The Signal, 1936-11-5, Page 2i••-Tarers441. Revenant Mt. /11111
lastabUabed 1848
1Rtssber of Canadian Weekly
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Pohliitted every Thursday nsoralllig.
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WTR. Rober•7aon, ladtfor
Telephone 33 Ooderseb, Ont.
News -
Thursday, November US. 1936
Mr. Ito omevelt la reeler ted President
se the United States with a majority
Nen larger than that w: ich was re-
eeseled in his flavor as the landslide
vete of 19ari. While such s tresses -
dens triumph for the New Deal Presi-
dent was not looked tor, the general
result was neither anezpeeted sot
unwelcome oa side of the 11am k
reddest et,rioderlck who beard the
two principal candidates speak over
tie radio said they compared sa a
Pia facer_ -s ,Bennion
ma candidate was colorless; white
Mr. Roosevelt bas a peroonaUty that
sakes hiss a natural! leader of men.
There was Mate pian i differeote of
Strong Stand with
Relief Chisellers
Provincial Government Will Not
Allow Loose Administration
of Relief lands
Toronto, Nor. 4. -Farmers pal R'arhln[ton, Nov. 1,-N••w Yor d
suit, and go into town and see my, ids- k�,ti,,
to=ea•-when they hare any luau" to a ywpulstluu of 7,38N,tLti1 person. ha
ter .Sera. 1 always grumble from our
pay teem with -bet one otter reads year to the swat that 1 won't gv,, and Jul•
y 1, a gslu of 434,171 over., 183x.
tnrhean about tt ike.40140a.aaryas_a8•ey year 1 and stilt Is twice as big as Chicago
let. Yet the taxes the farmers pay do go, outtxTasiri DoT eottn me -prepared
go towards supportlag that seatlon of 1 W. not ru fwd' when 1 ale eleedlug at the Census Bureau, .
Jun the *tattoo ptattorm and waiting
the population which is attemploled Compiling a list of the nation's
for the four &etook tralu. There la tort,► largest cities ou the lams of
always old Ezra, the mall carrier, and estimates mad* from a mathematical
Pete, the station agent, there, and -I formula,. the bureau's figures showed
ran sort of expand my chest a bit and that Chic•agu with 3,3 Kotet permens,
tell them about bow 1 enjoy my trip a gain of luti,Srle persona urea 19tif,
every year. And of course 1 can see easily took second plat•••
London still 1s easily tbe blggest
city in the world, however, with
:ko changers occurred durlug tbe
period 1:c the positions wf the drat
£kff Osiforot Lazy Meadows
Ouse a year down here at Last
Meadows, my peaceful routine la dis-
rupted and I hare to get all dressed,
up to a fancy -stiff collar aid my best
Biggest United
States Cities
New York. with Over Seven Kil-
lion', Still Is Smaller than
London, England
And it there b any class that can lees
afford to pay taxes it Is the agricultur-
al class.
All this leads up to tl.. problem'of
what le to be dope with munkrlpali-
ties, or individuals wltLin municipali-
ties, that fritter away public funds
aider the gttlse of disbursing rete!.
If anyone has a Justifiable complatnt
to makeabout the chiseller* and para-
sites wbo live on the public purse, It
is the farmer who keeps on paying
into 11* public coffer until it becomes
w painful that 1* 1a rev-dered peso.
tidily numb. And, dou't forget, the
farmers don't even hate the consola-
tion of knowing that the money Cher
In taxes goes to help some of
rmervorbs- tiers: -bass
fallen on evil days and: become a pub-
ublic chance.
Somehow Or other, 'tariaero' just
don't Leconte chart.•a on the state.
theyare envying ate fur bring so lucky
as to have the chance of even going to
[se cite.
But lust as soon as 1 -get ua that
tralu 1 -begin to feel out of place. l
realize then that my black own mal twelve cider to rankle'. although ail
look not bad around the tillage. but showed Increaser for the period.
