The Signal, 1936-12-3, Page 7•
unty,_and -District
Yr. and Mrs. Regls A. Dilsommc of
Drysdale recently celebrated the fif-
tieth anniversary of their wedding.
Henry Go¢klo, Jr., of the White-
aiorcb district, reports baring seen
seventeen deer on his farm at one
time recently.
Inactivity of the large bowel, or
colon, leaves poisons in the system
to num serious and painful diseases.
You can prevent and thoroughly
relieve thin chronic form of conste
patios by using
ICian*T-Liv*. Pills
Brophey Bros,
Ambulsnee serviee at all holm
day or night
P HONES: Store IN. Rea. 217
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Metter and Embalmer
Ali rails promptly attended to
day or olght
Store It35 Residence 355w
Walter Dalton
13510 West Warren kts
Hydro Electric
AN .
el eater
uick, clean and
economic• al
ltheJames Henderson, while working in
of one band, and three fingers of the
door factory at Wingtneu on Mon-
day, had both hands injured. It was
found 'secretary to amputate the thumb
other hand were gaehed and may have
to be etuputated.
Au old resildeut Of tkaforth. in tbe
pernon of William Cameron, died No-
vensher :Nth in his eighty-eighth year.
Ile was born in Tuckerewith anal spent
practically sit his life in the district.
lie la survived by his wife and two
A New Function for
Canadian Industry
Newspaper Campaign to Interpret
Industry to the
Toronto, out, Dee. 1. --Urging that
Canadian industry as a mutter of im-
mediate tuitional ituportauce under-
take a new public function which, for
some, would be • complete reversal of ,
past policy, and fur all would involve;
a new educational technique. J. L
Stewart, speaking for the automotive
industrke of Canada, told au execu-
tion++, James and Gorden, of Loudon. live group of theise Industrie* here last
'Miss Olathe Ttubson.-leaCher of the -right that the...function to whist hel:
public school at Blake, met with a pe- referred could be described as "taking
culler accident a few days ago at the public into its confidence."
Stratford. She wits craneing her car The meeting fullowee the sessions
when it baektred aud tbe crank of the Automotive Traneport Amodio
•truck her leg, fracturing it. A• tion which closed on Saturday. It
result kw will be utiable to teach for marked the formal launching today of
souse time. closer retatIonships between the auto- ,
Dverett Heist, who has operated a
bakery at Zurich the last teu years, lk throughout the Dominion. New. -
has sold his Atop and equipment to papers from come to coast constitute
•Abram Eckel and hi tbe medium through which this Jewel -
Eckel, of .Plittetille, who Will take °Pubsait t° licewalgiabecL la hi'
possession December 15th. Mr. and address. Mr. Stewart was presenting
Mrs. Hetet will spend thr winter in the results of a detailed survey of the
subject which be has just completed.
Mr. Stewart brat explained what
be meant by industry taking the pub-
lic into Re conadenee. It Wlia not,
he said, as simple as it might sound,
but a procedure which had not been '
lamied on his feet, breakiqg an ankle. carried out in the paet in anything
lir ono brought to frt. home In seft.inboutt atheque.motztmmoo;ilifist;duingforumn.expliatiwn:4s
fortb the next day.
!sheaves. of statistics. It was sonic -
Gordon C.., Moffatt, son of Mr. and !thing which. except indirectly, was
Mrs. Peter Moffatt, Morris townebip,l likely to be eompletely divorced from
died in the Queen AlexanOra eanator- 'sales. This was a problem of inter-
ims on November inud, after an ill- eretiug Cabaillan induetry to Cana- '
tires of ten years. lie was in his , than* in shirt -sleeve phrases. It was '
Detroit until-illneas overtook him. Tbe what industry Was doing or bow much
funefal took place to the Wroxeter; it %us doing, but rather a case of ex -
cemetery. I plighting how it was dying it. Why it
The death of Mre. ,Weeley Steven- !was doing it sin: whi;t effect all this
mon, of Crey township. ime-urred at her had on the lift. of John Smith.
