The Signal, 1936-11-5, Page 1$1.5010, st, y 8 New [4ubeerlpuona to The 4lgwtl for 11117 will Include the remaining - Iwo the of this year. Nubscrlbe now A1111 reeve the full advantage of this offer. ElGHTY•NINTIB TlO►R, NO. 46 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 5, 1936 $1.50101 tan,/938uary Ncw Subscriptions to Iljte Signal for 1337 will int-it/tie the remaining two tuonlha of Ole year. Subeerlbe uow vud receive the ((ill adv,ttage of (ILi offer. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, 1'ubllrhejL. C •Toronto Brokers Get Five Years Plead Guilty to Theft and Forgery in Assize Court Today Today Gordon G. Maclaren and Robert S. Fletcher pleaded guilty to emerges of the theft of bends and ,,a ll,,, 'securities valued at $94.306 and Nsg- liEll beg and uttering a power of attorney hi the nam •t Alexander Campbell, of tiewf.rth, and each wan seuteoeed to ave years in Kingalun Peniten- tiary. Fletehea's sentence dates back to tee thee of his arrest, Atter deliberating one hour and thirty-five minute)*, for wend Jury of the llur..0 advise court which opened before Mr. Judie" Nicol Jeffrey on Tuesday returned a true bill on a charge of forgery and uttering a power of attorney preferred against Gordon a. Maclaren and Robert S. Fletcher, Toronto broken,. On Wednesday morn- ing a true bill wee returned against the brokers on thirty-two chargee of tbeft and thirty-one .charges of re- ceiving and Mathis( Miner bonds and securities. In his address to the grand jury Mr. Justice Jeffrey said: '-It Is said a great number of bunds sod securities were removed from Ilukgurd'e Ohre, Huggard being a Lawyer and In charge of the securities, and th,ct some were taken by Iluggard..,atgl some by the accused to be used as collateral la Huggard's accounts'. It fs a fact, a0 the Crown says, that no ecconit was opened up by Huggard for the pur- pose it was said to have been opened up; and these shares, whl.'Ib were sup- posed to be used as collateral, were sold to :tear up a deficit In the Hag- gard account." Meda for Change et Venue When the grand jury retired, C. Aubrey Mond, K.C., of Toronto, senior counsel for Mac'Iaren, mad F. R. Dar- row, of Goderich, counsel for Fletcher. made a motion for a rhat.ge of venue. Mr. Bond laced him motion on the ground that "the crime, .f committed as alleged, was committed in tbe coun- ty of York. There is no evidence that any bonds or securities were tak- en in til' county of Hunts" he said, ling an objection by W. B. Com- mon, K.C., special prosecutor, and con- tinuing: "Any that were taken 1n Huron were handed to them by Hug- gard, a self-confessed thief. "The other grounds are Involved In tbe prejudice in the trial of Huggard against tbe care of MkcLaren and neuter. Screaming headlines were published In Toronto and county pa- pers. Tice community, In fact the whole of Huron county, never was so greatly ahmktd as by the confe-sdon of Huggtrd. Through the news- papers and by word of mouth the public was led to believe that Hug- Gard was an Innocent, good-hearted, misled young man who wan robbed by the Toronto broken': and that Ilug' gard was made the goat by these naarpers--of--tiny street." Mr. Hond claimed that Hie Agita- tion of the publle mined. la, Huron comity rendered it impoa*Ude for the - accused to set an impartial jury. Mails Refused yam. - Jelfrey. "Yon Tuve not satisfied me tbe aeeueed could not get a fair trial _fa_Horon." Yr. Darrow said he did pdt know until a few days before the opening of court that the Beaumont case had been transferred to this court.. 