The Signal, 1936-6-11, Page 7La
Thursday, Joule lith, ice --T
County and District 11
The death of James Norris Camp-
bell, of Walton, occurred on Jun* 6th
in his seventy-seventh year.
Mies C. Farquharson has resigned
per position on the staff of Wingham
public school. Elbe is now • pallial
in Toronto, the result of au *evident
1n that city last August lu which
she fractured her hip.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams, well-
known residents of Mullett towusbIp
near Lundesboro, have left their farm
In charge of a foreman and are mak-
big their home In Clinton with Mrs.
Adams' Crater, Miss L. Brigham.
Join Freaet McKay, of Tut -her -
/smith, whose death occurred June 3rd,
was a native of Edinburgh, Scotland,
where be was born In November, 1842
He bad lived pfactically all his lite In
Tuckersmith. .Three sons and two
daughters survive.
The marriage of Helen Mary Jean
Sclater, elder daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John J. Sclater, Seatorth, to An-
ton Lucien Hemberger, alio of Sea -
forth, was solemnised at St. Andrew's
Preabytertan manse, Kitchener, by
Bev. O. T. Munro, on Saturday, May 80.
Me.. Robert Mlllott, of Stanley
township roamed away on May 31st
is hat .elghtjsAfth year. Her hus-
band died over tweet, nails ago and
setrddaa are four sons and two dottier
tern, with one of Witili. ' litt's?d: »�++et
Reid, ahm had made her house for
some years
Tip Revolver Qty'• -
Constable T. W. Platt of Wingbam
took part In the annual police revol-
ver tournament at Guelph. held recent-
ly, and won tbe meet with • wore of
2012 out of a possible 240. Police
from all pars of Ontario took part
In the competition.
Pepper -1 eEwieg
The United church parentage, Loo-
de•boro', was the scene ou Saturday,
May 30, of the wedding of Helen.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Me
Ewing of lluUrtt, to William Roger
Pepper, sou of Yr. aud Mrs. Albert
Pepper of Tuckersmlth. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. W. A.
Gardiner. The young couple will re-
side un the bridegroom's farm In
The marriage of Miss Mabel Ann
ilueU._daiffibtter ut lire. Stell and the
late John C. Snell, Exeter, to Harold
Bailey Skinner, sou of Mrs. Skinner
and the late Samuel Skinner, of the
same place, was solemnized in James
street Culled church, Exeter, on Joao
3rd, Rev. A. I'age officiating. On
their return from a meter trip to De -
troll, Toronto and other points, Mr.
and Mrs. Skinner will reside in Eseeter.
Address by Mo. W. P. Inas at North
Street L1sit.d (berth
About forty Boy Scouts of the 1st
and 2nd Oud rlcb troops, under Scout-
master U. C. Lodge, held the annual
church parade to North street United
church on Sunday morning. Messrs.
U. N. Duwker, F. E. Hibbert and R.
Stonebouae, of the &out committee,
also were present. The standard-
bearers, Ueurge Dowker and Ernest
Salkeld, Dauded their flags to Rev. W.
1'. lane, who placed one ou each side
of the choir gallery.
"Remember uow thy Creator in the
days of thy youth," was the text
dimwit by Mr. lane.
"1 do not know where we could tend
a more important verse In the Bible,"
he said. "1t means the difference be-
tween good and bad, between success
and failure. One dors out Yle0 to
be afraid of the future if one heeds
this text.
'We have been reading of 'Red'
Ryan and hes gang. You know what
happened to him. 'Red' Ryan did
nut remember his Creator In the days
of his youth, nor std bis aeaa, mit
we know what happened to them.
'• 'Red' Ryan 414 nut seem to take
sup pleasure In pespect for the law
or in loyalty to Iris King, his country
and his friends who were so good to
him and arranged or his parole. He
had no Donor—no sense of honor. He
did not remember his Creator ip the
days of his youth."
"-Mr. Lane spoke to the tieoatts+L
their law, in which, be said. duty to
Its tide tls1G"ilea[.-WElaaa5.•ta alb
one thlug In the Scout law to do with
the nerdy—it is all about the soul stud
the spirit. Honor is a quality of the
soul and • whole chapter of the book
is devoted to honor. What an essen-
tial thing It Is."
The meeker printed out that Scouts
must be loyal to God, parents, King
mud country; that they must have the
qualities of friendliness, courtesy, good
temper, cheerfulness. thrift and purity.