home on Wednesday of last wook,'In the past. industry haw suffered
her liftv-sei.ond year. lieentied wai heeause the public was not In its con-
e lifelong resident of the township, a :1111ence.- the speaker declared. "There
daughter of the Late Mr. and Mrs. John wag even the fecling in route quarters
Width. Resides ber hanstiand, taw that industrial activity was to a &-
leaves one sou. Harvey. and an adopted gree mysterious and torried on behind
daughter, Aileen. clotted doors. It is not going too far
Dees la Meant Verest Ito nay that this attitude of mind was
Rey. p, c. Smith. who tow, been encouraged in an- earlier era. But
pester of tbe Wingbant Baptist church the time for that brand of aecrecy is
tbe late four yeses, hair tendered his gone. It is definitely injurious. All
resignation, having accepted a eall to it can achieve is to breed mieunder.
Mount Forest Baptist church. The mending and place an induetry in the
change will take place at the end of same relative position as the marl who
the year. complains of lack of appreciation on
Knax—Manning • . tbe part of his hest friend anti most
' severe critic."
At the bome of Mr and Mrs. J. IL Mr. Stewart then went on to empha-
Manning. Witten'. on Saturday'. !size that It 1r AA not primarily from the
ber 21st. their youngest daughter. viewpoint induatry itself that he
Grace Evelyn, wan united in marriage urged these radical departures la bud*
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox of Hui- Of Natienat
Edwin Hawkins, of Seaforth. while
delivering some goods from hls truck
in a Toronto warehouse Last week,
walked taatow.ards into an open eleva-
tor ehaft and fell twenty feet. He
lett. Tbe ceremony was performed
by Rev. Masi utnming. After a trip
late Toronto the young collide will re-
side in Mullett.
Skull Fractured
Miss Myrtle Armstrong. Clinton
--school leacher, who was seruck and
knocked dowh by • bicycled some days
ago, was more seriouely injured than
was at fine realized. An x-ray ex-
posure revealed a fracture of the
!knit and taw will be unable to teach
for eeveral weeks
ellteddIng Meg Filed OR
Mrs. G. Burnham. of Centralia, fell
in ber home and fractured her collar-
bone. The accident also calmed a
swelling in her linger on which was
ber wedding rintg which bad never
been taken off since her marriage fifty-
e even years ago. In order to avoid
trouble with the swelling, the ring
was filed off.
United eburcb manse at Illytti
was tbe 'Irene on Saturday morning,
NoveMber 21st, of tbe marriage of
Roby Della Gibson. d•ughter of tbe
late James Gibson and Mrs. Gibson.
to Aionact Smith. son of 4fildettists.
sad the late Mrs. Smith, all of llijer.
Rei. R. A. Brook ode -fated. The
couple will reside in Plyth
At Duff's United church manse, Wal-
ton. on Saturday, Noveinberitat. Rev.
e Hydro Store
Square Goderich
, "The reamon for their nevessity at
tbe present time is partly a matter at
vital national coneern and partly for
the benefit of that mythieal personage,
the man on the street. who is 'entitled
to know," Mr. Stewart said. "The an-
. tomotIve indateriee, for instance,
through payrolls, purchases, taxes and
export trade. exercise an influence
even on the life of the man who does
not own a ear and has no direct link
, with them. In only one way can
such a man learn what this influence
lie anti that way is by the automotive
I Industries interpreting it for him and
explaining it to him. Certainly, in
, such an interpretation, the Canadian
newspaper is a key factor.
