtnee4 Is done on the day after Christmas, but this year that day lappeutl to be a Satur- day, atreday, and the Saturday busluttss !s al- ways considerable. • • • A writer in Toronto Saturday Night wakes a curious misstatement. Writ lug of tlw marriage of the presen royal pair be says, "On that day th new King became the first British prince to marry a British woman In a space of two and one-half centuries. Hr has forgotten, evidently, the pres- ent Queen mother, 1l10 war cert.•tuly a British woman wta•n elle married the "right -about-face•' Ly it• present ea; rinea-'who later hcvalbe King Georg. vtronmeu( of money. 1_. possibly he meant to use the This. of course, The Globe and Mall word ••tr,wnlirrer;" but the $eottl-.ta dented, and the power contracts lava people might claim that the Lids again suddenly beeome a first-claasttillzalath Bowes -Lyon belonged W as toe in Ontario politica. Mr. Rowe. proud a family as any -of the ueb!lity the Conservative leader, while he as- tenth of e' Tweed galls the Government upon Its course in the matter. is very indefinite clout fu the doorway started to -take off wy cap and then staged through to We sea' iia • recent I. vee of The the (girl Patella. Advot'ate where the claim was A girl (noes up to Wit. with •sweet ' little smirk that elbowed through a„lot made that Jim Hueter, the popular lit paint and O di . "Something fm^red14e c'dttor-and inou nucer .41t--T you: air ?".....••lea. 1 thought titittt la, ti:vening Tek•gram, was a lathe of t9 m I think owl I would like, to buy some_P bale Ont We felt quit a ming! °a�`' �� -0� i► iE WESTFIELD titetict(tVetetetCKNENPVCCULAMENNEttrt4V4VIINIKKKAPVCRINEKtttetete4 WEWTFFIh gt, Dee. R1. -Mr. David Snell, of Alberta, is visiting hie daugh- ter, •-Yrs. Wm. Rodger, and his amt. Mr: Gordon Snell. Mr. Walter Maslen unit his wife wo toren to Toronto on Friday eight. a r r Mr. Win. McDowell, Mr. Norman Me - Dowell. Mrs. Norman Mr1A.well nod Mier Mildred Thonlluu were ',undo!' ed v1411ors last week. nq Mr .lien McGill. Jr., is Inoue from v4 I..'nd.n. Il,ftersity for the Christmas hol Ids y s. ]teas lienee It•rlmoud. of Linwood. Is spending the holidays at luwe with her mother and '.Ir. It. It. Itedinond-r Miss COleua ?'lark. of Port Dal- housie, (s %isitii* at the house •f her Mater, Mrs. Marvin McI)owML Mr. Warren Stamford, of London •l'Idveralty. Is visiting his parents% Mr.. and Mrs. '?'lamas !Samford. NI Mr. Hugh Blair has purchased the s'(' form of the late Itola•rt Harrison. The Nhrlstmaa eoneert, held In the baseuaent of th• ehurcb on Friday night, was well attender!. the sehool room being packers. The Luw•ment was decorated with rad and gram streamers' with evergreens and silver tinsel, colored IcicleM and red ('hriat• (Das bells. The program. which was well given. Included readings, :solos, quartettes. instrumental music and dtaloguter. At the close of the pro- gram over two huudred hags of candy. nuts and orange* were dlateibutt•d. GODERICH BIB HOME TOW'. (Marton Echo) FANCY PLAID BLANKETS Satin bound (part wool) in gold, mauve, blue rise. Size 72 x 80. Each MEN'S SHIRTS BATH TOWELS \tat stripes and t•hct•kn iu EIIgli.h broad,- cloth. road, cloth..Bluea, greys and browns. Collar at cached.. ( Sizes 1:1 to MIL!. 1$aell $1.35 MEN'S ALL -WOOL SOCK$ !''anlus liritwh Richmond make. An im- mense choice in very new patterns. Splive,1 heels and toes. Sizes 11) to 12'. 50c Per pair MEN'S PYJAMAS Made of guaranteed English Pyjama than nelette, neat stripes, blue, pink, mauve. Sizes 32 to 44. Suit HANDKERCHIEFS $1.95 1(1) dozen handl-embroidered finest cambric. Daintily worked in litany neat and.pleasing pattern., all neatly boxed. Christ- 25c 111/1S Special. 