The Signal, 1936-11-5, Page 523rd Mammoth Clearing Anniversary Sale NM NOV. 5, 6, 7 MI `I. PINAI'D'!l LILAC DE Ind TALCUM EKANI'E BRILLIANTINE. Keg. 23r fLW bottle, Ile CAlfl'OKIA -• DAY DREAM TAUT INt� 116r rfse .. STATIONERY BOXtJ'i BA('KRITE KIDNEY PILLS... Reg. 56r. Anniversary Special, 26e • .yt 66r HOT WATER BOTTL.KS t -year guarantee 3t'v M 1'OW% 2 -year guarantee %i • 21k 3 -year guarantee $1.29 .41 Pere WRITING PADS. Large. mar' um and small tit each LAVENDER SI1.11'IN(i CREAM Reg. 23r... Analwxaary Special. 177 CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE The Square Pilose 90 - - - --__ �'�•-_,....�,� THE SIGNAL -:: GODEKICH, ONT. Ladies Interested in Cooking School Mrs. H. It. Aitken -Gives Address and Demonstrations-- _ 40P Large Attendance• ,w MaeK,av 11x11 on Yri•'..y afternoon held If large and Itdorestwt audleuce tit ladieswho had gitthetwl to attend• the cMw4ing school a4NnMured by the Goderich branch of tie, Women's In- stitute and the Canada Starch Com - Mr (( M Aitken of Toronto cvwducted • jbe et• fool with eharwing rase' and gram. She was lntrodw•••d by Mrs. W F, H. Price, president of the Women's Institute, The stage was fitted up with -all. Vie furniture and furulahtnga of an up-to- date kin 1um. Cupboards convenient ly plurtd, electric ranges and polo and I pans of shiny brightness made it a place of joy in which to work. ' Mr. Aitken. throughout her de- monstration, added many useful hints t(i he followed In the achieving of vile - moo In .Its art of cooking.. Sbe In- troduced her lecture by telling of ber Interest In the story of the disc cotrery of salt in Godetich in 1868 and of Its use in the early days. She Ilktrl especially the friendly, neighbor- ly and -kindly feeling which prevaded the hall. tibe paid tribute to the TRI -LAX has relieved thousand.* of cut ferers tn.m Ntomat•h. Bowel. Liver and Kidney trouble. Till -LAX wilt " cleanse the -Blood and give ybu rellef- t;et the Combined Treatuy'nt at your Druggists. A. ,j! B. She each CA.MrBELII$ DRI•/: STnki. TRI-LAX1 ' Toronto. OM LIMITED 1,BISSET BROTHERS HONOR THEIR FATHER'S MEMORY - - -- •"rhe Independence of univerttities ought to he jealously'' 1.i -forded by scholars. and rail more by public opiu- (0n."-Lord Bishop of Durham: MPJ • PRE�NIIN� Bert Niosi AND HIS SWING BAND AT "DANCELAND" STRATFORD'S SMART BALLROOM TUESDAY, NOV. 10th Admission 15c Jitney Dancing TONY FARR'S BAND SATURDAY NIGHTS HEADQUARTERS -FOR--- FURNITURE • and PAINT AULCRArT PAiNTS are t• quality ad lar Hi prim Too will find eratrlatha .since In our stock of FL'RNiTURE sad STOVES We positively • save you mossy W. H. Blackstone Presentation te Renting Star Masstde Ledge An interesting and unique ceremony took plate at a meetly.. of Morning' work of Women's Institutes. 'E>fte S LodgeNs:4 k A.. E. and A., Y•� men's Ivor oaf the ..44he. Carlo*. oil Wednesday night u a wing of the welters building at the k h tl fire sun' of the late \ tt I Fxh+htloi by the t. Star . on f last told et the b I we•', w .•u 1e t'uua4lan - a ung • Samlod int r ry or master of Ontario Women's Institute and of Its the longi'• iu lodge or their n frather growth until now all tie Provinces {mescal.* MIN• lodge with junior and are represented there. Incidents in 4(11' 3 Nardrn etr(L. rxeeibea• her rave P trete tuterapt•nNrl in ber' the Manumit recut n the lath Mr. t _ y--so--__..,.dig that It sal iv, .f (:lint„._ 'Hisser. "On the Broadway of Goderich" LOOK AT YOUR LABEL ':h• Signal's malting' Ilsts were corrected this week aid su'tucrlh•ra are nqueatel to look at Uteri/Owl on the paper. Any errors slititilti be reported at once, w, that it therk•up way be made and, ally .4-rrurs ad- juated. To those still in arrears way we oak your kind attention lied lin _early remit tonce. Tice amount due Prow oily our sub- scriber may nut In• large, but when there are ht udr.de on our walling t1.