The Signal, 1936-11-5, Page 7•
ARIL 'van
County and District
Mr. and Mr.. August ilomutb, of -Thee marriage of Mary FJleu Aid.
wlagham, on Friday last cekbr*Ud ridge., daoghter of Henry Aldridge and
the afty-ninth aunlveraag• mf their i the Tate Mrs. Aldridge,Ar Kfp{en, to
Wedding Nelson H., son of %(r.t6 it Moe..low-
Yeeve .1. M. Eckert, cf McMillop,!relic!,F..rr-st, ltreiteAelil, was outvote -
too been elated •to the executive of j teed at the Rrueeheld tuense 011 Ik•tu.
the (laladiee Independent Tel phone INT 214d by Bev. W. A. Brewuer.
&aaoclatlon.. Mrs. (:worn )(. Ih•rr, of IlteW(fall
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, or elletoo, j all VIII '. died uu Oeiobe. :711111 after
accent! mouths' Mason." She was born
lu Brine county !n 11111.1 mud spent her
data -la- Halton trwal3,_T
The town of Setaforth has reeelied "lots he: marriage loot lived in the
$491.(3 from the 1'ruvincl*I !township of Tuekersmith She leaves,
Govern -
my' •w pay weal !n Ueu ut muulel paal ( beehive her husband. two sous and one
'amine tax. %Ingham's share '= daughter.aght.r'amine
*M. _ Beni Burned at $eafeeik
Samuel John Spencer. who retired I Fire, believed to have` been started
W Seaterrtl In 1817 after tonducting by a truuaiet(. eompklrly destroyed a
a More and postom(e at St. Joseph large boon on the property of Harry
for a number of yearn. died at Sea- Martin, at 1ratorth, unr morning' last
forth u• Naturday.
The death of Thomas.O'Ismghlin,
of Seaterth, occurred on Timothy at
the age of seventy-one Seals. Mr.
tYluughlln farmed In Mt•Klllop and
Tu keramlth before retiring to **-
forth. -His wife uurvttes.
The marriage of i)orothy, daughter
.f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deters, Hen-
sen, to Harold Simpaoa, also of Hen-
aa11, was solemnised by Rer. I). I'.
Hill al ihr Presbyterian manse, Noe.
ten. sok Friday evening last.
R J. Ma•Mlllas of- fkol6rrh:-"for J 1k.L-Alta. d.•T. Duncan
twenty Jeans director of the 1'.F.O. Margaret Backer, widow of John
cloth of South Huron, retired at the T. Duncan. who died In It. Jt fn's
amulet meeting of .tbe Club held ter
weeny at Heiman. Walter Scott. of win a oeltknown resident of [Irus-
11'Iktt, war elected dlrestnr in bit aria. /the had been In thew hospital
` tt- place._ _ _
- . *hnt two,. weak,'. !kern in Itru•w-►m
The annual- fowl mapper of lite ditt .e•vru yeaho age. olid had spent
e" fediton United rhumb 'bis year at- her llfr there with the.rx.•t'ptlun'of a
warted en atregulan,-e jjf 11're_per_ _,Srn_. yrara_ in MmnItol. aud British
snag. Thi. Is not a retort!, a pre I ('olumbb,. Her husband diel slx
had the mlafortut►e to ta!I while w•r-
-_ plants In her boort moil- Weals
an arm mar lite_ahoul•hT.-
week. The firemen prevented the
elated of Ibe Naze to Mr. Martin's
resident*. a ..hurt distat,t•e awe,-
- lose Fingers
Prod Selling, bl*ekmmith at Blue -
vale. was operating • plsne on flat-
urdmy murnlug when his mltt caught
and hie hand watt drawn to to the
knife. He was hurried to Wlugham
hoM,ital, and It le feared two fingers
and a thumb will have to be ampu-
1)e►nitllwJ, i,uadetu, 011 311•111 11•av t fling,
violin attendance figure at it fowl sap year • ecu
per In the same church king .lightly Sudeten Ih'ath In Turkrreanith
llgber. creases' west the Ir acreage a4• of • fall w hent structed to 14111. nolle) luta r. iu the
'"''4•••+•• wars .,»chew
.rs r .t•.1 i4...a4 .-.v't
Botanical Notes
for November
1ty E. W. Ilart, I)I Bion of Botany,
('eutral F:overbite-Wei Farm, Ottawa
With the fall of the leaves, with
the passiug of the Indian rummer, na-
ture's kindly but timely earuing; with
the advent of (tort awl *nowt, comes
nature's t'wt•et restorer -repute.
