The Signal, 1936-11-19, Page 3Law
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RepeatOrders 1Mee4t CMsNeratian
J. W. Craigie
Get Oar Automobile Rates
Mae St Goderieb
O. F. Carey Co.
Fire, Aum.* clod rater Car
sgee...tative Loudon Lffe
laser•aoe Oo
Ogles :-Mande Temple, Wast
Street, Goderieb
Nelms MR Mawr. Thine 1R3
Geo. Williams & Son
DomenoN, PROVThiCI,L awl
Fire. Aeslant, A.tamebtls and
General Ins.ra.ea Agents
orrice, NEXT TO BANK
Theme ill _ -
se The Signal's Classified Columns
For Sale at Pott Albert
Nis* Wooded Collars Iwls
.. -Also Bowan in Town -
0, irs
Res .for all makes of
stoves or Evinces -
Prompt service and resaleable
John Pinder
nose 127 P. O. Box 151
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Eketric Wiring of e11
Wombs fives es appliratiea
Telephone 82 - Ooderich
Hallowe'en Pranks
Have Kick -hack
Bayfield Boys Promise Magistrate
to Repair Damage-
Weekly Court
Tb. echoes of Hallowe'en pranks at
Ilaydeld reverberated in Magistrate J.
A. Maktns' court on Thursday last,
when eleveu_Oeeplsb-looking boys and
young men were lined up by Constable
John Pease and charged wltb commit-
ting wHrul damage to property.
Kenneth McGillivray acted as
spokesman for the band of midnight
lidera., who admitted almost every
prank perpetlated on tbe night of
October 31 la the village.
"We split into two groups," sr
plal.ed McOIRivray, after pleading
guilty to two of the four charges, "bot
the whole gang was responsible ; for
every tbine dose."
Constable Pease, the complainant.
left a perfectly clean village behind
Wm when her retired at nildalgbt on
October 31, bot on Sunday morning
be thought a hurricane had struck tbe
plate -and strewn outbotsea, wagons
and everything movabl-' about the vil-
Ills Worship stroked bio chin severe-
ly as be endeavored to hide a oldie..
**I'm going to adjourn these charges
two weetksand glee jou Sallow'. aA
opp.ottunIT7 'to- repair the - damages.,•
His Worship told the red-faced youths.
'You all know where you were and I
want you to appear bere two weeks
from today with everything cleaned
up. Will you do it?"
A chorus of "Yep, sir," greeted the
kindly cad' as tbe youngsters Degan
to Me from the court.
"I hope you have as moth fun re-
placing them as you did pushing them
oyer," muttered the Magistrate, a
twinkle In Ida eye.
The youths were Ksmoeth 15c411-
Hvray, 'Harold McLeod, Fred Stutch-
berry, Chas. Brandon, Chester McGil-
livray, Chas. Parker, Ford Johnston,
Stewart Sturgeon, Keoaetb Ca ssela,
James Attwood and Iiagb McLeod.
Charged with Attenrte' Theft
The preserves of a crock, a 2% -gal -
fon tin, a funnel, a length of garden
bare, • pleat of I.zlble aortal tubing
and • jimmy In his car, together with
tbe story of his acknowledged accom-
Oke, resulted In Edwin Whitley, of
AsbSeld township, being committed tor
trial oo a charge of attempting to steal
gasoline from drums at the home of
Wm. Dickson, Ashfield, on October 30.
Whitley pleaded not guilty and elected
trial by judge and jury. -
Alex. Gauley was with Whitley on
the night of October 30. "We drove
to see Matt Johnston, who lived at
Harry who comes along," the Magis-
trate admonished Galley. "I hope
you will profit by this experience.
Sentence suspended on payment of
OiYr Charges
- R. A. -Boa teao was assessed_ _MO
and costs or thirty days on pleading
guilty to a charge of keeping liquor
for ale.
