The Signal, 1936-8-13, Page 5THE 'SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONT. Thursday, August lata. IMS * ITA -RAY Special this Week 50c Doveskin Oil with any $1 Vita -Ray purchase • Vita -Ray Vitamin ('ream Is the amazing wtleutitic cream which makes the skin look _younger in twenty-eight days; it carries Vitamin 1) direct to the ('apti- iarie4-the only sourer of MTh nun rlahmeut. 1f your` akin 1s exceptionally dry -exceptionally 11,sr1-iii' to ltay ioveskin 011 with Vita. Ray ('ream. Yotl double 1111e effe•tived.+af of 'well. They work together 10 sn1,aoh away, lines -to reduce .•nlerge.1 pone --- and to combat "crepe)" throat - Take advantage of ter serial offer this week ait11,1 fall. • Miss Mae Quinlan, Steciel Vita- Itay Itepre•a•uta11ve. a 111 la• to ,air store August 17 to 22 1u eltedve 1.,11 are invited to •• l4 - '•nit her about your beano prob- lems, 1,r make au it000intm.•ut for a redid free ..f charge. 1'r -i- rate booth. Campbell's _--Drug Store GODERICH TOWNSHIP Goderich Collegiate Institute -Middle • SchoolResults • FeUowtng are the results of the June Departmental ezamluatluna, including these subj eta ou which the students obtained standing on rec'umwtudation of the staff. "1" indicates 75 per teat. or over; "11" Is 011 ler ,cwt. to 74 per DAL; "III" Is 110 per eeut. to OS per cent; ,.C•. he credit standing Adele' 111. 11. P4y. L. Lal..,L_t.m -4aCo fr. Map. e Aitken, K -•1 an. Hist. e., Phy. I1. ;tnrlemon. ('art-.('* Nist. 11. `•Archer, Ilelen-Eug. temp. 11. Eng. Wt. 1, Can. Illat. 1, (;rums r. rids. I. Arthur, Keith--Gtutu. 11. Lulu A. ,•., isatin 1'uaMr. 11, Fr. A. 111, Vr. Gump., c. Arthur, lirrJurle--Eng. Comp. c.. Eng.Lit. 11, Can. Hist. c„ Geom. 11, Phy. c. Asyulth. Harold -Eng. Lit. c., Can Hist. 11. Geom. 11I. 'Pby. 1. Baechier, Mars-Lat. Comp. 11. Fr. Pomp. 11. Buechler Phyllis -Eng. Llt. c.. Can. ()OILER ICI' TOWNSHIP. .1 ug. 10. - Mrs. J. F. Speiran, of Gnderlch, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rubs. Sowerby. Mr. H. E. Rorke, of Clinton, rlaited with Mrs. Marwood and family on Fri - d Miss Mary Bogie, of Nile. *Idled Iasi week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Stewart--Geom. II. Harvey Fuller. ---- - Foster. Irene-Rng. Comp. c., Eng. There was no church wrvi7eTell Lit. t1, Can. Hist. c., Phy, c. Union on Smudgy. Next ltun•iap. the Greene, Dorothy-Alg. c. service will be under the leadership of Itarriwrn, Lacy-Eng...Comp. c., Eng. the young people. Sunday echo°, at lit. c. 2 p.m, Horton. trove-Anc. Hist. e., Alg. M. Mary Phillip. held a picnic on 1. Geom. I. ---- T..May evening in honor _af_-was _Hanatnn- Frinora-Eng. Comp. e., • Haien 1hv(dson of Toronto, who is Eng. Lit. c.. Geom. 1, Phy. e. '•base on her vacation. Howard. Mary -Eng. Comp. c.. Eng. An lee cream metal b being held on Lit. 11. ('an. Hist. I. Geom. II, Pby. c. • Thursday evening. August 20th. at the I Irwin. Ivan -Can. Hist. c. Porter home. under the auspices of Johnston, Roberta -Ant Hbt. 11. the Dramatic Club and (he Y.P.U. Ali. r., Latin A. 11, ,Latin Comp. 11, Earl McAllister. Graham Johnston, Eric McAllister, Jean McAllister and Mrs. Carl Sowerby were at London on Sunday visiting Mr. Alvin McAi- lieter, who is still confined to the hos- pital. Latin A. 111, Latin Comp. 11, Fr. A. 111, Fr. Comp. 11. MacLeod, Vera -Eng. Comp. i, Eng. Lit. I, Can. Hist. 1. Geom. c., Phy. c. McManua, 1)une14a-Alg• 1, Ir. A. Ill, Fr. Comp. c. • McManus, Gurdon --Ane. Ise. III, Geom, c. MaeWick, Mildred -Eng. Lit. 111. Mll»epl Inn -Ane. Hist. 111. AIg. c., Chem. c., Latin A. c., Latin Comp. 11, Fr. A. 11, Fr. Comp. 111, Ger. A. c, Moody, Herbert -Lyng. Lit. e.. Can. (list. c., Geom. 111, Phy. 1, Chem. Il. Murray. Katherine--F:nk. Comp. c.. .