"The unlverral lustluet of Miaow.
The loagiug for cunfratoj tranquility,
!award and outward; humble yet sub -
ll n1e :
The life where hope ihd memory are
as oue - -
In Xoventber most llama relax from
their labors, bat not all, fur mute ttlll
bloom iu spite of the elements with
that atfauge and almost•
gy which comes to all lite otteu as
a harbluger of death. -
Buttercup*, round -leaved mallows,
mustards, goldenrods, Mlcbaelmas
dalslei, lobelias and, wlteh-haael may
still he found In dower in sheltered
In the woods, tbe yellow. ragged -
petalled dowers of the dauntless witch -
hazel are very attractive Inter come
their woody reed capsule*, which take
many months to mature. Care must
be taken, however, not to examine
these capsules too closely. as a horn -
hoedown: of for bullet -like seeds
ejected with very eenslderable forte
may take place in the same manner
as tbe seeds of the violet and touch-
News of the Farm
Notes and Comments on
Agricultural Topica
. . r Where Crept Wt In _
There are some crops which are not
Weil suited to rbry fertile soils. Buck-
wheat, fur example, often produces
WO wall straw• and too little grain
on rich soils, .C.pec•fally theme sells
whk•Ii are very high is t.itrogeu. Oats
are likely to lodge badly on soils too
rich lu nitrogen. Ou the other land,
a fertile roll Is etaseutiu: for profitable
trlelehl .of wheat and barley. Rye
will grow welrun ffifi sella
also a partltularly good crop for light
Infertile soils. Turuipa require a
fairly fertile sell, but, ll the mil is
nnb.taaeed la -its f stllltk by baring
an over-abuudaute of ultr:gen Id
euminrlsuu with other elements of
fertility, there will be luxuriant tope
but ,*wall roots.
• • •
Current Crop Report
'a'be October crop report levee a -se -
view of condition* in Ontario as vow
piled by a Targe staff of regular-tur-
respoudeuls, a* follow*: Weather
condition* *duce the cud of August
have been particularly favorable. fur
growth and late crop. made remark-
able gain*, off -setting to a Considerable
extent the slog.• development earlier in
Central and Western Ontario due to
Intense drought. Potatoes, rout crofts
land sugar beet!. are now expected to
For a very long time an atmosphere trt(ee-s larger 14"4Per- an;(n--than last
of poetry and *eutlmeut bee gathrrod year, wh.te the yield of corn for husk -
round the wlte•h-haael, and 11 wasting. euro for fodder and Mal cuttings
formerly draped by these verso' In , of alfalfa will be :ie.... Pastures,
the occult arts with a veil of deep whf.-h were re• ortel to lie in the luw-
meetw►. -. lt, bus been, ape! ehol.tle's lest condition in year.. at the tommente-
atilt tau 'fordo. a divining rod. iii j mat-..(--AuaasLawl at,s n al .iJtc_ lartt
the eIRhte•nth century Jonathan Swift "r Ne'ptrmber, hat* -immured trwuen-
w•rotr-------- -- lamely. moil are moa- fu normal to
and the °f°er on su r"ad near 4th, I Changed Her Shoes
and alga to?:
Put to sale.
Ou mutton lir. Tyndall was in-
etrnrtwt to parches.. wood for IIIc ! Five Times -a Day
The West N'rwaaosh council USN oa township hall.