'Mac- Laren larLaren need Fletcher are charged with Abe theft elf $7,500 from the estate of the late Minnie L. Jteaumdnt, of To- ronto. • This charge le In addition to thirty- one charges involving $1($),000 to Meds and et nritles of the total val- uation of $1:40,000 which were taken from the safety depoelt hexes In Ilug- gard'a office. The Beaumont charge wax not pre- sented to the grand Jnry Members of the grand jury are: A.' J. Cooper, (ioderlch, foreman; Obaa. (Continued 0a page 5) REMEMBRANCE DAY r. I8 LIMIAL $OLIDAY Ma brit. Jr A. Mac'0wan and his calleaguea in the town coun- cil ezprer the hope that pert Wednesday, November llth, be- ing Remembrance Day, all places of business Iwlll be cloned and the day observed as a public boUday. Aa Remembrance Day la a legal holiday there is no occa- sion to issue a proclamation announcing that fact. A number of the merchants base intimated that their doors will remain closed throughout the day. .t memorial service will be held at the cenotaph at 10.30 o'cicck on Wednesday morning. The privilege of being able to attend such a tweeter is one .4 which all who can should take full advantage. Roosevelt Vi% ..,ed ' THE RADIO LICENSE Smashing Victory, COMM All but Two States in Pllesidential Vote on Tuesday -Presl.lent Roosevelt In Tuesday's U. 8. elections by an overr,hel!ing vote, only two States. Maine and Vermont, giving their votes to Landon, the Republieau nominee, The following States gave' tbefr electoral votes to Mr, Roosevelt: Electoral State r Vote Alabama 11 Arizona t.' , 3 MAN IS IN TOWN Agriculture and Close ou the heels of a representa- tive of the radio brutal._91 the P1- pertinent of Marine, who was 1n town last week searching out sources of interference iu radio reception, comes A. lit. i$.i cbei. of Kitchener, laapec- was .re-elected 'tor of tbe,Mwe bra. In aearcb of those wboj ow -u rudlua and who have neglected to pay tbeir Ilcet3se fees. Mr. Clincbey, in company with a constable of the Royal Ctaaadien Muuuted Po- llee, is making a houee-'.o-house can- vass In search of licentelesit radios. It la said nearly a score of defaulters already bare been summonsed. They will appear before Magistrate J. A. Makjus today, unless they choose to settle a line and costa out of court. Arkansas 9 , California 2Z " Colorado 6 Conneetlent ... t-- .... 8 Deladare 3 A CHIMNEY) BLAZE The tire brigade responded to i call to the home of Roy M(Sha•tng about 6 o', Ioek p.m. on Thursday last,• to handle a chimney tire. The house was - not .damaged by the small blaze. ('AR STANDS ON ENi) , Graham Johnston ea. -aped dlth a shaking up when be was involved in a freak accident at the corner of Hurou road and Oxford street on Thursday last. He was about to turn the corner when a rear driven by Howard Melia, approaching from -bind, caught the rear of hie car and rolled It over. The Joheaton car came to a stop standing on its radiator and sticking straight up In the air against a trete. The car was badly damaged, but Hkka' vehicle was not scratched. CAR FOR THE WEST Today a freight car, laden with foodstuffs for desolate f,:m111es in tote Canadian West, will leave McGaw on Its weatward trip. The car ham been -packed by felldente of thin district who have rmondatzto a esti for help es ---went out tbreegir tb!opurcbe* of God- - ' oriels and vicinity."Rev. G. Wylie, of Henmlller United 'chnrch, beaded the work In gathering title, foodstuffs. • ASIiFIELD VOOTHWJAILIID jll C. C. OFFICERS A. 11. Jane was elected president of Meneeetung Ounce Club, succeeding Howard McNee, at a meeting at the club rooms on Tuesday night. Other officers are as follows: Vice-presi- dent, J. W. Baker; secretary, Nelson_ Hill; treasurer, I. D. Eastman; com- modore, Wm. Bisset; vice -commodore, Gordon Bisset; members of executive committee, Howard McNee and H. J. Fisher; chaplain. Rev. D. J. Lane; auditors, I). It. Mooney and O. Ginn. The annual dinner-dauee will be held this month, arrangements being left with a committee of Ernest Prld- ham, J. W. Baker, Dr. A. Il Cole, .1. W. MacVicar and H: J. Fisher. • ROSi4S IN NOVEMBER I'erhapr the .meas, amateur weather prophets who have been