The Signal, 1936-12-17, Page 1teNE"alV4 a
Make Sure of your Signal Calendar
for 1937 by sending in your sub-
scription early. 91.50 a year in
advance; $2.00 to United States •
t nal
You can nave time and atony by
using The Signal'ti clubbing service
in obtaining your papers and maga-
aiuee for 1937. We can give you a
price` on almost, any periodical pub-
lished, continent.
G.,C. I. Students
at Commencement
Principal Scott Announces War
Veterans' Nemoriel
Although the lecture room of Knox
Presbyterian church war not titled to
capacity on Friday night Last, a large
audience witnessed the annual G.C.1.
commencement exercises, at which
Principal A. R. Scutt presided.
After introductory piano selections
by Miss Mune Harrison and the sing-
ing of "O Canada' athletic and aca-
deq.►c medals and d►pluaus sere pre-
sented by li. E. Twamley, pbysieal 1u -
Tbe bays and girls of Goderleb
and dlstrkt are Invited to air
aerobic at the Square on Satur-
day afternoon of this week, at $
o'clock, to meet Santa Claus,
Arrangements have been made
by the town council for teals an.
nual Cbriatmantlde event, which
includes a treat for the kiddies.
Mr. Jos. Finn has returned home'
for the winter after a summer spent
Mr. F)d. Ftgher la home after it 'trip
to Western Canada and reports him- •
self pipeh itbproved in health.
atructoniat the school, and Mr. Scutt. Mrs. John Clark and son, Mr. Frank
The program consisted oTvrbra?3etec-4-tateek,-ba•ve-it4t• a-•i4.s1t__
duos by Mr. S. E, Mo1oweU, of then daughter and sister, Mrs. D. M. hunt,
U.C.1. ,half, accompanied by Miss at Louisville, Kentucky.
Helen Lane; piano selections by Miss 1)r. and Mrs. A. 11. Macklin have as
Chrlstlue Morrison, and the preseuta- their guest fora fete days their young
tion of twu playa by the students. grn•idseo,, Harvey, sun of I'r. and Mrs.
Refer* braaeuting the diplomas, Mr. I,. Macklin, of Sir/:ford.
Scott announced the scholarship win- Mr. and Mrs. harry Sanderson and
An .epeakieg_ with pride of the ac- Mrs. Thos. 'Paler left on Wednesday
., s9map1J .bllp,at pf two graduates now eight for Iila Angeles, Calif.. w re
•tteodlug fbe University of Toronto, they will -visit the latter's brother, Mr.
who between them won six scholar- J. A. Vanetone.
ship, with a total value, In tees and CHRI8TNA8 HOURS AT P. O.
tallies, of $1810. •
Toa Outstanding Students Goderlcb poertomee will be open on
The rludeuls were M. -s Jeau mi,... Christmas Day from 10 a.m. to '1 p.m.
Leod, daughter of het. Donald Mer HENRY KEMP Iii HOBPiTAU
Leod and Mrs. Macleod, formerly of
Goderk•h and uuw lleiug 10 Quebec, Henry Kemp, aged seventy-three,
and Mr. Walter Ruffen, sou of Mr. wat -butaker and repair man for near -
and lire. (.Las. ltuffell, Victoria atreee ly fifty years, was rushed to Alei-
Goderkh• entire hospital about 6 o'clu•'k Wed -
Mies Macleod waa the wloner of uesday evening, when be was found
the Hugh ,lunis Strang Memorial unconscious and In a serious c•ondl-
scholarahip, valued at $11,3 in cash tion in his stop on .the Square. Dr.
and $:M► tuition; the MacKay scholar- W. W. Martin, who was summoned to
ship, valued at $200, and the first Car- the shop by a uelghborlug business
ter acholarsblp for Huron county. man, resorted after taking 1Mr. Kemp
valued at $101.1. I to tbe hospital that his condition was
Mr. Ruffen won the Cody scholar- favorable, and some Improvement was
shlp,for general proficiency, vatted at I noted this morning.