October 15th with all the members . It was muted that the clerk rend,
prevent and Reeve Stewart preilding• no hohalt id the township euuw•II. 14 y
Thur•Iday, Noeembur SFIt,i,1t -7
The minutes of last meeting were read letter of sympathy to Mr, and Mr..' Suffered for 10 Years With
and acapttd ou uootion of Counc•illurs 114.,. Enigma.
Smyth and t:awwle. The byI*w Ax- it was Moved that Mho. Tye be. paid i
Ing 11e rites for the dltfeteut purpose',. $10 for printing the MIIIIuu-Thom by -
was passed and the rah.. areas tel•. law,..
lows: t'ountl, 4' 011111; tuwn►hlp. (/u tion the road superintendent's
L'!y wills; highway, 9('.-10 mile.; gen- i vouches and other *counts were
real school, 34 -JO mfil.t lttlb'e tell• tw+w•d tut pmyuNeut r !toad sup•rin-
Iage, 111 wills: 1►uugaa,uuu strict teudrut',• .uurhet's, 111(11 Fankhh.
lights. 22-10 wills. MiDoubt. supplies for township hall.
The nowlnatious for reeve and , Si.:r-'; Signal Printing -Co., account,
councillor!'" w111 be held un k'rida_y, I $7.1.)]0: Utas E. Tye. printing bylawa.
Nuvemler 27th, at 1 pro. *10: Russell 11111, Alibi drain contract,
The following seventh:, were read • $290f (tollstriw. Tv1epheue Spittle.
and ored d peed uu mot o of toorto boa t-dhleilf: Wit. 000ileetlnr l
rlllors Aitchison and Mrtjulllln:'rears of taxes. at 2' per cent.,
John A. Thouipsou, ahem. einem, *9; ' s111K.tM1.
Ir. Thompson, sheep impection, $1.10: (►u motion council 'adjourned to
W. A. Miller, sheep claim, $4; J. W. meet November 10th,- at 2 p.m.
Joynt, steep t-Ialm, *17.50; Louts ---- wkl: SA1.Ll)W21_Clerk
(irant, shieep inspet'tions, $7.90; W. II.
Jansen )(myth drain eoutrae, WHO: SHEPPARDTON
Peter Watson, sheep claim, get: A. An -
derma, sheep Inspection, $1.50; J. J.
Ryan, sidewalk repaint, *10; Wm. J. SHDI'1'ARDTON, Nov. 3 --Mt. and
Stewart, R. Murray, I). Phillip, select- Mrs. A. F7rrington and Ruby and Mr.
hag jurors. H each. and Mrs. Fisher, of Smith's 11111.
The council adjourned to meet No -
on )(ands} at the home of
veuiber 8th. at 1.30 p.m Me. '1'. Nrnary.
I)1'RXIN ['HILI.I1'$, Clerk. Mr. Tony S'ruu u, whi uwlerwrnt
• • . an operation In Goderich hospital, 1*
(1 utt"• )RXF: TowNsuf(' progresering favorably.
Mrs. Harvey Potter, trio) spent the
The municipal vounelt wet in --the ! pa month with tier parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Itibt. Bogle, lir n'lurned to her
home at Lengbauk, Seek,'
The Guild of Christ Church, -Port
Albert, met at the home. pf Mr., Har-
old Tigert on Wednesday.
Mr: fieuni lie -roarer -trim-rein
to his home tit Atiernathy,.Sask., sifter
--T--- -- - .pi iidltig a taw days w'lttl Mrs. Wm.
Futter and friends. s
towuxlrlp hall Friday, (k•tmter loth,
with all members preseot. ()n mo-
tion Minutes ut last regular meeting
were adopted as read.