forecasting an early.. and severe winter had bet- ter delve deeper into their studletrt--or so thinks Mrs. J. J. Hall, Newgate street. in Mrs. Hall called The Signal with the infbrmatlon that In the last month site bas picked twenty-two roses and buds from bushes In her flower garden. Yesterday the picked a beautiful bou- quet of two crimson cores and five 7)pam and one cream rote and three buds. There 1s every- India-M{0n there will be more blooms In a few days. This r1PlI'-of blooms is-•Hw,,third the bushes have given toitb this. Two Ashfield township young men, Alex. Gauley, amid twenty, and Ed- win Whitley, aged twenty-one, were lodged in jail here on Friday night and ell; face ch*rges of attempted theft from Robt. Dickson of Ashfield. it 1s alleged that the pair were found in the drlvesbed nn the Dickson farm, McMinn coming upon them in the night RA they were attempting to Siphon gasoline from the .$rums to the died Dickson, It 1s said, //prang up- nnfthe young men and. after roughing them np a hit, persuaded them, by means of an overalsed fist, to drive their ear to the home of County Con- stable R. Hoey, thence to the jail. A large can, a jog. a pleee M rule ber hose. a length of flexible tubing. a funnel and a jimmy were ft -wood at pie .erne and In the Tonne men's ear. They will appear before Maglstrate • Viking thin afternoon. t,.,.:.-,... 127 Georgia , Idaho 4 Illinois Indiana 14 lova 11 Kansas 9 Kentucky 11 Louisiana , 10 Maryttnd - 8 Massachusetts ..................»» ........ 17 Michigan l9 Minnesota ... 11 Mississippi r tl Missouri Montana .. 4 Nebraska - 7 Nevada - • 3 New Jersey ,16 New liampahke . . ,, 4 New Mexico ,.,», . 3 New York ....».....»........ 47' North Carolina ... 33 North Dakota 4 Ohio 2e Oklahoma 11 Oregon . 5 Pennsylvania ....-» 88• Rhode Island South Carolina » , ... ,« 8 South Dakota -.. ,., .. Tennessee Utah »_ ...».... 4' Virginia ..» _.,..."„ 11 Watebington West Virginia ..» 8 Wisconsin lY Wyoming .... 3 Tela, •-i- ,688 - Stales fir Landon Matic , 5 Vermont ,...,. .. 3 Total 8 PUBLIC SCHOOL COMMENC'EIIRNT Victoria and Central pabllc schools will bold their annual commencement exercises jointly on Friday evening, November 27th. HOSPITAL BOARD OFFICERS The beard of Alexandra hospital on Friday last made appointments to fill the offices made vacant by the{ death non: -who for teeny year. wat,,seeretary df the board and latter- ly vice-president.. R. C. Hays was elected vice-preefd-eit and Obas. K. 8annders secretary. •I. Parson. is- president of the 0,• ntIr- The -annual Arthur t el ha was held in the lecture room of Knox 3're'abi'terlan church In ,Saturday afternoon, amid an attractive setting of Halloween decorations arranged by Mrs. K. Revell and Miss E. Wiggins. inclement weather prevented many from attending the bazaar, but even so the patronage of the various booths and at afternoon tea and supper was satisfactory. Mrs. J. C. Cuff is president of -the Arthur circle. - Mrs. D. J. lane, Mrs. 11. C. Dup- lop and Mr*. W. G. MatEwan, wiio were in charge of the tea tables, were assisted by numerous members of the Circle, with Mrs J. Hume' end Mrs. N. Laneway superintending in the kitchen. 'Those to charge of the sale tables were: Candy, Mrs. E. 1'. Bensons *n.1 Mrs. H. Rivers; home cooking, Mrs. Norman Raker. Mrs. Robb. 111e - net, Miss Belle Mac 'fear. Mrs. Alex. Stralton; towels, Mrs. C. K. Saunders, Mrs. Wm. Bisect; aprons Mre. A. Maelie. Mrs. Jas. Thomsen; novelties, Mrs. ('has. itlack, Mho Eva Somer- vIIIe, Miss Fslith Taylp,r ; mystery table, Misses O. Heist, Mary McKay, ihenna Bell, Marie Be'.1, Madeleine 1.nne. , DISTRICT GOVE=INOR COMLNG Mr: Harry Lambert, of Newmarket, Oat., Lias district, ruvernur,'' has *deleted the (ioderich Lions that ire will pay the local iter as official" visit at thete'ilett 'reclaim meeting, to be held • at .tilt Part Hpuae Thursday, November 12111,' it"li.15 p.m. Every Lion le urgenty requested to be at this meeting.. 