It ain't quite what they're wearing The tlrat twelve were New York,
now. Then the conductor boiler* at Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Los
me fur my ticket. and 1 start fumbling Angeles, Cleveland, Si. Lone, Bald -
around fur it, and my band gets all more, Roston, Pittsburg San Fran -
tangled up with the inside of my lack- (Ascii and mussokee.
et. , Of eourse everybody seems to be
aa--.thaih, l.,aaL__jag 1
manage to get It out and band
to him.,
The estimate was made shortly after
Cresus Bureau di/seined tbe na-
tion's pep-uTatTon od`Juty--t-sw--1ilp,-
And 1t teem* to be that way, all i }' .
tb6 ,time 1 am there. l
Census Bureau been
s1officials said that
/ersosalitT ttstwttrt' the mos. how- J get out in
They may not bare seen any real that big station. where the trains art there may bare trees s11. ht aariadourc
ever. Behind Mr. Landon was the e�oney for years: their pants may be rumbling to and out, and grainsftiptp- are 8111-h us the futlux of outside pera,me
Mg -interest, high -tariff element that !latched in a dozen places and their into au tuduetrlai city w.ituf they
Just tearin[ around. A big trllnw !s
rales this Repobllcan party, and had be farm equipment obsolete. Lut they *till yelling out tarot which train Is on might out have knows about.metes but that,
Imes elected we should here expected keep on going uidet Limit own power, lids and that t ck, and I'm mteershiy on the whwlr, the estlmetes are "tae
to see a recurrence 'in Abe -tutted even though a bit wobbly- loot untilI spy wy sister and her hits-,' . gt that can be gotten."
Spates of the Harrow sectionalism It as encuuracing, In slew of all the rhe c.tlmatea by cute.:
circumstanced. to and that the Ontario band width* for me. And caro _I
that has cursed the wur'd atone the feel out ttt_olen and afraid that t am i1i30 1038
Government is tatting a strong stand clirtyinR the nice cushions In the ear- New Yuri. 0.fre.146 7.3e4.020
Great War and that was a main con- with extravagant municipalities. Apart , Down at their hour Its' those slips Chiergo 3'57/1,4311 3,311),1107
trtbnttng cane of tbe de?ression from altogether from political influences, It pa•r) floors that kern mr worrying. and Philadelphia1,418).tail• 1,003.1W
which the Republic Is only now e•merg s,3
Is refrein* to Mid that the Welfare i hart to pussyfoot In the fear of lktrult r,.ir1M.110t_' 1,7:.8.171
s Dtepartment
p falling'. Then when we go in to eat LOS Angeteg '-t.lfdK1M4' 1,437..!1
lb a sod allow any mnnlelpellty tlo [herr are a lot wf fanny dishes. and i Cleveland ....:900,429 034,731
so loosely administer viler that fowl- p myp .lid t„ one St, le,utr ti�'1 :1111) 8:104.2t6
lire who drive their own ears and hare' wbl ro keep
sed_ deeerr wbicis one nt the• forks 1 tr sirppwrscd Italtimorn .. W►1.K74 8271,414
cd Pi rlti l in : but tin• triton- bank aceoUnt. are able to serum as: � to use. And just about the time that Boston - ' - 7S1,1tet 711'2,1114
'lou with width be bad to steal was %Wooer. The lite of least reels-
_ ! am nieaa�fltR to flav3yir4 ,--wrmesrue• i'Ittsburr 000,817 111111,!112
lance would -la' fr the Provinefal au
ape In which unusual measures were !asks Me a question and 1 answer, anal San Francisco tLa4,:b►1 1.711711
needed, and, unlike the RepuMtcan
tbwr1llc, to w►g notbluR and perhaptsthen I'm plumb off centre again. ' Milwaukee :17!4,.1!) 018,374
Ivy hr atratgthten thing» out selretlye. It's that way all the time ('m there. ItURalw 573,076 5psi,(M4
Indere, Mr. Roosevelt was willing to belt this -s not the correct way. if i " ' ,