The--ruad.._tttprrintcndept was In -
strut test to procure mate•rin fti TweT-
t•ulvert", our on the 4th comes •
sea cushion. After digging - 111e tub-
ers sbuu'd 1s• left on tom surface int
WIT •,tit fi.r one lir Twr tntrrs- t -n -al-
bow Omar-A:ins to harden and to-prm
hi r ata a and er trrrtltul wuelu'ileu l.11f Rhoot It t the etillittt4aiml l..keening of atl-
C •'Tlwy` (.•11 u* sowi'1 u , r
UU _ mote 11• r
• most of the Province. Farmers In- , 1ter[i ( ,.u:tt. __tickers '4uu,tld Iq•_ bit .!
! Afoul it earlalu magi.- ted till.' se•aw.0 nod 1h•41, lone• 1111 "e c•1•;field 111111 warned against pitehiug IMr
That, bendittf down Iva tnp. divies tient appearance. larger n.rewRe utitut.»-t foto baskets m route.. or
p'hrn•'er the olio hu. biddyu mines; new •(•dings ot.hay and clover was ,culptyin. basket. into 'strrel.. from
Whet• m
re• there aroue
Inactivity of the large bowel, or
colon, leaver poisons in the system
to cause serious and painful disease".
You can prevent and thoroughly
relieve this chronic form of consti-
pation by using
HI+"t Liter Pills
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all hours,
day or olgbt
rHONEB: Stere 121. Rea, 217
J. R. Wheeler
Postre Dtreeter and Itsabotmer
AU calls promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street, Goderlch
Walter Dalton
neon 8rtdwaie-
Oederlch Collegiate instl4ate
'-13510 West Warren Ave..
Telepi]one Oregon 8568
Hydro Electric
Quick, clean and
TileHydro store by Ihr bylaw. Aladdf■ lamp and a pair of lorzktndw. i mum by floe aptsuirtlnn mt •Imple. prc-
JI rR'rie taddrraa wax rraA by Mn. Isorne etantlnnary meaxnnw. 1'olatsa. In-
('olllrge Man (who had Como to work WMtIIs and t jpreseatstlnn made by tended f••r ..hlpm.4ii or sdnragr .(nada
Ila 1ha ha
Mt'. only one r• Mesar.. Wallai4 Miller an* Stpnk7 rte dng 'alt when !M'y sec Mllr ma-
Square Coderi' kilovolt to make. . Todd. ' Mr.' lintels made a fitting re- turd. To insure w ml a:mnm me
9 hrrtlt'r---WiMb is flat? ply, after which gamem ane! eontemteieehanh•ai defects, chit digger •1 Id its
Conroe Mae—Please let 010 stay le were enjoyed. • A ww•lal ,roar dialog run at a mndera'e ppeed and th' print
:bed long enough for the main ..dIwo: whteh Jnneb was eervee! brought aIdeep_enatgh so Mel ■ •nllicklnt pips,
ie1it t••-Aka doge, - moo► eon rooves ober-the dd••vetor to acj
wise shaken up.
On eaturday morning, 1k•tutter 34th
at St. Peter's church, IIrysdale, Ceci-
lia lhe•harme. daughter t.f Mr. and
Mr.. Wm. ti.,.harmr, of tie itlue Wa-
It .(nods raw t
The death Occurred soddenly 111
'I'urkerswNh mu Weloctttt.y afternoon
of last week of ,torus' Wankel, %%W1 -
known re•.IAent of Harpt.rhe•yi in his
•etenty-sixth year. MrWankel .tvas
visiting for the any at the honw mt
his son Greeleywhen h.• suffered a
heart attack and diel .Immwliately.
Ikseas.: ass born Jr -Senora.... lir-
aftle•s bl. wife. two sot and ,4
dinghies. survive.atk
A ReallDram .
A dream kick from a run was Hot.
r•ulls(IC for in age! F7xeter lady and
Ate b. now eufferin.e from it broken
rib and bruises. Dreaming that she
was again rifting at a milking stool
and that the taw wax in the act of
klcklpghrr. Mr* John Pedlar. of FSee-
ter, aged e R ty• our Yrit ter at-
tempting to at -old Nw Impact. fell out
-ut bed rarly 'one tuurning taut week
and fractured a illi ant? was other-
Sciirniai( to ahpw.the Ieaa respect."