7--- SOUVENjR OF NURSE CAVELL Detj Sheppard. local Great War vet- eran Ball an tDQerfRtna-Imurebte-lt his overseas trip. It is a card bear- ing the picture of Nurse Edith Cavell, the date of her''deatb at the hands of -the Germane -October 12th, 1915 - and of .her burial et Norwich Catbe- dal, England -May "15th, 1919. "Loved by ell who knew, her," 1rs the simple tribute to - the martyr d coral; and two verses of.thet_bymtt-"•Abide with Me" tomptete the souvenir:: . . CELEBRATING HAiLOWE'EN 'The Live Wire group of Canadian Girls In Training, with their friends, enjoyed a Hallowe'en party In the lec- ture eotore room of Knox Presbyterian church on Tuesday evenlnf. Evelyn Doak, -vice-president, was convener of a com- mittee In charge of games and con - flats, and candy was distributed dur- ing tbe evehing. Content winners were Gertrude White and Glenna JObnstou: '- The president, LIlIIaa Milne, auperiatended the serving of refreshments which brought the par- ty to a close. HALLOWE'EN DOINGS ltallowtoen, cel*brated on Saturday, was one of the quietest in recent years, owing. no doubt, to the heavy down- pour of rain. Comparatively little damage was done, though residents of tine north end report fences torn down and other pranks played by mischie- vous lads. However, two pollee calls were sent out, one to locate a wagon which dis- appeared at Grand Bend. another for a missing tire and rim from an Ash- field car. The boys at 3tenmlller are said to have been in playful mood. ' Every- thing tbat was detachable was moved, but the dlwl,iwarances were talten in 1 rt` ) - r Manual Training Additions to Curriculum of Public Schools May Be Made Shortly • The palate aleboob of Gederiek mar soon add. agriculture and 'manual training to the curriculum. At the regular monthly meeting of the pnb'• lie tw•hc'i1 board en Monday u7'Tif ibe property and school management committees were asked to co-operate with ('central Howe and School Club in promoting the establishment of a manual training claws. Mn. W. F. Saunders, president of Central Houle and School Club, asked that a room be outfitted at Central school for the etas, and Inspector Bee- t -HSI misstated information regarding grants and regulatioea respecting manual training. The A'k•teria.ltome and Schoot flub requested sotuf time ago that a maawll tralulug class be instituted at Victoria school' s The t-vsttes. also dit•Idetl that ar- raugew.ata should be made for Lite teaching of agriculture in the schools. It will 'se necessary to. arrange tui - equipment and suitable grounds. • Join copeu enwrpent exercises. for the two schools will be held some time this month. The school tuanageweut and finance committees were empow- ered to act. An Imitaqtion will be extended 'to Victor Iauelston,' donor of the Robert Park memorial, medals, to be present. The application of Albtrt M. Baker to be placed on the supply list accepted Principal R. Stonehouse, of Victoria" school, reported an enrolment of 3312 in October, wltb an average atten- dance of 327.55, or 93.03 per cent. During the month penny bank deposits amounted to $16¢.80. Por Central school Principe' H. M. Shackleton reported 232 pupil/. on the roll, with an averpge .attendance of 208.16, or (49.44 per cent. Penny bank deposits la Oetober amounted to $81.88. Trustee R. G. Johnston presided at the meeting in tbe absence of Mrs. D. 1). Mooney. chairman of the board. RADIO INSPECTOR HERE Several minor sources of Interfer- CHARTER MEMBER OF COUNTY HOME - J. liri;6renlbct -governor of Huron County Home, revealed .some Interesting information on a brief visit here yesterday. The Home, then known as the house of refuge, was established In 1806, and, although about 1,000 persona have Used within its Walls during the forty-one years of tta