$(125, fees and tultlou ; the MacKay •
scholarship, $2w, and the second Ca. VICTORIA HOME-SCHOOL CLUB
ter scholarship, ot. $6O. Victoria Home and School Club held
The Adamson memorial sebolarsblps a business session in the kindergarten
were won by Wm. Reid in luwee,ycboul, room of the school on Thursday after -
and Mfrs Dove Horton Li upper schOOL noon last, at which It was reported the
They are valued at $25 each. The _
McKim scholarship in the third year,
$t$5, war won by Miss Helen Archer.
Veterans' MeaserW Scholarship
Mr. Scott annouuced these would be
e--=----•- another scholarship tar competition
. among G.C.I. students text term, to be
known as the Veterans' memorial
scholarship, for first-year students,
with two scholarships each year etruetor.
valued at $1n and $10. There le r membership of fifty -six-
-After tbe water explained Mr. in the (Vub and the treasurer was in -
Scott, "It was decided to put up a strutted to forward $•$.110 to the secre-
tablet to commemorate those high tart' -treasurer of the Home and School
School graduates who fell overseas, Club Connell. This amount repre-
and steps were made to establish a
fund. However, great didlculty was
experienced in compiling an accurate
list of names, the money accumulated,
and it finally was decided to give a
scholarship for etimpetttion among the
suns and daughters of war veteran:.
"The subjects to be written are ltcyuests fur eat Iles fur for trach_
-matbe'Ptatics,,. Kagllsb, history, geog- Palmer, Mrs. Hort. Deer and Mian DD S.S., lump. G. F. McArthur; J.S.,
ra,(,p'�'land any two other subjects, and Gertrude Sturdy RAs a Into. to. re- Ing of agriculture were referred to tit PUBLIC UTILITIES (IO.NMIlkt1ON er The Iniya will be entertained by
cent. portsupplycommittee. (imps Alex. Smith 3l .pL4th V., (r,my. the rector, Rev, A. C. Calder. Mrs,
• Student must average sixty per at the January muting. At the meeting of flit public utill-
throughout the year to qualify. If no There NAR snore diWIie.fotl regard- The property committee was euepow _ Ger. Iltowra; M. of 3rd V'., comp. U. C■Ider and r.. Palmer at a few
end topurchase wire and colored L. MiU1r; M. of Cad V., ('omp. Frank tle+v commiarelun on Thuretlay night
children of world scar veterans qualify, Ing the formation of A local council Clark ; M. of Ise V., Comp. W. Itis- last ■ prnpdeltlon waa+ reelrel from Year', r'. Irrty treat month.
) ' then the scholarship» win o to Stu- of women, to be composed of represen- electric lamps and to arrange to have tete Canadian (:entrap F;Ieetric l'om•
dents who have qualified ac demically. tatives of each womtm's organization ort' orgxnl.t Ft Camp H T lfarkrr
O ti L' .t. K Ittl
-We accept this scholarship ani in town. but owing to the small atten-
alnr•rely thank Mr. J. P. Hume, form- , dance it was derided to leave the Mat-
er principal of the Collegiate, and those I ter over until the January meeting.
who assisted in making these awards - -
proceeds of the play presented by tbe
Dramatic Club were $64. The money
will be the nucleus of a fund to out-
fit a manual training nam at the
school. Tbe president, Mra. Hobert
-Bisset..was. In charge of_tbe meeting.
It wilt deelded•eo forward is to.
school board.srtbq-(:inlia eontribut lea
towards tits -salary -of the- Wavle- f
Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth
Reports Reveal
Much Work Done
Annual Meeting of Knox Church
W. M. S.—Mrs. A. Taylor
Again President
' -Et the mutual meeting. Of Knox
church W.Y.B., held on Tuesday'after-
noon, Mrs. Albert Taylor, the very cap-
able president for the past three years,
was re-elected for a fourth term. De-
rotlotial'.txerclses were conducted by
- W W ire-;ad-]asrl.. •1aa.-Bisect . .1
Wont entitled "unawares" was read ry
Miss le F'erguwn.- The meeting air
pointed Miss M. GOrdop as delegate
to the annualresbylerial meeting of
the auwieli. Ikb• will • be 'held at
Clinton lu Jauuary.. All departments
of the Society were well reprew•uted
abbe -secretaries gllva• excellent retorts.
i• For the supple' department Miss
Gordon reported clothing to the value:uf $13.50 , bpd cheep . scut to a boy at
the Indian school at lactic. Auotler
hale, was want later to lied Deer.