%uc. Mat. til, Lath) A. c., Latin Comp. c•., F'r. A. 111, Fr. Comp. c. O'Brien, Joseph--Alg. c.. Phy. c. Plaetaer, Evelyn -Eng. Comp. c., Frig. LU. Ik (Mn. Hitt.' I. Geom. 11, e. ate, Verna-Etlg.: Comp• c., Eng. 111.4. 11, Geom. II. Itaechier, Teresa -Eng. bit. e. Baker, Doris -FU Comp. c.. Eng. Lit. 111, Can. Hist. c. Barnes, Robert -Ane. Hist. 1, lig. TL -Chem. 1, lac- A. 1. lat. Cutup I• Fr. A. 1, Fr. C. 1, Germ. A. 1, term. Comp. II. Beau, Manriee-Germ. II. Blsrrt, Wtlllaw-Anc. OWL c.. Alg• Eng.IAt. ii, Geom. c. from Clinton, tlrutfur[h, Au urn, I rad Joe. Irwin_ }r Phys, I. Lt. A. c., Lt. Comp. c.. Whitten, Elizabeth -Ane. Hist. c., erich and district, and there were In the absence of ger. G. W Sher h. A. e., Fe. COMP..a • Ge,om. est Iatla A. Iib, La Nd Comp. families pretrnt from l.,ndou, Hamll- than of the Baptist church, the B.Y.I'.I'. Nationale. Ralph ata Hist. Il. ills Fr. A. e., Fr. Comp. e. ton and Winnipeg. toot the prayer service. lest week -chiller, Mts.-big. ltar b g. Lt. cBlrl: c. Wiggins, Donald -Ane. Hist. 11. Alg. ad The 'lyd,liu h,, fist came tow i o can :the Bible class conducts bat servke: % r., (hem. 1, Latin• A. r, Latin Cutup. :the following err► the snag people's! Geom. 1, Pity.- il. 1t. Fr. A. c., Fr. Comp. r. the homestead now is occupied by 'class. ltegular aerilee *01' ('alder, Mary+-t:an: H141. e.. creole. Wilson, Beryl-Anc. Hist. Ii. Ale. grandson, Hcea Jenkins. tw twit' at the home of Lloyd Jobnetin,l 111. Lat. A. 111, lat. Comp. C.. Fr. A. I, Chem. c.. Latin A. ii. Lotto, Comp. The relatives spent a quiet aftefnoon on Sunday, August (lilt. tit 7.50. c•, Fr. Comp., e. i, Fr. A. li. Fr. -Comp. II. at the park end al -the beach and em Everyone woleome. 1 4'aniple'II. Agnes -Ane. Hat. '1, Wilson. Dwewna-'Eng. Comp. e.,, joy's! a picnic supper to the pavillon, . The engltrement is nnnuun,vrt of Geom. r. Geos), r., Phy. r. The eseujtice acting since the last %ons Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mor i' _ ('rawford, Charlotte -Eng. Cutup. C., -_ picnic we,•as follows: I'1.• -'dant. Ed. W. .1. Itulrle. of Auburn. to Jenne%, Eng. 1.11. 11. **■■ ^^ Jenkins. tnf l)ttaw'a : .e,-rrtary, Mit' (•Laren e Joitteeon, son of Mr. J. Join - Crawford, Kathleen -Abe, Iliet. 11. The Farmer 's Lot 'aura Sued, of L,,ude,4ore: (•••••N toter .ton and the late Mri1.'Johneton o' , Latin A. r., Latin Comp. 11.- • -- I.of the refreshment committee Mrs. I'fcecale, Ontario, the*editingto bike ('utt, John-- Eug. Comp. c.; Eng. Lit. ay I Wesley Stevens, of Clinton. place the latter part of August. c., l'au Hist. 11, Geom. 11, Phy. 1. } so BAYFIELD Very ruee.wtul, iutereatlnt; and im- pressive euelvereary iervlc'aw were 1,«yi iu At. Audaeselt L'ulted church, od Sunday lest. Rev. E. F. ('handler, ut Kip{eu, preaelied original and Iw presslvt serwous at bath ser•kee. A untie quartette front Calvary United church, l.cniduu, delighted runt tusplr.s' the audteuue with Gospel messages in sung. The choir rendered suitable an thous, assisted by Miss Ferrier of 1'11111ou, w'hi contributed a beautiful solo at the eceding w•rni.e. FROM