A friend comes In and gives n*• a enol Minneapolis ,.» _, 404,356 4t►,113
kern try experiment and ezprrkpee. a municipal government has the cool1 tare and 1 feel sympathetie for those New ()Arens ....:.1 4:10,111'2 4!42,406
The Republleans condemned his Ns- nerve to take Government (undo and '
then disburse them wasfrfuliy, Chep I poor guys down at the zoo. 1 can t'iueinnoIi 431.1111) 407.0014
!tort to paternalistic measrres; but the just imagine trmr of theae•dreosed-up' Newark 4,2337 451.x6
Republicans are cy,mmit'ed to oae of . that mtinlcipatllty should be shown UPIold bens. playing bridge and squirting ,Kansas City 366,746 424,707
the worst forms pt pytrrnalt+w -tile rnA. hhal hbecn strewed before In this cigarette smoke not through theirs tettttle :41;,:.43 3114!,1'16
protective tariff. off high tariff policy Inoses. and .urine: "Really, i met indianap,ll+ 3M,161 3140.7(7
prof R Po y+rolmm�, azpayrrs, wbetlicr rhea b' the queerest aha;,. ter *art of rustle. Itahestrr 3134,132 338,4401
is paternalism for tbe'heseflt of t �fafaers-ur urban dwellers, bate a ' nd III s ctuthesI•'
well-to-do; Mr. Rooeeveira paternal- heavy euuaRh load to ksatr p541 ding �Jeras•y Clty 316.715 3r_,002
1?a I Ruralise maslifZllat�r-.-by--Ym veer 4.aai.w._ ain7 74:0 331.1lolt
las la calculated to benefit the toilers
Bosse of Mr. Roosevelt's New Deal
legislation is of a kind. that invited
of the nation. The money barons
were opposed to Mr. Roosevelt : he dr-
ied them, and tiustod the people to
support hitt to his defiance, and
trusted not to vain,
The result of tbe election is an en-
eooragement to the tolling masses
everywhere. It will be good fur tbe
tutted Staass,-�aa4. t its a good ex
ample for thin other nations of the
Something landed on randoo.
•' • •
the money for legitimate „relief cases Ore
k. 1114
,IIT being imposed upon by men Read to Ret !rack home again. It's n Portland, Iter ori, 12 3 ,4*2
and women who are In fur relief Altus- real comfort to he ably to Mt up In Houston ....:..-.� 11ri3i2 3434/x2
don an opportunity toe iselreit in andyour so•k feet and am�.kr, lend talk Tulebo 180,718 308,484
get food, clothing, shelter and ere* to one of your neighbors about the Coluatbds, O. 2110.'kti 3011.301
rash, when they have alawldtey en price of attle, so how high tbe tact, DenverOt7,8G1 ',As,'2ii
Halm td it. Not even tie most par ho
are. Those renews that wear nice thikland •/44,01W 3(ift,:*
Han o41 11. t of eve present regime a reales in their panto and have big et. Paul W,:.. 211.11111 :743.)435
ran with oent theint the nt anger of booties and he -servants ....1 gueaa they Atlanta 2'70.31111 3)3.478
criticism at Hon. David Croll Mr ta01 enjoy themarlveo too. Me, I'm jtiot 1)ails% 216,475 te4,101-0
a plain firmer, and it ain't according lllrminghaw 2380744 :716,473
Akron 3116,040 270,4132
Memphis 253143 2033,226 -
Providence ___ 3.72.101 23K,0111Lean Antekti__"--- 21LM2 -It4,110
Omaim 314.001 221.420
KDIITOK. WAS APP=IX''ATID 1117receec 206,,,120 22.1,787
360,0142 217,026
Ing a *iron[ Rtand with parry-[ov- to the rules to dreRR me rt) Ina fancy
erred mnnidpalltdsnu. salt and make me mutter a lot of
1f all WIN ddertreareshrt= Las
payer Rend% his eontributlot} to the D*plrsayaN obit,• h•[atutia'
Pr,rtuc•W treasury, The treasury
seedy It out again to the municipali-
ties and the latter disburse it upon
those of the relief rolls. Every chisel-
ler, every man or woman who obtains
relief by what amounts' to fate pre -
From a recent hams ot. "Light :" -Dayton ....