Mr. J. 11. Itareett in reporting fur
the" life -membership department- said
all glviugs had been free will, which
was the Scriptural way of erring to
advance the u .1t i e,, The Society
bad maintained Its standard or four
life neuds•rshipt during the yelr. She
.called Mrs. Whitely to the front 'to
receive a certificate.
The literature etrretary, Miss Wig -
gine, had sent a box of books tu'Nortb-
eru .l lnla rho.
'I'be welcubte and welfare report
from Miss A. McDonald reported many
visits, Is,ugnets tient, 110, lettere of
sympathy, four, and six lettere to std-
jThe Glad 'ridings see•retary, Mrs. O.
t•tark• reis,rted a total of «twenty sub-
!. script
utr!script ions, an increase of tea over 19:55.
The home helpers secretary, Mrs.
Wardlaw Taylor, in a tine retort told
of inrrensed wewts•r+hip and larger
contributions. 'Three home helpers
had become active members. The av-
erage 'risings were n5'.,e total gtv-
ing«, Pis, which Included a life mem-
bership, as one home helper, Mrs. Ftobt.
Lures, had made herself a life member.
The treasurer, Mrs. Dunlop, re-
ported that all money received from
all sources to date amouute.l to
The secretary. Mrs. McPhail, gave
a tine report of the year's activities of
the a■xnlary. Each meeting of the
year seemed full of Interest -papers
from the study look, current events,
special music, report's of Presbyterial
meetings, and addresses front out -
Mewling spankers.
The abdication of King Edward VIII a - a reign of elevenmonthswas speedily followed by the proclamation of his
g ear e V lea King and Emperor, -with the t-itk_a_K ig (ieorg4 the Sixth. -The
brother, the tecond_aou of thelate 'King g Ki
monarch has been loyally accepted all parts of the Empire, and the rapidly moving events which have given the
Empire its third sovereign within a you! have passed quietly into history
Final Meeting of the 1 ear—Govern-
meat Grant $I,t)8531
piaLtai.v... rretlug.ur 'the paldlee
e i head ou Monday
eut froze the Department
0Q -showed the grant par-
able to Ooderich tor line to he
In addition to
the l'hristmas
Park,' strings of•`i
Was Illumination of
1u Court !louse
lured lights bane
Lamm placed along the Inner side of
the roadway, giving the Square ■
bright and festive apprarwace.- Thor
lights were placed by the public atilt'.
Him vbmarlasiun. _---
$1,001.1, after deduction of Fitsn.ii3 K A. l\t3TAIL►TION
for teachers' superannuation. ' The installation rite was cuuduc{ed
Principal Shackleton
at Central- at the uaeetiug of Huron Chapter, No.
u e to ip/, 1t.A.M., un us a) n1 u
bents the ten cent per capita fee for achOO1 te'porttd i35 peplla oa the roll y gt t by K,
the Ontario Federation of ]time and lu 'November. Average atteedaaee, Ex. Comp. Il. 11, 11. Tichhorne. Of-
&huot Clubs. 211.3•;, or 91.04 per ,Tut. l'euuy Rank fiasco were installed as fol4owa: 7.,
• A health convener will be appointed deposits, $87.ta. •)x. Comp. 1'lan•me MacDonald; Ha.
to arrange for health talks to be given • For Victoria whuol Prin ipii Stone- Ex. Lump. Nal syn 11111 ; J,, I . COMM,
at Club meetings during the cnmloR house reported: Pupils on_roll.349_1John Pease; 4.E., Ex. Vu%rp. W. G.
average attendance, :$11,88, or 113.45�iM1"11: LA., H. EI. (imp. 11. C.
year. Dlsrilop; tpeasurcr, Ex. Pump. J. H.
