The Signal, 1936-11-5, Page 3II ts -.•..- ASSISTANCE Here la one of the ludo ways 111 which The Signal renders v,tlnalde aseis- tamer to 1ts readers. AA atsnit our Club Subscriptions with leading tinily papers, also popular magazine'. Substantial Savings .Are .3ssurtd %toe Iona CONFIDENCE If one could always be sure of ultimate results, the uncertainties of Job Printing would be eliminated. Practical expert eller suggests placing your confidence in Tbr Sigual. -Repeat Orders Met4t ('ansidrration qleesteMIIIMINIIMMIA MS SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publisbe J. W. Craigie INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Get Our Automobile Rates Phone 24 Ooderich The 0. F. Carey Col Fire, Accidel t sad Motor Car INSURANCE Representative London Life insurance Co. Office:—Masonic Temple, West Street, Goderich Nelsen MIL Manager. 'Phone 230 Gene William: & Son DOMINION. PROVEN' and MiUNiCIPAL BONDS 1Flre, wackiest, Automobile and General Insurance AL___- OFFICE. NEXT TO BANK OF COMMERCE _'- Phase 53 Geierki Use The Sigaare Classified Colomoa FIN Sale at Port Albert Nlesb Weeded Cottage Lots HYDRO CONNECTION —Alb Houses in Town— AUTO, ACCIDENT sad FIRE LNSURANCE W. J. POWELL PHONE 292 GODERICH iF iT'S Plumbing, Heating —i)R— Eavestroughing WE [IAVE IT Repairs for all makes of stoves or furnaces GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1936 iocesan Meeting Women's Auxiliary Over Two Hundred Delegates Assemble at Bt. George's Church Here The seml-annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Huron, held at tit. George's Anglican church on Thursday last, was attended bymore than two hundred delegates. In Huron Diocese and receipts to daft were 07,501.83. A plea for help with Western relief was forwarded by Mrs. Schulte, of Loudon, Dorcas secretary. The reaolutlon committee advanced one resoiution, thanking Bishop - ger, Rev. Mr. Calder and wardens, the ladles) of the Deanery, and the choir, for the part played In tte day's pro- gram, and also thanking the board of managers of North street United church, where dinner and supper Were served. The meeting wan broe:(tbL3u_a elawv w'th proper by Mrs. Bice. ('OMLNG TO THE 'REUNION 1 New York Notes ky e'. If. - 1 looked over >1'orl.1's Fair $IW the other day—the Fair that is to commeworele the 1.710th auultersaiy of the ivaugaratlou ut George Wash- ington Iu this city. It will open on April 30, 1939. Some facts and fig- ures have Just been (sues( by the mau- agente t. We hear tl:tt4--{133,Wu,000 Too Many Raffles, Says Magistrate 'lrui'nTferry Farmhouse Raided Be. ism the Pay-off—Canes at • Weekly Court l'relituivary bearing watt waived by lthinelart Keller, Exeter young non, when be appeared before Magistrate is ly be expended; 10,000 full-grown J. Meklns on Thursday last facing trees pLlutetl, lagoons wade, canals u ebtarge of having carnal knowledge built, and a seaplane lauding end of jet d r the a of fourteen The a g andel_ The morning erasion opened with tbe lm -w. laid out at the Long "1' 7 d end of It—all lu the Mfr. P. J. Ryan, of 13etveN.: ship anchorage note to the editor soya:ase island Soup years. lie elected Wal by judge tad celebration of holy communion. to 'rhe Signal that }cull are going to have grand urtuner. Then, when the great jury and was committed foi-trial at Fair Is dusted, the 1.300acre site it to the next court of competent jurtad(N be a permanent park, of beautiful tion. Application for bail was made groves and gardens. It tR•[orr Judge J. IL KRlotad, and_bail The site, as is, is a swamp - appears as if -it had Ix•. u a sWawp was set at 02,000, sincethis picturesque Long Island ••l Juet raffled the geese for the was formed by the movement of ght warket .mice," aid -Cletus Iteddinger, eters, ages ago. 1t way always a kind Turnberry township farmer, after Prompt service and reesonabill - retae. —John Pinder limo 127 T. O. Box 1111 West Street ELEL-ERIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of ell kinds Estimates gives ea apace which Right Rey. C. A. Seager, Bishop of Hurot., was assleted by Rev. A. C. Calder, rector of St. George's; Rev. ('anon Appleyard, of Seaforth ; e'en. Archdeacon Joues-Batemsn, of Coder- Wit; oder- kh; Mural Dean E. L. Roberts, of Wingham, and Rev. W G. Bugler, of Ilaylleld. 