The Signal, 1936-11-26, Page 6.1
•• lkureW, Nesewb,'r 38th, I.
!household Frialds
TMways Rem* te
• Serve rap
saps Mit. Mime
Thousands of women
throughout ,Canada
know that firsts throe
`we oma
• its kir
bluer cooking
Tlamiti. tatNT
accept siallelPs
Sunday Afternoon
Guderlch, Ontario
This County Sent Many of Her
etalvegpls to Nasser the
Western Country
The Studio
It eta be used as a chesterfield
or in ■ moment can he converted
into a double bed or two single
beds. A wardrobe compartment
can be added a1 a slight addi-
tional cost. A Ilvingroom and
bedroom combined. You may
choose your own coverings.
R. Wheeler
. Ettwerol Director anal
Pkrniture Dealer .
Hawihea Street. Gederich
PHONES: Store 33.1; Res. 81,5,5
The Signal to January let,
for $1.rA to new subsere.,ers.
'tum The Leader -P. rt, Negiva,
Sask., Nov. ltt)
111. Latta, W. J: Regattas, Rev. Dr.
and Mrs A. J. '(Efts, Mr. and lire.
Sem Swayne, Allan Suave.. Mho Lydia
Frits, Lucy Elisabeth Gardiner, Char-
lottetown. 1'.111., J. M. Gillis, t'har-
Ilotteetown ; Elva (Gillis, Loyal, Wis.,
(.S.A.; Edwin 1t. Giardini r, I,wkwowl.
Mr. and Yrs. W. J. Allure. Mr.
bona and grandson.+ and ilkewlse and Yrs. J. T. Bontlru.., Mrs. J. E.
daughtcrt. and granddaughters of the I Beveridge, Kathleen 9 Beveridge, Mr.
I folk who dist the pisswer itg in Ilurou and Mrs. W. J. (NonPhe.i. E J• laid-
well, Lawson; J. M. Broderick, E.
county fart century tlt'cd the Blue Davidson, Moose Jaw; Mr. and Yrs.
room of the Champlain hotel on Tues- W. T. Mooney, Grand Coulee; Yr. and
day night and revelled In memories of yrs, C. E. Antes, Mr. and Mrs. T.
doings to the home county fifty or six- I A. Devideon, T. E. Love and Allan
ty years ago. lion. Mr. Justice W. I Davidson, all of Milestone.
M. Martin presided over the delight- I Mr. and Mrs. F. A. I)emorest, Mr.
fel function and contributed a share and Mn. Donald Calder, John Kew -
of praise fur the men and womeu who nedy, W. E. Sgtberby, R. R. Clausen,
turned the Ontario forest Into cult!- Joseph MacKatb, Mrs. Ethel Mac-
vated farmsteads. J. G. Gardiner 1s Math, Mrs. M. McGregor, Mr. and IS.
'secretary ut the association, and the Jame. Duncan, Pasqua; Mr. and Mra.
, vice-presidents are Alex. Broadfoot, F. Ii. Jones, Moose Jaw; Mrs. Alter
I Moose Jaw, and Mrs. H G. Hicks.
(alder-maktag day. were recalled by
the Invitation cards An old dinner
horn that sounded like Gabriel's own
'.11 uuseen the Master walketh
By the tolling servant's side,
Comfortable word* lie talketb
While His hand* upuuld and guide.
Grief, our pain. nor an) sorrow
Kends thy heart, to like unknown;
Ile today and lie tomorrow
Grave sufiklent gives Ills own.
Holy strivings nerve cud strengthen,
Long endurance wins the crown;
When the evening shadows lengthen.
Thou shalt lay the hurdru down.
-Thomas MacKellar.
!i. 19. LEMON !'OR DSC. 4, ION
Lessem Tells-- Plwl'' starting Cone.
Lessen Passage --1 Tiwality 1:4-14; 11
I)onelly, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hayes, Timothy 4:14-ti1.
