The Signal, 1936-8-6, Page 6itV.,‘,1%., i l S-iltarwday. August Sib. 1096 No Deception in Our Prices Tbs. 1peshas are good for the Wolk et Ansa 7th to 14h (iaebrobro) 10.4111111100 MALIAN ENGLISH HEALTH Oman Iffs.. NW. Tea II pa NIL gam &Atiffs `► Immo A. lu. a. air. nigNeWha KUN-TAIa1010. , IML OEM ilbp� 1t% ter !In. MECCA OI TIMIXT tic THE SIGNAL A NOTABLE PAIIQLY Batas d Them Ale mdad Gedrrieh High Hertel Yens Age Ittpbey, July 2S, 1166, -Mrs. Asa Painter of Heron township received word of the death of ber sister, Mrs. W. J. Hall, at 'Lena Haven. Florida. Deceased, who was turaerly Agnes Henderson, was to her s•veaty-liftl year. Sbe waa • [request visitor to this district and at ose time taught scbool 1s tloderiek Her bullhead, Dr. W. J. Hall. a MOS litotes. pre 4444"••! 444,112...1118-11811111a- He was a missionary 11 the Ilertbwest sad al. so held pastorates hi Iktbsta sad lat. terly In Lynn Haven. tenesseed of a lbw votes and mock aeslcat taleat. Mrs. Hall was a gr••t a1d is the par Loral work. She to survived by tour children and ten grandchildren. 4�a beide 115 STATIONERY Alamo Pad ad Fig. 6vdpse tic LYMIOIDB Vie WA7'E8trAN'S IDEAL INK Al seises, lbs SET DRUGS AT THE DR1FOITORE - Lender's Campbell's Dunlop's Wigle s Drugstore Drugstore Drosses,. Drugstore DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK. Aug. 4. -The rega- lar'meeting at the Y.S. was held on Friday evening. wttk the prresldeot, Mr. J. A. Tbompaoa, to the chair. The Scripture Meson was read by Mies leery Tboapsos avid Mr. Morley John- ston gave the topic. 1%. meeting was dosed with the Mingsh benediction. The W.M.S. d Donnybrook church esif meet on Thursday, August 11, at TIM LAM' COLON a the huge bowl, e s nein. Isys paieawe la the gate= w awn wriens sad gabled isaases-r Yes eaa prevent and ea�s� � this mindrank tern d NIL SMINIP.- I4a.T..tri ills the home of Mn. Christens Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Potter and children, of Parkbtdl. also Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler. of Belgrave, .pest •mins with Hr. and Mrs. J. C. Rorlaos. Master Jackie Potter remained for a longer visit. Miss Jowle Moss, of Goderich, spent Monday at ber home here. Mr. and Max John* Jefferson and family, of Munro, visited at the tame at Mn. C. Jefferson on Sunday. Mime Nellie ryne and Mr. Joe Flynn have returned to their home 1* Toronto. Several from bare have been to Htapbrldge to attend the reunion. Elms Irene Robinson 1s vtttltl*g rela- tive. lb East wawano.b. Mr. Sohn G. (lbamney, of Stratbroy, called on friends here one day Let week. Miss Edna Plowman has gone to Whlteeborch, when she baa secured a position. We are glad to report that Mr. Thos. Foran b Iwprovtsg after hl. resat accident. As agitator was addreasiag a bead of etrtkera "Only $12 a week," he yelled. "How an a Bias be a Chide- Dan arle blas ea 412 a west f "Hew," 1dimi a voice, "can be afford to be anything Meer FREE - FREE - FREE With every purehase of 25e or over, coupons will be given . for Kingsley Design English Dinnerware or Rogers' Al Plus Service Plate table flat ware. riEAA/ One Kingsley Breed and Butter Plato and cou- �X�AI. pons FREE to the first fifty customers pur- chasing 21 or more of merchandise at The Square MAPLE LEAP BAKERY Phone 110W BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, GROCERIES, ETC. CENT A MILE Rawl Trip Bargain EXCURSION wd.