3 for $1.95 Imr n' !'anon Jacquard Bath Twat,. Double - warp, fancy weaves, iu blues, gold, mauve,e, rose, ete. Size about 24 x 38. Daint- $1 '25 ily boxed in pairs • BARRYMOOR RUGS deep pile Axminster Rugs. ngs for alfyr'Frilu�m or sur- ly reduced for Christmas. $9.95 rgtirld," pure white wool edea or blue Sa•aulless heavy Designs and colorings roundings. Special Size 4' 6"x 7' 6" Size 6' 9" x 9'.. Size 9' x 9' ... Size 9' x 12'..' BLANKETS largest size, "Mo with borders, rainbow, Size 72 x 86. Special. Each $18.95 $2/5.0000 $30.00 W.A7CHESON & SON • J. _ Itelnr for mrtwlfe." .That atarttd tt lot jealousy fur the nelgMa►rlug town, Ia temple of these female salesmen jus Jim is Ute` fantrlte Nnaourter of I - AUBURN Viand asked them to n•na•mtar his IJl('BXSB PLATE COLORS awa,pd de•wu on me and started to a targe circle of radio fats, *lid we ,derw,r. whom hr rteuwlut•D.h'll cert' thought it quite a dlstlnctlou to he. , btghly Mr lfilahtwan leaven tills License plate color tomblaatluts batik• off the list of thing+[ that 1 AI'ltl'R, Ike: Ll. Mr. J. lt.' chosen for the Provinces of Canada for If It ode to .Soho hfs as r native soa. f iia v! InA rant dile w>ttk - Iwewk to cake his homr�yalth his 1937 are as follows: • There la a' suggestion *hie the l • • • relllf amazing the nuwlwr of smart However.vrr, we ace in the Inst' mark s aro"' ° A r 1 daughter,, Mn Yrfglu uuof It }t h, and things that i could buy. It made me ;Issue of The Adrts•ate Hosie holes+ ael+ealt 1\ilb friends In the vicinity. Miss ]tat NII( ??sate atter the (9lrlrt- 1 its de w'e give la•Io lit .t se uhh, lit llueea'r I'nl 11,,,. rush of mail. . could buy for my latter hn to live at the home what he would do If he were in ot8(e. , speed Ilmlt tor automobiles In Ontnno There Is a good tk•tll_to he said on should by Increased to tlfty mite•. per both stiletto( thi+Qucall..d .J Ibe tow- i hour. Nobody pap. An) attention t'• er contracts. lin one hand. It is! the present speed limit of thirty -410e argued, thatthe,tulles, It 1f with wine of that stuff. -.why, she Huron:1,. Mfs• Il.rtwn MuRr blush right through my whiskers: the dastwe W t groua .er11RF• la sp•n11111tl ale hnudays myth way they talked? to me about *11 them Mr_ Ihttrter'r note to the pa1ar:club.Alr prrr•ts.. ]lr.trud ](n. 1'. .\senile. his explrnatlua and you w111-s(r "uuuanti,.nalr{e things." ouch as PJ Mr. and "Mrs. t:w.rxe It. rd:r are jamas and 1lathrd,M's....and dainty 'Brutes can elate' w near khishlFr to t rislting friend. Tin Detn.lt„-over silks. Yes I could just imagine "Maw hue litter all :--1 Scotsman and from vhdilsa t for l,r.aher, ]Ir 4;. -,.rpt' N'Igbtwaf f )1'• st1M Id. Thr reNrnl •.4,111• w••n c'an't praetlaw British Columbia --Black oD [•ream. Alberta -Blatt on orange. Saakatehewan-Black on white. Manitoba- Whit 041 green. Ontario -White on military scarlet. Quebec --White on brown. New Brunswick -White on black. with much force, s said In advexaey u the idgt Mrs Irl for Province must keep faith, must Lofior 1 t.hange. But would drivers i.uy en) Editor Pais,.y .t.lttaat iwh•t they low., h i+ that they're al- Nova Scot la -Lemon yellow o■ [could call me a slily old fool, and Timmlus, wh•n• "'he will Awed for ! ways oto bust r r bong -- 14,,. Angeles Wiwi.. Rs contrrets. On the other hand., na.tle attrution to th! fifty -mile re Ru ,tell mc• that 1 just bought It to get a ?Jeer eHr. In your i•«Ile of N.r J p'"'' cewM•r 'th fou •hada Ihtlr store In l'brlatn.as kolldclys Ivrlt). her druglr1 Timer. P. K. Island -Bark on melte. Mr. Hepburn declares the contracts I lotion? Better leave the Ilmlt as 11 dance to talk to all abuse pretty , ter, Mrs. Comte. Thompson. -some of them. at ;mat -were In ui- - • regard to my work 011 the air. I ease- • Posta .• hours Ili-LANburt for I•T r iq is. • Xu doubt It la eery generally Ms- girls. made ndlnhe, 1 the remarks fon ����.