"If the general public has an intel-
ligent insight into current conditions
—which can only be secured if indult-
try takes tbs. general public into ita
contidence—then both nationally aod
individually Canadians will be in the
best position to win all tbe advantage*
that are accruing now that the tide
of business Is teeing rapidly. '
"A vital consideration which our
current studies have revealed is the
present public attitude," Mr. Atewart
stated. "Not only Is it advisable to
activities as a matter of policy, bar—". -•*-
there is a eery definite desire for miets.,---
information and a keen Interest in it"
In his report. Mr. fitew•rt noted
that the growing belief in the impor-
tance of keeping the public informed
News of the Farm
Notes and Comments on
Agricultural Topics
Fruit Ore, Figures
Reports of representatives from the
fruieerowing distriets show that pro-
duction of all fruit crypt `below
tart year. The Stow of blossom war
erg.ellent, but the eel of fruit Was •f -
(retest by early killing frosts and un-
favorable weather during the setilnif
period. Tbe estimated production of
percentage of last year, is as follows:
cent.; ptums 65 per teat.; grapes 45
pee mat-. and apf/lett NEM
Wine grapes, including grape* for
concentrates, brought $40 per ton dur-
ing the main part of the harvestine
season, but with very keen demand for
supplies tower& the Newton's end
prices rose sharply and grapes were
bringing as bigh as $65 a ton. Tbe
basket price of grapes for the fresh
fruit market was considerably itigher
than a year ago.
Feeding Brood Mares
To care properly for brood mares
during tbe wioter month*, it must be
underetood that they should be elven
mild exercise each day, but deep snow
and the haullug of heavy loads should
be avoided. It is particularly impor-
tant that mares in foal are not al-
lowed to be idle during the winter
months, as they usually proeuce weak
foals—no matter bow they may be fed.
A brood mitre's ration may be made
up of a variety of teeth.; however, it
ie essential that el be nutritious and
and minerals A good grade of mixed
bar, oats and bran will etupplv all the
fed daily will MR) prove beneficial.
The amount of hay anti Crain to be
fed thilly will depend upon the size
of the mare, her condition and tbe
type of work site ist doing Naturally
Ow more work she ba rcepaired to do
the limier the daily grain ration.
Young mares that have not completed
their growth must Is. fed quite iihcr-
After,„the foal is born, drinking wa-
ter with the chill Mimi] off IS Oven to
fl alsian, t it n ii,
the mare. Tbe mare's Bret had r tegayeryols. reeding •nd stet -Meg
foaling is went,* • warm bran mans auoasimegatiam kninktent trough
and the grain ration contains one-half shon.4 sievvididt see unit each pig
milk or indigestion are usually the construcosw
plication* such as au oversupply of !lug is dratoetvyzworttameamoviwy
truce,' or available
be continued tor a fess days. much I lumber in a dzy coot.r of II* fwd. -
cams, the feed is usually lbereaated 'Ing pen. The eleeinne berth
trupply of milk for tbe foal. Marro covered wtth board* and
that are required to work while nun.- just large enough in area to the
ing their foals will require liberal Owe comfortahly in bed of dry, two,
feeding, if they are to be kept in good straw.
nettle and provide a generous 'wetly
of milk for the foals.
Rowing Winter Pigs
The %sinter feediug of swine pre-
sent* many problems' that are not en-
countered in eumtuer time, sincelillie
are furced.tallve uteder tem/Guru! con-
ditions in winter and without the
varlet, ef feeds available in the ear-
lier part of the year. At the same
time it has to be remembered that any
attempt at forcing winter pigs when
exercise is Miniteci Ls courting disas-
ter. Good feed ehotrid be fed at a
rate that the pig* can overtake ad(
the pigs kept in dry, comfortable quar-
ters with room for exercise in the
early stages of growth. By combin-
WhiSTFIHIID, Dee. 1.—Mr. Win. Mc-
Dowell and eon Norman were Exeter
visitors, ooe day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jennings and
children, of Windsor, *pent the
week -end at the home of the latter.*
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walden.
Mr. Graeme McDowell spent the
week -end with; friends in Looden and
The Christmas concert of the West:
field United church Sunday shoot
sill be held in the basement of the
church on the evening of December 18.
' Tbe pupil, of the various school
-His Backache,.