"This world needs men and women
clean In thought and word and deed,"
aid Mr. Tenet and he conuluded by
A happy event took place c,n the
Bronson line, Hay tuenship, on Thure
day, May 'pith, *heti Ml.. Rene Erb,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moose
llirb, was 'suited lit marriage to Cbrir-
tlan Elcbultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah
Schultz of Milverton. The eerete.o}
was performed by Bishop Schulte of
S:,30.• at 11e•3. Y.•elson..`...cewe W.U*
The young couple lett on a wedding
trip to New York State. They wW
reside on the Bronaou line.
A Native .f Ashlleid
Word has been received et Luck -
now of the death at Detroit of May
Finlayson, widow of John McKeu-
drlck, which occurred ou Friday,
June 5th. Mrs. McKeudrlck was in
her seventy-sixth year. She was
born near Lochalsh, a daughter of
Roderick Flulaysou and Isabel Mac-
Rae, pioneer settler, of Aebtleld. Her
Says Bank of Canada
Bill Does Not Fulfill
bookend died while they were rend I urging the boss to "follow the coot
lag at Detroit, and she and ber ram- 1 laws arid you will grow up to be We
ftarls ll then came to Lu •kuow to make awaMimida r wwr�a�aatt their home, but returned to Detroit 'kind of men this world needs."
.ad•sasr•tdatsoublez An°°sddlOrvsrw about eighteen veers ego. Deceased I An anthem and a duet, 'Vests
ga�� , Will.- LS MIR. Helen bene 111111 Mr.
Dr. Chase's Ointment 1. survived by there sons and thio S. E. McDowell, were well rendered.
daughters. James Finlayson
- Lochalsh 1s the only one of the family
now living in Gila district. Burial
took place at Detroit.
Celebrate Golden Wedding
I Contluued from page 21
Mr. Stevens, that the whole problem
of control of currency and credit, from
the point ut view of public need, be
referred to s joint oommlttee of seven
Commoners and alz Senators to study
and report at next seeseiou of Parlia-
ment. "11 the Government dues not
fultll Its pledges for a publiely-owned
bank, 1t may he the Liberal party 1s
placing its footsteps ou that trail of
broken promises which leads net
only through the valley of, humiliation,
but down deep into the abysmat depths
of eternal oblivion," Mayor Mdleer
warned. This amendment was ruled
out of order also by Deputy Speaker
Sanderson, on Inc ground that the oom-
mittee of the whole House could not
delegate Its powers or duties as pro -
posted. Mayor McGeer did not press
• vote on the rulte(.
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance eervlce at all bouts.
day or night
PHONES: Store lIS. Ree. 117
J. R. Wheeler
F oral Director mad Embalmer
AU calls promptly attended to
dei or night .
Store 325 Residence 315w
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Walter Dalton
Huron Old Boy. Graduate
oodericb Collegiate Institute
13510 West Warren Ave..
Telephone Oregon MS
Summer Suits
4,.S%,".'0 i+ 40 folie
Come in and see us for your
Summer Toggery
Chas. Black
East Street and Square
Judge Fulternon's Defeat*
Mr. Fullerton wit MAwoke Oro *or
fident claim that the C.N.R. is more
economically operated, that its effi-
ciency as a transportation system Is
greater, and that right now it is bet-
ter equipped from the vjewpo st of
prospective profit. to deal with busi-
ness expansion, than 1t ever was be-
fore. He claimed the trustees had
achieved a substantial measure of sur
cats and 411.1 -be 1s only too ready to
compare the efficiency a the trustee
,Car the past-twa.,yearr
with any two preceding years in th
history of the railway. Re referred
to the dimculties of effecting co-opera-
tive measures with the C.P.B.—the ap-
proval in the abstract but disapproval
when any community is directly af-
fected, and widespread conviction that
the C.N.R. difficulties ■re purely tem-
porary, and the feeling that no radi-
cal or permanent et -operative steps
WI' HNUM 8, June 8.—Mr. John
Joyut was a welcome visitor to Elt.
Metros on Saturday.
Rev. H. M. Wrtght attended the
United Church Conference at London
tart week.
Mrs. D. 'Dodd left on Saturday on
• trip to Saginaw, Mich., to la
her brother, Andrew Neely. who
seriously 111.