�a�,.R� �s,.��,. �s,� �s,���,.�s,.��s,.��s,�tty. toes and were rntruplly obtained. Is regarded: but all the came tlw deicer Somehow I knew that T. either had 1 bristnitte IMy ,tool NrK Ytwr s 1►ay ' 1(niter( fit ZaDaXI It)a�(Iw(lflt�tlaJ•f going at forty -Ace, fifty or awry. miler ; to art out nt that place or elm• 4 were and the, rylrtt In a hick Iger •^• •- • St not the duty of the Government to w•t-re mad,', but 1 must (1441 Jou right will la• from Il a.m. t1 _ p nt.•' and mead lista to 7, theto a fellow away cu►a few hots. f never lyceal in ?'nisi arnicas win . 1..-f malas usual. that they must come to the Govern- of els bead ural he would better he: without selling him --something I Ir, sad 1 am not the lain of Mr. pu.t rTheite Swirls,- w•h.w,l of Knox ?'res- 1 went with clean bands when they a.k careful and not have an accident, as '••Something tw-pyjama" pertaps a Mnr. Jsmert-Hunter. i was Isvru In byt.rian chunk will hold Its I% list• for the fulfillment of c•untn-tel wadywe here lovely bath- Alwrderfl:'$eotland, and came In (Isis'nal+ ,.a•Ial on ]Inodsy .l (44.nt• De - 1 be would he In trouble from the tact I dip T country In early Ilfe, elaIwIng Gtaler• I robes chi* is kmeclslly reduced for Irk, la 7s•� urlgbborlae ennuiy of ...ember a►th with them. [bat be was eldllbAralelf ciolatiDg the' It is said that poor widows who par-' law. - 9 ICbr11Rm•a yereaps- silk. stockings Iltrun, as mJ borne town. Closing Exeetfatwr-The Auburn 1. know she would like this via our ' .hucrt ' o use elaset ea held their closing chaser! land* o[ the power eompadi/s •• easy payment plan this would.b�;theI exercises nn Wednesday afternoon are suffering because of their depre- i The SinleO • Reformer incites child- asvery [aIle for a .Christmas d :be, the i I NITBU STATICS Or1N1UV and Thursday evening. The girls elation in • valeta' But what 4R tbe ren to Iranemlt letters to Santa ('lstm 1 got over near the deorwar. and i (('hritlan Science Monitor. Boehm) euN•rtulnerl the Nadirs of the village workmen w'hcste Jobs may be In dao- I through its c,lum.,., anti the result„Is waited until i got the little girl look-' Now (MAI file tumult and tlw shout- a1I11 e.n18ivally tn) serving afternoon 1 k has "sine- exhibit s scat I 'started going out that big what dlerl ANA). It may Iw possible to the ladies legit a pit•asaut ■fterna,n. *revolving door. That would have Met► examine n q.• pion tr.rpwntlf asked On Tim rola y PcprlIog the M.J J and Nal w piece dell cake or come nga *11 right It it were not -for -the- fart' In the test vex.1: How hes- i.twast4'n--mss•.-Hermes held :rinsing exer.•Iptar - the purple who will have to pay m11 good to eat where he eau get It for that 1 went out the wnmg able of the ,ylsll.rtoiou rR.r ler! Antall..\narrisa., '- l•oO.r-u I. • of a tourer, (cul daure. r (knot more in light and power antra? his midright lunch, which maggesta 'door about the time that a big tallow tattoo•? (The Program opened with a churns by Do they bare to suffer because of roe• that the old gentleman le in great was ('uming In. Smack: 1 sat down First. It should 14. said that d;.•erte the buy.; and girl.' cla•.w4, a .. to by then as bard as i possibly could on .lterrwrd Shaw's genius for mlauuder- Ruth 4tra:nghan. an address by Mr. that hard Boor. ;standing the United States was never ion McLeod. count} agricultural re" Buy, did 1 ever get up In a hurry more fully exhibited than In his ns- , presentative a violin mid° by Evelyn per if the contracts are ftltttted` ind wattle god "copy;' 'Many of the eblid- ing the Other way.'lien jurat a quick out over a king's ,Ieparttag lea '11a,r work wap on ex , and the increased anal of tower prereab ,p,l, inform Santa that (bey are leav- ing development? Jud what of something -else.. baa • tracts