+t it soon uu,uuts to a large aUw. Will you du your par? The anbserptk.a peke is $1.50 to Canadian addre:sen if paid it advanee. To United States ad- dresses it% and the same to all "subscribers 1f not paid lu ad- canee. par.--=--�► . Thursday. Novetaber Stb, .11111.4 Toronto Brokers Get Five Years (Continued from page II Barber, Seaforth : Henry !Nearer, Stephen township; I.. ti. Bryce. Turn- ls'try township: Chester rearm, Col - boric 14.wurhip: poll?• -d Vouch, • \\'Ingham: Memo. • Jackson. Mortis , township; Albert J. Kelly, Morris township, Alfred Knight Gray - tow lr ship; Willis MouIWin. llullett 1044'i- I ,hip: ltubcrt Nay. Bewick tywu+bk'; , IlV til. Taman, t:xeter; •Chas. ,Walton. 1iullctt township. -- •. I The grand jury-. after b1t lhiet in the second truebill on , Wednesday morning. wen•- i true 'u pyrrl bora- ship to inspect that jatl. hospital, !Children's Shelter and Ct.uuty Home. I BAYFIELD HAYFIELD, Nov. 4. Rev E. 1.1.- and r and Mrs. Paull, of -F:J'st Windsor, spent a few days with Mrs. Woods last week. Miss Lucy Woods returned with them. ()n Sunday afternoon Yr. and Mrs. Arthur Erwin and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Erwin and Mlas Ruble Fisher, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Fisher, Mark and George, jr., and Miriam- mid _Fisk L. 111._1T.►(1_err too, nide short visit 'alit' Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Very :ew summer visitor rewal in the village. The latest to leaei for home were Mr. and Mrs. Quarry, of Lotnlun, Mild Mrs -Massey and fam- Goderich ar a Arms int• 7aTLfe the blighter-- subs � sld6cl• w 11T--atrd ltrt.--�aa!eY.--ef Isw■doa. (Ivil Action Heard - While the jury was out Judge 'Jef- frey heard the civil action of Metal- lum vs. McFadat+an, atter dismissing the jury. Sara Jane McCallum, silty - seven -year-old spinster, s .tight rens- pence from the estate of her late broth- i ter Archibald. width. Wits 'It. Ilk IIVided among *even brothers and sisters, there being nu nliL The plaintiff claimed she had lived with her broth- er twenty-eight years and during that time he told her If rho rt mainwl with him lie would lease her bis all. The estate amounted to 8II,:41? in nal es- tate and personal property. Settlement Remelted lin Tln'sday er'.uing a- +tett lenient w•as arrived at out of court, liy which t-th _.4.-feattantu- Stwd ta_alluar,-tyre. plaintiff to retain the farm chattels and to pay 811x) of t1 plaintiff's costs TN. plaintiff. Sar••h Jane Hc•.I t'ttll um. released all .Ial'tas"against the ,stoic except her distributive .sharedin ;the proceeds of the esta:e Tin. wrs,ud civil jury cat+e- settle 1 out -of - iv tter, contend for the' a he mebodg hg .were week -end guests or Mrs, l:alyd- plaintiff- announced on Tuesth+v utter- . . (Oohing D'wnwtratlsn ner. 11e"n Th.• action watt nue in %birb - Maitland I Nlttt'• GtNleru'►.s of Which w_� +sevecrl WtyIlcld.lx sows ��+ \\'llnuuu Bisset i+ watlaer' The re- A 11141( lues 1111 III 1ak1u freln the ovei ites-tunk_-Mr;. Itincir at t ,Efts, Bas Rn navy In • began the demonstration of cooking. scat spent MuiiTsy Ti Isy•Quu. motor crash. were suint Wu.. Julio- our inin� .nus, all n.