CREWE, June 9. --Mr. Lloyd Finnl-
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Trick, of London, Rau. of London, spent the week -end at
former well-known resldemts of God-_ the home of his uncle, Mr. Raymund
trlvh.Lweshlp, celebrated their golden — wedding ou Saturday, May 30th, at r��s I►ufulna of (:coirrlch, visited
tee home of Mr. and len. F. Tower with -Mr. and Mrs: lttar%1u �uuriTB on
end. Tuckersmlth. About eighty Mond" .•Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fines, of To-
and relatives from Auburn, ro31r. err holidaying with the lattrr'a
Gcrdrrleh, Dungannon, 4eaforth, Cllr- mother, Mrs. 11. J. Blake.
tern, i,unduu, Hamilton Cosi I.ondes- Mrs_ yowler is very 111 at present.
born' called during the day 'to pre-
resent their felicitations. The bride I Mrs. 11. J. Blake, Harold and (-eel!and groom of tlfty years were tie re.
laud Mrs Bice of Vancouver, at -ended
clplenW of many beautifulgift's. A ? the Blake reunion at Clinton recently.
They were areewp.aied borne by Yrs,
Harvey Grubbs (formerly Alice Blake)
of Vancouver and her nephew,
Gordon O'Neill of Seattle. who visited
with relatives here for a few days.
Mrs. Robt. Treleaven and daughter,
Mrs. l'ourtice, of Dungannon, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
LIVE STOOI ,njDODIO B. Treleaven.
We are sorry to report that Mr. D.
McWhlonet has been on the sick lit.
Mrs. (Dr.) Granot, of Vancouver,
Mr. Orville I►urnln and nieces and
nephews aol Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Durnin attended the Durnin picnic at
Port Albert recently.
Mr. Locklan, of Toronto, spoke in
the Interests of the Ontario Temper-
ance Federation on Sunday last.
Inepector Beacom mode his spring
visit to S.S. No. Id last Wednesday.
Statute labor has commenced on
eoncraslon ti In widening the road at
the Part entrance to the bridge over
the Nine Mlle River.
deputy Reeve S. Sherwood attended
county council In Goderich last week.
Mrs. John Andrew. of Alberta. is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Archie
Mr. 1toht. Dentin, of Goderich, called
on friends here on Monday.
The I.P.U. meetlag on Sunday even-
ing opened with prayer by Mr. Mo-
cbrle and Scripture lesson read by
tirace Weatberbead. A report of the
Seaforth Y.P. conference was given
by Laurlue Miller and Dick Weather -
head. Tne topic, "Wedeln Cie of
the Bible," was taken by Mary Irvin
and Mr. Wright led a dlacusalon.
Mr. Wilson Woods and mother, Mrs
iZ J. Woods. were in Hamilton on
Saturday for the marriage of Dr. Al-
vin 'Wends, of Dueness and Mies lSas-
rlet Brenner.
Mr. Stanley Todd attended tbe ban-
quet of Life Assurance Co. agents on
Friday at Stratford.
Mr. Walter Lott and Mr. Hector
McKay, of Whitechurch. were renew-
ing friendships around St. Helens.
WAS Doris Ritchie was the guest of
ber uncle and aunt, )ir. and urs.
Rummel Ritchie.
There was h.s. to..Rer. 14. -and Mr•16-
F .hittiel!d„_,of Northville, Mich. ( form- c iA tt 1 0( M.
of !tf Lltlr++.. u+ Sans 1st;' a sear se es' ' ties b` hv+eu ra
Joe r, Teeseta er,
Harold Sanderson Cottgr the age of ninety-six years. De-
ceased was an uncle of Mr. Elliott
and Mrs. Harmer.
The play. "Too Many Husbands."
PIIRTFR'S HILL, June 10.—On put bthe Bayfipeople.
was well
y presented andeld muchyoung enjoyed.
Wednesday evening last the Porter's1'ha basement of the church was com-
Hill cull tram played their second game tortrbly filled.
with lte)iteld. Timis time the tables
should be taken —and, lastly, the op-
position from the labor interests. He
concluded by remarking that there
were clear signs of general business
lion. James G. Gardiner, 'Minister it Eugenia, and tact home by Fleshrrtun
of Agriculture, has returned from a Durham, Hanover, etc. We trust tie-
trp to the t h We'd. where he found crop' w'erether will be Weal.
of favorable seeding eonditlons and , d wrrr Yr
the unduly warm weather for May.
delightful Innch waw served by Mimes
Frieda Wallis, Ethel Washington,
Evelyn Wier and Messrs. Walter Wacb-
Ingtou and Wilmer Wallis. Mrs.