with which they had "thine dauger of a fit of Indigestion -for of to do, even of the extterier of which , coupe the piece of cake or whatever ' tfey Ahad no knowledge? i it Ia has to be out of the way the and /tramper out of that place? Just sumptlon that Americana would be Mullan. a duet by Eleanor Wilson The arpfament 1. not by any mean+,next morning. A letter like the fol made s meek around to the hack of affronted by British refusal to *o.rgN and Aubrey Toll. readinlf of the elaAm all on em4• aide; and if Mr. Ilepburn lowing *evidence, if any were needed, that place as quick as I could and a parrl(•ular American womnn na paper by Margaret F'rrguau 11, a auto could go to the people on this single that the small boy la the supreme ' then came In around to the rear of the Queen. The I.t'opie of the 1'nitt'b by Edith Nolte. an action pa•m°read iaaae we believe he would be over -'egoist: • ahect and beck op to Clem Hlltgfaa' (States may easily go astray to 'these, Eleanor. Wilson and acted by whelml i sustained. We Just do 1 St Williams, Out, More. Went In then and looked up labyrinth of British (onatitut{noel ens. I Lloyd Miller and George 4tnughau; 1111,8, Mr.. Clem and told her and that !toms; there Is much that they (10 not ,t .kit by the boys: a duet by Mar not seat' the voters of Ontario volun Mar - tartly going to the polls to peddle themselves with a burden of millions of dollar* in order to "keep filth" :n a matter in which their peraoral bon- e, la not Involved. Mr. Hepburn say* tbe door Is open toe the representatives of the power rompanie. to enter upon negotiations for ewe contract'. The romp*ulea would be well advised to make the best use of the Invitation to lay their cards nal the table and seek agree- ments with the Government which will be fair both to' themselves and to tbe peoplo of the I'rovfnee. EDITORIAL *VFW A merry Christmas to one and all: • • • The Saltford Sage says he doesn't want anything special for ('hristm.ls, except his buttons sewed on and 11is socks darned. • • • Santa ('taus Is being sadly ocet- worked these days. Rut then he has all the long year hefiieen OOP Christ- mas season and another In whoeh U, -rest np , • • •• a -. Nowwe wonder if Queen Elizabeth gives King George a *ee'ond helping of plum pudd,ng on Christmas Day, or if be has to "take care of his health:; • 1 • Spain be+ been hal-in{a pretty dis- mal time for some . moot sar but _It's torte, that 1e getting It In�If+` asd[ i is week. " • - • to HltIe 'e Germany,, they 'say, the ipprnpriate. (*riotmps pralin s this kyear are (1'tt lw'Imet for dad and • maks ks o fpr and the -child- ren- Wouldn't yam -like to live In elasllaDd? • a„,_ • Congratulations to Robert' Oockbnrn Hays of town npd (Yank Einetnnd of (111eton neon their being named Al K Cnurrael (loth gentlemen are h ighly esteemed ih and out of their *r'ofea minn. • • ',11"1 An Atlantic wfor tells of a bird ihat sew rlgi•t at 1 sheaf 1f w beat anted on a able's ftniwl. no donht (y,aglaing lj the real thing. The srh ' 1.14,,.." tI�IFir.- wltaltttria.. Ileo. 11, settled my Ritts problem. but evcry Dear Santa- time i think of going into that other I am six years old on Ike. 19th. place my Lace gets to burning nnder I go to school add do my work every my whiskers. day. I am a worker. I have n"i fully Noose about the nuances of Brit- Isoret Feelittrot and Charlie Milian. Ise mesial and political thinking. But,Mr. 3aleleod then caller) on Mrs. Macs tt may .afely'tw'taid quit they quicke.onald, wain presented Ruth Straugh- ly recognized what was wren( with etre 'an with a prix' for proflcieneY in picture of Mrs. Simpson as the surras- her work MIs,* Seot4 Inatructreos little Scotch dealer puDDJ will you BE CAREFUL, BOYS( elle of Queen Marl• 1 I foods and natrition,-then