+ Foss Amt 71s One tor. from GODERICH AND ALL ADJACENT C.N.R. STATIONS Oshawa. Port Hope. Cobonrg. Retlevtlle, Fri. Aug. 14 to Klnpeon, (l.nanoqur, Brnekvlllr. Prescott, . Morrtdsnt'g, Cornwall, Uxbridge, iJndmy, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, AlLndaie, Pentane, Collingwood, Melford. Barrie, Orlllta. Midland. Gnveohnr t. Bncebrtdge, Huntsville, North Boy' Parry Pound, Aodbary. All towns In New Ontario on line of Temlekamtng, & Northern Ontario Rty.: Niptasieg (lewtral RIy ; Kepn.kasing, Long Lc. (leruldton, Jellies., Beardmore. Sate Aug. 15 to Toronto Also to Brantford, ('hatham, Che•1e7. Canton, Durham, Exeter, Fergus, Goderieb, Guelph. Hamilton, Hanover, Harrtton, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mltrbell, Niagara Palle, Owes Sound. Palley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, At. Cetha- rise., et. Mary., Aarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathro7, Walker- ton, Wlertoa, Wingham, Woodstock. and Sat. Aug• 1SLocally between Impsrtawt tbtiona at which Excursion Tickets are aoid-Ank Ticket Agent For Fare., Return Limits. Train information, Ticket., mash nearest Agent. See Handbills for complete Set of deestientioas. T914A FANADIAN NATIONAL" 1 • ,.' rt `93':+m�r� :a.y GODERICR, ONT. v - Sunday Afternoon . • • By ISABZL HAMILTON Goderich. Ootark, Min die In darkens 51 yo'r Ode. Without a hope to cheer tic• tomb: Take up the torch and ways it wide. The torch that lights time's thickest gloom. Toll on. taint mot. keep watch lad pay : -• Be wise the struts seal to win; Go forth into the world'. highway. ()owpel the wanderer to come ln. -Horatio, Bonar. • • • W. thank Tbss, our either, for The The above paragraph from one of Sods Word given for our instruction 1s the daily papers 1.111 be read with te- the way of right uvt.g. May we keep terest by mans of our older people. la abed that Mends we are told that The late Mrs. Hall was a member as a man .ewetk so shall he reap. t rather notable family, that of lb* SPICY MATS By Betty Bards" Is days of old, ware were !oelgbt over spices. Today we take ear seise shelf too mach for granted and often verve dishes that would be twice es appealing bad we been more liberal with ear sessonlmg- Keep a well -stocked shelf ef fresh spices- This try either or both el these spicy Meets: Stetted Brent elf Veal 4 pounds breast of veal 1 eq bread crawls S sires fat salt pork o a Amen. late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderoo. of S, d UMW IOU AUG. 16. tele 2.4 cork- Thu were farmers on. the SIO L .) 2nd small ani of Hay. Their ics• bra Iowa ?uple-.� iii, was small and they were pit cent of Ursa 6:1-111, the Ws ane 7n.• tet the last a was Ostia 'llW.- ole g:7. woe. work was piaatst a mosey too, T I5 .tath ehapter la composed ew- very scarce and k a l everyone had Urety of affectionate ezbortatlos. and was strugglehelot of e e • lrson ou s This the ezpre•dea of Paul'. earnest solici- ts -the a lot of f t Henderson hohe tali tide on behalf of the Christians In elle mfde vi gaNr waggle the Intit Galatia. lits exhorts them (verse 1) er died, peeving a targe runny - N WIC to the ways of virtue young erupts and children. The aId- est .on, Toa. leek the titre! of the wort who through the strength of father and accoapllsbed mocb. Wrong tempttU0W bad been led astray Everyone worked and they also went In verse 2 he entreats them to bear to school wiea possible. one another's bardeue, and thus to One day a Neighbor, the late WU- show that they are true frjewda of Ilam Northeott, was speaking to this Christ. and governed by His laws. He eldest sun and he maid to him, "Toot exhorts them to melatster to the seeds father said he meant to give you as of their public teaches, the afd•ters educalios." and preacbers of the Bowel: 'Let Tom asked, "Did he say so?" him that 1. taught In tbe word coo- -Yes, he did." pound al mutilate unto him that te.ebeth in "Well, thee, by George." responded all good things." In verses 7-10. he the young man, '1 am going to get 1t." reminds tbem of tbe solemn day of Aad be dld. It meant hard work, judgment, when all will be tried; ar pinching financially, and a great ef- sures them that teen will be judged tort to get to school. He taught and rewarded according to their works; school for wise years, went to college and entreats them not to be weary L In Detroit, a5d graduated as a medi- well -doing, but to labor on patiently al doctor. He was • very successful I. doing good, with the assurance that one over there. His brother, WI11, they shall reap la doe season.