The Rural Voice, 1978-12, Page 4190% Cuban exports are agricultural More than 90 per cent of Cuban exports are agricultural products, sugar alone accounting for 80 per cent. Despite production gains in rice, milk, cocoa, tobacco, beef and pork, Cuba still relies heavily on imports of wheat, flour, feed grains, rice, skim milk powder, beans, coffee and canned meats. Citrus production, particularly grape- fruit. is identified as one of the four priority sectors for development. Mexico now our biggest customer for surplus skim milk Mexico has become tanaoa s biggest customer for surplus skim milk. according to statistics released this month by the federal agriculture department in a weekly dairy produce report. The sales, made by the Canadian Dairy Commission, carry an export subsidy which commission leaders have said averages about 50 cents a pound. A total of 367.490,300 pounds was exported last year and was valued at $69,867.000. That works out to an average price just under 15 cents a pound. The commission purchases surplus powder at 70 cents a pound and pays storage until it is exported. Mexico bought almost 51 million pounds in 1976, but almost doubled that order to 91.538,400 pounds last year and paid $18,317,000 or an average price of slightly more than 20 cents a pound. Japan was the second largest purchaser taking 48,736,900 pounds for $7,437,000 or an average price of slightly less than 15 cents a pound. Cuba, which has in the past been our biggest single customer, bought 11,244,00 pounds, less than half the amount bought in 1976 and less than a third the amount in 1975. Cuba paid $2,203,000, or an average price of 18 cents a pound. Argentina was the largest single buyer of whole milk powder, taking 5,692.100 pounds for $2.189,000. The same statistics reveal for the first time the deal to sell Algeria evaporated milk. She took delivery of 45,637,100 pounds last year and paid $6,940.000. That program. called the butterfat exchange program, is supposed to save farmers money because they lose less exporting evaporated milk than they would exporting surplus skim milk powder. The dairy commission has refused to divulge sales prices and volumes in the past because it has claimed this would hamper its sales efforts by providing competitors with too much information. WE'RE IN BUSINESS TO KEEP YOU WORKING Chisel Plow Points Mould Boards Shins Grade 8 Fine Thread Bolts Plow Points landsides Coulter Blades Hand Tools Roller Chain Grade 5 Coarse Thread Bolts Cultivator Points 0„, 'use Disc Blades FARM TOOL MAN CR*TION Kir oro' Shop Tools ALL TILLAGE TOOLS IN STOCK! HUGH PARSONS BOLTS AND TOOLS LTD. 262-5681 11/4 Mi. East of Hensel) THE RURAL VOICE/DECEMBER 1978 PG. 41