This versatile 'lent elso extends
it. '.Inagua to 11e famous \'witch- ,
isazcF of tom. pharmacy. -
ludfan tubaev. perhaps the (east
attractive of the usually beautiful
lobelias, may also contloue to bIW1u
In November. It is readily idents -
tied by Ihr tory stout! fingers and in-
tlaled steel-te,•tel..
Thi name might hr yr arisen either
from tbt• lsr•uliar. Ioban. -like 'c•eusa- l
lieu imparted to the tonne and stop- I
ach ou .-hewing the- haves, or from ,
the fact that the Indian. often smoked I
tier dried leaves to protium the!
4i iigg ( t•Ttert--.,f
The lu+ane root
That takes the reason pr. •
•o I»sdtt i11Jur.d by tie•- drumchl iu
Central mid Western that it
Was ploughed up. Old 11,- rewuluiIIl
acreage 111 this sect al•l oucli ;lint
ly beim-find by recent rein., is ver,*
spotty . and Ponoidi•rablt' bn•Iuw att•rllge•
hs iipp•aranim. Ut p:as:eru Ontario
the acreage of new ,'.re'ittr.- Is *lou:
normal and with pls•uty of rainfall all
%•axon Stands are in go tit simie. Fall
ptougl.i 1g hai, been tl ler futur-
able eon tit imus there.
Sell TeuitIng Service
Through the.suurt,•-y '•f the Ore
Indo Agritultgru! College, farmers
may bring samples of 11th soils to
e L' _thi1. year, And
have tlwul tested free of charge. A
However. It has mom( use In tier Iulde.•.. ,... •
end potash requirements of their soli
extract of the dried leaves as a cure . will COMM.` the farmers to •pnrcb"se•
for asthma.eta it fertilizer requirements(pitn mem
Many people duulAle'+. Soils ngtur?erosible and eonomleal basis. -
ally ronrlude that the w•inteer manilla' This is only mne of aemet/"I feature•.
■r.' entirely devoid or botanical inter-manilla,
the• seed ilemerimrut at the t'rer
ter highway north M St. Juwwyl; "4 'rot. A few walkm in [he wuah how -'Imetal Winter Fair whl.h will hake
_unmarriage In trriage to Leonard Jeffrey, tart. ata prose that aueb Is nut the It of unusual intterest to former vlolt-
son of kir. and • Mrs. iawn Jeffrey. when
fur rurpate and fir trews . torn. 7'hc College will gimp hair. all
when lu 'ewer
one exlnhiexhibit' extreme later- oattracthr educational exhibit which
Make. Ito t. Father Marchand officiated.rat and beauty Loth or molt and
After the ceremony about eighty Rue' (I.. sound the latter In nlrin Words will imclude a display m[ some of the
partook of the wedding breakfast at "t g newer and more promising. varieties of
worth to write: a gntlu. •urh a. the Erfatn nal and the
the home of the bride's parents. The "At every Impulse o,[ the morint Xohnrb barley.
I young couple will resile In the Drys-
'Death of bear Jarrett
The death occurred um October
,'27th. at his home in -(Day township,
-near Kippes, .f Isaac Jarrott, otic 9t
the beat-!tnown men of that distrfet.