AN OLD SCIISCRIBLSR The Signal is pleased to have anoth- er renewel ut subc•rlptiou from one ut the oldest of its sul,e'ribers. Mrs. (t. 1•'r. •Lisa(•(' L1r Mrs. Morris says The Signal reaches tier-reVerty •"ia7aiwaya _ w•ei- -ilabssiaan,-Ruth-Can Hist c Saunders, Geraldine -Ant. Hist. II, Geom. 11, Latin A. II. Lattp Comp. 11, Fr. A. I1, Fr. Comp. II, ter. A. ii, Ger. Comp. c. Shephard, Ruth -Can. Hist. c. Snaael, Lenore -Eng. Comp. c., Eng. Lit. !i, Can. Hist. II, Geom. I1, Phy. 1I. Snell, Elva -Eng. Lit. iI, Can. Hist. Il. Geom. c., Pby. r. Thornelae, Agnes-Anc. Hist. c., Phy. c., Fr. Comp. c. Turner, Harold--Alg. c., Geom. 1I. Turner, Madge -Eng. Comp. c., Eng. Lit. c., Geom. c. -- Tyndall, Tyndall, Kathleen--Anc. Hist. II. irtin A IIi, Latin Comp. Ii, Fr. A. come. FAIL FAIR BOARD The board of directors of the 0o4' erich Industrial Exhibition met at the town hall on Saturday evening and attended to a number of matters in connection with the coming fall fair. The matter of special attractions re- ceived eareful attention, and the com- mittee was authorized to contract for first-class programa tor the grand stand performance on the opening night and the afternoon of the nett day. Judges were appointed, a few changes being made from last yMr's c., Fr. Comp. iII. staff. Walter, Gordon -Eng. Lilt. c"' Can. ABNKINIi FAMILY REUNION H W ill. Zoom_ Yesterday afternoon tie descendants Weir, Jobti-Eng. Idt. c., Can. Hist II, Geom. I. • of Mr. and Yrs, Wmt Jeuklns, natives Whitely, Benson -Ane. Hat, e.. Alg. 14 Iii, Chwm. c., Isatin A. c.. Latin Comp. 11I. Whitely, Ramona -Eng Comp, II, AUBURN AL'IBUH.N, Aug. 11.-A large number attended the baseball match between Auburu and Biyth ou Monday night, which resulted In a score of 3-2 In favor of Blyth. A return match oil. be played In Blyth on Friday eveutug. Mies B. Lwwu, Miss Margaret Fer- guwu and Mler Ethel Washington hovel returned to their homes, having Lin - lathed the course at-O.A.C., Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Mayhew, of Thauiervllle, who came to attend the Straughan reuuiuu, visited he.. broth- ers here fur a few dela. Visitor' in Auburn over the week- end were Mr. and Mrs. P. Gibbs, of Detroit, at Mr. H. McGee's; Mrs. H. Adams and two daughters, of Turouto, ltxbru r'; - Sluatl by, of lit. Thomas. with els cousin, Muret, of Detroit._ --*I. C. Straugbau's; Mrs. Jones and iDfant daughter and Miss Lottie -..'Lawlor, at Mr. S. Lawlor's; Mrs. Forman and children, of Flint, Mich., at Mr. E. Jones'; Mr. James Bail, of })berta, and Mrs. C. Lovett. of Clinton, with their Mater, Mrs. G. Sturdy- idisses Isobel and Marion McGill, of East Wawanoah, with. their uncle, Mt. W. T. Riddell; Mr. and Mrs. Rtnderknect and family, and Mr. G. Disney, of De- troit, at Mr. Geo. Beadle's: Mrs. Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Mellic•k-, of Detroit, with Mr. A. Robinson, of Ilul- lett ; Mr. and Mrs. McWhinney, of Goderich. Mr. and We. Harman, of Iiedmlller, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Tur- ner. wever*i from,,bele.Alteeded the fun- eral of the late Miss Bedford from the home of her brother -la -law, Mr O. H. of Qarmartbenrhire, 'ale*, gathered at. Ball, on 'Saturday last. Harbor Park to celebrate the arrival Mr. Wm. Craig has .ecurei the eon - of the couple in Canada 103 years ago,.tract as rural mail carrier on 11.11. No. More than sixty persons were presrht 2,Auburn, formerly held by the late t metimes Tot llnh i^ f. LOVELY LITTLE LADY Dean, Edwin --Atte. Hist. 1. Alg. 1, Fr. A. 11, Fr. Comp. 11. Ltuwker, Arthur -ADC. 111.1. 