"He is going to move out of the
county," said defence counsel, 1n ask-
ing for time to pay. "He 1s going
a considerable distance Muth fur his
Arthur. Vance, of Listowel, pleaded
guilty to a charge of skipping out on
his hotel bill at Bayfield.
"When 1 left I told them I'd send
It when I got the money;'_ Vane*
said. "I -have a job now and I can't
repay them until I get paid.
He was given three weeks to pay and
was released on his own bond of *200.
Wilfred Graham prided•.5 and costa
for being drunk In a public place and
Gus B1sbeek, of (Clinton, who wrecked
Graham's truck when he was driving
It to Goderieb for hes buddy, was fined
$10 and costa for rek:eat driving.
BENMILLER, Nov. I7. -Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Straughan and Betty
spent Sunday In Goderich township.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Walters, of
Toronto. were weekend visitors with
Mn. Serena Walters, who is slowly
recovering from her recent stroke.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ,Jewell lett last
week for Florida. where they plan to
spe tai winter.
Bill Crshter, es}' titre kII,"Ypent BE''
urday afternoon with his aunt, Mn.
Vern* Gledhill.
Gordon Fisher, of Holmesvtlle, and
Laverne Fisher. of Goderirb, were
Sunday guests with tht:r father, Mr.
Tobias Fisher.
Mears. Russell Pfrimmer, Reg. Al-
un and Wilfred Flaber returned from
Saskatchewan on Saturday evening.
POWDER'S HILI., Nov. 17. -On
Tuesday night the Ooderlcb Township
Men's Club had as their speakers
County Clerk J. M. Roberts of God-
erich, Warden Robt. Bowman of Brus-
als, Reeve J. M. Eckert of McKillop
Reeve N. Cardiff of Morris, Deputy
Reeve R. Turner of Godertch and
Reeve Wilmot 'Haack. of Goderieb
township. This was a very interest-
ing meeting.-aod mach kuowledge was
pined by .hose wbo attended.
Mr. Glee Lockhart was in Loudon
Friday on business.
Dr. Whitely was a; the school here
on Thursday giving the children inocu-
lation against scarlet fever. Nq cases
have been reported In t -els section.
On Thursday afternoon the Ladies'
Aid had their regular muethly meeting,
Playing of the team 01 faun match
of the Goderieb Bridge Club last
week reaalted In • win for Mrs.
W. F. S•uuders, Sirs, 1. U. ka.twaa,
Mrs. J. A. Graham and Mr. P. F.
Care, with 15'4 matches,
Mrs. Geu. Jenner, Mr. R. Retehell,
Mrs. R. J. McMeben and Mr. A. A.
Nicol were second, with 14% matcbes,
and Miss Etta Saufst--Mr. T. R. Pat-
terson„ Mrs. R. Retells!' and Mr. R.
.1. McMcben were a close third, -with
14 matches,
North and South -1st, Mrs. J. A.
Graham and Mr. 1'. F. Carey, plus 12;
tad, Mrs. T. Mitchell and Dr. J. A.
Graham, plus 5%; 3rd, Mies E. Satins
and Mr. T. 11. Pattersou. minus 1.
East and West -1st, Mrs. A. A.
Nteul and Mr' N. C. Lahaway, plus 11;
2nd, Mrs. R. Rotcbell and Mr. R. J.
MiMeben, pips 71/2; 3rd, Mn I. D.
Eastman and Mrs. W. F. Saunders,
minus 2.
Amulet Cesve tie. Heid at Paramount
-dohs Jamieson 'Nisi Director
At the annual convection of the
Farmers' lube of North Huron, held
in the Paramouut hail, wee.t of Luck -
now, encouraging reports were re-
ceived from the various} elutes 1n the
The following officero were elected:
Riding director, John Jamieson, Luck -
now; anlatant director, Dan Nichol-
son, Lucknow ; lady director, Mn, O.