Moose Jaw : Mrs. E. 1'. Gardiner, l al Belden 'Pesti-11 Timothy 4:7. •
gory: Mn. George Thompees. Mr. and Timothy war converted under
Mrs. William Cusick, Coderre.
tromp and whose purpose was to wak- i : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp, Mrs. Paul's teaching anti became a frteud
ea the hired man wee one of the !John Murray, Mower ; $r. and Mrs. and co-laburer in piautt;+g anti water -
queer revvilectious calls up. There I E. Witsel and Mn. Olive Scott, Cu- tug (•ber't:Mit Paw comwres►uned iota
i war a moment's immortality, too. for ;per; Mrs. G. liobklrk, plass M. Tan- I to remain at k'pbesua for ruute taws
, the chap who was advised to eat a I tier, G. A. liobklrk, Mrs. E. P. perfect thelloaf
work begun there.
couple of pounds of eudlsh as fish was i W. A. Durk., Peewit; Mr. and Mrs. I on two msslunr Paul wrote oho let-
, good
t -
good brain food and who was ready' Walter Davidson, William Me grtney,Iterecomed biptrtles and [rum these to -
They eon -
with the retort courteous: 'Then, for milestone; Jeeete MaeI)O0$ld, Pum!- I uaJ'a rerwu 1* selected.
courtyard. Chinese society is worked
by great cobeaton within the family
but lack of coberlon between tawnier
and larger group.. The chief reli-
gion of (Irina, ancestor worship, is
solely the concern of the family. The
word for "soviet)," is a new term in
The main Industry uc North Honan
is agriculture. There are two harvest
tines during the year; wheat and bar-
ley are harvested la May; millet and
maize in October. There are also
vegetables and fruits ripening et var-
ious times througbout.tbe year. 00 -
ton 11 being grown more extensively
every year andeta ton-p:ektng gees ou
right throng% November. The cotton
is new and weven into cloth and
clothes and sheer are ea -de from first
to last by the women tr. their homes.
The agricultural basis of society air
counts for the Importance of the vil-
lage. Even the county cities, except
a few In strategic crones, are cot
goodnt es sake, go buy yourself a chy ; Mrs. ,j). J. Fraser, StrasbeurgtIh Win' his partwg counsel as tulluws much lamer than some urge vtllagea
i whale!" I)r. W. W. Irwin, Moose Jaw; Robert 1 Not gudt wen with eoVtentmrnt 1*
The clvtllsatiuu Is bared on a village
great iglu. For we brought uutllug rconom).
tate this world. and k is certain Wei Of course there are ober lndustrirs
so carry Domani out. Ate. uxr th and there art many progressive move--,
food and rumeot, let ur be therewith I menta on foot. There nate been large
"We did not ca' tannjc on work in Baird, Pasqua.
Huron county In those days," said one Mr. and Mra. H. G. Hicks. Mr. aid
speaker. Another told of a neigh- Mrs. A. Broadfoot, Mcute Jaw ; Yr.
bar's Mie who was trviug to get an and Mra. John Nicoll, lh. and Mrs• `tent. But the that, will Le rich
.ilueatlnfl and who had to milk elgh- J. W. Wickware, Mies Ida Hotham andy oval miner In the Chisy Tt.o di lrlct
teen cow, before be w. rat off 10 teherctl I A. W. Nntham, Strasburg; Miss Mary Irl! luta temptation u'i x *Garr, anti I for over thirty years. ' In Welhwei
WESTFIELD, Nov 24. -Mr. . lu the murntng anti again after bei McIntosh, Kronau; H. J. Borland, I sato many icons. ani hurtful lurts. there is a cotton mill which has the
borne flue of the guests Pron. Miss b7(rlka Botham• lits* M. Ella which drown men In d(atructlun and i most up-to-date equlpnaeot• and em-
monr 1s
(X)DERlr'tI TOWNSHIP, Nov. 3M. -
Mr. and Mrs. c:urdou Orr spent the
week -end at Toronto, wtwre they at-
tended the Royal Wlut. r Fair.
The Gudden pegging of Mrs. John
Wilson, whose death occurred last
Friday morning, came as a shock to
the community. Mrs. Wilson bad
been making her home with her son,
Mr. Fraacla (Irlsbolm, elute tbe death
of her husband tact summer. Heart-
felt sympathy is extended to tbe be-
reaved family.