\ nominating eommlttee of Mrs. ll. per cent. Penny "auk deposits, Wali:
Vroxrnan: 1'.ta., (rump, M. J. Ainslie;
At local churches on Sunday the Seedlons of the north and east parts
secession to the throne of King George of the town Were plunged In semi•
el w -a* noted, prayers'were ulgertgi tor darkness for more than an hour late
the new snereign, and the National Wednesday afternoon when lines and
Apthem was sung= a tole in the earl end u1 Nelson steel
g- -- tours snapper!. The damage war done
DAN McI'.OR fN TOWN by machlucr' whloh Nxs losing tlens-
Mr. Dan Yi'iveir, of LV'Inu11M•g, weft• ! ported- on et Huron em11uly Iruck. The
kuuwn Goderleh old boy, NA» In (own 1 high machinery caught whew crossing
yesterday and was,wurmly greeter! by , the road, bringing them and a pole
old friends. He- was In the least on down.
buelness lend carne on to G,slerich for - - - -
(be day. Mr. meteor has cxta•uaw• (HER(' 11 11(11S' IJ'A(a'B
btlelnesx cunnevfions through they' Mrs. H. Palmer ugniu ons the un -
Prairie i eovines ani reports a ole- animous Missive for president %Ia•n the
finite improvement In conditions ibis Church }bps' . i4eaguae met 1u S1.
year. Reminded of the Old Hare Week Geeerge'a church un .Thursday .last•
in August next, he said be and •Mn: IOther omteM arc: Honorary presl-
Mclvor would make every effort tu'he dent, Mrs, A. (', (`alder; as«I»tant
here for that accession. pfeslekeut. Rube. new:
se re'tary, nor.
.. _ don' Harrison: trettsnrer, Donald Vlck-
Otherconcluded Mr. Scott. Tenders for Town
Other prizes: Commercial molal,
donated by Uim M Campbell of the
do a, sun l George Sullen ; art prate, Hall Alterations
dunntaxi Icy an artlpets' supply firm, - -
won by Thos.
John t'utt, R. (3, Johnston, W. ll.
Blackstone and J. A. Snider,
Hogan ; geography pro -
a tree lu the %biorla school grounds • • •
decorated for the Christmas season. compa ng.
The truant officer for Centrkl sthbol After the installation the eunipanlo,s
pany for improver) lighting of the Opening of Free
Owens tsr 1937
The following ,Iib Cr.. %•. ap-
loiul,rl for the ensuing year 11on.
{residents, Mrs. Thos hood. Mr.. A G.
;kb -Donald; president, Mrs Albert Tay-
lor ; Iirst a ie -president. Mrs 1+. J.
lathe: se.',gol Si.e president. Mrs. S.
alePhaII; third vb.sprr''ldent. Mrs.
('reeks; rpturditig s'-relnry, Mrs. T.
Wardlate Taylor:...rrr•.pombiva; secre-
tary. Mrs, Jos. Whitely ; tr.-insurer,
) it 11. r. Dunlop; pre.. secretary,
Miss -1,. Ferguson: pianist Mrs. 51.
Monet ; bunts+ helpers' secretary, Mrs.
R. J. P Walter; life -membership 1444.1e-
tary, Mrs. J. 11.'Barnett; Iiterrltare .
and library set•retary, Miss Wiggins:
welcome and welfare secretary. Hiss
A. Mci)onald: supply secretary, M{s,.
M. Gordon: (clad Tidh a secretary,
quare. Consideration of this was i �r[
laid over to the new year . b Mee. Cleveland: convert of social
was instructed to look into and report partook of lunch and there. were a s ^� a }, eommMfee _ttt.4ltePq,
ter► Ariel A le44tr. was 1 set. m N. L Methllll 1`faaMs �u Yr . ltedifltt anT + J. ItIs,1 t
on use abaepie, from school of a Ser- - K{Ipoatriek; ctlarg+ P[ the Bell Tele
tain boy. t�,s ,+ ,`�s�
The salary of Chas. Stokes, caretak- ictcsh"asm'ws "ewe"s1i'+iC'Slkkk ing out that at some print. It will 1e Mra. 'ere, derii iiiing the ufftrfn for
er of victoria school, waa increased
necessary to have the HydrA circuitsl8ncteI*ful Services Held on Stift- tbe arming year, the tmr•liug •blvd
to 50 per annum from January ,
- * •-
-- phone Co. retonstructlou Work, taint- After a short Impressive service by
raised 1o. give proper clearance for
the new telephone (shies. • -fir some -
cases t w' merely re necessary to
raise seconds intuits on the exlet-
day in New House of with pro; er,
Mrs. Mconey and other' ._ 1 will
usteew Passat were toe. Johnston. Apin this wrtk The Signal fh
jest medal donated by the instructor, tr prevent. a fine srra,> of (hrist-
Mr. 11. E. Twamley, won by Christine IL. J. Doak Gets Contract for Ad., bass advertising, Sad again it e
Morrisoh. ' dition and Vault—John The hoard adjourned to meet Wed- requc'.t.d Ihat the pslple of (:odtheir -
Home Study Necessary
Mr. Scott urgisl that the parents In
slot upon pyutlunl and regular alten-
dame of their e•hildren at reboot, 0141
that the students be Impressed with
the nevearlty of home study.