O. Anderson, Belgrave ; asalstant Iady
director, Mia Grace Webster, Luck-
-W. J. 4iboC/on o T lifir zeestite
president of the United Farmers of'
Ontario, gave an address un "The Alms
and Objects .of the L.F.O. for the
Future." R. J. Scott of Belgrave,
former C.F.O. president, conducted a
discussion period .on methods of co-
operative marketing of farm produce.
He also gave a short report of iris
recent visit to tbe Firm Bureau con-
vention held at Columbus% Ohio.
Between morning and afternoon
sessions dinner was served by the
ladles of the Paramount t-.F.W.O.
Mr. Harold Gardner wax In %Ingham
on Tuesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fuller and
family visited In Toronto last 'feet.
C.M. Church Votes -The regular
meeting of the Y.P.F. was held on
Friday evening, with Esther Yell -
wain 1n charge. The meeting opened
with a hymn. followed by the Lord's
Prayer In unieun. The Scripture les-
son (St. Matthew 5:43-18) was read
by -Maurice Mcilwaln. The prayer
from the "Pathfinder" was read by
No Survivors When
Tug Sinks in Huron
Owned at Sault Ste. Marie send
Carried Crew of Five --Only
Wreckage Fogad
Rogers City, Mich., Nur. 15.-Tbe
waters of. Lake Herm. gave up no
trace tonight of a tugboat which was
seen sinking early Friday and Capt.
T. B. CHmle, owner of the tug' Fred -
crick A. Lee, said he was conrtnced
the lost boat was the Loe, which had
five men on board. --
(oast guardsmen At Pol•te aux
Barques and harbor Bach, near
wbere the tug sank, reported ending
110 bailer or wreckage to Identify the
boat and had giv.q up search.
Capt. climate, et !Welt tate. Marie,
Ont., old he''had received ho word
from the Lee since Inst Thursday,
when 1t was freed front the mud near
Harbor Beach.
Probably Bailer EtpIades
•'1 am convinced that the tug whit
went down -was the bre," Oaten bait
lie blamed a boiler explosion. .t
stone -currier captain bad reported see-
ing a boat disappear In stormy waters.
Capt. Achille Renaud, of Amherst -
burg, Ont., and tour ,ether Canadian
seamen formed cite Levi. crew.
The vessel appareutly went down
at 4 p.m. Friday. - .
Disappearance of the eraft wa* re-
ported early /Saturday -by }-'apt• Thee
dore Dahlberg, of the Bradley Trans-
portation Company stone -carrier Mun-
,sou. He said be and his first oRcer,
Donald Meets, saw rho tug' sink be-
fore aid could be. given.
"We brought the Manson to the
scene within fifteen minutes," be said.
"First we saw the top of a ship's
cabin and then several pillows Beat -
lug on the churning water. We also
saw a lite preserver, a mattress and
a chair, but the wreckage was so splin-
tered we were unable to pick It up."
• Coast- guardsmen generally believed
an explosion was responsible for the
sinking of the vessel.
The Frederick A. Lee, owned by
('apt. T. B. Clines., of Sault Ste. Marie,
(Int., was on its way to Sault Ste.
Marie for the winter and its .ebedule
placed It In the approximate location
where--Cape.--a•blburg saw the tug
- A Flve-msn Crew -
The Waliscehurg, Ont., Sand &
Gravel Co., which had the bee ander
charter during the summer and fall,
said fire men engage) to return the
tug to winter quarters et Sault Ste.
Marie, Ont., were ab•,,trd when the
reset' left Sarnia. They were:
Norman Fuller. The topic, "Have I Capt. Achiel Renaud. of Windsor,
with twenty ladles present. The Faith," was read by Harold Gardner. 'out.; ('. Sntale, chief engineer, hurt
11111 Dickson's at I'ort Albert. We afternoon was spent qulltctig: A tasty The meeting closed with the hymn Stanley, Ont.; Archle Glides, pecond
drove In the lane and Ihi•re eeemea- to lunch wee nerved by tele hr•ef:•sse., l-'21.`ulde_Me�t1 Thou Groat Jehovah," engineer, Commun. Ont.. Roy MvI)on- I
to nobody hole. We new two 40 Mrs. Held Torrance and MIe. Hues. and the Iti.tar- h- intone. ililiiiti - -ATTrffrit w114,1-....n.i+arwtn,-tuL:.L_TItne.