exdeetence, one of the first to enter the institution 1s there still. Asa young man of twen- ty this "charter member" drove to the Home iu a horse and bug- gy from Exeter, made himself comfortable and has lived there ever since. There were fifty-three persons in the house of refuge in the opening year and an all-time high was reaebed in 1910, when 1.f persons were_tbeliertd 111 (be Institution. T WORK ON WALKS LAID OVER At au informal meeetlnp, of the town cqun(fl it was decided. -jp view, of the lateness of the septum sad the uncer- tain weather, to postpone work 04 tbe walks In Court -House Pa:k'uetil next Year. 'PI* engineer had advised against attemptingTny roaewta.x at this .easel. THE WEATHER Omclal temperatures of the last leeek'and of the correapording week of last year'were as fhllow.: 1936 1935 Max. Min. Max. Mtn. Thurs., Oct. 29 53 40 65 56 . ,Get 30 50 :-110- e1 61 Sat., Oct. 31 49 90 64 45 Sun., Nov. 1 Id 45 58 41 Yon» Nov. 2 (1 50 51 32 'rues,r i Nov. 3 ,64 41 58 46 Wed., Nor. 4 44 35 00 48 THE OLD STEED SUCCCMBS Not for e} long time, if ever again, trill Con. Baechler's ancient Ford be seen tearing around at it.. accustomed rapid pace, for on Saturday evening Me antique came to grief. The car rras-beeng-Trfven around -the Square with 1ta usual cargo of Duman freight when it collided with G. C. Ryan's k Althou h nn one was hurt, the erne in radio reception were detetelcold car gave up the ghost and settled by Inspector Howard, Of Kitchener, to the road In scores of pieces. From of the radio branch of the Marine the look of tbe remains It was doubt- Ihsetrtment, on a visit here last week- fol If tbe parts .ould be successfully end. Inspector Howard laanketed the .dashed together again. whole tnwn white here,,,$yd he was accompanied by Thos. Pritchard, w -ho HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL has been active in tl.c- campaign Members and friends of the Y.P.U. against defective equipment which of Victoria street 1'nited church held causes interference.• bl' Ilrliowc'eu social in DISTRIIIUTION OF RAND FUNDS the basement of the ebur( -L on Thurs- day evening last. Opcnit,g devofTona At a meeting of the executive of were conducted try the, president, Miss the Goderl(•h Musical Society on Tues- Marjorie Pronse, after which Miss day evening, arrangements were made Mary McKinnon took charge of a per- for the distribution of funds on band toed of gamcp'.And eon teons. ttt Mist; to active members of the Kano In con- I Mabel Brownlee aiw 1,liss F)ct e'r Lee sideration of their services during the 6 _ year. Fa.h member is to receive Considerable damat terultwl fmm•one.dollar for each scheduled concert g. prank at an East,Wawanosh school.lattended .1dutbo-ing the ten on, In re - The teacher's desk, p4ced em coir of cognition o[ the accslcwv of Ba the stove, was demnllsb.J by fire ter Huckins, who had refused to ae- cept a salary this year, the sum of which caught on the floor , of the $150 wa. voted from receipts other school, so weakening 1t that the store than the town grant. With all ac- cdretpped through, leaving a gaping trttt g counts paid the Society will atilt have ti 1 for first place In a conte. , with Jennie Melraw winning the o tnitoja- I. At the conclusion of the giwa i uuew were told and the gathering bid for apples, after which lunch enjoyed. f Appeals Before ag$ Court of Revision Municipal Assessments Dealt With at Last Night's -- Meeting Meeting The municipal court et Melaka met last night to consider appeale against the assessment for 1106. The assessment of the Bruce Smith property on St. George's Crescent, which was Increased this year from 13,200 to $4,000, was reduced 611 ap- peal to *3,000 for 1938. Other reductions were. Jas. Me - Adams, on lot 1386, Britannia road, from 38(5) to 3700; Mrs. 1:`va Muir, Quebec street, from 31,200 to $1,100; Mrs. Lucy