1I, Geom. I, Phy. I. Durgin, Bernice -Ape. Bast- 11,.AIg. 1; Pby. 11, ':hem. 1I.. let. Y. it: Lin' Comp. I1. Fr. A. I1, Fr. Comp. II. Elliott, Margaret-Alg. III, Geom. 1, Laths A. I11, Latin Comp. c., Fr. A. 111, Fr. Comp. c. --- Elliott, Mervin ---Can. Hist. c., Olen.reds that bring ruin and failure. But data at airs. ser. rcetrnuy s na•w goer c., Phy. c. In the age-old ocrupetlon of agrlcnl- lung Mummer attrrnoo°s- ' In Auburn, with over twentyresent. It is important that chaste aeries 1 Fardsli„Muriel--Fr. A. c.. Fr. Camp. tore, the laws of nature pr(•.all, and 1 k s informal ('hlldreu may so A distinctive feature war the present* c. man has yet to bend these law-+ to his it become constrained It there are Feagan, Etleeui- ng. Comp. c.. EMI will. Floods and drought„ and pests L1L c still harry the mad on the soil. robbing Fellows. Gerald--Geom. c., Phy. I1. IMer Huth -Can. Hint. c. The friends of Miss Elizabeth 11.1- • ford were worry (o hear of her (lentil CHURCH h. l'liuton hospital on Wednesday i•I'a. ~nig ORIENT as-siih Bessie,. Smcligs -mud PROUD if /I(nMa,a STUMM A grand stocking Orient service silk! Combines . sturdy wear with'del(ghtful delicacy. Hes all the dainty toucher only found as a rule in high-priced hosiery ... And here's the thrill of it Both reinforced foot and garter hem, every thread, are all pure silk. That's luxury! Strong enough to stand all day continual wear and repeated launderings. Quality makes this lovely stocking possible . . . ORIENT superior quality silk, styling, workmanship, • that never ten be found in bargain -counter hose. Ask for Orient 1.4-0. $1.00 pr. I.. NE .LEN1:7'tl ELASTIC TOP HOSE iN sl'M MER SHADES - - Phous 86 lipsciO1 st iRc pair F. E. Hibbert The Cash Store ( be'n*. I;... lxrtn''-A.--1.- Lahr uemsrcJ.�' Has His Independence, but Many j �. ` H7 snares it.'-Rruuk. night. - -nth.-ha+l -been a patient. out-. , freer fn the hospital for ate year.. The regular meeting of the Arthur of Them Little Else These No little girl can begin to ectertaiu ('IT le will to held In the Latton room tun early. Bridg a chanuiug uuoitete Miss Bedford lived lu Auburn for 11 Hard Times may be lord in some of us, but most 'number of years with the Inti Mrs. �'f( Knox tenni ox Mondry ecenp,g. people have to practise a bit before- H. H. Hill. The funeral was held on f August Captain7. at )1 oaie�ut fir local I Satunla sfterneon from the home of t 1e of a ,August 12.-1u al .t every they eatertnin grail -1%013. Muthrrf y dal;vntttm +may IRladel; 1s among line of endeavor, except agriculture, 1 should begin the so• ia! training of George H. Ball on the Bane lino, with .Ixteen uM,erM in this dlvlrinq to be tremendous strides have been taken to- their girls by lacune th. w incite their Interment in hall's cemetery. Baptists Ladies' AId.