•11 kin •N 11 residents sou. of ISlyth, Cor cls nui :es :cul ex - of Getlt'rich and Sadtford Heights, and It ens baked a lovely golden brown The•du.t supper r�•rctrl ogler the uu- .,,,.c•L•rurstcNd with notes of piillapple spices of the Guild of '1'rinit�' Arneth IP"' t., II"' :uunnnt J' '''' "u. in • of wlai.r11 was Placed a' in the basement of the noNu hall on 7•he defend:tut ogress( to {Nay the1 cherry, It vera lamed and rolled. 7 to "elision t the, t `was a c1 -et w Morning Star bodge all n,a,.,. .........,, _- --- iu the cents ate t:orJ•.tt• •1nmcri.. L't{rf and K..1a•rt 111S set Friday eieuiuY. October :int b• ens 4i. iw• !,f Ow accident ar follows; ke was 11411011"A11411011"A:fairly well :uu•u,i.11 Tluc s�tpprr Nit...am! Airs. ('tins. I'd fve•rand dough 11 There was a largo at1cattanc,• trent a A1 teemccafe.c r with 1liritwl bu(p•r ' 'before baking.' ,uusi+tad of roast haw, vegetables' ter. Mande, 91t► -N: .\. F. Fetherston 11 were ItMilit Allyl ammo: those pies- 1'niwu 11, and syrup assists tlw yeast °, pickles, join..., situtd.• pit:. 1141 c:,ke•' and Mantle. •r, ttl.:'tal. 'rusts of t11r eta Nere William of of ?borne ttiwln'act1on nlsli will 1N• 11. !114 + fGo. :cud Alec. Young. of + • "erne Inwn. In ricin. and It Was advised W {Auer' of Nhich there ems a 1s,u,.t:fuf sorely. n . the two I11 w•hic•11 bread is alt in a- The supper was tollo4wt by a donee flout. obi octogenarians ttarlan* who Nere -meta- % too on for the ithantrwrl o� 1St 1 *ren- ters tit 1 ass 1 of hot Nater to wake tt rise 1n the MAI for whi.•h it good 1 umlNd , ole to $ 10 Reward uays Thursday, e Friday and Saturday NOVEMBER 5th, 6th and 7th SEE THE LARGE BILLS FOR COMPLETE DETAILS OF THIS BARGAIN EVENT 10% OFF ALL MERCHANDISE NOT ADVERTISED AT REDUCED PRIDE fe- EXTRA SPECIAL ! 200 Yards Linen Towelling 10 YARDS TO A CUSTOMER 1-411 Only121/c per yard la Children's Golf Stockings SIZES til_ to 1f) Clearing at 19c pair• REGENT YARN in 24 popular abodes. DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL. 2 for 25c F. E. HIBBERT TRE.SQUARE GODERICH •i- i'y .a. t{,"' involving "° `erase, i" vrhb b The Signal Leads the Way for Advertising and Job Printf \\'hittie►A Sellers onkel an accounting • s • ill tin• next 1 ng o e u.•w ac1 Itti8c I.U►\'U'S pit \"MI'1 A I,lettly manipulated the In.tr seer, of ID a -perfect albite- If a caste Is Id,u.len, were here over the Ne•kt•ud ••i[ the plaintiff is not rcadr pro- dese CUKN SALVE. a• This urs ewlce '- cvNs1 at that time be will he assessed desensitizes corns and erlluuse wit11,cornysta be added :u little IiNee at their y Paving.-Early F the curls tis the motion red the action the first sleekest►nu. ('all your drug :e'orn starch alley will Rite a Nee Highway raving• -Early this sum- w•111 tw it the mots hi the acttwl light even {tesla. Scissors in the kit- titerSau work was (bout ftn paving tyre' girt today slid order this WuNI►F:B ,,Ian are more useful than knives and Suub:e line. About fifty men were couase•1. tit were irllt t . Nh.wK. e�� o.'r Ii l wl number Nhu h 1 •, tae num• 'o in of 1 dough employed. •aaction t n w• 1.1 du d. t L All a FI'1. Stories . N may be used for cuttinz bread I c na{ y laboratories For sate at Campbell's I engaged In battling gravel to tbe'+,f moth, Pxw•utnr Af tin• ',tate of 1t�e or pastry for inlet. 