Robertson, Quebec street, from 31,200 to 11,100; 1t R. Dural., Nelson street, from $2,800 to 12.00.. The names of Jbraei R Cutt giT W. Knechtel were added to the.roM for business assessment. The business assessment of the Brit- ish America 011 Compsuy was rev' eruced from 76 per rent. to e0 per eget. to comply with the Act. ''P6eippeals of- Arthur D. McLea■ on Hamilton street property and A V. Stubbingtop on Eldon street pro- perty were dismissed. Tie .veurt had before It rhe notices •- - rom incorporated companies with re- ference to assessment far peparale sybool porpoises under stile Act as amended at the last stasfon of the Legislature. In Are cares the notices scathed the definite proportion of ar sessment which is to be taxed for separate schools. la ten cases the proportion was not determined and • the assessment is to be divided in ac- cordance with sec. 39B of the Act. Other incorporated companies notified that their Stock was held entirety by Protestants, in which cafes the taxes go to the public schools' only. THE PERILS OF FISHING Frei Wong, cook 81 A !WWI reP- tauraut, has a reputation to uphold ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Ruby Stewart, of Toronto. announces the engagement of her only daughter, Ivy Stewart, to Law- rence Geromette, son of 11r. and Mrs. Noah Geromette, of Goderieh. The marriage '*111 ta#e-pleee ea November 7. AT LONDON MASONIC BANQUET On Friday last Wm. Bisset, Robert Bisset, James Blaaet, 11. B. M. Ticb- borne and C. Maclbaald, of Hawn Chapter No. 30, R.A.Y.. attended a banquet held at London la honor of George Gardiner, l t Pr'nelpalof-The.-_ Grand Chapter, R.A.M. •' - • HOME FROM ABROAD - Miss Emilie Buchanan returned hems- -this- week --attar, tire. atm - abroad in company with het slater. Mrs. -tnder*on - of Toroetsh The ladies toured England and Scotland and had a molt enjoyable and inter- esting time. THE L AGUE OT MATIONS Rev. D. J. Lane's Subject before Hoare and Wheel Club The November meeting of Central Home and School Club was held at the school on Tuesday afternoon, No- vember 3rd. Mr. Shackleton'a room received the banner fur. Ole guest number qt mothers prevent. 1 Lei a Tavjitr- of Virtu end IIchool Club. gave a report of as executive meeting held at • Stratford recently. Some of the points brought ant In this report went to -show -•that -- the chief aim of Home and School Clubs was to keep posted on Mime and school work, and to study the child. Parents In the home m!gbt take a real Interest In the looks the children read, and help them at home with a *Imply musical Omitting. It has been suggested by inape( tor Beacons that llnron cohnty have a mush• fes tical, and havf' as matey of thg child- ren as are musically Inclined take part In it. Mrs. Taylor told of quite a wonderful mothers' choir she heard while at this convention. A Hallowe'en song. sung icy a group, ref children under the leadership of,.__ Mrs. Thorneloe, was much enjoyed $The npinlon of the meeting was asked *4' to the formation of a local "council of women" In this town, to Is. composed of members from each woman's society. The feeling of the club seceded very much In favor of the pro .potty 1. "The ieag11P of Natlohs" was the subject of an address by Rev. D. J. Lone. Mr. lane thought that al- though the ie•ague bad not been per- fect, we have reaped benctlta from it we do not realise. 1t was organised In 111111 after the old governments and machinery had failed to prevent `Cnirlik writ. it wan the first time -- In the history of the world such au organisation had been formed. Four- fifths ourfifths of all the *fates of the world joined the League. Many different prohlems and differences had beef nettled aatiafactorily without war, sad the League had worked for the name eral peace and welfare of the world. Much had leen done by the Magna in health work and In *tudy-og sacb Oi- eases as cancer, sleeping alcknews aid (ever. "Let its be sympathetic and fair In our illltutla toward the League." Mr Lane asked. This ad- dress's seemed very appropriate coming es close to Armistice Dar. MIs* i. Sharman spoke in apprecia- tion of the addresses given by Mrs. Taylor and Mr Lane. and SW' clnh showed !to eppreeelatlon b7 a hearty vote of; thanks a.ti:rTi:' Gm 1. .