'There wart 203 communl- eaat&.---.The musical puny of the ser- vice wits reudered by a lull choir under the direction of A. W .*Auderton. Men—A—. A. Bier, president of. the W. A. of Huron Diocese, presided at a business& meeting after the eum- munion, and Mrs. Appleyurd, of Sea - forth: president of the W.A. of llur- on Deanery, graciously welcomed the delegates to the meetlnC2 Mfrs• ark - eon, ut SL Tbomaa,. responded. Brief reports were an*: . b1 IBS secretaries of the various departmeota, and It was notable that 4:11 weteofail encouraging nature. A resolutions committee, composed of Miss Mcton- deR, Galt, Mrs. Hardy, Sarnia, and Mrs. Hewitt, Berrie, leas named before the end of the morning a.•sslon. FRANK McARTHUR • ,Telephone 82 - Goderich Bishop Sweep Address Bishop Seager conducted devotional church, Detroit, at 10 oclock in the exercise./ at theS o'f thesea [flet morning of October 34.- Father Wil- nutrn then session and then addressed Abe Ilam D. Hennlgen performed the eere- gathering briefly but forcefully, re- 'mony• The bride was gowned in white luring to present conditions and needs etre lace over satin, made on prize of the church.• is to cess lines, with a Queen Anne collar, 'Our primary duty,- be said, sleeves puffed at the shoulders and see that our foundations are made ending In points at the wrist, and a stronger, that lir may be better able medium train. }ter 'tlng4rtip length to furtherr the m[sslou work ,of the I cell fell from a Juliet cap and her church which Is the very' ette°ie offlowers were gardenias surrounded by Christianity. The main emphasis of I lilies of the valley. Veronica Ryan, the church must be the strengtheninglccniy slater t American lordship sltjd the c alta ,one Beauty velvet and she wore a match- barn reached in the church, one watch- ] Het cap. Her Aokera were, 3i0 an Old Home Week in 1937. I hope to be able to attend and .se all my old friends." • Web to looking for you, 1'. J. HURON OW) BOYS' ANNUAL The thirty-seventh aupual meeting of the Huron old Iloys' ,Association nLTorontu-will be held in the -Central r Y. M. C. A., 40 Oollege" st ee-i; 'Fo7oa= to, on Thursday. November 12th, at s:i& p m- Election of oflleers well take place and the enter'ainment will include euchre and bridge. All Iluronitee in Toronto will be made welcome. CUSHING—RYAN Ferman -Mary Patricia D Ryan, 'Laughter - of ofMGoderich, and nowJ. Ryresidtng aely on Drexel Boulevard South. Detroit, was married to Dr. Russell G. Cushing, son of William J. Cushing, of Fisher avenue, In Saint Martin_ of Tour's _jeyesure to Abe ➢et1F7t1- who live hi Forest Hills, Kew Gardens, Flushing 1 pleading guikj To a cLZrgar ir-opPrat- and other adjoining suburbs. A me- iug a common gaming house. Redding- anderlag taut -water creek :one through er's ruffle was le full swing op Octu- its waste urbullruabes 51171 •mcadoN' ls•r 13 when the polka walked in at grass; and slimy mud nate tl)' ua ice bound the northern end at ;Flushing his farm. Among the -thirty- men Bay. An mob dump, as high as ninety playing curds fur the fowl were -num - feet in plates. Alla a get pjateau at aeons prowidt•nt W Ingham boatmen men. Tlta_.-:'•fount-lui'___.eige.. Lot the Car end, The ashes am>-dryxir- bage of thirty ye<ri' accumulation are Taow-0etug btntedtwey day and. -aught by hundreds of trucks to make till for the oozy ground—some 7,000,000 cubic 'feet of ground work. So what bad been it no-ma°'teland is now going through the early stages to the making of what Its promoters claim will be served lila Worship. -Probably the the greatest exposition ever held. ) fact that this Man has been convicted Irellece the forecast is a true one. In of the offence will have tte desired ef- daytime great dredger with long der feet. Suspended twntru,r on payment rick booms gorge out the ooze of the of costs or thirty days. The costa are Hats to make lagoons. the dredgers fj31.116?. carefully saving the bluk mud for I didn't hold tbe raffle to make top soil, while tbe trucks take their money," said Reddinger. •'1'11 serve 1peds from chugging lancdesli, vvelroa d go tearing along their ds to