'torte {gaiters In where it_ wits couched• - morons are ■ eunventence for bolding t(aatde comer, - Wm. Coombs asks thylt u crrnyeyanof •qn -tar mixed in. then c.uceyel some IN•twe•n W. 11. t.1+mlw and Vesta Morning Star 1A.11RP when the uu.rrr yu.rkly. WarUcnlar;6 to a ••old r • emained. Music ails furnished. ng Samuel Bisset was masu•r. ,the iha�t:rid cjfeht•stra. 1,_ • Thous. _ - . Auulve,sary wilts fruit ca►r and mi.., Iloilo and ryes. \Inlliu, e( !h be lo�•ph tuntMr trf itivlti, mux rr) _ Cur ,up e..ru or eat- aide crumb pie Looked wonderfully trait, motor* here lust Friday and 1444 , n.. un t tf f th fused by Ilia lordship. who adjourned Ions wove cannot 1g Nal, awl easily ninth, ns Mrs. Aitken are ,tying for a short time. be remoter be the .'*dents hr Mrs- c'hurrh4ar,l anti 1st U PHOLSTERING 01' EI ER1 DESCRIPTION -- ALSO ---- Chesterfields dad ('hairs made to your order. R E 1 D UTHZI aTEREX Hamilton Street - C..derleh ANNIVERSARY FOWL SUPPER IN KNOX CHURCH ON Tuesday, Nov.10,1936 5.30 to 8 p.m. ,ADMISSION 50c and 25c The New Models IM11M111: for liCt7 presents three great lines of ears the IN)I)4.I NIX -the D(IM)E Dei,1:XE $IX -the i)(NMit. ('1'ST(►M SIX. Andthem a DODGE GE In the loweret price performance., These new Features K that OE Cara net new standards In beauty and pe have made I►OiXIE famous-liydranlic Brakes, Nafet$-$tial Body. Alrglide Ride. Floating Power, have been retitled to give you the beat ride you've ever had. Ydu'll want to PPP se tthe new anew imlre 1.4 thenew Cars --greater roomineat. stylish ••aptnl eomfprt tin he sure and see the 711Wf DODGE ('AKt( today at REG: McGEE' S DODGE AND DESOTO SALES • Iter our Dollar Day Special in fitted Cars. Several lute model rip also some priced from 66n.(NI to $1511.00.PHONE 379 HAMILTON STREET eggs. duster. eft - ,_ Other useful hints Were. One tint Caw' utiles, where It am spread and Coombs. of Blyth. be set aside, 'Meg - drop of glycerine dropped in the white oiled, taking it durable road. Fearing bur it was made to defeat creditors, of egg or cream will promote whir unfa-vorable weather alas.t twenty-five wax ndjonrneNl until the next sitting ping. It an egg Ia stiffly ua•nten 1t more mea were engaged to hn+1434 of the Supreme Court. will fiat tall nut if the bowl is turned completion of the work. About '4,000 Avow to purchase Fars • upside down. the tablesporn 01 tori feet remains to be dont • regniriug 1 The third settlement ;n the dell • aro of weather. list of seven ems s was revealed when starch. Bra egg and one tablespoon alsnut Lice days of good Crown linin* syrup w'll' makg u per- --- I the Stevenson 4444. Nteven=nn tante war i w' tett mrriague. Pie tia;te should ire. AUBURN called. The defendant, James Ntev-, left a little hlle before rolling. In- -F011.-F011.(;ter. agreed -to'pitn•has i take Iwk!nR• slit our overt starch and tt'Itl'iRN. Nov- :t. -Ml - r. leek Ben -,the farm on whlrtk.b4 is living. which I baking pw rwder many times, using a nett left last week for Sudbury, where ;formerly was owned by ' hin r.eear Meer plate for returning It each time Inc, will spend the %%Inter. ,The plaintiffs. John Stevenann, of to the'Otter. l' r M I Sturdy. Mr' and Mrs. Grey township, and Joseph Bewley, of , Wsssen's Wert Is Easy! Harry Sturdy. Mrs. bear anti Mr. Morris township. executors of the A }'renrh-Canadian boy at Sudbury Ephraim 1ta11 spent the weekend at imitate of John Stevcneon. sr.. sought 1 offered to stir the mixture for seven- Chatham visiting their Prettier, fes, I M oust the oceipant tram the farm minute lying for Mrs. Aitken. After ;mines hall. I In order that the estate- might be -_ sweating over the beating the boy on firs. Roy Merriam. • i G,xlerleh, shared op. iwlnR relieved exclaimed: "1iVhee!ilr )afat the hoar of lei tether, Mr. Mrs. Wilfred (Graham. who 1. llvtug 1 ► lA-- krart, one day las' w'e•k. 