gallon-giswllne drums ..pd Whitley got Harrison. meeting of the executive of the Sun- fireman. Sarnia, (int.
out of the car, went over to one of On Sunday, November .'2. the build- day sehoul on Sunday. Esther M.II- No Survivors Found
cite drums and shook it. It was Ing committee of Grace chun•h are wain was appointed treasurer for the I e :, pt Dahlberg paid the Mus.ou
reached the ..e11. n!i. i. fifteen min -
about half hell and he said. Let, get having a ..pedal service, with R.v. G.
.some Baca-' We were trying to get the G Burton. of Outeri.) (treat Unite(
cep‹ -off the drums when we heard ,Church. Clinton, as speaker. A SW-
' it Hulse at the door of the house and '-dal offering of $40 Ie being asked for.
ran for the car. 11111 Dickson caught
Word has been received by the
Whitley as he Rot behind the wheal Harrison family of the death at Grand
lot the car." Prattle, Alta., of %e•llam Harrison,
Bctoretttempting to ;et the gas the
pair' sat In their car fifteen minutes who was bora and rebel! In ihl% dis-
waiting for Johnston- Witness would trice but has resided to the Rept for a
no "Ttl.t 1virltlet- I number of years. The funeral was.
telt Johnston 1. the morning tiro gaiting pltrior
remainder of the year Their was a
fair-.Ixed con gregalion ut Union on
Sunday. when the 1m tor. Rev. A. E.
11'. rhouse, delivered an address' un
"Tithing." from the tett. "For ye pay
tithe of mint and anis. and (minutia,,
:.1111 have omitted the weighter mat -
Utes, but he could ftu•i no ,
A 11e'11%r .e:1 %%H.
Harbor (teach 40.15.1 gourd 111.11 said
1h. I...• if N4111141441 off 1111r1 tr Reach
early Friday. morning' _t .11l.iguard
eros.( INl.a.•d it a1,mt! 11 u.+ Friday.
ter% of the hew, Judgment, mirex, -arts} • The slava ..f the t e•., rM'nt ten milt•+
faith: these ought ye' to have done un b.,ttr, would "ye
it at the
and not to leave the other undone' approximate location where h. ve%sel
St. Matthew 13:33).
red n i om
eapt. T.
am ST. HELENS Marie. Ont said the tug tad been
the gas," bat he did not remember the Clinton, TJ floyfietd Mlle'
-youth's saying it. i eery.
"The hope is a common article used Mr. and Mn. Den Elliott. of Wash-
stealing gap," aid- the Magistrate.
Both youths tried to open a can and
they bad all these things In the car.
Gatley has made a clean breast that
be helped In trying to ,pen the cans.
There 1s a strong possIbility Whitley
will bre found guilty and 1 am commit-
ting him for trial." '
The youth was released on ball of
3500 until the next court of competent
Jurisdiction. -
Oauley then entered a plea of not
guilty when faced with • similar
carte. and tbe case -WWI adjourned a
week, be being bonded in the sum of
$500. He chaaged his plea to one of
guilty before court was over.
"This should be a lea•on to you not
to tag along with every Tom, Dietand
1 Smart Shoes
For the Boys and Girls who are
now attending the Fall
IL term at school I
We are now offering the greatest values 1n good, reliable Footwear
at prim that are away below thepresentmanufacturers' prices
Footwear of all styles i oxfords, Strip Slippers
Col sod looped our Meek stud 1st em timer ires the we.derfr
whim we we Winn
The Practical Shoe Man
N1OG= SIMI M SWAIM . 8001111101. GlerA1118
Ington, are :t•lsiting with his brother*.