•Tbe tt,Wl obligations given pre-
feremtelse-ALfue' study are meta pro'
fag, pole., ale eft $Beier subsea it ;Atli
be aaswwary' _r lace the exlAing
ie, l put' piles with hlllitair ogee. inc changes
Me. to Ibe would be made at the expense of the the vouuty to live under two King,
- - �e t hy, one-week 111(1 danghter'dt
with speakers front :tends •-and' Mr• and Mrs. Ecrl McNee, nt R.R. 3,
V1'allaeeburg cou(tucllug the nervie•es, •\shorn, has biose- dlstlncthr I at •belag_
unsisttd Ila the pastor, Iter. H. A. Mar- the youngee.t Vierom In this -kilos of
l anc�h end district giver
• Pinder for Plumbing I'se ccs. January 10th, Ilgi7, at 8
rootage. as Lur a. px+sf lath. .large temgr egatinna attended "
d 1 r h 1 remembering tete ' Bell Telephone too Thr child bras born ou 1Viceh»•talar of
Tule town cnunell held another meet-
ing last Friday night, most of the tithe
being taken up in committee work.
The tender of 4Wb,rt J. Doak for
al•Ieritious and an addition tt the
It air r an s, a erttug uu.ruing, xfternton and evening star- bas
motto "ship Nlrew sou r in The -superintendent efo itegructed t week, two slays before the throes
AT THE WATERFRONT v abbe ata .hip.
Co stiff In
- t• turn-rrps•rate with ttw Ite•iI Telephone :::' al Ihr new Erre Methodist church vacated by King Edward V111- ons
bu n
venter e
hada$ the net eelsary Ildl R. %itto its and Park .. i .•.. L. K+,.. a .. r•,
t streets, un Staten,..
\ • s changes made.
The Donald Mac, Kincardine tug lain ignal a p,,writers
are al. p
owned by Fred Morgan, wpb employed ready renewing for 1937 anti re= 1 .
duct of present -slay he slay scholars," be said. to break Ice In tlienor here' reiting the Signal Calendar, whites , i --CHILD LOST AND FOUND
e town hall, II, imlud+ug a wni'jt wan ac- throughout Saturday night to clear a In. .+ fanner reser is btir►g ter
With more leisure time, more edit
cellon, more spending money and teptei, the tender Is•Ing KW I. The asage for the•�* merry lierryton and Ihusiastically greeted. \lar» are 4. ear -old IMughter ' of Former
more modern conveniences, the stn plans call fur an nddttion 211 byLLr2-(1 Royalton wiled'"arrived on laundnv availing Ihcmselvee of The , tli�• 6�n couple Musing for fix liana
f 1 1 IIdI 7Aee �1 I of h lu nasi clublruig r•de•s ant' in this 1
tient of today 1. better
bin reith'the heights edussittogally,
prinrlpaf cirittinutrl clads the room at present used as a it was found the ice was too thick to the eye( eat 1 small on page ,,,,fur u little lust three -year -trill -girl on
tie broken by Bert MjrlJwmatilee t of Ihis isnre. FYom a list of - Fridaj Inst, which termindled 1►'I, en
prpulae nag»rims 3011 null
launch, (rte. Aancmae, t- Y .be was found after a wlx-hour event.
• - I choose three and hate them' sent exhausted 111 -helenow le ,Yvon MOW.