presented bring him a bone and come dog I110- AitunlIy. Amerfcanr appeared murk Eleanor Wilson ,with a prise fur pro - cults. I want a Huger nail Me, a more interested In King Edward than &Ipncy In cooking. Mr. Richmond Ford tractor, a tricycle, aedamp truck. I Den'[ Forget lour Hygiene When In their ran countrywoman. And so presente* Lorne Bunking with first n p•ir.of rubber boots just to my knees, You Salute the Lady far from resentment. there was a re -'prise for judging and George Strangb- a egmb,• a d Inking cup (red•). a jack- Toronto, inc. 21. -If anyone wants knife with two sharp Wades, as eke tles anyone else under the naivete - "lc train, a goat._la-hill, ••e)• Tbato-Sa aom•MPi 1 toe tee Christmas. It's 0.E. with To- ts all for e. 'BrIag•1Mddy ionto department of health. Ur. Gor- vesting sympathy. chiefly at fleet for „gig flr,t prize for the written exam - the Ring but later and fundamentally [nation. Lunch waw then werTM by the for taw British peope and their free Siris ata! a dame was .'njnyed institutions. On many who had never Hogan's orchestra In charge. and mother knives ad71 forks anll Jean don P. Jackson, its head, assured ffr appreciated the strength of democracy sowe•perfume. day. In Britain nr the equal rank of the' WHITECHURCH Dominion•. the unquestioned domin- ante of Parliament and the eo-opera- (Ion of the whole Commonwealth made' W1IITECIry wit, Dec. 22. --Mr. a deep Impression. indeed. 11t the John McLean Apert etre week -end In *Prop that understanding hes been In- Toronto. �teased, It should be said that the An- Mrs. MPBrIen has Leen 111 during the g in -Saxon rousfns have been hronght week -end. nearer by tel* trial of British heart*, Mr. Archie Altehees,n it la.,: up with ID which to an amazing extent Amer- a bruisankle, a horhaving kicked leans shared,.'him oned FYldny mnruios.e. l.. Mary Welt, of ?Whitby, In WHY THE NEWSPAPER HAS I mpending a few weeks with her par - IT ALL OVER THE RADIO wits, Mr. and Yrs. Fred I►acicka,n, ale-. fore leaving at New Year's to take a 1'Jbeition in the Albany General hos- .- ('. McIntyre, to Printer and Publisher pltal, New York. You can't put a radio broadeiAt in I Mr. })sra We•Ilwood spent a few your pocket and read it at your leis -'days last week at Stratford. Ott. 1 Mrs. Jas. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. You can't *ave a„rllpping from a I Henry Metier and Mr. and Mrs. .1 b. audio broadest. Beecroft Motored to (Tinton r.n friday You can't .kip 1t in •n radio 4road• (tae visit with Florence 14*-irnft at the i•attt.. YontIon't shut off the beautd hospital there. hints and 01Th to the hpee atlf *mare.; Mre. (train, of 7,t•tland, has stent the You ean't stop Ila(ening to answer Mat few • *tyke At the home of her - That 'phew and go hack to the radio daughter, Mrs. 710-• ()Ermine of without 'missing .n ar hong. !i'urnlerry. Yon can't Alm 4 news M six ' Mr. ('Age. (ioyeau. who has been lir- minnter with your fumed and enffee in few• morning and get an Idea what w going on arofint thn world. You emll't get n line of the *to'k market when yen Bate only three min - 411547f 1.4)11*. . 'Of roairse: ye new}pnp'r bas liml- M. .41• tation. also. Yen fatalput among tend (1an(r-ltnd 'Primo htun jokes la yoer ndllietpnper end get paid for ,them at high nates, You esti) get your ellent. to 'weer t IIs yMlr rhrnld'I.ion eve} parson In was called fhrward and 111s. ]forte! • Your best friend. "But we do advise that lar,ple DostlYean Stewart. should not kiss on tie Iliac," 1e said, - cautioning: "A khw on the clack le Mother bile, is grandmother much bealthler-and safer." asleep? Asked if 0 were true 1,000.000 Bobble- a, mother dear, all ex- germs might be exchanged In ■ kiss, rept her no . Dr. Jackson replied: 'el'erbapa-Do- body cam