the places where till is ueede ' At tall night high-powered lamp. standards light this weird place. This World's Fair site is some three miles long, and a mile wide at the widest point where the largest group G. Thovpsmr road superintendent of buildings is to be erected. • At one Int where space was needed, about pleaded nut pt11tJ at, ' ► - bowies bare -been tat had ni torn down. On each side of the charge of failing to erect a barricade( last three that must and would be met. in the American Beauty and "'bite runes. Pat hollow, except at she northern nttct warning lights at an excavation a minor auto smash, asked for leniency fears the htcome of the 'James J. Ryan. brother of the bride, gr in for rued, changed his Mea and paid for the boy. Society of the Church of w s the best man, and William C. end where Flushing Creek menta Lung ere are !ranks seven- a tine of d. and ousts. Ile explained "He didn't have enough money for he iF9Uer told him a of the bride, was her at - of the home Daae." trndanf. Her gown was o Ht prosecuted. t "The oojike errir,Ld &fore there was any pay-off," said town - Attorney. Holmes. Katles Tee Cu.m a "Raffles are getting altogether too common throughout the country." our EIGHTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 43 If Values Count here they are for week 6th to 13th November LYDIA E. PINHHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND 98c CYSTIC( 71e ani $U. VICK'S .VAPO. CHASES KIDNEY LIVER (PILLS SAL HF.P VT1('A Medium. Regular 70e. far See lee WS'rERINE Large 79e NORW)LIAN ('OD LIVER OIL lel-es. belde_t e KLEENEX l0e FACE ELLE '!!e ('.1eSTORI.A Small 21ie l'Oi 4, ATE'S TOOTI1 PASTE, 11 JERGEN'M HAND Small 23e Lille 4Se BABY'S OWN TABLETS. 23e ITALIAN BALM 29e EX -LAX 13e, 33e 1 CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS 23e ('OM -MON SENSE KAT POISON Zee FINE 8T'A'TWNERY Alamo LisaT Pad I and Plug. Envelopes 23e — BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE — Campbell's Dunlop's Lauder's Wigle': Drugstore Drugstore Drugstore Drugstore titration, but the man bad-7Trise}t at the scene ten minutes, aftell--an 7sccY• dent had occurred. - - Constable John Pease, of iy6eld. the time. I maid a car had plunged Into the four - Harold Nixdorf, Colborne township I foot bole in the road. youth who made restitution to two A sear orth youth who fled to Mod - victims of bit admitted thefts, escaped I treat to escape a court appearance re - a thirty -day jail term alternative by turned recently and appeared before paying court costs of $4. ' Magistrate Makins to plead guilty to Changes Plea I a charge of driving a car without on a proper permit. the Blue Water highway who pre- Provincial Traffic Officer J. W.. (7a1 - lender. who laid the charge atter top Soothe- Slid Wagebis. -([ili-t* sixty-day, gftyaeat permit would early- __ him over," said tbe Aver. llrntetxewar suspreded on payment of costs. Another adjournment ut two weeks was grautetl in the charge of illegally keeping liquor for sale. preferred against Duff Ileneteau, of Clinton. Wilbert Lockwood, of Clinton, was remanded a week under bond of $501 on a charge of selling liquor to minors. EVERY AUTO OWNER A KING -The automobile husiness•found the ptlarmattrhatned to his own dooryard, with no horizon but the border of bps own Rttle hamlet ; and 1t has made him the monarch of time and distance. -- Bruce Barton. M1,tionary a Island Sound. tis baIfEngland in Canada had shrunk to Chrlstensc•n and Norman A. Ryan, an - nee feet high. On' the west aide he had hired a men to patrol the ex -a license and t balf-a-million, of which the Diocese of uttier br•ther, were ushr's. For her Huron contributed 0.10,000. The cost Kew Gardens and Forest llfllx crown - overseas missions had daughter's* wedding, Mfrs. Ryan wore the Intl dens boundary and farther north, increased. ofn mased. lnR a royal blue velvet gown and a black ithe h the land is lower, the populous Sncn asecl, producing serious results. fl However, Dr. Stager congratulated the W.A. on its cr•ntinued •efforts in fur The wedding breakfast, after the warding the work of tis^ church- ceremony, was held at the Whittier The oldest member present. )ire. hotel. The table was