Claptaln .1.'1':. • - -to ) 'u for a >ear. Meng with -The I eery, -
er Berrytnn, waw--feken from his ship Signal, for $:1.16.
flat. to hely feu at the near o t ,e nt erg. •rye"w winter cargoes wheat. 's1'011 !tot- St Hats stud a 1117,114 of
clerk's 01Hte owt'e (XU•ndevl t0 In- Kincardine tug was eallel here When (0hIIMYt ter draw attention
t• Sura .rd Jujn.r1 In'a thrnllnR bent
"Anel yet, pollee norm with erllr. To the rear
•'esh you conceive of any four things
which will carry -young ptiopie to per-
erdition more quickly than these?
"We most teach them to mete out
II time betv(ten duty and twist reepon-
"Although ethe whole wort of tete
wenn' cannot be judged bythe mat-
standing result., as a whole the results
in the school and In competition with
the county and the Prodnrit have
brought honor to the student+ and the
Mr. tteott ++resumed tti(L ulnt'that It
is Impossible to Show good result+ in
a 'school without the en -operation of
the tame.
Athletic Award*
Athletic awards were presented by
Mr. Twamley as follows: Loyal
.hamplOni--Ulrle, senior, Miss Annie
Whitten; internodiate, Mimi estber-
Ire Barton; Junior, Miss iClisabeth
Rrhoenh*la. Boys, senior, Joe O'Brles:
Intermediate, Gerald O'Brien, Wilier
Westbrook ; Junior, Joe LARocglre.
Joe O'Brien and Walter Westbrook
lsn received med*1* emhMmatic of
of the office we'll he Ow. vault, ref rein -
Giese{ concrete, and behind this again
ell' he the new pollee room with tjeo
cells and Imatury--
John finder's tender at 11lf.(Rb tor
pittmtting also was accepted.
Tenders, for decorating and wiping
are still to be, let. •d
- • The flnenea emmmltie, reported. re-
commending that J. W. Monteith he
appointed amino'. for 1937 at $2:10,
mad that F. E. Bingham he appointed
ta••anrer Of the 111.torlcal Society.
The special committee reported the
maklag Of arrangements for the coif- trip also was to this port, two week.
sanity Christmas tree on Deeemher ago, was at that time not enjoying we have a presentation earl to he the chtld Was mlatrIng and gave a corn -
Mt h, e d good health, hut he made the last trip sent to the peernnn who 1s to re- Iplete description. Four hours later
The flre enmtntttee recommended the of the season with his ship. ve the gift. .t ewlendat._abma_la___.tbo little girl was found facet s eery
purchase 0f rubber goads as requrtted linapltel care has meninx! 1nT debt to MAI ore. '""- ira the lenit•tery.
by the fire brigade and pstement of the (Idol Improvement In the (•eptala'e We venture to 'my (hero are net She was taken stn the hospital aad
firemen's payroll of 9910. condition. more Many gifts re areeptah(e, is after thorough examination was fee
These reports were adopted. - • • • anyone who has lived Is Gtdkrieh ported to be quite well and apparently
--1e itefore the collntI1 (Oneersed there %ofering no 111 effects. lorotlty •1r'm*
was a sitting of the munk•lpal court returned' to her home tjarnrd*y morn -
of revision ilt whit•h the firm of Hoek- ing.
tied up at the ',arbor at present. They
are the streamers Rerryton. Royalton, mended by the pollee department for
Ft B. Henna, Prindoel J. B. Foote sadtheir excellent help in clearing up the
Dotovan. 1 mystery et tbe missing child.
'The IItt1e girt was- Ik)riit'47:11.unr0,
when ,it Mads. Mort here on Sunday Think of it' Four publication% I dauighter of 11r. and Mrs. iteg. Muer
morbIng on the last trip of tea Jitate,o, -The signal alai three magarines I'ro, 46 Avon street, stratford, formerly
and .waa• removed to Alcxnt_idllrn hos- -a11 for Three !Solar.. %ere 1 of Goderlrh. Mrs. Munro'before her
vital suffering with A serene attack of rant von gel a Netter bargain in 1 marriage mus MIS. skean l'Inder,
pnetnnnnbg. .V special 11111141 wanW1 as- ebooting parr reading nailer for daughter et Mr. and Mrs. Waller i'In-
signed to the cove and Mrs. Stewart, 1937? I der, Si. lhtvel's Mort, Gtsk•rich.
who was notified immediately. left• •i The child wars playing ortteldi, her
her home et Toronto and earns, to God -
oriel' to• he with her husband.