(6 Irl, dead line at 12 o'clock. whereupon Lake Huron In -Ma Constable John Pease decided be could Sonclude his vigil sod retire to bed. M Much to his surprise and annoyance, Tempestuous Mood however' hts dreams of a night free of vandalism were shattered when on • CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH &Aerial -_Pres -et -tiamwatle.Mt• Ufa• ease --Scarlet Fever to Township Glxlerlch is entirely free of com- municah'e dlsease, 1t was revealed at a meeting of the board of health at the town hall on Monday aftertooh;' MO. according to Dr. .1. B. Whitely, M.0.11:, there are eighteen eats of aearlet fever In (:odesich i tnwnehip, necessitating the cloning c.f the school and Untied church at Ho,nleavllle. it was Dr. WhItely'a billet the dbw .tee was "Imported from Brussels' three work* ago. it 1. possible there will he more victims. hot houses are being placarded and every precaution le being taken to prevent the spread of the dleeaee. A report from rho Department of Health at London shows water from a tap at the town hall to he grade "A," there being no eolou bacilli pree- set 1n fifty cable centimeters of water. • Thursday Night's Blow One of the Worst in Years -Freighter Driven Backward What has been described a* the worst blow Pince 1913 held up shipping on the Laken on Thursday night last and, according to Capt. Wendell Brown, of -.the str. Wm. Sehupp, which madeport here on Friday afternoon, Roam of the largest of the lake boats lugged the western store of Lake Heron for protection during the west- erly gale. Members of the Schu;'p's crew re- ported the *hip was raked from stem M stern, with decks continually awash under tremendous waves During the night the str. Sarnlan, which had unloaded 1:81,00)4) bushels of grain at the Big Ai111, rest off under orders to rlenr, but could not buck the wind and rolling seas whleh {cured Into the harbor. ♦Vh.w she was be - int gradually forced backward by wind and wave-- her anchor WAS 'Implied. but the ship was forced hack. dragtting her anchor, anti she brought up at the ea*t end of the harbor. She e clewed on Friday. Mulled the height of the storm the hreakwatere at times were immersed neer their whole length. and tremen- done wavee *mashed over the piers Anti' the storm abated on Friday afternoon. On Rowley ley laseser Ganandoe took on a Berge ltf ,0Q0 bnabela of wheat at the elevator and (glared for Montreal. ''. Last night the Shaw 4 eamship Compsttl, loaded • carer, of salt from the warehnnbes of the (;oderich Salt Company. The ram - go wa• for Nowfonndlind. and 1s the brat to go to that eoun(ry from Ooderlrh. Sunday morning he found several out- houses in the park apd one on the steps of a church. As a result he laid six charges of wilful damage against young men of a hand alleged to have committal the prinks. • PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Joe. B. awatlfseld,,Elr gin avenbe, left on Tried ay to spend the winter in Florida. . Mrs, M.,,Sntcliffe was in Rodney on Sunday last, and sang a nolo at the anniversary services of. ChrjaL church. Mrs. T. Warrener harietnrned Mem a tisit to liefrolt.'`•'--._ -__ -' Mr. and Mrs. John Aflrat ar vfalt- Ing with friends at Toronto. Messrs. Duncan (Vtmeton and Dan. Finlayson. of fochalah, accompanied by Mrs..%lex. Finlayson and eon rk, of Lucknow, were .in town on• es; morning on their way to Ioit day R 1 cit a holiday trip. • . ti Mrs. Root. Russell left this week to *pend the winter with beer daughter, Mrs. Alan Rotwrtwon, a: Kincardine. Mesar.. 