decorated with Johnston, of Clinton, aged eighty-eight, eight' fall Hewers and the -weeding cake was weitvsmPd by the pre stdent. Mlrs• j formed a beautiful tentrcple(e. A re- hire. 1 ceptian at the home of the bride's Mission Week in Japan I parents followed. velvet hat trimmed with blue overs. suburb oftbruna is situated. On the Her flowers were gardenias. least side golf courses, cemeteries and the town of Flushing mark the bound- ary• The new Triburrugh Parkway skirts the bottom of the bin to the west. It is already- landscaped on the hill side, with grass plots and trees. So the general setting of the f the Fair is already in good After Interesting repoNs of the' When Dr. and Mrs. Cushitic left for " meeting of.the Dominion Board of the , their two weeks' wedding trip through order and worthy to frame such a W.A..held at VletoNIa, were given by the East, Yrs. Cushing wore a black Mall setting as the Fliir will surely delegates, from Guelph, Sim"' andIvelvet snit, ,a black antelope hat aRortl• This Tritx)rough Parkway. atter London, a 'highly informdtive address l and watrains accessories. skirting the Fair site, runs to fuer was given by Miss Iretfe Isaacs, for i On their return from he trip. is. Bland Sc,und, through t`r suburb of !fifteen yearn missionary 1n Japan. sod Mus toughing will ore in the Cho-II/eland API Olin and up and on to the new !She told of her work In (he Dist, of peau Frontenae. I T►Itxria it lirldge-a graceful new the people and their ha!Tts. of the I The 'bride is rememberw! to t{,udeN structure that spans the turbulent, Western influence witheregard to com- I ich as a charming young girl; and 4wldylnr waters of Hell Gate -and on fortable, free clothing and sanitary , Hinny friends here waft her - theiy to a great exit n that rant one way The country has its dark hearty geed wishes. to Maubatten and another way to the omes. dlaeala :aide 17Stl riff; "[ter•- poverey"Md'° are prevalent and hoopita _lona cannot hope to ropewlth all the sick - -The teal hbnga of ;egos are needed !heel•,•-' she eald, "Women are lead- ing in the fight for motbeT1F alto awes aes And .fight licensed prostita- tion." Miss Isaii'1 urged that those back home share theft hleasing' and El :le a share on the pre erred sloe help Idose tem fortunate to enjoy the • While volume of sales halt not iW beauties of life and clean. living• Icrcased materially in the. flour mllllp The Pledge Fund trade, Improved prices Piave allow( Mrs. McBurney. of Walkerton. gave the companies a slightly wider m a paper on tbe Pledge Fund, which gin of profit. This development began in 11(00 when a sum of money curred rather late in the 11)3.1-30 ye was pledged for the support of a mus- so that it 1s believedfurther lmp-rl o sionary. A disc•ussio° on the fund ment may le po. ) le was led by Mra. H. M. Monteith, of even with only a modest tncreasel, Clinton. Speaking on "Problems of Pledges,' Mrs. ilattereea, of Windsor, advised the Mtrnluetion of the enyelOhe sys- tem In every branch. The W.A. apportionment Is Ex.AtU tisrmyr-----ese—kiv& W. C. F:M. REPORT •trough Midge was to permit auto - elle •..M.' fe enter New York, and Imgras far Year vement to Earning lintthein1, temp Island. from the mo Boded July 31st north and avoid the congestion of onto Oct. 31.—Westernimp Cana New York.I mention this Tribor- Fl In earnings r luta a 1 retorts d dror ly ough 1'arkwiiy because 1i leads xo dl- 1n 6but in tete year ended July 31i rec•tly and . comfortably to Long Is- land but profits amount Pd to on ) land and the Fair site, without the ordeal of going through crowded Manhattan. 