-The monthly trairderred on August 27th. I)eetlna-. In often for tri or. lug [e I tions or auccesrors of these officers will ward' elimMating the risk and haz- e-. , friends in of tufo lawn r light the matting u[ the Baptist ladles Aid war loot not be known until next week. A large congregation at Knox Pre*. byterian church heard with interest on Sunday nurrning a sermon preached NOTES .e el of Mrs. Wm. Hill, sr., lin president easily o of the Be1:414t I aches' Aid. when the tun many elders around or if every- church was held on the Rawe litre. thing b new party Mh. They afoul, hen Mrs. Webster read the Scripture from [Imr w He who knows most grieves most for wasted time. --Dante. T� .w - Prompt, courteous service, Reasonable rate.. CLAYTOIN EDWARD Lighthsuee Street Phase 616. Fr. A. I1, Fr. Comp. ii. Ger. A. II, Ger. Comp. c. Jones. Ik,nalda-Eng. Comp III. Eng. Lit. II, Can. Hist. III. Kershaw. John-Phy. c. Kinahan, Beatrice -Eng. Comp. e" Eng. Lit. c., Can. Hist. III. Knight. Wilson -enc. Hld,..t+. Latin A. c,; Latin Comp. It, Fr. A..II, Fr. Comp. 1i. Little, Kathryn -Eng Comp. I. Lorentson, John-Geom. II, Phy. 1. MacDonald, Murray -Eng. Lit. e.. Anc. Hist. e., Chem. c., Latin ..A: lee Latin Comp. 11, Fr. Comps--er --- Macdonald. Robert -Eng. Comp. c., Eng. bit. e., Can. Hist. Iii, Geom. II, Phy. c. MacKay, Marion-Geom. c., Phy. c., SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON - ONTARIO ('ourses---STF•NO(iR.tPHI(', COMMERCIAL -STENOGRAPHIC i4PE('I:U. and ('ORRFSl'ONIW..N('E 1'01'RM S arranged For mirtlrnlnr' writ.• ..r plmtie 1!et N % YT(INF, Com. llperlalist It. F. W.%RI). 11. .%., V-iee•Prinelpal. . Principal. New Imperial Oil Station Corner Victoria and Nelson Streets Now Open for Business FULLY EQUIPPED GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION COMPLETE LINE OF ATLAS TIRES, BATTERIES AND AUTO ACCESSORIES liernirs on All Parc Wm. A. Craig, ('BONE 51'1. t'ROI'RIETOR him of his thin profits; wiping out learn to bwk un parries an a the toil of a season: breaking hi. Ithea' can lar naturally gay wltb con- the 103rd Psalm. Several hymns pocketbook but never his courses. genital people. rather than as stiff, cera- were sung and prayer offered by tilt- st Governments can do mute towards monist occasions. toren t members- Readings were given alle`vlittok the troubles of farmers. but If her dattpFhte ttF ttAclee lens prob.. Mrs. Webster. on 'The Road:" Mrs they ea .r.11((Jg_ur nothing aboutIf motWr should plan and wefts ctrl Haggis-- -fir"• Aid;" Mrs. L. lack of stip. or too much ut It. Ferguson, "Gists fur the Master:" Farming, no matter what branciL, Is ■ pure gamble. Thr man on the land know" the rinks and be is content to take I6em.-I'het-ir--irM-- moat farmers possess the stoicism of an Indian and the patience of ancient J ob. Undue emphasis has been placed in recent years on the troubles that be- set the industrial worker. True, these troubles are complex and ser- ious, but what about the farmer's troubles?. Unfortunately, farmers as a whole are inarticulate.' 1? they had as good preps agenting as the labor bodies and trade unions of the cities, there would' be more eympet.hy and -- understanding of their plight. "True enough, farmers don't need to stand in bread lines or depend on relief contributions. They have thelr inde- pendence, hut many of them have little else. -_..-..- The same amount of phyaleal tell and care that a farmer expends, it put Into anme other line of bueineaa, would bring much greater returns than are received by the men on tlw land. it is a tragedy. no Zeas, when a searing drought dealt' a death blow to crops. Human enterprise goes for nothing be- neath the hot rays of the A111. And the farmer must start all over again. t'ity ,dweller* sometime* pans over n» unimportant' an announcement that the Geternmenl Olen. to do this or that for aerioultnre. Perhaps they rend tut 11em 111 the newspapers' that 1 egg the cheese industry has been tonnsed 314 cups all brats ..r that quality cattle have been 2 cup@ flour - - brought 10 (*amide to improve Cana• 2 teaspoons S,aklnR powder. Man herds. and 1111111111.1. It as being of !