-Tee* was formerly Miss Frances Jen-
kins. a daughter of the late Thos. Jen -
tie. of the Huron road. .
ilr. and Mrs. R. E. Bowden and two
daughters, of Clinton.
Un Sunda,. to the *blew, of Rev.
R. M. Cale at Coufereuee, the young
people had charge of the servlee In
Grace church. Mr. ileo. Taylor of
Wtnghrm Rave • splendid talk. Ar-
gyle Lockhart. Y.P. prewldeut, assisted
with the servlee. A choir of young
people provided the mune.
Mrs. Milton Woods continues to Im-
prove, but is still confined to London
Friends front here who atteuded the
funeral of the late James Johnston,
our esteemed mall man, and visited
at Mr. and Mrs. .Fred Etllott's were
Mr. - Ted Johnston, Toronto; Geo.
Duncan, Detroit, and sister, Mrs. Batt-
ler, of the "Soo ;" Mrs. Murray Ken-
nedy and U. E. Johnston, both of
Pearson CortA pretty church
wedding took place on Saturday, June
d, In Grace church, when Helen Cox
became tbe pride of Leone Pee aza
of Clinton. The church was a bower
of loveliness banked in ferns and white
blossoms. Rev. R. M. Gale performed
the ceremony. The community joins
In best wishes for the happy couple,
wbo after -w *beet hoes wuon trip will
reside on the groom's farm near Clin-
• • •
(intended for last week)
PORTER'S HILL, June 3.-00 Wed-
nesday last the opening game of soft-
ball was played at Porter's HilL The
local club had the big end of the
score with the Bayfield team.
On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Riiimer--"iftwompanied by Mr. Fed
were turned, Bayfield coming out best.
Tbe•Guderk•h township Men's Club
are planning for their annual motor
picnic on Turada? June 10th. The
trip will he to Owen Sound. Meaford,
conditions generally very good because Visitors at J. S. Mrs. on Sun
a) .and Mrs. Frank
k Nlcholi
end three children, of Ferndale. Mich.;
Annual ('eaapeeitien t. Be Held et
Clinton on June 13th '
The tenth annual Huron county live
stock judging ,.,mpe'tltion will be held
at Clinton on Saturday. June 131h.
This competition le open to all boys
and young men living in Huron coun-
ty who are twenty-six years of age
or under. Contestants will be required
to ieglster at the Recreation Park,
Clinton. by 5.30 ■.m.. and an entry fee
of 25c is charged each contestant.
Ten classes of lire stock will be
judged. two each of heavy horses, beef
cattle. dairy cattle. sheep and swine.
nod oral reasons must be given on five
classes. The prise list Is divided into
two sections. both junior and senior,
so that boys who have never previous-
ly taken part in this competition may
taaye as equj1 chance of winning prise
n 7ney•-Approilbbatelt UP In prise
money is hetes offered, and * surer
cup w111 be awarded the high boy in
the entire competition, and the second
high boy will receive a silver medal.
The. high novice will receive a hand-
some shield.
This competition has been well at-
tended 1q past vcare and we trust
that there will be a targe number of
contestants un hand for this veer'*
competition rat Clinton on the 13th of
vwho n
Iy judged mayrecelvea ccopy of Bul-
letin No. 33.4, "illnts on Judging." utr
on application to the Ontario Depart-
ment of Agriculture. Clinton.
For a cool refreshing drink with a
flavor that 1s deliciously different, try
iced tea. It is very easily made:
Infuse rix leaphsn,teastwoalw.Yt,,,7i1�i(¢•
black tea in a pint of fresh bolling
water. After six-dltnates strain- ii -
quid Into two -quart container. While
hot, add 1%S cups of granulated sugar
and the juke of two lemons. Stir
'tell until sugar Is dissolved ; fill emu
u1winer with cold. -water. Do not allow
tea to cool before adding the cold -Wa-
ter: otherwise liquid will ib casm
cloudy. Serve with chipped lr
wlll.jnake two quartet of Iced tea or
seven tell glasses.
Speaker at Young People's Service d
Wesley -Willis [church
Miss Marjorie Prouse. president of
A MILE Rte""� FARES the Y.P.U. of Victoria street United
CENT gaA*STArwRIP church, tiocterleh, was the speaker at
the evening service at Wesley -Willis
nited church. 'Clinton, on Sunday. The
Minimum Fares. Adults 75e: Child 10c'. 1'servilevc
arrve "s.conducteA by Mist' Dorothy
from GODF.RICH Match. assisted by Miss Dorothy.