•Edeorc3 who may have shared the
common teeth* of their elan that no S. A. POPLERTOIfI DEAD
WaiHma e'a Mordant of Blytk Sue'
numbs after Oparathe
Itlyth, !Nov. 2--Sa.uel A. Pople-
emsermne et. the most eateessed resi-
dents ornlyth, acrd aim nae of the
swop and a .eiergyeaan gave a little matt proai15et baainearimea of else
talk. Atter the talk As kooky men dbtrlct, rtaRse( away oo'oostsL Isar
bu1ated. lbe Pde t On.,- their *boulders to Toroeb Oeaersl isecryltat 19e
and plated' him In a hila soar 1IC& haft "fin -iIU for about two months.
Peed♦n, and the whole town f'orm'ed a and had gow�o'PotaBta her as
parade. The, appreetattve erewd-rr-,--ion.
turned to their homes, serene in the i T � was I'ro 11 awe.
ter' '-eightag. Hes.
ipdatatev4-sRlxtbere_ayed_1R_rs a�aoter yearswah-
day for their beloved flaws purveyor earn, a morass.. Atter'3cTsIT
"I'.S.-We forgot to mention that' bloom, there for eight renew, Ste came
tete edit rr was dyad." Ito Blyth, where be continued la the
AT JACK motors sANen.migi. Isame line of activity for some twenty
eight ycnrs. For a portion M that
The wild 'woe have 'arrived at t period he was ii .ember of the arm
Jack Miner'* stanctuary. and as * con-} of 1'oplestone & Gardlre r. •
sequence the morning and evening' Ile belonged to the iTulted rhumb
hours are mode hideouts by the ever- :and led the choir for some yearo and
tasting bane of guns 1r.:h irudde and was a member of the Mauonic fridge.
outalde the town limits. Wei when the ,h14lfellows and the independent
it 1. too dark to see tbe park, the order of Fnreoters.
urt4• to *hoot 'omothiew -ktaelwr--ap4 ltpe.lcles his wife, he is eurvtvoil ITT
Wonder bow Al Smith and the tencett; N asking the toed of the tax- one loves the editor can be assured
ether bolting Democrats feel today. Myer Jost so ma4t more difficult. haw Diet that feeling 12 IDA w Medi
• • • That 1• why a gorernmeut, no matter Densenss.. We bare been. informed
whether It be Liberal or Conservative. how an M1!tor was recently ted
Titer new car license plates add a is to be commended when it takes with a
bright splash of color to the sombre quick aneL.Jfeetive _art ta to stamp Mr a 'tamp
autumn atone. - - out waste, Ine6lelene Ji d /*soars- (hat occasion
Finn 18 . the spending of public
And those lib°
trued than any other *!ass of tax-
payer ire- the tarmere•whs pay the
shot and keep off the relief hats.
same bouquet of flowers
hie fellow•clito aa. eta
artette ang a few
• • •
'Thse t�'e'"daep •
provided the best lute. tri _ here had
for some time.
• • •
The Literary Digest; whose "straw
vote" failed to click. may now ponder
upon the pitcher that went on.e tog.
erten. to the well. 1'01tTl R'S 1111,14 New: 4- -On Sun-
• • • da,r Ilea. R. M. bate spoke to a geod-
elm* 1 b cull War fire riffled deed audience, takfrig a* hla text St.
State. has had three Democrat lc
John (:eL-- There was a man' Petit
Presidents --Grover Urbrsand, Wood- from Gni whop •nam. was John."
row Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt- The preacher aald alt wore Rent from
bowl (1 men would only lire as God
and each of them has beth re-elected would Imre them live- Quite a twis-
ter a zeroed term- Cleveland's terms Is•r were out to Sunda) iw'hooI, Mr.
were sot eon -e .cher--e.4 lrarrtpcted•- i1-- nrrr!nce-takfng !barge in Mr.'