/s teapoons l .44(114 110 Interest. They are wrong No- ry teaspoonful salt thing that a government doe. on be- 14 tea •poonftil nutmeg half of 44gricitthitc is wasted. No U. cup chopped nut meets branch of human industry Is entitled Soak chopped apricots In milk about to more innstderltihn ntud help from fifteen mimic'. ('ream shortening the "tile than is ngrtcnitiirc. and ..11K1.r thoroughly: /11111 egg, bent 9Firrt•t'orc It 1. encouraging to find until creamy. Add sill bran. eprleota .4(r0 (eucasin 44,.veranwnt map lona out and milk. beet soak untll 0)1,41 of n definite program of farm old to all moisture Is taken up. Sift flour with the ninny end important branches of baking powder. soda, salt, and nutmeg; the lndnstrr. More money ahonld he combine with nut meat.: add tr, first .pmt by the Department of Agri- mixture. Stirring only until flour die.. culture though It.lp tree the mounts appears. Rake In greased Inst pan hnve been increased In some ,revs- with w'Axed (raper in the tottein, in nud Byrn more thought given to the maithitte oved 13:e)' F.) about one K011111111. and d1mi'nitie. le.et11ng the hoar slid ten minutes. 1(4gld:- One fertner.. loaf ('y x 91/2 'mites( Tea P[meh RI'GGT QED 1 cup .agar Wilfred tfiMkel and 111.s Gertrude R whole ,•loci•. Slemnn, Bornholm youne people. es- ti teaspoonful cinnamon raped with n stinking 1111 91111 brllw•. 3 sups water when they erre thrown from the 1 cup orange pekoe tea • . . buggy in whleh they were rials when 1Nn. 2 ran pineeprple Pike r it wo. struck by s ear deice❑ by Gus- ..1yi cup4 orange Jobe tate Ahrens. of Mitchell. The ear % cup lemon Jnl,'e 1.1 111111 the buggy from behind and 3 rope water or ginger ale wreaked 1t. Ahren• I. charted with Simmer .near, Sputas and there cop.( -peel,. driving. The erase recurred wader together for three minntes. about inns tulles rest of 111nfl.rop 0- , Strain end add the tea. ('1111 end Tite'dn). add fruit Juiec. and water or RlnRet •I l.lfe I. mosl} by ih-iohf and ale. (inrMsh with n thin .11(.1. of or- 1 I}nor•aM-1gr'strelUsal sYrlta-ncurnti.ulr, i ar nn ty nr mare ehtnn rbrrrry. refreshments. This lo'ures their suc- cess. But If the young lady is in her teens 1t will lar fun for her to do fret own planning. with a little WI' la the serving. Nothing etxeonte should MiBrien offereed-fie closing prayer. A ever be artemptel, for that will take dainty ten -cent tea was then arced. the pleasure out of It for the young hostess. She utie•tu't be made to feel ADDRESSES C. W. 4 i that this Is anything more difficult Miss Catharine Toal of Stratbroy, than the many times he and Judy have Diocesan president of the Catholic eaten fresh rhubarb from the garden, Women's League, while on a visit to or borrowed apples from mother's kit- the different stub -divisions of the chen to take en their private picnic ague, gave n eery In4truetive folk in a vacant lot. The entire spirit of to the ladles of St. Peter's 'church a young girl's entertaining should be nn Sunday, on the carrying on of the one of impromptu hospitality. if chit work of the League. She was accom- carries user Into her grown-up eater- panted by