'In Awhtielg township with her only • says that women's work Is easy 41 - well -he I+ ,gnat (no-one:" Young brides were *ticked when they were flustered and late with din- ner "to get the tablecloth and cutlery on the table and your husbands will think dinner M almost reddi." The lecturer told of Ler visit Yo and Will infantilism. New York at Easter "to get new at- Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Straughan and • .lair to Mr and firs. Wtli 4ltratiabaa attended_ the Major itowet amateur the wedditig or rnevr-atr :` a delightful dinner hour spent with "ga-r-et Williams, of Goderich township. the famous producer. Her visit to dart Saturday. the BwTillToll'Army-service -_w t- , was attended by the unemployed she ham, were the guests of Mr.}1hd Mrs. described as Impressive and pathetic. Wm. J. Dohle last Sunday. tc City's boardwalk she thought Mr' and Mrs. Sellery and i illdren'- Miss Ruth Thacker, of Tceswater, ( child. was granted a d corms del' r{wnt Sendai with her friend. Miss , aid and custody of the child. She iternice Lawson. I had not been living with 14'r hnrtwsd. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mayhew, of i Wilfred Grabam of Goderleh. for Thameat'ille. eirlted a few days this 1 some yeut. The article was not dw- week wl'h her brothers. Meson'. Chas. 1 fended. ',terribly disappointing. ' There were 1 very f_ew *yart- costume. and most of these wcre:Nrorn by mannequins "who rent a bot ifor a day to dance atten- 1 dance on the'ln:" -Mrs, A:tken paid Rlipwitlg tribute to the firm she represents and to their great loyalty to their employees dur- Ina Ilap iTpplardon, A delicious vegetable plate was pre- ,pared onto art ureatoes-NOIR'1 sheet. Mile o1 ' c ontaiflt'd t them rolled in pnrsle! •glaawl cnr- rots. anil eauliflnwc•r in 41 a centre. Pocahontas-(]" g4Lt 5tove) SOREENED AND FORERD ' Per ton $1leOD f�tiwh..� SAME COAL SHOVELLED ... r:` • • •Per ton pox tlhflf4 ►Oil ■s1 ■ A C -NUT SIZE ONLY.. • „Per Lou $930 ALBERTA COAL >l• It" PE. t l $11.00 (Altl, PRICES QITOTEi ROASH ON i)1 Li\ERY ) .. MOLD BY The Dean Coal Company ALBERT S'T'REET PHONE 95-W Prises Wen Everyone attending the school re- tnlved Oster, o. by Mrs, l►ster, of Itllth, district pre i lwome+ of Mr. and firs. Barry Itctirlle ,dent of Women's instltittes. and_ II:e anti Mr. and Mrs. John Doerr Intl; I holders were the recipients of either 'week. a -t•n11 tit Crown Grand or Lily White 11 The ItT.1'.1•. ll.110 a r' rraetal sus Isyrup. Mnaola. or a irnekage of Ileo- ' hell' at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. eon's torn starch. Then the remain, 1Enrl McKnight. Carlow. -last ,Fd hy. ling tickets were drown for the articles night. A good time wa'• enjoy 1 of focal 141111.011M *1141111 the after- I a11. imon' anfl were won: the ham, by Miss M. Wolf. of Strnthroy.'ylstltd Mb' - flcciii -]tePhee. of Nile; coffee at the home of lir. Welt on Sunday. hake, by Mrs- J. tiuwman • fruit 'like Mrs Charles Beadle passed away l'he'e were drawn of Exeter. visited her parents. Mr. an Mrs. Ilel"r• c. Marler. last week. Mrs- James Straughan. of (oderIch, Is clotting her daughter, Mrs. O. Mc- Brfen. this week. Mrs. 