Was Unbearable
Krusohen Brought Him Relief
from Pain
This man of thirty one was prema-
turely aged by baekache, whet be
ould have been etkloy'ng the beet
rs of hie life. liere he tells how
-hen helped to restore him to
after months of pain:—
In hospital for tea weeka,
lney trouble. When I
I felt Like an old man,
only thirty-one. If I
tido% it was &gone
Se'veral people
schen Salta. I
gave me
better In
wws SI
stooped to 40,
to straighswi
advised me w u.
tried them aro t
relief from pain
every way. 1 eyrie e.,„
a day to and from *sok.
keep up tbe daily citoe
because I can now do the
and from work and not f sae
' When the internal weans cease%
'do their work properly, Impurities hes
gin to accumulate in the system, and
cause troublesome symptoms. Keno -
cheat Salta help to ittimulate the liv-
er and excretory organ* to healthy,
regular actirity. and thus ambit them
to rid the system of harmful impuri-
A handsome gravure photograph of
It M. King Edward VIII is waiting
horns will proudly frame. Pros with
thrchasp of a bottle of Knowhow
upply limited-- get nor. new.
Ing Odd feeding and management, sections are -bully Keparing for their 't
many of the comnseu ailments of CbrIstmas oroncerts.
swine will be avolded„end the result Mr. Roy Vincent spent. the week -
will be healthy and market end in London and Toronto.
Successful winter 'pig production dselfew days has been a record-Dreaker for I
OS. The heavy fall of snow o( the lest
' -
pencils largely upon three factors. I the month of November. All the rOlids
Theme -factors are: Warm, dry meep- ‘. are blocked for motor traffic.
auttabte feede and care in feeding wanosb township nomknatioca were
them, and exereime in the early, Sages held Lace Friday afternoon, and Judg.
of growth. there -Ise for the growing lag by the representation present the
animal ht prat -tit -ally a necetwity. This ratepayers seemed to be satisfied with
la purticularly trite of the pig in the the present council. The council for
early 'stages, and eepecially so If the the coming year, elected ley acclatna-
pig is being forted icy heavy feeding. lion, will be: Reeve P. W. Scott and
Ileavy feeding witheut exercise ig_eouncillors R. It. Redmond, • Harvey
condsuive to crippling. It is wher.7111ack, Louts Ruddy and .1. D. Bee -
therefore, to allow the young pies to croft.
run outdoors' during the tine fall --- ---
weather, and when they tined es. kept! F'ather eauteedewnstaint carrying his
Inside, owing to bail scattier. they jacket over his grin: joolted hard
sheuld he allowed. sufficient pen space 'at his isle. and 'tben at eis son.
to exercise freely. 7That boo ban taken money f
With reamed to providing earns -and , my pocket." be stormed. -
dry sleeping quarters. if there sre ebe.e.iiititiated 'how. cliff
buielinge available. it would be uliwit.t.! say that? Why, it might have
nth,' trot erottomicrl to build new pig been I," '
quarters Event old Wilding% should "No. my dear," he replied, "it wus
be remodeMed only sufficiently to en- mit you:- . There was POMO left.",..
"A good wife anthem • man's trou-
bles," said a utagistrate the other day.
This seems fair enough, for If lie had
no wife ha wouldn't have half so many
—Registered Optometrist—
*, Examined Glasses Pitted
(17 sears in Streffordli. at
Robertson's Jewelry Store
*Satisfaction at Moderate Get"
C. Cumming adkiated at ani waarng WAS not confined to Guada but was a
or GI4dYs Mary, eldeet daughter of general one. But in OW country It
Heroic% Smaleion, 17th concession of did bare eertain special aspects. With
Grey township, and the late Mira. a relatively email population by world
8maildon, to James Raymortd Carter,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter,
Walton. The young couple will re-
side in Walton.
standards, the Dominion's induetrial
output nail, by comparison, enormous.
The fact that as a leading trading na-
tion Canada did Acidness all over the
world and that this bueinees meant, In
Soirees from Fall
Mrs. 11. II. Hodgins, of Araforth. effect, money In the pockets of every
wee taken to the hoepltal there after Canadian citizen, gave the matter both
an accident in whieh Ow a suffered its increiteed importance here and its
severe head injurie... She was on the. distinctly different complexion in this
balcony at the home of her brother, country.
Rufus Winter, and was ehaking a rug "We here jest, during recent yeare
when she lost her footing on theoslit. of economic disturhonee, had a most
fiery surfaee anti fell fifteen feet to the clear-cut, ff ?Redressing, demonetration
ground. Besides tlw head injuriet, of how closely -patterned and
(-steal the fabric of our national life
she had two riles fractured.