4Vm. and OAae. §ymonds left on Monday for Georgia, where they will spend the winter. Arrangements nre being made for a dinner to be held shortly 1.y the hand boys and the Mnstral Society execu- tive as a conclusion of the year's.ac- tivlties. • POPPY DAY Saturday, November 71h. 1a Popp' clay, and the people of I:edewih win have an mew: lenity of buying poppies In re- arreds•anee of the bereele ('auras dim hays who Ile in the graves of Filmes. and Flanders The tangle se reeeiveyl are used In the relief work of Um Canadian Legion. BIN A POPPY More Awards for G. C. I. Students Jean MacLeod and Walter Ruffell Win Two of the Carter Scholarships • The announcement of ('carter schol- arship winners, made public on Sat- urday, reveals that tweet Iodertch Collegiate Instihrte students are first and second prize -winners. Miss Jean Maclesl, dei'ulthter of Rev. Donald and Mrs. MacLeod, of Bonrlamaque, Quc, formerly of :God- erlrh, is the winner of the first Car- ter w-holarshtp of 3100:.W'.lter Buf- fett, son of Mr. sad Mrs. 'Chas. Ruf- fed, Victerla street, wins the levant] scholarship, of $60, and Miss Dorothy Golding, of $eafort*t 1s the Wenner of the third tarter„Kfiolarsblp, valued at 340 Mina Macieod's• scholarship win- nings now amount ?h.11,025 They They include the Strang Mem vial scholar- ship, value P125; the MacKay Mem- orial, valve 3200; the first Carter scholarship. 3100, and a bursary from Victoria College, Unlver.l'y of Toron- to, which she now attends, amounting to 3100. Mr. Ruffell'a scholarship* Amount to $1185, 'Deluding tbe -0Ddy prnfletency sholarablp, of iia the MacKay Memorial scholarship, of $200. and the d (atter scholarship, of 01111. eTllese notable-+ honors ahlch have NAM tb Ole O.C.i. wartwoo-by tern steams wire 41aveted :heir - upper sebool wort 1a ems year, it 1s the fond belief of the staff of the school sad of the' winners' fellow.stodents Hutt they will coatinoe to do honor to the old wheel is the fetor*. • -poli.-y is: '.hike. tw -t0 consumer, and In order to make sure hill' customers get the beet he goes ifs1Tn' himself. Lnck was against him on Monday, for with his first catch 1•e tell hut 9t his hoat et tbellarbor Into twenty feet 1.1 water. He was hauled to safety by Max Robins and Hee. Hays, and after a speedy trip up town to change hi. clothing he returned to the harbor to e•'mplete his catch tor the day. M. C. C. AT-HOME The fir -t social evening of the 1006-7 term of the Menesetung canoe Club was held nn Thursday night, with all arrangements In charge of a cottrtnit- tee under 11. 1t. M. Ttc!tisane. Ills co-workers were Dr.,.11. R. Hall and Wm. Tel•butt. About slaty memlers. their %Ives and friends enjoyed an hour or two of five hundred. end prize' were presenter) by Mr '1'Ich- le me to Mrs. R. J. P. Walter. Airs. Howard McNee and Mr. P. F. Carey. An excellent luncheon wax serval, V11111 n generous serving of pumpkin pie cnntril icing a touch of Hallowe'en. A period of dancing brought a very sneeeasful and most enjoyable evening to • close. J. G. STANBURY SWORN IN • of Lincoln County -Former Exeter lawyer J. G. Stanbury. K.C., was sworn In as judge of Lincoln county In a brief ceremony In the enmity buildings at St. I atharine/. on Fritter Inst. Judge Rtanbury suceeda Jndge John S. Campbell. who was superannuated re- cently. The ceremony was attended by Judge (tsmpttell, Judge l.. B. ('. Liv- ingstone, Judge Henry Carpenter and members of the Lincoln Onunty Bar Assndatlnn. A. W. Marquis, K.C.. president of the Bar Assa'tatlon. and E. 11. Lancaster wider/m/41 Jndge Stan - Miry, who replied. expreeaeing its ap- precietion and its pteasnre at having been ,pps.lntel to Ldneoln county. Judge Stenl*rty until hi* appoint- ment practised his profession at Exe- ter and wax nre of the most Momin- ent members. of the Huron minty tear