Mn. Geo. Falconer, Mies Nora Bow-
erby, Mrs. Jas. Koen and Masan. Jia
Horton and Alan Rosi motored to
Guelph on Sunday, taking Mrs. Res
to her home with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Yr.. W. J. 8lmp.o..
!Mrs. Harry Armstrong, Bob and Jaek,
are attendtA' the Royal Winter Fair
at Toronto this week.
Mn. Will Carter spout the week-
end wttb ber aunt, Mrs. Mugford, of
mit whose home town hears his own Borland, Strasbourg; Mr. and Mrs. J. I perdition. or the 1.554 u[ y Ploys over a thousand operatives; other
family name bas the tenor to be the Rouatt, Moose Jaw ; Herbert Mackell, the rout ut all evil; which while dome I clues have similar d ogee. Education
great-grandson of one of the leaders Mies Hazel L. /gasket' end Mr. and 'coveted atter, they hairs erred from we along Western hares is also Education
In the rebellion in 'William Lyon Mac- !tire. A. G. MastNl, Bu:yea ; Mr. and II faith, rod ylened tbemse.ver tnrungh 1by lea pr and bounds, esla pally in the
kenzie's time, a leader who died in Mrs. .V. H. (londry, Mr. and Mn. A. faith,
mutt sorrows, But thoq titles. an villages, as might be fir
jail because of the part be. played in I McKay, Strasbourg; Mr. and ..e .,.a n.. tugs tilats: and They tend' 1837. - George McKay, Abernethy; Mr. and
Greetings Received 1 Mrs. W. A. Sclater, Mr. ant Mrs. Z.
Froin Hon. James G. Gardiner aodl W. Murray.
Mrs. A. E. Picot, J. 8. Moffat, A.
Mrs. Gardiner, Ottawa, remembrancer Mollarfi, John Broadtont, Watrous
were *not and their at to that they Mr.and Mist M. C. Munro, Mr. and
could not be present at the rennin. Mrs. A,.h Gordon, Watrous; Mr. and_
Kindest regards to all" was the final Mei C. A. Hall and Miss Madeline
A nnmtter attee ib-aaa1seriasy
services of Knot Lilted.'boreh, AvN
burn, on Sunday. '•'r -
M.T. and Mrs. 11T; ---T: Campbell, KIM
Winnifred and Douglas visited Meat
Campbell's sister, Mr.. J. E. Ford, at
(somber, for several days the pate week.
The young people's meeting on Wed-
nesday evening last was in charge of sentence in the wire. Juba Sproat( l Hall, Cupar; Mr. and Yrs. Joho
Alvin Snell. There was an attendance wired kind regard from Kipling. i Hoose Jaw ; Mrs Enteric. ho Baird,,
of thirty. Rev. Hugs Wilson led th- A. e, Scbnell, a member of the Mose Jaw
and Mrs. Peter Baltd.
meeting, which opened with a ningsong. executive, had been In correspondence CuPasqua; Mr. Mrs. M. t Rossi ilio.
Graham McDowell read the Scripture with several Huron newspaper offices and J. and Mrs. and Miss AT.
lreebu from the 12th chapter of Ro-and the editors had Sent their good I bane Mrs.DaJ. n, Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
mans. Miss Margate: Jefferson gave wishes and copies of'rtheir papers for Read. arlea Gambia, Lumsden; Mia.
a reading of one of Pauline Johheon's the henquet guests. F. ;fir, Goderkh, ! Elsie 0.Citreous, Keyrtown ; Andrew
Pores. The topic, "$tucc•e•w Depend, Clinton and Seatorth editors were
on .tppleutton,•' was taken by Doug- among those from whom this eour- Gilmour. Keyetown; A. L. Cole, Mr.
las mike'eaI. The meeting wee teay was received. The papers were and Mrs. .1. H. Hood, Pease; Mrs. John
Mooed with the• kliapah beneitetlon, .,napped up quickly. Howe, Adams; Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Freres %bre4 i .t Eagleson, Morse; James Eagleson,
atter which those present enjoyed a Milestone; Rev. and arts. F. P. Clark,
social balf•bour.