-1Oon- followed his example, and was also a desired from Barnes' Commentary 1. • • • line success as a doctor In Detroit, �QWiANCi LP1fQATURi where hl. son L now a medical eve. (Truce The LFT Globe) dellat. Both brothers have passed l;oder the heading, ..Beer and on, but they certainly made their mark Wines," there appeared recently in the beton 1. and They attended Model editorial column of • local weekly the School lid writer School . 1...Godet following statement : "Due to the ex - themthe wrier of these these mer ceases of certain drinkers, all spirlt- thea Int. Tem was a Ase ,Ingo 'woe liquors have been considered by aadlat the Model carte e, the o was many. as in themselves, an evil. This a member of the quartette, the others opinion Is entirety wrong. Alcoholic RenWag 1the. Mimes Sarah Caldwell h. drinks are, whim used properly and .01 RI end li dant o of devteh- Al- in moderation, of great benefit to man." other ] sister Miller d Ootea . a Forty or fifty years ago, wben alma bthtr iawas also a. teacher, a bol was thought to have medicinal aim - brother was • miler cc Mlss tenser value as a food and stimulant, the ex - 10 testier was a sgh e, Cl honer preemies of sock an opinion might have was Iowa, while a daughter. Chrbste y been ju.Udable. But with our present • pioneer In Oklahoma. They knowledge, Indisputably established by were all • tae example of the poestat- physiologists. that alcohol is primarily Ity of climbing L spite of adverse sad essentially a narcotic depressant circumstances If the will to climb be is any dosdge, ,leek an utterance L present M teesseee mow 1 I spoon sweet Biarjlseam - - _ tamspoo- thymge^ra► 1 teaapoo. salt The, hotelier will prepare Lha veal for stuffing. if regemited to do w if ills has not done .o, make as Bielsko between the ribs and the meal. to form a cavity. FLU Mra cavity with Wafflsg made from the bread erase. pork, sweet marjoram, thyme, salt and pepper. Roast, allowing twenty to thirty minutes for every veal. Unless cooked in double relater, baste every twenty minutes, .ming the 'Weld 1. the bottom of the pan as aeon as then L se/Relent for basting. Serve with gran. vegda M Leat % cup Booked gree. peat % cup cooked green string beano 3,4 cup chopped Dolled earrota 1% caps milk 1 cup soft bread crumbs % teaapoo. salt 1-8 teaspoon pepper % tesepoo• paprika 1 egg Pro, peas through a sieve, rut beans 1n small pieces, thea combine all vege- tables. Add to them the milk, slightly bastes egg. crumbs and se..ealsg. Turn Into a greased baktsg dish and bake 1n a moderate eves until Ara RWarre Pat Fillet 2 eups blueberries 2 esps sliced apples % cap water i tablespoons gsIek.eooking tapioca % cap sugar 1-8 teaspoon ask 2 teble.pooss lens juke % nap sifted cake floor 2 egg yeast bestow until thick 6 tab 2 egg mitis 1-8 teaspoon salt % teaspoon cream of teller Bring to a bell blueberries, .pegs and IaAg%►grlered lespo� sugar The paresis ware possibly above the ensaedonebei Dr. H. A. Hare, Professor of Thera - sixth L Intved to and Mrs. Hen- peutiey and M&OMa Medica 1■ Jeffer- dersoa, robe lived to reach her eighty- .o0 Medical College, In kis textbook on ind year, *da of disc a great reader "Practical is lColleg , Ica," says: "Al- ine( very fnst e day ng the lead- cohol never act. as a try stimulant questions of the day who the sod water. Combine quick -cooking On the contrary, Its dominant Inloence met one who was laterested In them. I teploa sugar and alt add gradual- sod Is