Ira! to 1884, defeated In 1!teltt, but r- Wilmer Harrison -7t s a1iai•ci7'
4 uuo0e'r from tirnu• ehureh at- the din, and there is no doubt store one .on and two ds a/ten. Leant.
elected ag7iln in lilt_'. Ail three were, i; P
tenslwt the :nntlrorsarr ,.puke at of the dumb brute* are Aho! and left of lo,ndon: Mrs. 4`, D. Kilpatrick and
or are. oui#anollnRly "big%' torn: ['Wen ehur.4' to die, and one wo-iirteve1f there are' i)nrothv, ad Myth: ala. one 'liter,
tt world have been Imp. *ethic tor a ,• 11131 !ten's 194111 enp•rtafnerl the, tiny. "w. -taller!" restrlrtiwmt for +loo(- I Mrs, W. 14'ptah, of Loudon,
-eommonplate man to bre.k down the anftball team nod the exc.-Wive of the in
esus. Rt n fwwl molter at the bums of R ge"•se, and if there are. it would The frattersl was hold from the rest-
- anti-Dema•ratir prejudice in the bo 14 weir If our game warden got', dente in Blyth on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Allen Reties. president of the
Northern States. on the j.14 1)0ci
4' enn loerstand the . with ioE
termc nt In xeter cemetery.
•. e • crash, en Tuesday night. Sortie then- -
• • .• Allotting of these wild fowl tor food;
ty-two were pre rut. Thr evening i.41 when it be done just for pastime I 1'oliten.'ew Is the art of making
4444'4, A rtotempurary In aet)-'tor n tool wax ransom in ginseng o'c.-time .Cones. 4'itd to ace lutea many mu tan short it ' (*44(414' feel at home when you wish to
word for the late Senates Couaeraa playing ":AN►" and In +saris! that. The
AM daan't Perm to stake sense.- Am go olinwa they were. --London Sunda,
Detroit remark,* that "h. was one of boyo rptwrrt a very enjoy:G.1e time. hendthurg who.•i['tttctrial.
the few honest men in American poll -
on Tuewelsy reaming, Norru,iser 10111. a
steer's_ er's_ club. will have ns their , - - - - ____ -
qts." This Is rather a sweeping speaker Mr. J. M. itobtrta, minify
statement. Potitidana are perhaps Iclerjc, w110 will talk alone the Tines
al 1nT4 l/ifn-f 'f`fUls. _ _Aomo--4141is The soc•tal condig put on by Mrs. ,
Pr/SI F,iTTtutYx gr+tttl►vrt fire-4ss04w=-.A,li.a>e.
raters in polities;bat, on the ether I wn it attended. Tl.e program
r•W y R►� R
as honest, on the average, as the of tsiunly work,
Our Governor-General
islet..people wove to Interest thew. '
tad. It U not usually the Rtalawags
Of the eometunity -Who Ire chosen, for
public diet. Strike an average fgr
stay eert,Tn eessannity, sort the pubilc
gtgneestativea of that community
wweld be as likely to b1 above that
heart as be4ow,,it.he
• ••'' •
std -tinea singing and muni, ale, s•r
oral readings. A totAY lunch owe
served. The proceeds amounted to
over $14.
The apple•plekerR finished last we.'k
at the Sloan orehatd. A big erop of
appieadld apples was harvested.
The Md adage, "it is
sonars ew1 ,smnlslln rel
twitter tp
born tuekr than rids." proved quite
tree last week when Mr. Garnet 411 -
!lett was fnrtuaate enough toawalt for
the afternoon 1111x. as tete trala that.
preceded has wan wrecked. both 'en
timer and Seeman beteg killed.
Rim Evelyn (ox. of thy
London, spent Sandeyt,,with her per
seta; Itr. and Km. Heti. 00x.
*be London Advertiser baa ceased
gsartkwtiss. It will he missed la a
oast *nay homes fa Welters Oa -
Mein. Wider the edltnrtar guUIInie
e�f ria MI0 M. W. Ilmsaie 11 was a
salawila et poueat of UMerellset : bet
tilt ease Moon or Oehl It did sot'
Mtrntsd a jgpalnewa patronage that
e4*ttaaed exlate.em
pa is .-sail a
pet1 ,
paw inch with as
bet wleb the •$e.'
s W serressALN-one of
ret esseaae Ness Is
wail ju mill
1k l •e.- M
(*sada-It baa always been a con
rksdross why a paper coskerming Ln
0.11111111 (Iiautnge--ire 4bees-ae'LM
majority et taro peep* Resat la the
district genet sot aneceed. The Ad -
fernier was &faded In 1101•,
fps, we knew that it was Lound to
hattl*n sooner or later.. The lana•
Ilan s4overnmept tried a too daring
experiment when It advisors! Hie
Majesty to appoint John Bnehou so
4:overnor-1r'Mreral of Canada` for
he is a man of energy and real pun-,
Ural shinty, with a Mostly inte'reaet In
the great polities) tosses *one day
and with definite view* upon them.