Vic and Thomas Eillott, and sister,
Mt.. J. Harrison.
- CREWE si
t'REWE, Nov. 18. -Mt. Wm. Reid
attended the beekeepers' convention In
Clinton recently, 11e being one of the
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Durnln re-
turned home last week atter spending
the past month visiting friends at
Mies Ethel Finnigan 1s vlelting at
the home of her brother. Mr. Bert
Messrs. Wm. French, Stanley Hore
and Harry Middleton It ft last week
for South Riser, where they purpoee
spending the winter.
Mrs. R. Rherwo.d and Earl, of Hack•
Pct's, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mr.. Jan. Sherwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Held and Douglas
visited one day last week with the
lady's mother, Mrs. Wilson, of Wawa-
Mn. lie J. }Bake has ietarned home
after spending the past few weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. /hank ey Fines,
of Toronto.
Miss Audrey Congram, who event a
few day. last week with frlenda at
Teeswater, is now at the home of Mr.
Mae. Fowler, We are sorry to re-
port that Mn, (utas. Fowler Is on the
elk list at ptrsent. We wtab for
her a speedy recovery.
Tbt. te.meetfwlt! was shocked to hear,
of the (Usti' on Monday morning of
Yr. Arthur Colbert, who lined mouth
of Dungannon. Mr. Culbert was
fnrtherly • resident h.•e The dym-
path] of the communfly is extended
to Mra, Colbert and family.
That *ain't whiter at all!, it was
only another little snow flurry. How-
ever, tbe farmer, base their root crop
harpooned and tine fel: ploughing
completer(. - The wbeatha. a
Men's Felt Shoes
with Rubber Heels, An telt with rubber soles, some are ftigb tops
with loather facings. All date in the lot. Clearing o it at
95c_ and $1.75
Women's 3 and 4 -Bucky overshoes
High. medium or. dui heels. Black only. Sizes 3 to 71/2. (Tearing at
95c and $1.25 , -
Boys' and Girls' Felt Shoes
Rubber Heels. Black .only. Clearing at
75c and 95c
A popular preacher once said of
his pulpit efforts, "I always roar
when -1 have..nothlpg_tt. _gel."
"The Avenge scenario writer has
no more idea bow to tell a story thea
a blind puppy of composing a syte-
gbony "-George Bernard Shaw.
We learn more from our sufferings
than from our deUghta.-.lama
_Douglas. - -
-The whole secret of lite la to be
interested profoundly in one thing
and in, a tbousaad other things as
well." -Hugh Walpole.
Is In The Air !
Get your 8.m& .f t kit's Va-TrwNsul gad
Vice's Vapa Rte, Viek's
Scott's Iftwieles bile, gee
Alba Seltzer S8, The
BI.sde hie, 51,13
Stage Wigwags
flame's Nerve Feed •tae
Mammes's 43, tor eeug1.- 4tk, 73e
Mithurn'a Health and Neste
1'1115 i sr
I1aytr's Aspirin ...
Squibb's Teeth Paste ...the, 37s
ISA -Ire 13e. 33e
Vatican' Bromide of Quininr.Vor
WaterMtry's Compound, with
Creosote and (,ua col, for stub-
born tough glee
Jergew's Latta., masa 23.
2 tar 45.
.levgen'. 1..51.11. large 43e
2 ter rhe
Ihabine, Tank F •
Het Water Bottles Me, Sae
it.11agg's .Asthma Rsaedy
25e, $1.0
l'haae'a ('.ugly Iiyrup.3be acid 73e
.clweGvl to reach winter quIrt.r- Tart '
ST. HELENS,.Nor. 10. -Mr. and
Mrs. Gin. Foran were guests with the
former's Meter, Mrs. Jas. -McGlynn, at
Tecawater, on Saturday:
Mrs. Jean Spindler (formerly Jein
Somerville), of,I)uluth, who visited bee I
sister,- Miss Belle Rome! vilk, at Lon -
dart, was the guest of Mre., Harper
last week
Mr. Wilbert Durnie, of Barrie, 1
spent the week -end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durnln.