depreseent- The increased activity W. H. J. ly to halt mixture and too PORTER'S one minute. Add lesson juice. Pour PORTER'S HILL into greased h.kise dish and keep hot. Sift flour once and measure. Add sugar gradualist to egg yolks, beating So tar until light. Beal egg whiter and alt a real Increase In energy. until foamy ; add cream of tartar ■nd as the twain is concerned, It does not beat until .toff enough to bold up In lurreese the vigor of thought nor Its peaks, but not dry. Fold egg yolk depth;, on the contrary. It rather be- flour,mixture into ea/ white.; thee fold in numbs the activity of mental processes. be - flour, a entail amount at ■ time. Turn The effect of moderate doses differs out over hot taoloes-troll F.) efe. from the effect of large ones in degree, Bake In moderate oven (1125' F.) fifty bot not h kind." minutes, or until cake le baked. Serve 't not in Tear" ago. laboratory re. warm. Serves eight. search established the fact that the . °people index, or power of vital resis- tance to acute Infectious diseases, 1e lowered by even email dose* of alco- hol. This doubtless accounts for the iIIE 4PAR,D/VE, Aug- 4. -Mr. sad well recognised high mortality rate of pneumonia In rases of alcoholic addic- tion. likewise, the habitual use of alcobol Is a pronounced causative factor in many of the chronic degenerative dis- eases', 1r eases, such as arterio-sclerosls, [Night's disease, cirrhosis of the liver (gin liver). neuritis, epilepsy and insanity. Rrcent observation nnmleta kably prove that even the so-called moderate one of alcohol Is • major factor 1n the ranee of a large per entage of automo- bile aeclden1 For instance, It has been shown that "one avenge drink of liquor will cause a nwntat lapse of a fraction of a second, which may deprlre an antomohile driver of the martin of safety necessary to prevent a rra.h The twain signal to pot on brakes takes *boat one-fifth of • second to produce effect. one drink of U' gnor slows this operation to two-lifthe of a second: and In that time • car going thirty -tire miles an hour will 1l brisklyof thought and speech after 1ts ane In. not due to stimulation, tut to deprer Mon of foe inhibitory Nervous appara- tus. The activity 1s. therefore, that caused by lack of control, and Is not POWI'Pa'S HILL, Aug. 4. -The gar- den party held o. July 28 was well at- tended. The evening was ideal after the refreshing shower. The play 'Co the 11111 to Paradise," put on by the Y.I'.1'. of Ebeneser, was well given and murb enjoyed. On Sunday, August 9th, there will be no service at (;rase church, owing to •nulversary serviette at St. An- drew's church, Bay'eld. Mies Reinke, of Sesforth, fa staying kr a while with ler friend, Mrs. Reid Torrance. Quite • hailstorm panned through here o. Ttabday last. Along the Cot line tot hall 1s reported SR two Inches deep,' threshing out considerable of the grain aid cutting the corn and root crop. O• one mile either side there was no hall, but a wonderful rata, which was badly needed. Visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Blair were their daughter, Mrs. Doyle, and four sons, of Buffalo; Mrs. Will Currie, of Fargo, North Dakota, a slater of Mrs. BL1r's; Mr. and Mrs. Silbert and Mr. Donley, alt of Buffalo. Mies Irese Woods, of London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miltos Woods. The Goderich Township Men's Club will, hold a meeting in the club rooms on Tuesday, August 11, to make ar- rangements for the annual field day. Mr. Vheron Nettles, of Toronto, spent Sunday with hl. mother. ;s delicious BENMILLEIt B8NMMIIA.ZL Ang, L--0ba cos. Albert Vamrtoes, Frank Waller% Les. Hoy, Roswell Ptriamsr, Wilfred Fisher, Ted McMichael end Beg. Allis left here by automobile fur Wasters Canada recently. Mn, .1. W. Gledhill accompanied Mrs. Herman Vanden to