tell bow many. Of course not one Isar cent. of them might be effective." Stern Mletrese (to pretty maidt- You are discharged, Elsie. for allow - Ing my husband to klam you. Whet sort of reference do you expect froi me after that? n saes.., Pretty Maid (sweetly) -Well. you might at least say that 1 tried to please everyone, madam: When a nation devalues. Its (n any to win foreign trade, It 1s like a check- er placer saying: -Well, i've decided to call all ..f my mon kings ••-• Tulsa Word. tvituroctoctetetctmcmctetc • ' The Natal Day el\ Margaret A. Baldwin Agaitt the choirs In anthems praise; The Chrlattnaa chilies in rhythm ring. t • Wille. rhlldrenb color. round the world Extol In Omni', the infant King. The Holy ('hold of slates* birth, incarnate-1fi 4:f woman born, To whom thew 'Dean from star (lave precious gifts on f brlatmns morn The `infant Ring to manhood grew , The world'. Lest gift (rmn'li,.aren naive. Mankind 11e told wh•rejer Ile went of (:eel's most %matron'', 1irine love. The oars that In the heavens .hone , Upon the bribe In swaddling clothes Have through the ogee vigil kept' Until the world NM message know.. ' To he the Christ to earth He tame: His follower') In all the world Until HP comes to 1* tie-Er/is Will keep the Chrfstisn'r flag unfurled Again the children rends sink in Peery Iasd and evrry st.te: Agrin Inv. token gifts are made Tide natal day to eeMhrate Ing at the home of Mr. .tl.lfn Portion,. Mrs. Purdonehle nitre. and ]Ir. Alex. Co'Dlter motal'ed to Leamington and I % hidsor last week. ,]erg.. Puritan hroughtte.'k her little son. Itfllie, who had been vielting with Ilia grand- mother and other relatives there for 14* pant few weeks. Farewell PreatntatNnf-At a meet - log held In the United claret herr on letntnrlay night a ahilrt program wail given and then Mot May Wlghtman tk'rwmmnnitt \\11', ('All regal. • You csIt't tell tour readers nt px- aetly'wbat.tltne they arr. knIng to read yonf tea•.Vs1A•r or not at all nod ass make them like 11.__ rine never nM1er*tRnd• the rent meaning of stamina nntll he whnelu•e. n woman talking over the telephone. Friend Ilow long hate you ieen' ,working for this flrm? Zion E'er .Into the holm threat- ened to aro me. Watt read a alert adds'••. Anel miss 4nde Carrick presented her with a leather leta-i'ak. Miss Wlghtman thanked the young people/and the choir for their kind -mere. Mr. Wteht• roan then watt ea 11441 to the front alai Mr Mac Rose 'yoke to them of what Mr. Wlghtman tied meant to the t'hnrch and the rommnnity and laked him to accept their gifts of remem- hranre. a fancy chain and a purket knife, which warp presented by Mr .1 it Beecroft. Mr Wlghtman thanked tlie gethertng for their thou,$htfhlnepe • A Merry Christmas '(Ve take this opportunity of extending to our patrons alt41 friends our best wishes for the Christmas season. FRANK H. MARTIN Telephone 317 TAILOR Goderich ,, ,r ,,. •, ,r , This Christmas Season We will have a choice Mock of Seasonable Cut Flowers, also a good stock of Flowering Plants such as Poinsettias, Cyclamen, Azalias, Begonias, ete. CHRIST>rAZ WREATHE for Memorial and Ilome Decoration at reason- able prices. 11 We telegraph Flowers to any part of the World - GEORGE STEWART PHONE 105 1GODERICH 1..J, J, J • . J. . . I, a. 4, 4 , I, .1, /. ,.•, •. •. •. The Signal Calendar for 1937 The Signal's 1937 ('ah'iid fare" at hand, and long as the supply lasts one will he given to each sutpreriber paying in advance for the coming year. t1✓ An RENEW NOW AND MAKE SURE OF YOUR CALENDAR. u. i'IensP r14 not Ask for n ('nlen lar If roar .uhaerlpllnn is not paid - The Signal is $1.60 a year in advance; $2.00 to - e .+.f IInitad ttatw addrsaag. ' .., �,•,', ;; VIENEWIMer The Signal Minting Co., Ltd., izigalve , • Goderich 4*r 4. 4, •• 1 9 Not