Mrs. E. P. Gardiner, Calgary, Pew: Miss Eva Merritt.
It is no doubt high treason today brought greetings Gar- Mies 101
from Premier Aber- Iza Sberritt, C. Sberrltt,
In Germany to recall the tact that hart. Mr. Aberhart and lire. Miss Julia Clark, Pease; Mn. A. P.
I of each
Hammond, Grand Coulee: H. E. Clan•
diner were born within n mile igen. there once utas a Uwe when Germans other. That was sear Seaforth, in
ate Ave meals a day. -Toronto Star. Huron. Premier and Mrs. Aberhart
had visited Mra. Gardiner in Calgary
The iambi love, patience. weeaneiw. blot to follow the older meta:lode and cur -1 ber meeting of the W.M.S. was held
the good aim 0 f faith. lay hal& all ricula in their schools. and rarely l on Wednesday aftern000 at the home
make provision for the edueation of lot Mrs. Mary Phillips. Fbe aftersoon
eternal life, whereunto ;boil art also
girls. (Jo -operative movement. are I was spent in quilting a quilt 'Mat
beginning to appeal to the farming I was donated to the Society by Kra.
communities. New methods of Jeri- I Forest McClure. The devotional ex -
re thee charge in the sight of God,
gation and improved agriculture are len:Wee were very brief and were coo -
are agricultural experimental statirms' was made for the Mil quilt and it
beginning to be introduced. There 1 ducted by Mrs. McCluto. Drawing
hate witnensed a good confession, that
in many of tlke countiev.
thou keep this commauumeut without
The neat ten years will no doubt see
spot, unrebuletelde, until the appearing ;
startling' changes in this country.
of our Lord Jew* Christ. whicla in I
who is the ; What place will the Chinch have in
Hie times He elmil *hew.
tbe Kies ;these changes? To some movements
tour main contribution is our witness
give aid •nd leaderehies, but
hath immortality, &wellies an the light
Ito the power of "the spirit of lift in
which uu man can Approach unto;
Christ." We mast do our part In
whom DO MD bath seen. ner can see; I
making progress a blessing and not
to whom be honor and power ever -
a curse to the country and the people
lasting. Arisen. we have learned to know and lova.-
11 Timothy 1:11-111-1n these verses
Mr. and Mr*. Harold Montgomery
und children spent the, week -end at
l'oronto and visited, the Winter raw.
Mimi Mary Bell is visiting with re-
lative.* in Toronto.
visited on Saturday at the home of
Me. and Mrsi. Wm. Fthier.
Practice Us begun Lir tbe Christ-
mas concert at Union school. Date
will be announced later.
The December eseetleg of the Dra-
matic Club will be bed on Tuesday
evening. December Ist, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Young. !beetles
of officers for 1937 will be condmied at
Peul gives Timothy au account of his
lonely been called to tipper before tbe
lien. Moose Jaw; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Emperor, upon his appeal to Caesar;
Love, Lumsden; Mrs. Josses filemmon. owl then no man stood with him to
plead his cluse, to bear testimony for
a few days ago and the former sent and Mrs. John Davide. n, M PS
him or so much as ;o keep him in
with her his greeting* to be offered Norma Esseideee, Whfrid Elliott. R.
countenance, bet "all men forsook
to the Huron old boys aod girls at the Mcklurchy, W. G: Yule, W. G. Bor-
him" This was sushi,. that so good
Regitaii banquet. At the function land. Strasbourg; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. •
a man as Paul ebould nave uobody to
own hins even at Some, where there
were so many Christiana, whose faith
was spoken of throughout all the world
tRomesis 1: hi. lint men are but own.
The Strtstians at Rowe were forward
to go and latest him Acta Slit, but
Mee. thietliaer renewed a° se'l°°1°- Van Eitinotol. Mr. and Afro. A. E.
laneeship of forty years ago with S. Nicholson, Aneroid ; Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Lints, and Mr."Mtts nt her requeet 11. Schnell. Mr. and 'arts A. FAItet4-
voiced Premier Aberhart's greetings. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 14. "It, A. G. Twigs.