long Brawl last week to visit her deserter, Mra Ke.. Bowden Mr. J. W. Gledhill, Mr. Verne tlled1lll and Mrs. Verne Gledhill were there over the weekend. Visitors at the wepk-end with Mr. sad Mrs. Jt. J. Moore were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mksoa of diascoe sad Mr. R. W. kneel of Toronto. Mr. Lunate Ole of Toronto was a recent visitor In the village. He brought bis mother. Mrs. Ida Oke. home. She had been voting with him and hie family at their cottage up north. Mr. sod Mrs. Pett and Frank were at Orangeville for • few days 'recently. Mrs. Wm. Hill, of Ooderkb, waa a recent visitor with ber son, Rowell, and family. SHEPPARDTON - Mrs. Geo. Potloek, Carman and Elwin spent Monday la Kincardine. Mr. McLeod sad Bob, of Detroit, 'pent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vrooman. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKensie, Mar- jory and Ztleea, of Belgrave, speed Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. frank Rising. Miss Mae Menary spent a few days with Miss Bella Green 1n Goderich. Mr. and Mra. Harry Livermore and fatally and Mrs. 12,y, of London, spent the holiday at the old Eby home. Quite • number took 1n the races at Goderich on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, of Dun- gannon, %pent Sunday with Mr. •nd Mrs. Harold Ttgert. Miss Dorothy Tlgert returned home on Sunday after spending Jho past week with relatives in Dungannon. Again Superior Leads with Low Prices snowflake AMMONIA Powder HZLLORUT a80RTE11I>f0 NILE NII.B„ Aug. 11.-M1sa Marjorie Meatberall, of Pettus', is visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Finnigan. MIs Anne Tabb has returned to To- ronto after spending her vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. 4iordoe Pearson, of Cletus, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Segues. Mr. Isaac Tabb and the Misses Wa- ttle and Jane Tabb visited sear Dub- lin ublin las Thursday. Mr. Wm. Smith and Mr. Oordoa Smith visited on Sunday with t1• former's sister, Mn. Begley of Sen- nett'. Birthday Party, --On Wednesday afternoon, July 21I4, a pleasant birth- day party was held at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Telford Nixon to bettor of Mr. James Snell on kis eightieth birthday. Besides his immediate four Ily, friends and relatives were present from Loudesbora, Klabern, Toronto, Oyes (Alberta), Aubur•, Oshawa, Ses- forth and Benniller. A very enjoy- able .octal aftersooa was pent Mr. t1neY'e many friends joined 1n wielleg him num, happy returns of the day. ST. AUGUSTiNIC • vaipsuaramm.An& 4.--411101JEnumber fres hese attended the Klegger bridge rondo& w%1N was bald tiles.' urea,. Beady and Moeda,. ML. J. May Boyle, nurse-is-tralm lag is St. Joseph's hospital. Chatham. 1s spendl.g ha ida7e at her hems hare. Miss Bose O'Oosaor, of Parkhill. is the goest of her sister. Me. Mar- garet argaret (Mouser. Mrs. Jas. K. Wilma and baby daughter casae home from Goderich hospital us Tuesday of last west. Mr. Archie Messer, of Bleevale, spelt a couple of days this week wtth k1. brother-in-law, Mr. D. McAllister. lir. and Mrs. S. Wien, of tondos, spoilt the week -sod with friends bre at Auburn. Mr, and _ICs T.' "Mei -sit" three tilNrlra, d $*i 4. swi- 1f. !lei Mn. Jest Wilson, et Mute% eased on triesde etre out -Ss.dal. Mir Charlotte Crawford. of Port Albert, L the guest of her coelia. Mrs. Jas. K. Wilms. NRS. HULLI.