'ihnmar Andrrro•l .spent the week -end with her Mee,. Mrs. Johb Houston. Mr. Ntnnley McNalI took part In the y Write tow king contest last Saturday nt Clintoef Ile won first place and now Roet 1.0 Guelph nn Thursday to compete In the inner -county competi- tion. Mist Amos, of Parkhill, is visiting" her sister, Mrs. Thomas Wilson. faun, daughters arrived at the MacKAY HALL A TALENTED CAST tN' 19 PLAYERS FROM The -London -Little TtheatTe N'I1.1, ('RESENTonninrovininesanni -_ rout Page" BY SEN HECHT and CHAS. MCARTHUR A fast- vier( drama of Metropolitan newspaper life. l-w.trtrayed L� .. w i •h (►' TIIN: 1A/R1)ItES.SILO' 1i TROPIIY ,L in Ottawa, last Winter. VINCENT PERRY, DIRECTOR AUSPICES THE MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER, I. 0. D. E. Friday, November 13th 8.15 p.m. Admission 50c sawasawastes IESSIEMESTS m*wam sats . i 1- L ANS plate by Mrs J 1'. Ctttrson Mrs. E. 1►. Brown: pit. by Good ; sliver cake plate, 'hill. Cambria road. 'motel on The rescue" used were •p, elreilars. and it wet east for the an= thence to follow each step taken. Mrs. Aitken Is a plestsing and demonstrator. She has fravelled extensively. having. as G* reprwten- tative of the Federal Department of \arii•nttnre. tilted the British HAP, the Nordic countries, France and Italy. She Is the mother of two charming girls. Anne and Mary. "the pride of my heart." - Ste h deeply (Interested in her work, but the high- ' 111111 of 11 all h meeting women -all of wham she loves. atm nays`. Mitt Elisabeth i uradln, and - Mrs. Bk. of Toronto, ' 1• vein tat 1. ,.. Inge-J►umc f•ar1) Torsolay morning. pyre, by �r:: and -Ivor.f peer watT lam Ty. oi... Mrs. Rob- ert Fxeter visited her sister, Mrs, \\'. Icy flry•. licNxl over, the creek -end Ile �� A l)angroui+ - H ween •-. As. a result of n .mise4lc Vons Hap.' low4en prank on Saturday night, a1 new floor is (wing putt In M.N. No. 1n, East Wnwann•h. A hunch of Isnt entered the Irchoo1 and fllltsl• the Move with wood- anti pot the teach• er'e desk on top. As '1 few tools had'remitIWd hidden In the stove, thej teacher's desk w•a2 hunted and also 11 large hole In the floor wh••re the afore (dropped down, lwfore the flamer were 1 ' by a nrightsir. The teacher ...to Finance Home Improvements �Under the provisions of the Dominion Reusing jPlan, The Royal Bank of Canada is prepared to is aeeaNV esedeadV-- _ make loans up to $2,000 to responsible bane :bdpept'pt. d pad sella bis to finance home repairs and improvements. Secwit'y is not required, but borrowers must ,r be home owners of good credit standing, who oan prove their ability to repay their loans in the stipulated period. Loans granted under this Plan can be used only for improvements, extensions or repairs to dwellings.. including duplexes, small apartment houses and farm homes. Repayment may be made by monthly installments, if desired, over any period up to three years. Interested parties are invited to discwa such Mans with the manager of any branch Af The Royal Bank of Canada. Ask for interesting erpktnalory booklet. ens. rhes tri par eel d dissent trete .ouch eon be tretre.e+} lip to $2,000. (;en the memory he relaid in M- .t.a.rsentaf - - Ywr-nan.thly it theirede.ar they period up M. Wee year. /Ilii Is the rote} mitt -row lose. i Sf blediein w f d .rontrly IestaR- rep.1•W" in eau rites „NaroPortrieri WNW ter Whet ton the r.tgrwy 6e used feet ', Rty.int sod .tension.: readyy 44rwlernieetion of kitchens. ptu•el.• Ind end Mating omtMntztt thud adore property end add to its solos �-Muet benou'er nom 1M►repe.tr} Ys ('caw ten• her d for lespreee- rtawt. le tretsne N pre4wlene? lin ,.rl to private dwellings. in- 4,.diM t1.pl.uu, smell .44.+444.., 1rr.w tad t.rn. h.r4.5 e , fir THE ROYAL BANK l Mo?erM er, MIst ilernlde Lawton, suffered in- estlm lblr loss. ns all her books were !! t OVER S O O R R A N C H t S 1 N CANADA bnrul. s 1 • • TIM Nlkptti to January (st, 111.14, ' t ' - for 1:1.110, to nen suharrilart. • fi