As one of the Huron Wye who 4;„prge A. Holiday. 11,.. and yirs.
bellied organise the association Zdr. 1;. Gardiner, Mr. and Mrf. E. 0. Wal•
Laos od. on the list of imeekere. Ile
described various • phasea of life in ., ---- ---- - When it came to the pinch, an ey
Special vacate included Mr. and ker.
I him, then they all forsecie him. tie
Huron in his Isirbeed• would be iu danger of suffering with
Mrs John Nicoll, Mr. its,1 Mrs. F. M. Not even Ille slat Inaelline Wal °Ver. I [nal. that God would not lay it to
looked when thieves broke into tbe their charge, intimatiss that it was
Dr. and Mrs J. W. Wickware, and
Shell Service station operated by D. 1 a great fault. an w
Turner on highway NO 8 at Clinton be onyrry with them, but he prays God
tbrought-greeeings „from the Old Boys es Friday night. In-aldltion to steal- to forgi%e them. Ile doesn't pray 1
As...or-teflon to which he belongs. Dr. Mg about 330 in *neer from the till in the- same way tor Alexander the 1
anti $50 worth of toSacco and candy coppersmith, who dht him CULleil evil.
allowing bis (the eheirman't0 wife, bars, the thieves smashed open the ites prayer was against him --the
.1. J. Tufts indsted on the chnirman
,sina hint, emptied it of slugs and Lord reward him aecording to his
Plugs kept in reserve by the manager between .1118 of presumption and sins
ILEIPER ESTATE IN COURT ihe ernes to Timothy -' Notwithstand-
A conteetation of the estate of the lug the Lord stood with me, and
late John Leiper. Mullett township strengthened me." Ile further writes
farmer, beard in Surroeste Court be- -"God brought me out from that dif-
fore Judge T. 11. Costello on Friday neon), that I 'Might presch the gospel
last, was set over to December lot at that time." ' , The Emperor himself
after evidence was heard. Relatives would never have heard l'aul preach
objected t the action of the admin. bad he not been brousht before him.
'sinner, Wm. Lelper, nrother of the . When the Lord preeerve. Ills servants
dereaelvd, In selling the homestead, a from great and imminent danger, it is
150 -acre farm. te himself for $3,500. for eminent work and setvice, and we
An order was made recently for tbe ought to, as Paul did, give God the
distribution of tbe et•Gite of $13,622; glory for ever and eve:. -(From Hen-
ry's Bible).
was eecured by Mr*. P.obt. McAllister.
The regular meeting of the
Y.PU. will be held in the chant
on Friday evening, with Harold Gard-
ner in charge At the church meek*
on Sunday, the pastor, Rev. A. E.
Moorhouse, gave a synopsis of a lec-
ture by Hugh Redweed. the great au-
thor -evangelist who lectured ha the
city of London Wet week. Daring
tbe service. a duet, "I Am a Stranger
Here" was road by Mines Marlon
C—AHeelthful, Tasty and Economical
Food for Any Day in the Week
TUESDAY, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday . . .
any day can be Fish Day . . . when you realize
just how healthful, tasty and economical Canadian
Fish and Shellfish can be. Healthy, because of
their rich store of proteins, vitamins and minerals,
iodine and other elements. Tasty, because of
their easily digested and finely -flavoured meat.
Economical, because Fish gives you full value in
Dourislunent for every cent spent.
Serve Canadian Fish and Shellfish more often.
Whatever way is most convenient .. . fresh, frozen,
canned, smoked, pickled of' dried . . . you get
nourishment in its most delightful form . . .
prime condition from sea, lake or river, to your
very charming speeeh Mio. Martin
- Prise -winners
For coming the longest distsoces to
the banquet prizes went to Mrs. E., P.,
Garditii.r, Calgary, anti Mr. and Mrs.
les. tvon a special pries. 9. 1). Me -
i_ Murchy's friends stood ready to claim
for him the world's chimplonship for
number of old bop? banquets attended.