& INJURED Car Aeident en Hames Bldmweg east et Usima.vlie Harry Phelan and Wen 'Luamby, jr. fielder and third -sacker respectively for the Goderiek baseball team, ••- caped merlons injury on Saturday eve. - Ing when the car le which they were riding, driven by Phelan, crashed Into ■ car driven by J. Huller at (leder- icr township. The accident oc- curred about oue mile east of Holmes - near the'anewsy to the Huller farm. Mrs. Huller was seriously Injured when the car was forced into the ditch and rolled over. She was taken to the hospital at Clinton, where ex- amination revealed a neral fractured rIbd. Mr. Huller and daughter escaped with ■ shaking op. as did Looby, but Phelan suffered a cut forehead. County 'Frank. Officer N. Lever, of Clinton, and County (unstable J. Fer- guson, erguson, of Guderieb, investigated. Huller la wild to bate driven from hie tree -protected laneway foto the path of the Goderich car. Both cars were travelling towards (loderlcb. Phelan attempted to awing out past the Holler' cat, trot struck It at the left rear corner, smashing It Into the ditch. Severe] crate. Of eggs and berries which were upended 1. the Holler ear added a gruesome aspect to the Beent travel twenty feet, which is conelder- ahly more than the margin of safety In many autos*eblte situations." Aside from the retarded response to external stimuli. the judgment and muscular control are materially impaired by even • small quantity of liquor, owing to the false erne* of Meese engendered. 2 1-1b. Prints 25o leading the driver to take daring risk. ""t_1. at a time whey be In Inst fitted to respond to danger. Annther fact which should not be overlooked Is that alcohol, like all nar- cotic urn's, has a pronounced tendency, even when need In moderation, to lead to habitual and Increasing addic- tion; ddlrtion; ['Ince It mons b. sdmltterl that all preemie. drinkers were at one tints moderate drinkers. in view of these facts, during the Let quarter century the medl.inal use of alcohol less been Increseingly re- stricted by leading medlcel authorities, until et the prevent time about the only use In which It Is of nrntneatton- able valise le ss en antidote to cartsdk acid poisoning ••Ther. Is. therefore. no mot possibil- ity es the nee of 'alcoholic Ikfnore In esye •n.1 )1.sltMnl gnantitlee." as the editor of the local sweetie wnnld have se believe. Tevoato. W. J Me('.ormlc•, M.D OEOIOZ OOLDIX WAX BEANS 5c 8SALADA" TEA P. A O. Soap .ItaNOSSIS 5 Bail lie t' 4..i SWIM !ds American Beauty Shrimps !la 1.11ob Loof soma_ ...... -lb. Tin e20e '} 4*--- 2 larp)r>H! - Quaint Brand Puffed Wheat.. Pks .10o I ! yr Maple Lai Illi1MR........1-lb. Tin 36e I � SOAP . , `.. • j.• • •3& Yellow Ls,bd ... , Brown Lmbd ' �. !ti ;costo" SI* •lent York Cetee. 1-6. Tito 15. I Fl%Itae& Reaches , . . Mararewi.1 ib. Lk 2 Tins 210 Belanee s 15e At. Wutlaw.' Grunge Marmalade . large 112-01. jar 1geOormiek's Pink and White Marshmallow Bimcnits.. • Lb. 17o J. Calvin Cutt Phones 116 or 216 J. J. McEwen Phone 46 {vx "It M our business to have a pagean- try of peace that 1s as attractive as the pageantry of war. to see that W devil has not all the good times." -J. B. Priestley. Banish Flies Hygienically with 4eroxOfl FLY CATCHER KOta wv J. till sit( N E ST ECCNOMICAL • EFFECTIVE R. A. REID Eyes 6biiMi Memo Mod (17 years to Stratford). 11 a01_30 s Jewelry Mew "tatL6eties at Madsnts Deer Warning! Water for Lawns and Gardens MAY BE USED ONLY FROM 7 to 8 O'CLOCK a.m. D FROM 5 to 9 O'CLOCK p.m. Before water is used for lawn service or for gardens, application must be made in writing to the Public Utili- ties Commission. Use of hose during a fire alarm is strictly prohibited. Any infraction of the above will be dealt with aceording to the By-law. Polk Utti1N CmrwbM OODZRIOH GFT szuo66 iurzn rimN ANY o7wzn $IND. No WOMNga Kellogg's Corn Flakes are better! Their ti► liciooa Savor has never been imitated! Serve Kellogg's at any time of the day. They're always tempting and wholesome in milk or cream. And they digest easily. When yon ask for Corn Flakes,- be sure to get Kellogg's. Oven -fresh and flavor -perfect. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario�,,.,,� Ns i as die 11 S rleder r CORN /LAKES