Mr. Jarrott wait born near Nilltigreen
leeventy•t+vo years ago, and spent all
his lite in vicinity. itealdoe con-
ducting hie arm, be bought grain for
Years at .the Klppen elevstor. Ile Is
survived by him wife aid two sons,
i)r. Jas. -T. Jarrott. of New York, and
and ore daughter. Miss Etta Jarrott,
. Robber Moa at Wigphas
• -Aclagtam Adrantx-Tlmt-s: tin Sat-
urday a tall. leen man. dr- d--Tofttwrr ( * .'..mhy dinner address delivered tach evening In lite
red, arrived In town drawing • wagon in honor of the tatter's mother. Mr.. arena of the fair. 1t 1•at now been
mad* of en old box, a couple of bl- L, on of letndeedioro, on the occasion. derided that the pulite speaking con -
cycle wheels and loaded• with him few of her birthday on Saturday. Mrs. brat w•111 1e conducted as a Complete
effects'. He la a Belgian war veteran Gailnt remained for a week')( visit. event on one etIrtain evening durintir
and makes hla living pmmdne from Mituwa M. (t. Ruthertor'I and Isobel the first week of the Fair. all the ad -
town to town doing a few stunt. and Millen .int the week -en.! In Evan- dresses to be denlverrd and .judged on
tricks. ' Him only companion now 1* .tun, IIL, as guests of 'Miss Florence that date In a ,uhtnbh• ien•atlu11 in the
his dog, ax hba fellow t•aveller that j141nurt. I fair bulidings. XotNii-allur tit 11*
warn here with him late year. a horse. T Friends and n.lghforx of the 9t11 ...islet .irate of Ihr contest will be made
has pawed on, a victim of the aero' (' •e•s+ion surprised the newly -writs, 'In due c•urn'.
weather of Xortbert, Unta•lo. He did Mrand Mrs. 'Fort ihlrui'. at their l Thls gd11he .peaking eq ...t is a
bits stunts In Intxhfield'r Implement hem.. on Wednesday ,'t-euing and pre- disllnct •fel►lure apart from. tier (i-.ual
whop. lket ttTd. TTni','tf nprt nd gels *meed thew with a' pair of wicket pruJ..•ta of the boa.; soul girls' farm
Into a lox twin feet opiate and he i+ chairs. , ' !tints.. and con,sgw•utly It has roglllm-
Iba) a rulriw•r man of soma, a, he• cnn I The 1•.1'.1'. utt ltutday vpnel with tions of is "at.. 'The e"nlest•int his ledrht nines .,•sen inehca.the Iowa's l'rlyer In unison, and the mina not be keel than eighteen yenrs
end tn•teh his arms. 4t uch ley 1 Scripture read by Cooler Ram- of age and must '11.d hare resorbed his
(hole umual bi'ngth.
Inge, The Bible chmrn.-tc'r, Zephnn- twenty •It's( Idrthduy on Not emis•r 1,
Ewales' Bylaw Approved
I hill, was tnke'n by Gordon Mith-r. 19:,1. A NO. nm *pub nwrntm'r who his
Ont rothpbalnt mf tr.we n.•fdents
the LIfi' of edanada," was prlvwl by :Nip ront.•at e,auln'tc:d by the Cana -
of [4xeter, against 11 propo.••d extem 1lanurme Miller, find the ...plc. "The dian t9,nncib of Rey.? unit girl!' Club
dlture of *10,11111 on a luta emmman- I %•peal-tlnlrse lute,',' for Nb'slon.•" Work Is eligible to compete. The
Ily hillding, which, ex!rndinln• had • by Dorothy. Mlle'••: Rev. Fir. Wright rntmtw•r if.',eonfe•tnnt•t 1s. limited to
h'en anthorlxcetl hp byltt baa•twl by I''•
rlu.ewl wltt(•r. one ,q»•u ter from each I'n.lhur•. F rel.
vole of the taxpayer., , nee.•ting t.t1 llallutw rn uncial.—Au pejoytllt!,• t•unte•tt,n,t wltl be give, n suitably
rho 1)ntarfo MunlCgal tinned was held , time wits spent nt the [inlluwerrii o,. en _rxveI ,m'dal. :1u0l a trophy, pre
j in `Flxeter to Int...Algal, Ihr ennui's e•h1l itnder'•tho au+pIts. of the Y 1':1'. ' t leled by the Royal Whtler. Fair, "w111
, Fh.Ricco W. D. Itanikts,_ftt'v. J. W.,.m Friday evcntnR• m.o. .r. of tile. he t1.ariied to the winuter of the eon-
and S. M. Sailers appeared j whitetto, relt so leij Nrre guest-. nod to -t.
before the lord and Maud that the pNscfded a pleasing Pn•atam, e. haat• 1 • • • .