Int the R. ti. as 11* repregeutatlre of
the gown. in Canada is not aliewe4
to have shy nuttiest opinioer. save
that*. of hie responsible advisees fur
the moment, tad 4, M not expected
to express even theta slave as they.
are expressed for hiss In the Speech
Cross tea Throne.
Finished and whipped singly. Size 72
88. weight 8 lbs. Pair
Pick or blue borders, Size.66
x 84 Pair
Heavy all -wool rib, for tneu. Shirts
and Drawers. Sizes 34 to 42. Per e.1
Mena all -wool Coats 1Penman 'a ,
Sizes 34 to 44. Greys and heather =1.50
shades. V-neck, 2 pockets. Each
56 -inch all -wool Tweed Coatings. Regu-
lar *2.00, *2.25, in fancy mixtures and
heavy. Plain navy* and grey*. On 6125
-rad ---- --� --„�.
Soft napped, *trod gly woven, white or
grey with pink or blue borders. barge 12-4
double bed eine. Special, Pair.. -$2.25
Special purchase of a lot of first quality
Gold Seat in all sizes, in disearded patterns
at bargain prices.
(The Mitten/
Why is the Brttl.h ■rmament pro-
gram now receiving the. iopport- 001
only of the Ooneervative Government
but of the Tabor party. and even the
church? The alleged answer to thew
question* is• rentaifted le a- lieu's re-
lease of 'he Imperial Policy Group re-
cently sent nut from Loudon. The
Imperial Polley Group began its ac-
tivities a little more then two years
ago. and It then rnnoletcd of the Earl
of Manhold. Kenneth dr ('ourey, and
* 4-stapie of M -P.'s- --le has aerw
grown until it numbers tlfty-tire wear
ts'rs ►ri t!'' two, houses of- Parliament.
Its program is strief!yr aalionnlloth•
and iwdatiunlst: it furors a large
army aad.uavy. drier l limitation of
I3uropea's •',mmltments, and a "vigor-
ous government" ---not ihseisL you
understated, tart one that :s strong and
will take u.. nominee. from any other
country. The group elainrs not wily
to have prrastd the Government to
abandon sanction* but to have "worked
In every poswlh1e direction to help
Ser 1ramuel Hoare and to prevent his
resignation.' • 1t bas sent an urN,la-
oral commi.rlon to Europe to Inter-
view the heads of the various govern -
meats. notably, -31gner_ _ ua.ottn1, Dr.
sierra, Chancellor von 8c•hnochnlgg,
and HItler's ambassador at large.
Herr von .@iblrentrop. Its latest
sumer-owes to tall "the Diplome of the
Church of Oakland together In the
House ,.f (o,mmons," and to tel thea -
"in perf etty plain wnrls that nniese
the ehurehea supported rearmament
and took a 'patriotic line and with
drew their support from the League
of Nations they would lope their 'tot'
lowing among the majority of young
people." Whether Or not Mr. Bald-
win and the Bishop ;were duly Sar
pressed by these arrogant and. fascis-
tic (If not Fascist) young men. tbe
hitt remains that Medal Britioh poi -
Iley agrees to an alarming extent with
MAFEKING. Nov. 3, -Mr. and Mrs.
