The Rural Voice, 1979-02, Page 2FRACTORS'
Belarus new 800 with cab 18.4 x 38 tires, lists
out at $10,990., 210 hours $8,990.
Belarus 610 with cab 246 hours like new,
Used International bucket, like new 444 with
1850 loader with 2 buckets, 350 hours.
1. Belarus 400, 4 cylinder air cooled, 1450 hours $3,900.
2. A.C. 185 diesel with 18.4 x 30 tires, 605 hours (mint condition) $13,790.
3. Universal 445, 4 wheel drive with heavy duty loader, 842 hours $6,300.
4. Case "D" with new rear tires $450.
5. Belarus 520 4 wheel drive with harris cab, 1470 hours $6,750.
6. Cockshutt 1880, gas with cab and heavy duty loader, like new $7,750.
7. A.C. D17 gas 3 point hitch, power adjust wheels, power steering $2,850.
8. 2-Cockshutt 1450, 70 Horse power, each $3,990.
9. Oliver 70 with 2 row cultivator $550.
10. Oliver 77 with 2 row cultivator $550.
11. Belarus 420 4 wheel drive cab, 810 hours $4,350.
7 miles West of Lucknow on Hwy. 86 For More information phone 519-395-5107