Ing of motor by Ilett l'nlllmor• and
Injuries to rotate. ,
i:ar,c't Ferrier, a,_nead'nt fey' Aloofr ,•.w-i.le'rallie amount o(' the an•
l►ueton. liee.•roft and ■ pinn t-soln by near inetmiarnt in goo.! .eels weed
Miss May %I'IghMnnn- •, Prim., fur the 1 treatment.' and aprrying to redeem'
mavepnerede were awarded to J►tlmtbty !unsex d.1• to Mnnu 1lsuaw•+ 1. true
Miller toe fancy -dreams! Judy ; Wel- , to the fanner( of Eichorn Confide
Tare for ettnl,-dressed lady ;'due 1u rnrele.1. methenes of digging
term ('e1111mnre. Whiffebutch, for fan- and handling 111e potato rr.p. .-
1•y-dtesteel Rent; hick We.atherheadl Investigtltlnns bare shown tient Int
for eomic•-dressed gent; keen Wrlgrt16lnnrity of the ,.Dock, dirty teber-s
"'he* of the majority. Teller the 1 for tnmlc-dreswel girl: MarJory Pat` snit mc•han!t•al Injuries. oc•,-hot t'1'v
Municipal hoard eonroye•d IM died' den. Wbltechnri'h, for ei mle-dressed i torlehew digging. plt•kir*. .. handling.
soon In the fettles, to the effect that I toy. - 4, plesahng feature of the even- !eradiate' and- •.et,wing 't. - largely re-
PermlmalAn w*e Rnlnted for the crew InR SINS 'the pre•mentatloe to Mr. and jwp'nslbl•• for uhdw•tive tubers. and
bneese I With the en -operation of the• Ontarit.
The fir-rrtnt' murmurs with a sawlike font 4:rowers' Association a apeetal
sound." / ! display of commercial anti seed grader.
Hie comparison he a very apt one: !of turn will iw feature,], as well as
the t otaing,,slumbrous you'd of the' Information as t varieties. culture and
rwaitrcals very tsuggrative .- of the use. of 'hi. important
breaking of the surf on a dhtfaot -- _ -•- • • ---_
teach. And what a sight 1.. that I Heys* Speaking Contents
glittering fairyland when. to frosty I An alteration has been made In
days, tba' aua-- Salomonja.conno
1 v -the arrangt•mrntst ted with the
Bred toles! An attraction for the,put • (gem
lover of plant lite far 'surpassing that Royal Winter Fair open to boys who
of the sosthlog, slumbrous atmosphere are memin'rs of hogs' and girls' farm
of the filetldc. ' - clubs under the (d tadiun (bum•Il of
: and Girls' 1'luh work. The
11 e,.n.idert it- height. limply iear-
rel• •1 Id be tipped 11 101 the first few
Iyt.Let' of Inters i•nn•featlr roue -1 In-
t.. thew. 1101• %A 1111. careful detail
'stimuli' he giteu le hauling the Toole
't.. . from rte 114.141. Rough handling,,
I jummino and walking "u the ,load
sbunld tIot 1e• tolerate'... Prior 10!
I the w:Ir•huu'a' or ;tooter eel- ,
!bar .hula be thoroughly swept and j
! 11:411 sprayed with it volution of cop-
per sulphate. , !hiring the first few
works• of storage. the w•ar•Iruu+e' s1 Id !
be well aerated in order to Barry off
the exe-•sty.• nmouut of water from
styli-,tweeating fullers_ Tile bleat tem-
peratnre range' for pot::4, storage is
1e'tween 30F40 ijegr•e•a 1' The appll• I
- vatlaa of the principles contained in
this artleh- will du niut+ Gi fineure 1
good storage• printout aith a minimum
of storage tors.