F. Glenn and family, of Dungannon,
visited relatives, here on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Metutry, of Ilungannon,
spent a few* days penally- with her
J(arv,•r Lazenby baa re4urned home
from Oise River. where he speut the
Atwater. -
Wows olive Anderson and Olive
KirPatriek spent the week -end In To-
ss '
Sunda) visitors of Mrs. Wm. Blake
were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munro and
M'f variants •'r AubuMrs. 1'u:Alton tlr
• and the
liboes !latah and Margaret Rannoch.
wf t.uekuowi-, and Mr. Harry --Alton, wf
Mrrc. Thos. Blake is rt•.Iting friends
at Varna'.
Miss 1:, Anderson, R.N., of Mop -
to Ween social on Friday evening Sat
the ball- Game. and 41 Osstw were
untch ruJiyed by all. Lunch was
served The entertainment was pro-
iavided by the losing aide In the atten-
dants. contest. -
Petrol la Advert er-Toptc1
American democeaey bat lost a wised
friend in the death of Jame% cbuxa ,
former member of the United States.
Senate. While identlaed with tate tte-
p ubli,mn party be was a Democrat at
heart and lost the Republican romps•
tion rattier than go burl tat his pri-
c-iplese • Nie we* one of 'be few bas-
est sopa in Awerlc•an pditica,
ural, was a resat WHO with her With a,*or'd of SO you, as • 188•4 reit
factory trrtawnt fro nils• ur Lpwrrbad•,
yea is positively d•p••d uo
Dr. Chases Ointment
*Inter, Mrs. Irvine Henry, and Mr.,
The Blake's T.P. held a Jolty Hai -
Don'f Be Carless
About Your Clothes
and don't be oarelem about buying "just anywhere"
Get the best there is in style, materials and At,
Altering, Repairing, Relining and Pressing Service.
Telephone 317
TAILOR Ooderich
\XTe will provide
ernmeent. How could they be, stare
In private life he in a British (7on-
aprvative Imperialist? (tw-iate Gov-
ernor-General •told- d pitfalls by' colt•'
ealtrating• his melte aetirltiee epos
the Little Theatre movement. thereby
offending nobody and encouraging a
great mswy barmiew• 14 1505* wfio
eherl*h flap lit n that they can act
braille" tbep a&_he''er bows any
ability to do aneythI4g else.
We thought for a mr.ment when
Lord Tweedamulr arrived that Ms
problem had here sired for him by
the AwendatloI, , of inns/Haw 10k -
uses. They nabbed bins almost as Mr
was enuring down the gaaffpknk 011
Quebec.. end we still think be tYtMM
Lord Twewtsmnir has Leen rtoablsgeetruat.tke organisatlopof Ma °Metal
to hold hiiugrif 1a. aad has already tours ,to 14.1? gatJtitsre. Thos, It
Men maklag epeeetw•r abent defense he *81 cooks* his elpeemAps to sees
and about the League of Natlosiltoplew es the realm of .lid tate Sir
-iTh*P R Mrehtly gureste 1"pbr'aaa. Walter Scott or the Othie astUten-
clingy easy have been. u is fairly taro, he *111 be aMe to report -hi HIS
olear that Ms opinion' es•those it •Majesty a aseeemtel toter m *styla
well art not tko.e of the King Ooh_ this vestry. o
", both erawv fwd!
•ttn•tr ,wt rtlt.wt'.
en?ovate and Repair
your Home!
Look over your house as a guest
would look a! it, note what is needed and do it now! You
can have the tdbney for: .-,`r
•Necdpd `additions •Painting, papering, decorating.
•Repeirtng walls and ceilings' •Carpentry work
•fnsulgtinj, to make the house warmer in winter, cooler
in sumniiir
•tnstaltin (better bathroom and other fixtures
•installing' correct and more convenient electrical fixtures
•Repaifilig roof and rain•pipes •Genera migirs.
The Bank of Mootreafls co-operafin$ with the Government
by making 10ana, repayable on easy terms. for repairs and
renovation df homes under the Dominion Home Improve-
ment Plan. Ire would welcomie a call from any home owner
desiring funds for such work.
_,. ltd
iw Goderich_Brancht'A. A. NICOL, Mdmeps,
M0�1f. i� te l: ;".'f11[ otrNCC1R tit He *edit 1ucaseUt, 15pllATlfllt
• .!' • 4• �wrr
1 ..