Ilea. James Slemmen accompanied
her son -In-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Duncan, Pasqua, to Regina
for the banquet. and she carried off
the prize awarded for the oldest Hur-
on old girl present, while A. E. Hod- personal and real estate. Heirs re-
gert, who was dubbed the father of the , presented were James Lelper, former
Huron Old Boys' Asergintion, won the Reeve of Hallett township, and his
corresponding prize for men, It Os. (Oster Martha, and two n eee
recalled that Mr. and Mrs. 38. nepbew of tbe demoted, Agnes Wet.- With regard to the people we might
ardiner. Regina, for the fast twe non, Margaret Reid and William Tres say 11TPI. of all that they are surpris-
- !Oars tad captured the prizes for win.
age. adld regret was expreesed that
they were not well enough to be pres-
lent this time. Their son. G. Gar-
IAllisem, were asked to take them the -
good wishes of the copipany.
If 'Judge Martin Is Provident
Judee Martin remain. preoldent
and all the other members of Hie exe-
cutive were returned to (aye for ars-
' other year. it is planned to have
future gatherings the third week of
Sam Swayze directel eommunity
The People Henan. Wes
"MY NT a Itsh
war 10111 alaarbi hal lad
Try This R.cign
meat erne e'ss (-somas. kip-
Ipperd kerma m Brain pissl to
bedewed We dish pet dery eita
at eseked pewees. W
sod Amok a riskiht crooks
betimes the Immo Add ~w-
ig to ear eapd soak ma pew
OMNI tbs dap. (rem with
Warred etewk sod bake sail
Be Particular
Best for all your Baldni
fagly like us Auglo-Jaxono; some
--- would say, even more spern ally, the
?notch. You must not imagine the
"insr'rutable (Mental" when you think
of a North Houma (.btnese. Ile Is
materiallatt( and mitttr-of-fats In his
outlook but very human and food of
fen. A culture of thonands of years
has given him an Innate courtesy which
even illiteracy and grInding po verte
cannot impair. In Acct, the Mines"
moral outlook i+ mainly social. One
difference between him and a Western-
er is that he look. rap n harmonious
terminal relationships ns the ■Ire of
C0111111,1, whereas we are more eon-
(erned with ab.nlute principles such
ae honest)• loyalty and courage. An-
other trait of rharaet,•r which Is part
°f the w►aw moral outlook is what to
caller) "face" This Is nothing more
than a hyper-senaltlte regerd for nne'a
own feelings and a like regard for
the.. of °there. Whc re a Chinese
w°old say he "lost face" we would
-.Hy we had oar feeling's hart. The
differense i. that In Chins Caere is an
accepted code of "face" which` is the
Milo of all manner0.
Th. serial unit la tho family which.
of souse, Iselodea air the male de-
aeendante of the living head of a
house with their wive, and children.
_.lbws may it four or even five Omen -
Dons In ono family Metes is the alas
singing, with Allan Swayze at the
piano, and he also sang stirring solos.
Mi.s Lydia Fritz rave pleanure with
, violin ,solo, and Kober Sharpe with
1 ments. „Ps net nit was enloyed at the
end of the program.
A large Huron county *dreamer hung
also-. one end of the roost' and ohlelde
, hots the name* of the townehips Ried
red chrynanthemiims graced the long
tables, at ehich the 'theta, numbering
Ina were floated.
Omuta Present
The encode Ineloded non. Mr.
mr, And Mr. Rrnodfoot. Mooed
Jaw; Hr. avert Kr*. John Nicoll,_
WRITE dm cAtd, FOR
242 Minds' St, London, Ont.,
Extra Special-" Aylmer " Special-- " Aylmer "
Peaches 16c Corn 2 23c
No. 2's Sqt. Size Tin
AYLMER LIMA BEANS, No 2 tem tin 14c
AYLKER PEAS and CARROTS, 2's Sqt. size tin 15c
AYLMER BO*ED CHICKEN 7 -os. tin 33c
AYLMER SPINACH 13% -os. tin 10c
Sunlight Soap 5 bars 25c
qtrunc,_quAxER OATS Small pkg. 10o
Special -"Aylmer'' Special--"Orown"
12 -os. bottle 2-1b. tin 1843 5-1b. tin Me
Get our prices on Christmas Traits, Nuts, and Candies
PHONE 116 or 216
?HONE 46