S event as arrao
the 11311 Royal Winter Fair's slogan
"Youth ,u Agric•ult•rre," and at Qn4t
ST. HF.LFINS, Nov.:(. --Mr_ and Mrx 1 i*w ,taus..' to•-ba1T tet --leant
A re/111111a me "O bit- Home Missions In rornta•led. at the Itu>al Winger. Fair In
1 vote taken on the bylawdid not re
present the wisher of the people and
asked for another ante. • The rotund;
1. stoners asked If any rlteq*f,'r prep -
1 ant whn hsd tooted for the bytes;
wished to Chang.' hit rote but no vot-
I er resgmderl. 71 war shown that
1 the matter had revelvod tlwe publicity
and Sieve 1'ryde mild the village
sonnet! only ,Irslred to ckrry out the
Ition of the new bulldin* R• ptrlptw,rd Ars. N•ri JJvrnin of an end tabu•, as that throe may Is' rdumdto a mbitl
'1'r) mud tricture m
the life (hie woan
I1ed fns twenty Tears-- ghangbug her
ghees teteral Ilwt'm a day in a vain
;endeavor t.. obtain some relief from
the rbevlwull- {wins that were con-
atantty,troulding Mir- Thew 1
her joy when rhe tomtit that Kruu.e n
was drlvine away the rheumatism
This la what she writes: --
"1 have been a#ng Kru.che•ti Salta
for four years. i•'.'r 'meaty 'dant
d tsufferid wlth wy
feet, sometimes chatteiug • tuy
Ave times a day, and fr.que•utly sit-
ting without any tor the pain was ao
mat. -Now I can wet.r the same
pair of abues all day with iowfort. 1
cannot speak too highly of Kruschen
Kala. 1Inly those who had been In
constant pain with theta feet for years
can realise what It is IJ be tree."—
(Mrs.) E. A.
It 1a deposits of items uric acid,
lodging between the joints, which are
frequent.). the canoe of rheumatism.
Kruscben Salta contain two ingre-
dients—mullion and {otesslum—which
are effective 'solvents of uric arid.
How dues a dletator feel? Well,
you know how you feel when you Mt
on a euaLlon and honk for curb eer-
ylee.-1Dayton Journal.
Mother --' YOU_hall to discharge
that Berk for IneMeleneyf --- -
he cvnldsi't erne eon
a tan opener to a June bride!" '
The sturdy Preston Fertilatorboltaon
to the grain hopper of your old seed
drill andva you proper' placement
of the . r—down the spouts
with the grain 1 Sows any make of
fertilizer, From $39.00 to *44.00,
accordinngg to size. S l terms on
early bookingsforQ3-ingdelivery.
Write for complete information.
111.0 SEEM
7 h. line of Waite, ot"ippee.mnei WO" moat
reliable aid complete in Caned•. T1tir Lep or Ribaoll
motel rooting la durable. easy to apply fright over your
old roof) and Ines w. Bend rte• and rafter
merrur.menta for free root estimate. Premien *teat -
Trues Barna -leetr.•proef, weedier roof, rime -proof.
Moat popular company -bath brae in Canada.
Gmbh t!•vt4 Psysloo,Oriaga -
/.theirs elm.* -
CALL HOME ... on those
Sundays away
from Home!
JIM HOWARD looks forward to..
the weer -endo: --He likes to spend
them at home in the bosom of his
family. So, when a prolonged busi-
ness trip found him at loose ends
in a strange town that Sunday
morning,.his cup of sorrowand flit
content was oie'lowing.--until he
suddenly thought of Long Distane'e
and tbe new Low utrday Rates.
"It will be alrn' st as good as being' -
with them" thought Jim as he
briskly stepprfl to the telephone.
On book "Anyone" algid '.Person•t.
Persia" calla, Law Night Rates apply
after 7 p.m., and ALI. DAY SUNDAY.
.ti gitr.
' - Jte e'evmnm •
I+e .rsYaur.ailklsblt► _ .-_it.,c