('aptaln Stewart, whose second lest
Every veer anode sub.eriberw home about 3 .,clock Friday ifterntou
%eerdl The Signal as a ('hrisnnlaa I and. dis ppearsd a .few minuten later,'
gift to one or nonce relatives' or i When the parents ended a cafe two-
frievdls at a Mistime,. For three hour search, they informed the pence
JIl I rohahly will make up the or the Matelot. or
, Yon the Me
wlrrt�T Matt Gnda Scher this paper, whle•h fill --lwa biomes M the
year brings to nand dee giver and
retails *aired swalsoriew of the
old botse eoeasomlty
added amt k Seahrnok was adto the 1936 The Boy Meouts were highly mom-
aseeswnerrt toll a• tenants, of a pro-
perty on Maitland road and aa•e*aed
(Osstl.w•d an gage d) 113 w
for boatmen aessmewt.
cicb•ab }
year, that number of vessel* being
At each scribe prayer.. of \}hanks- I
giving were teaTc e4..tae--(kee--iw(e-Jetitt-- --
%finiun, 54114.-4• M.taco$ Marie•,•jwr...lblt''
•1144 buhdine-of the sew house of wor- -
*lines '1'h•• church's IN9efaetur. Was
dew•ribeil a. "the most 40(11y. man 1n
iluron .'.slip.
Thee 1px•akef$ wire 'ter, it. 11: Ilatn-
lile4'i,f Sarnia, dtotriet solar•nf the
Weeterfl I)nlarho t'unfer•me, and iter,
lis 4. Stevens, of Walfactl.urg, who
first._ introiliteeci Free Methntllsm to
Gotk'rTilt Iwo or three years. age.
shoe whltli litre, it 1. claimed, the. I-
1 following. of eke faith -has leen Ina;
e1Pasted felon ten to one hundred and
I terhseripth7Nb to the t•hurrb, (find*
at like vsrtoun' werviee% of the day
Amounted to several humIr d dollars.
The leered'. Supper Sas els' nisei at
the altar at the conclusion of the lout
ung +t'rliet, and .basial music was
pr(vlthd„by the LetJardine quarfev4e,
of firmed ' Rend .-
The cherch, a ((1nlwct little bund
lag measuring 211 x 49 feet, Is anion -
!city Itself, mode and out, with a neat
{mitts boareled exterior and plain plas-
Iter walls and trelllaf Instill, with
wainscoting, v1•stlhulr,epnlpit and plat-
form and pew. to seat 120 ate done In
natural -grained chestnut.
I The menet hwlldlag of the ehnrrh
' °teupled ten weeks. reit 1's complete ex-
e•ept for details ateeh aa carpets; and
the hasetaeent may, at s future
date. to converted into a Ininday
Reboot room.
urn. -
This It the •R:unn of Christ -
:nuts entertainments = 1.94(1)
merry' affair., at--wither-often A
gotol deal of latey;.wndl orjgin-
Slaty Is ' revealed,.. „-JIut ltlls1
often etatttdey aeh•gnafely• rc-
p.rted. '
Al A.coutrlhttlun (0-(111 SSA-
of cider and goodwill. The
Metal offers $H.Iit) in prises for
the best report. of (thrlstmas
entertainments held In this
neighbothooi-school " prograne,
church ronetes,--Chri:etmas enter-
tainments' of any kind. Two
dollars w•lil-lie given as the firwt
prlae: one dollar as the +second
prise. -
itelapts should tZalai ' root'
than 149)1 or 010 words In'?Pnrth,
apt they must -Me reeelved at, this
Oliver not later than Tnes.lav,
iheteamlier 29th.
Rear in mind that the prises
Are not for the tent ('hrlatmas
entertalnmenta, but -for the man-
ner in which they are reported.
An entertainment Ina Ott tecote-
try School may fnrdah se good
material for a prise-wtaning ree-
port as the, matt elaborate pro-
---.54.. tet •s''e•