Sesekle.--Meflinehey hos become. The layman now under -
Mande the way In. which, lf perhaps
A pretty wedding took place'st the
n or three threads becomeo\loesened,
manse, yarns, when Gertrude Fiselya.
Fla. unravelling may spread through
younger daughter of Mr. and MM.
to., Rom the. hod, tht• pottern until It can eventually af-
of Ivan S. Steckle. *on Mr. and feet it all Now that we reeognize
which may
how an eronomie condition
Mrs !fear, Steckle, Zurich Tbe
ceremony ww! 'performed by Tier. G.
II. Bondy. Afterwards the weddhig.
dinner w tterred at the home of
at first glance sPent localized has the
power to Influence adversely the Ilse*
Af those who may have felt themselves
cmiple to tie separated from it altogether, we
bride's' pa rents. The ha ppy
left on a trip to Toronto, Niagara I mit.t likewise appreciate that the re-
verse is equally true,".11r. Stewart
Falls Ittiffalit and Detroit. Tbcr will
said in conclusion.
make their home ill hayfield
Exeter lower Oldest Resident
old man." died on ThurridAy teat_
the vent lige of ninety-oeven years. DONN"TURQDR, Nov. Ifft.—fit. An-
il. had been for soveral menthe. gement. beef ring held their annual
tie Was welt vetoed In the history of meeting on Saturday afternoon. Mr.
Exeter anal district. He was perrile Norman Thompson was re-elected
any -preeent when the two gang. of preakfent for the coming year.
workmen Milidinti„theelendon. Huron Mr, SIFT. Anderson bret returned
RAW. Railway Met at Exeter, com- theme from the Wingham hospital.
,rtInft the'r frisk Pe aim sate thel Mr. Kenneth Campbell Is attending
opening of the London road, now Pro- nu. ageleulture short court. in Anburie
remelt highway No. 4, when it itiore The storm last Friday evening
cat through the butrh. ill. wife died Mocked the roads so badly that 101.1, -
min years ago and he is SIII".1"41 hY prod motnrInts Mid to leave their cars
five daughters. tt the roadside.
ell'hey Live By
For Instance, take
Our Own Industry
The plant. 'of the automobile
manufatturen employ about te,tion
men and women engaged in the
building of cars and trucks; an
iMpressive figure, hut merely tbe
stay! of a chain of tobs.
The plants 0( the Parts Manufac-
turer. employ Many thousands
more. and those engaged in the
rubber, textile. paint. glass, chem-
ical and steel industries add yet
other thousands to the total, de-
pendent in part or in whole, on
the production of Canadian -built
To this impressive total must also
he added the emplioret of Gems
dealing in raw materials, food.
clothing and other living Of teeg-
side., and employeei of the rail
ways who live by traffic.
All these people are vitally inter
tested in a sound and welkupporsed
Camadiim Automobile Industry.
ray statistical wed farrther informs?
tie. abort this Issalalstry, ttriht to
Automotive lads • , 1006 Irmo -
dna &siblings, Tensaw,.
lobs are vital to Canadian homes
and families. No matter what the
job may be: in a factory, office or
store, in a mine or in the woods,
on the farm 1r on the railway, it
is affected, directly or indirectly,
by the industries of Canada.
Thriving industries mean more,
and better jobs all around: ham-
pered industries mean fewer and
poorer jobs.
Industry provides a homc market
for our natural resources; for the
produce of thc farm, the output
of the mine, the cut of the forest
and the catch of the fishing fleet
Each industrial unit buys the
"VFW P.' IMPPrwr,ftsin
manufactured product of many
other units. All buy dos( mterials
from every domestic source. The
employees of each of these units
constitute groups' of consumers
whose mass purchases of food,
clothing, bowling and amusement,
spread prosperity over industry
and the country as a whole. .
The interests of industry and of
the individual, be hc business
man, mechanic, laborer, clerk.
farmer, fisherman, miner, rail-
roader or lumberman, arc iden-
tical. "t'hat hurts one hurts the
other. \X'hat helps one helps the