1f a Goderich visitor i ow should come to Long island now be could drive through beautiful parkways from a taint many miler north of New York and on to his des- tination, with ease, instead of, as he 7 did on 9 former visit. travel under a Brooklyn elevated railroad for twenty- eight miler, twoSmart Shoes For this Boys'and_Girls who are now attending the~Fall term at school deft siert* tie grated volts* in good, reliable Footwear are NO starless that Era away Ninw the present manufacturers' pries& Fo twelr of all Styles in Oxfords, Strap Slippers TRNNiS ANi) GIIIINA811 M NHOFA ARE HERE FOR ALL THAT RF,QI IRE THEM ('*11 and Impart our stark and kg os *bow yes the wonderful vitiate we ere stein GEO. MacVICAR The Pre»l Shot Man GODiRICH. ONT'AR1O Nang SIDE OF SWAM volume. The Company this year set u>f Pneumatic rlcelters rat•intftng on special reserve of $597,00erf to take cite. new buildings are again heard. The of revaluation of bakebakery propertieh, .mind is joyful- Wlwn i worked amid this being drawn from earned reser a jangling Wlful. presses some years except is are from R1 as resetf `r ago the rivetters were& painful thrust Prospect. are described so good fur at my eardrums. Now these rivet - ten are delta/dal. Tbev mean that (Continued on page 6) GODERiCH BEIDGE CLUB "In a team -of -fours match held Mon- day evening .hie• •.the Godt rich Bridge Club seven teams participated and the reaultes were close. Tine( teams tied for first place and three' for second plate. Those tieing Kefroer Mi est J place A. J. Mitchell. rrotar[(+fAent; R. G. wlW. 1114 matches m. O. Thompson, aee•retary • j• 1t A» , Johnston, Mir. P. Y. Corey. J. M. j on and C: Meaktns : Mrs. J. W. Mj e, Mrs. le. L. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Saunders; Mr. and Mr • 1T.(1 H. Moo [cite pair analysis the Nleol. 'three. north and south and Pest and R H. R. Ker, Victoria ; .1. A. p• west were as follows: Kilpat- rick, Montreal: J. Davidson. London, N. and S.. 1st, Mrs. A. A. Nicol and Eng. s Nis. T. H• Mitchell. plus 7 ; 2nd, Mira. Seven Scant' Earnings N. C. iwnaw•ay and P. F. ((trey, plus Year ••Earntnget Dividends linrpins Huh : 3rd Mr. and Mrs. N. F. "Swun- 11130 #221.416 $321,ftAfl 0A117I,1:Si dPrs, plus S. i1Rt1 F.. and W.: let. Nr. T. R. Patterson 17tS,431 • g;92.24A (1211,117 Ns 20; 2nd, 1932 1311.W 'i 106,945 9fsi,ti)7 and Mr.u1esi yoemey: p! 193;1 114;1(W 93.504 929,161 Mr. T. H. tc l and Mr. A. A. Nicol. 1AS5 .. --. 117,9911 72,390 R1 ,217 plus 10; $rd, Mra. J. 31. Johnston and 1966 818,216 trey, plus 5',S. t',2.:)fi6 3R,1fltl Mlra. P, L 1936 Mr1,4O1 291.6161 Vett.( onlay evening there will he •After depreciation, Income tax and a draw for partner, and the players will play togell.er thr)ugh- retr•rvf for doubtful 'mounts. etc. las cLrikrr • j OM* mouth' ended July 91. out the etentng. JswaraobtA TALBOT. & CORNISH '"I Reproved earnings m the comedy s subsidiary, Purity Baking Co. As to the Dominion Salt Co., Mrre onflat states unsettled pr ()wing to reduction of working cltpl- pal In the depression, the queatlotot preferred divldende remains in abey- ant!. gim- ping and directors of the m- rig art : D B Hadnx, presldddittttt i ' The new 1937 Westinghouse Air Pilot radios have lust arrived . . . and what radios they are! For performance, appearance and value you've never seen anything to equal them! New performance made possible by such startling advancements as curvi- linear speakers, ortho-coustic tone • chamber and precision features that combine to give unrivalled tone clarity! New efficiency ... Twice as selective as former models . permanently -stabilized.' to eliminate readjustments exclusive Air -Pilot tuning to bring you the stations you want . - . when you want them! New beauty in fourteen lovely cabinet designs - . . New value in prices that make it easy for you to enjoy the utmost in radio entertainment. See them tomorrow. son, treasurer; J. .1. Page. Rene manager , J. W. Horn. assistant gen- eral manger. Directors --its. B. ilan- nit, A. J. Mitchell. Sir John Aird. R. G. 0, ThomsTonto; Senator G. }IJ H. Barnard, t dy,'Toronto; KII t stet 404 a1Ihus FEATURES Twice the *electivity .1 - previous receiver.. P all -range. ati-bend. coler- light dial with precision vernier that gives the equal et f f.es of vernier stale S upersensitive Cathode Ray Tuning Light. N. curvilinear dynamic speaker, avenue. aarleeed Orth.-coustic tone chamber with tuned resort- ante esoo-ante p1pea. Aatecnatic tone cempeaea- tine. Per,iaaeat alignment of con- densers and transformers for "stabilised- performance_ Westinghouse All - Metal R.diotrone including new tars Pewee Trop, ;.r aeclueive Air -Pilot toning control. Cabinets of unique d.ign and e.guitit. apish. (livetinghou.e precision en - gingering throughout. EMI es RADIO NEWS IN YEARS Ps yc