The Y.P.C. meeting on Sunday'
evening opened with prayer by Dick
Weatherhead. The Bible character
was taken by. Jean Thom, and' (be
topic.. "Chr1M's Tea.ehlbg and War,"
by Mrs. Wallace M111er. The meet'.
Ing clo*M with prayer by Rev. 11. M.
Rev T. R. Terser en Mie.iaa.-As
part of a gene•ral,excha.tge among the
ministers of Huron Presbytery, in the
Interests of missions, Rev. T. -11. Turn-
er, of Dungannon, was the speaker 1n
the United church here on Sunday
morning. The annual W.M.S. thank-
` -'offering also was obaseevtd. Choosing
as his subject "Why Foreign MI.-
Is.pions?' 'Mr. Turner spoke from John
10:10, "i am come that ye might bare
life, and that ye might case 1t more
abundantly.'* In his Interesting and
lmpreaulve address he pretaRIT d argu-
ments for mlesiona In general and cited
many Instances of the wonderful re-
mits in the Mode to which the Gospel
has been carried.
11'. alas*L--jppoestble -to. And the
kind of work yon line.• Soi many
other men are looking for soft snaps,
too.-i.00dnn. Free Prows.
with • mewl .o yews as • east smite
fee issa= fee pike sir hem errIMM.
start ebb ftp a! 1. result et. Hue. a,. `has Oin�t
rainfall. _
night or today.
('apt. Climb. .ailed the tug- until r
August. then returned to all Yte.I
Marie while flue face rcrual ed lu the
vicinity of Saida. The ler maid '
the tug w•a" 111rtially cored by In- i
mora lite FFii
Officials- or th, l%'.Ilaet•it,rg cow-'
pany„kwre at 11 10%s' 1n a count for
the reports Indiratlfig an! exbloelon
occurred aboard the bee. fThey said
the hollers and other equipment ape
parently were In good .von.lition when
the tug left Sarnia. altheingb Popppl1e�I
fear- had hien expressed Of weatfer f-
Cannel IUons.
(,ate D•hlburg'a
"We sighted the tug ntittut 4 On.
I'ri y;'_ Captain DahlbutriR. told the ;
As.oetated Errea when t Munsofi
docked here early today. ((.
"First ()Meer Drin•I•I Waite, of
Toledo. saw the twat first: and wh'le
he was watching 1t mud my dlsne•
peered beneath the w es. lie
called me ands -despite • st one math -
west *Ind we brought thet Munson to
the scene within fifteen 'Coutes.
"First we sighted tiro op of a
ship's eslsin and then seer ral pillows
floating on the churning ater. We
also saw u life-preeerver, a meaner
and a ehalr, but the erre• age was so
splintered tbat we were u hl. to pick
it up.. We circled throe the debris
for more than two borne•. .befnrc dark.
and then•procteded on nb the lake.
"1 am certain." the �leptain maid,
"jbat 1t must bare 11f� an explo-
sion aboard the rel /w•hleh reused
tt to oink en rapidly. //J if any of -the
.crew hal had any ening someone
wonkl hare been ah to free himself
from the wre.e'kage end could bare
started •Amit until we came lip. No,
1 don't think a single member of the
bink crew cosid petsniely-liave sur-
vived." a
"Let me M11 yon .omething: Don't
go after riches. There 1. nothing to
It. That IP my advice to ail young
Wigle's Lauder's Dunlop's Campbell's
Drugstore Drugstore,
Drugstore Drugstore
Special Values,
in our 5c, 10c, 15c to $1 Department,
also Staple Lines of Ladies', Men's
%ov. sean,s+,v.
and Children's Wear at
reasonable prices. -
Complete range of
daily, and on display 1
wis 441,
• e itAafiw - -w .1011.1110110.1 •
Iter• p 1W, • ttt4i