Mrs. Frezell of London. peat tjiningr she will be a lucky girl and president of the League. While In that rare person, a good hoster4, town Miss Toal and Mrs. Frezell were A suitable menu for these after - guests of Mrs, R. J. Phelan. noon get-togethers is given here. It la simple and very dainty and reflects the coolness of ■ terraced garden. Serve it bullet or plate Ville. Radish roses Ripe olives Sandwiches of cream cheese on all bran aprihot bread Cucumber sandwiches Chilled assorted melon balls with mint sprigs iced tea punch or orange juice All Bran Aprlsut Bread t cup Chopped doled apricots' 1 1-3 Cups sour milk or hnttermllk 3 tablespoons shortening 1-3 cup sugar Miss Small. "Tile ('rose of Mine;" Mrs. E. Balli' '•, "Wby I Pledge to the Chureb." '91r: Wolper gave the topic, "Give Others the Sunahine." Mrs-. by Rev. .1. W. McNamara, D.D., of Toronto. Mr. McNamara supplied at both sc•rvl.es on Sunday for Rev. 1). Cee The Signal's Adsertaing Columna Baptist - Church REV. - S: L - McCLtTNO 1'.t. STOII will preach at morning and evening' services On SUNDAY, AWHJST )6th J. Lane. who 1s holidaying.' Mr. Me - Namara. an engaging speaker, Is Joint elerk with Ir. T. Wardlaw Taylor. of Goderich, in the General Assembly of the Pre.byterlan Church In Canada, The August meeting of the W:M,Si. of Knox church will be held rat the Stewart home at Renmtller on Tues- day. August 1Rth, at 3 o'cloel.. Rev. Gordon Taylor of Kincardine. will *peak on the Chinese work. - Members_, of the Arthur Circle are esteclnlly. Invited, and all the wumrn 111 the con- greeatlop who are Interested in mis+lon work will be made welcome. ('ars will leave the church at 2.3l. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Announcement is made of the en- gagement of Miss ina Williams, daugh- ter of Mr. Arthur Williams and the late Mrs. Williams of Goderich, to Mr. Alfred Charles Hines. son of lira Hines and the late Mr. George Hines of Toronto, the marriage to take place fbe latter part of thAs month. r HEADQUARTERS -FOR-- FURNITURE- and PAINT AULCRA@T PAINTS are high (pally and Lew b pries. Ton will end first -clam values in our stock of FURNITURE sad STOVES We positively save you money W. H. Blackstone "On the Broadway of Goderich" 4. MAKING UP A SHOPPING 1 LST- t,it' IIaII needs a neve rug. More towels are nee,Ieil for the hath rano and the kitchen fluor could certainly stand a 1.11}1 of paint. The -• efiilidr(Y> itt+pT Ate: The ear vv 111 4crun Herd tire. Well. we hny a huu (bred hew thil)gs every year. Neattered throughout 1'anada are manufacturers who wake the very things we ,.need. Their prlduets are ;rat sale in certain stores within easy r,'aeh. ('i•t&ain of il,.e priniitetw; iThi cei'fn11t of thane atn'ren. are est.eeielly fitted to take care of our Ipeeiai- nee.%. I1iit •whish printings .(1.(I whish stores! Which eau we afford. and which (lu we think is b('.+I i (WI- 11111.1 look to advertising for advice. A.ivertiting ix the straight line brhv(eu supply and demand. It saves time split in haphazard shopping. It leads you- direetjy to your goal , Ily rciLlititi the allvertiselnt'ilts. We,candeteflnillP in advance 'whPte the. b, st values are to he found. 11.111 the aid of advertising, shopping becomes s.unple And 'pleasant InnMineM', and budlfet figures bring nnore. miles • than from From the pages of tris paper you esn make nit stopping lit that will save you mow, - OBEs 4 •