—AD AiL ADJACENT C.N.B. STATIONS Stecke both of Clinton.
Miss Prouse spoke on the subject
• Napier', Klnar(on, Gananogn, Brockville, Success." She urged church affect
Fn• Juuc 19 y0Napier',prycott. Morrlahnrs, Cornwall; Uxbridge, dance, but stated "it to foolish to con -
Lindsay. Peterlorre. Campbellfrrrd. Newmarket, Allendale. Penetant• darenide the mere act of going to church
Collingswood. Meeford, Barrie. (ilia, Midland. Gravenhurst, Bruer. Is the 40 to all of Rte's problems.
bridge. Hnntscllle. North Bay. Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in
The activities of a church member are
New Ontario on lin of Temisksming & Northern Ontario Rly•: Mills -
not the whole df good works. but they
sing Central Illy.: KaptekeslnR. Lonelier.. Geraldton. Jellicoe, Beard
nn• at least one of the most dimeulc"
"Too often." she said. "people think
Also to Brentford. ('hethnm. gusset[ to obtained only through ams
Sat. June 20 to Toronto ('leeelrt. Clinton. Dnrhem, nr wealGA, tw IAP eyes rat the world,
whereese true entrees comes In forget -
Fergie'. dine. KItch. Guelph. i Ha mlLiet Il. Mitch it Slattern, Ins telt In eerviee for others. People
i alis. 4ll. Klnearll. Paisley, iFltcbei,al et,t0 ,. srl . I' 1. \iltehell, N('nl'h today t l attctnptlf o to take • quick
Falls. Owen Sound. i.$ 1thm Southampton.
Paris. d. Strnit roSt. \\alker- soda toward that which they believe
a vela. 1louthampton, ftrrtetfonl. 'sese.e is .•
t le evidenced In the popu-
andgat. June20 idly In Teen important fttatiTic at wgentlaritp of .wedputaicr .Ler%.► lett
ExcursionTickets are sold --Ask Ticket Agent one of these
the mn)orphenomena of only
app oa
ATTRACTION --Riverdale Park --Toronto, Sunday. June 21. 115341 deirrPsefon Pre. In thPen do we not
se Comedian Corps Re -Union, Drum Head SPrekP IaNrencmechanical
— !DT
a relying pontlne
For Fatws Return Limits, Tnln.latorvatton. Tickets, commit nearest rite of the Indlvldnal?"
In conclusion the speaker urged that
the Indlviduel life. to attain sucreas.
Agent See Handbills for complete Ilei of deetlnntlone. Ts4SA I wed with (hrlet /S7 the Guide to
' 1. happy. sna'ewdnl Ili..
CANAL TIo L I Special mtwt war rendered during
- fee �Tr .:l.fiW ort/ —"" • ...ter,.. � a..Syssaa .
A girl of six, actompeni d by her
sunt, visited a football match at which
her father was referrer. The child was
Intensely luterested, and 'spoke very
little during the game. But when she
did '.eek It wus In a very fearful tone.
nod when the g•tue.wa* In full awing,
"Auntie;" salmi she, "why don't they
let (ether pave a kick? He has run
after the hall more than all the others."
it is too late
Naow4waI 1th•u.D•
Roods' I
osi••• foP
Noah lb ea
ra,d Tito -Lap
ase...• sw•=11-
• wary,,
or bale•. -AA'
O.abi Med • Nsiso,thn
Faensetss ala. at Tereus* and MsMrssl
Use The Signal's Classified Columns
!eat Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of ell
ilialitmtes gives on application
Telephone 82 — Goderich
...there ' o , one
&d �. +A1tt •RM.t;
rt.! '* ,!'l1/4 yt
By concentrating on only Orta motor fuel, economies are
effected in refineries, warshowoa, delivery trucks and gas
pumps. That Is why we are able to give you High -Test, Knock -
less f ower and Lean) Mileage ... at REGULAR OAS P91�-
Mut trawl_
SAVE eaaNry
lAva alp..n
ter1 OIL
Hamilton Street
Harry Mitchell
Btitannia Road and Blue Water High«ay
Graham Inglis
Kingston Street
stmosortaki4.. 4r...40444.4444444 4444111.4
tiagargggigimigaggib DOW m..... _ill: