The Signal, 1936-6-11, Page 2S-41111elthae, Jam lltk, NM
Kalbli14hed 1616
Member of Canediaa Weekly News -
PIM, Amos -laths*
Published every Thursday morning.
BlebueT11R1pa price 112.00 per year,
$1JS if paid in advance. Subscribers
Ila United States wttl please add 0OC
(lar postage.
W. H. Rebertae5_19dltor and Manager
Telephone lig t Oodssleh. Oat.
Tburda7• June ut1. 1986
Referring to resolutions passed by
Baited Church Caafereucas au tbe U-
�ror geeettoa, The Globe says:
As these Conferences (lave
stewed, there L. bat oast way by
which the people say pronounce
eptalea me the situation that has
srb•o, sad that Is by a referen-
dum, taken apart from the "con-
fusion of portions conflict" dur-
lsg a general Prorluetal election.
leo Government is foolish enough
!m igwr6 tion d .grtj k iaBM1.Wt.
expressed will of he people on
Did not the temperance
peeoople ioib
Ma opportunity by falling to grail
themselves more generally of the lo -
eel option provisions of tbe Liquor
Control Act? In many places the;
aught have won a favorable verdict
immediately after the opening of the
beverage rooms, while at the present
time, the people haring become ac-
customed to the presence of these
drinking places. It might be more diffi-
cult to poll the vote necessary to close
It has a11fa;e_-bees dll8crolt practl-
eally Impossible, to pin any Governs
meta down to the enactment of a Pro-
vincial law as the result of a` refer
eudum. The verdict of a latest option
eoateet, on the other baud. is followed
PARAMOUNT, June 9. -Miss Annie
Kennedy, of Ripley, is a visitor with
Mrs. Herb. £neige.
(Congratulation are extended to Yr.
and Mrs. Omar Brooks on their re-
cent marriage.
Mr. Goldie Martin made a business
trip to Guelph fast week.
Mr. sad airs. Was Macolll were re-
cent visitors with Mr. and Yrs. Pete
Dahmer at Yiliarton.
/dim Mary Cook, R.N., 1s home from
Wtngham, where etre has been nursing.
Mhos Anne MacDonald, the faithful
and efficient teacher of the Paramount
action( ter the last five years, has rip
AUBURN, June 9. -Visitors at Ace
burn hoses veer the week -std were
Miss Versa Anderson, of Dungaaaoe,
at Mr. G. rawlor's; Yt. and 1rm D.
/Malta, of Tbedford, at Mr. D. Lock -
hart's: Yr. Brunt and Miss Weir, at
Dr. Weir's; Mrs. H. Cbesney and
children, at Mrs. J. Howell's; Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman, of Hamilton. at Mr. H.
Gorier's; Mr. and Mre. H. Anderson, at
Mims Margaret Kings.
Miss Joao Houston is home from
Stratford Normal School.
Mr. Hestie and Miss Sharpe bare
n-+e4alpged-wpst.ebets of
school for another year.
;41M-iliethethrlicsitoS.M1 AV'. 440
Mrs. H. Wagner and Mrs. F1. $prang i{ -
ended the Bill -Hunt wedding at Lam-
beth o
n Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips were visit-
ors at Thedford and Forest: Mr. and
Sire S. Mc Clinaey with his sister,
Mrs. Potter. of Parkhill Yr. and Mrs.
J. C. Stoltz and Mr. J. Tuberrtlle with
friends at Ayr.
Mr. Frank Rnithby and Mr. E. Ralth-
by took the former's Sunday school
viae to Mr. I.ownejrcburch at Peer
ton oa Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bean resited ('roman
1y friends on Sunday.
Mfr. Geo. Ralthby is a visitor at the
home of hie brother, Rev. Wm. Rabb -
he of St. Thomas. We. are sorry to
learn Rev. Mr. italthby is in St.
Thomas bospitai after an operation
for appendicitis.
almwt automatically hi action lax lir 1 Mies Dorothy Wilson has tern eo-
faged to teach union school No. 11.
cordanoe with the terms of the Act. 1 Ashfield and Colborne, at Sbeppard-
A year ago a widely -held opluiou to 1011- for 19304.
(ioderich was that the -beverage -r.,,,n,a and Mrs. Jas. Raltbby bare
bere would be voted out two to one, ihto the hot...._
same confident expression is nut chased from the Hill estate. -
beard today, although, in addition to -Mr. and Mrs. Sturdy. Mrs. J. R Ball
b;. Ml r. E. Balt and �1r. Reg, Ball
the other undesirable tercels from these,'rielted their brattier, Mr. Jas. Ball, at
places. R to becuming *rani that the Fa,erts, on Sunday fast.
return of prosperity in Doing retarded I Baptist i,sdiew'
AK -The m
by tbe diversion of money to the par- westing of the Baptist Ladles' Aid was
dram of beer. , held at Mrs. Stanley Johnston's, with
sixteen awmhere and six visitors pre.
*oGser of Vancouver Wants a Mee Radical Wens r i --Jule Fuji.
erton Heard in Defence of Trustee Administration of National
Railways—Senate Senate Throws Out the Resolution Seeking to Give
Additional Taxation Powers to the Provinces -Three Liberal
Senators Vote with Conservative 6[ajority.-Hon. W. D. Euler
to Visit Europe Looking for Larger Markets
(Be J. A. Hume, Special Correspon• on July 26. The Government will
----- slam pf The Signal) I likely be represented oa that occasion
Ottawa, June 8. -Three Liberals as- ffy' Hon. lea tuckers*. Mtnlster of
elated the Conservative -controlled Sen- Xath'nal Defence, Hon. C. (i. Power,
ate in rolling lip • vote of 50 to 10 Minister of Penstous and National
n roiling
rejecting that Health. Hon. Norman Rogers, mite
phase of the Govern- tater of Iabor, and Hon. James G.
went resolution seeking as amend- Gai^tUner. Mlnlater of AgrJcnitnre, the
aunt to the British North America ger=three all beteg tbemielres ►eter
Act to extend Indirect taxation pow sty/ OK the Great War.
to the t'rocintes. Whether the other•fieetit�e in ?minim?
ca Ci,urlderablr comment 4t been add ate -
phase, to establish machinery for the
much dlacuased Provincial /Olin cuun-
ciie, will be teemed by the Genera -
(tient remain. to be seen.
Senate oppo•Itlon to the Government
bill to set up the National Harbor
Board was crumbling and it Is thought
vise ho•om*er controversial. rers-
meat belt, to replace the tbree CN.11,
tore, sti h►estst,o�f' refers elleee•
approvedwill be 4e due
While the Government, through
Senator Raoul Dendurand, its leader
in the Upper House, held out for age
proral of the Indirect taxation legis-
lation. the consensus of opinion dere Is
that the Government has actually been
saved from placing fwd legislation on
the statute boob. It h rett to aiew teen problem of transportation
pretty fob- ii
as a whole in its tour
orally agreed now it would have led Pensee by raid
to the Imposition of taxes by the Pro-, way' by water, on the highwayr cud
flame which would have seriously ban,• I by air.
pered Inter-rrovlurUl trade. The;
�'srrtire Legislations
three Liberals who voted with tbe Con- r ltepresentetires of the Cadl
of Major the Hoe. W. D. Herridge,
former Canadian Minister to Wash-
ington, and brother-in-law of Mr, Ben-
nett, before tbe Hamilton (Same/IanClub. Speculation as to his future in
the political field baa been greet;
The vertimeot introduced two 'lila
,lJliawdldating number of depart -
men*, op!"teiR.,l",.asibvrY- as OmOmars
pertinent of Transport and the other
the Depsrtweut of Mines, Natural Re-
sources and Colonisation. The idea
is to promote efficiency and economy
in the public serrlce, to give added
emphasis to the mining lodustr and
There's good service in their firmly woven rasa with
cotton warp. g
Smart to complete cool comfort
of summer furnishings
8ise 38 z 72" 48c e. z 9'... $2.50 sad $3.95 9' z 12'
�gz7 ft, 50 6z9ft aaanSz10tt
Heavy meshegh hi splendid choice of designs,
some plain with wide hems, some with
floral borders. 36" z 2ya Ott. $1,48
arils long. Pair........ 7G
' New patterns in 4 -yard -wide Linoleum, in
heat ieet tillditj►, at per running t3 50
yard .., fv
Floor Oil Cloths and Feltols, 2, 21,4 and 3
yards wide, at per square yard and [A_
Mr. and Yrs. J.. W. Simpson, of
Guelph, visited on Sunday with rela-
tives here.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. La•salene spentMosa few ds Let week wltb relatives
at Windsor.
servatjres were Senators A. C. Hardy, De►Idson, an Ylsa Mimeos of
Chamber of C(.mmerce, the Toronto Detroit, vldted the past week at the
Brockville, E. S. Little. London, and 1 Board of Trade and tbe Quebec Re- I h••..•-•
J. J. Hughes, Souris, P.E.1.
MkGeerr's t3taalaki g Attack
The week saw also a slashing attack
ley Mayor G. C. MrGeer. Liberal, Vaaet
pax c ase
majority control of the hank of Can-
� v
tall Merchants' Association all age Robs o Davidson.
Mr. and Mn
peered before the Senate hankiwng an
comweree ro:Otter op[wslug the Pr
vandal Indirect taxation proposal. 1
K. Morgan, Moutreal, for the Cana
Ian (' of Commerce, agreed
Mir. and Mrs. ray. Horton, of Lee.
1 burn. visited on Sunday witty the lady-*
I• perente. Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
i aironer.
Mfrs. J. B. Graham, of Gudericb,
spent the week -cud at the home of Mr.
and Yrs. Gordon Orr.
41r. William Fuller is having a silo
The Bayfield road has been treated to j
stouter Burrard on the Governrnent,4d
Dill to spend $5.100,0110 to r * with the contention of Senate Censer-
on the ground tent for Liberal
ads,party Is tailing to lire up to its pledges
fora completely-euest and coutrolled w
afire Leader Rt. Hon. Arthur Metgh-
eu that such power to the Provinces
nuld lure the effect of setildg Pro -
einem against one another. It would
Of great interest' ales. during the 1 e
week was the statement by Hoa. C. p, u
Fullerton. chief C.N.R. trustee, eat- It
lining the trustees' direction of the a
Govrrament-owned road sines Jan- i
nary -7, 1x34: _-(tow (' fi-44ewe._111a• - m
later of h ..
hallways, admitting Mr, Ful-
nab* meek -'(ovines, be said. to se
tla at of oil
11t8ilt3tJ[ue taasr of sett/sail waseAholf.
on ase ,,ad baseness, as well an , team fret.) Taylor's teener~ pla�ed'_
drain on the taxpayer. The rise- ! Union team on the horse diamond,
lttee then, by a rote of 20 to 8, re- tu1un winning 15-13.
en/amendedto the aerate that tbe _re- 1 t ei.♦ t'1 eta ---
p a tariff wall against Its neighbor.
would tend -
solution be rejected,._ elithearewittetWOlwertrrff fir_ e rt'falar!!
later ie the s • the Y>�t will be hlld i`
eh ,,n Friday evening
The June meeting of the R'.M.B will'
he held at the home of Mrs_ .1. B. Urr
on Wednesday afternoon of this week. '
Next Sunday servile will he held
usual In Union church at 3 p.m.l
sent. Tee Scripture lemon, the 42nd ! Merton's etptem,•ut was "most moder- 1
i ate, reasonable and fair," gate tion • c sate 1Gwlt, that pewee to th
tc e( p' .4► to tU as preHousl;
EDITORIAL NOTES Psalm, was read by Mrs. R'al clear fnUmatlun feet ter Government was rej t 1 1
res. R per and
mem rs. le• ere re• a rn lwa; men (like S. J. Hun-
rtsdpcilu_the lettitDZ. business period frrfurd. president. ft is and r- Ile�te un ho Bank of snide ma-
�D ver offered by several
be d t f
Goderich has Cerebrated Dominion }}
ever l -Iatie gdiif' �rlwWti brad the C.N.R. and trot bili was quite spirited
Day for hatf-a-eentury, hawag the report of gellinga ii e jorlt• tun
s(nrT Dominion Day was inatltuted, and anolber in the making for IDjp I that the tee ,•rnmeni?aTendi(1rpensee} x-'_ Dunning, sponsoring the bill.
It Is an old *ion that rsomldnut be I moon. The annual church -cleaning its legislation to replace the three J "trPbsra ��
date was set for June ]Orb. The trustees Melt*aboard of seven direr i bank In the veguletlon tit the rolun,
showed to lapse. 'next wa•etinr fete ti
• . •
Scandal has raised its bead at Que-
at Mrs. Fusel
Rohertw,n',. The topic. "Obeying the
Will of God; Mesas given by Mrs.
Dec and the Tascbereau Government, Hier.) Sherman and little Shirley
sneers to be near its end. The I Robertson ming a +ole, ` Little het, be
younger !Sierra's of the sheer Province l careful where you take me to," ted -
lowest by n reading by Yrs. John Raffia -
now have an opportunity of dl- by, -Not Growing OId." Atter slag-
recting affairs. Inc "Just as i Am" in closlne, Mrs,
• • • Asquith offered a abort prayer. The
There is crlsle in China, crisis in hostc•.s served a dainty feu -cent lunch.
Anstria, crisis at Geneva, (nate at INi1'Rgp IN
(tri► -almost the whole world stems MIs. Verna Pict, ninetee�� at her
to be to turmoil: but tbe vital quer home In God*rleh township under a
tion which June brings to this corner doetor's care as the result of a motor
d t4 Seetstool i+: How- .g t crash on Sundry night. She was drir-
strawberry crop? Ing along the 6th coneeaslou of the
• • • township when she was confronted
at the top of a hill by a car driven
t.l '1'!se Warden and comfy Quench, by -her brother, Lloyd Picot. Miam
tad the county treasurer as well, are Picot swerved sharpie, -aa-d -the Car
to be congratulated upon the progres- went into a three-foot ditch, careened
sire 1•sDrottltxpof t county flmances, along and scattered a four -foot stone
Ibse of our la ".. wall and turned orer twice, Miss
eget rerb�atal pine(
ai t take a lesson from the bruises. A companion was uninjured.
record of limos r+Nin y- rnun,•Il.
• • • NOT F'011 (':1NA11).1
Republit•ans are Ib convenHun rete j ( National Horne Monthly , t
week at 1'Ityt;fled to=xpt,ose their; in bLs book "011rer Cromwell," put-
ilsf►p(1 the year before Inst, John Ru-
eandidate for the Presidential eft- shat,. nM, is now Lord Tweed.m,lr t
tion in November next. At the time 1041 Governor-General of this Domini- t
et writing 11 tonlits like Gbrernofi Lan- tom has said: "A knot of determined
don of Kanas for the call. The Im- men, who see their pourer with the 11
premien It, however, that whoever terrible slmpllrtty of the fanatic, and
may be the G.O.P. nominee be will are harAmore thaarmed n as match foreg to do t a r bmilliond'ing 1''
run second to for present oecupent Puzzled citizens." This sentence eon-
ef the White House, I taloa the history cf much of the world t'
sleep the Great War ended and the 1 h
If I)anlah begs are better hkn
!treat pears broke out. It sett hefore at
Canadian bogs they should by all sat with extraordinary brevity and K
•seas), be permitted to enter his corm- wbltruth the pipteti of the come
,- 11f
try for the improvement of the breed. Int. idt(atorrhipt have come feta ,-r Il
To exclude them in the interest of for It It m Sentence hie welch can nene-
breeders of presumably inferior ho form port of the history of the F; too
is a short-elghlcrl xdicand
�' 11th-spenkiug pp„pips. We have Ono
1* $ 4• t }.--Mali andmany gPnrretlnns of democratic scif-
t[ The Mall enol Empire would a (government in our bloat to mske it
D- possible now for any politician to get
ply the same reasoning all around, it Peen a headway towards eutatellshing
would And it necessary to discard the-
hlmr•r1f as a dictator over u., Can
protectionist policy to white it usual- I any ('anadlnn Imagine anything so !n-
ee gives adherence. roneelvably fentaatle. as the spectacle
• • • of himself and hie fellow -Canadians
aL'fgdtt;-four from Halite to Nanalmo goose -•step.
per cent, of the peop.e ping tamely to the potting rearm in
ere in good health. said a Toronto
trepan the other day, and, se It
weetd not pay to confine their services
M the wants of the sixteen per cent.
who are ill, drngflst. hare a valid
resume for going into other lines. Tbo
axle of mmmWti,s U a0 Increasingly
valuable adjunct of heir business. No
emitter what else they may do with -
eat, the ladies west here their aids
se amity.
• r
t4Ls_ssore directly responsible to Paul° eurrenty sad credit In the ions( In
Ilaseat and the Government. f termite of the nation. ,It was not
1 i,m,» Ov ri rand. he held, for erase a (actio, to
A new Government loan of 130,000, be left la private hands.
000 and conversion of fe/0.000,000 on a I
Bilingual Bilis
;bort term basis sere qulekly over- in future all Flank- of (Leads bilis
aube,-ribed In half a day. The bats I will be bilingual, wee , In the past,
are still open to connection with 1100.-1 English and French hills bare been
4Nttr,000 additional conversion loan. The desired Itt different
and Acts of hBe
!desired to diRerent acs•tlun,r of the
t,orernment purposes•on a tele( country. Mir. Dunning said It should
basis, will yield 3.3 "'P.O.-Year be for the Government to decide where
per cent. the current.; of the country should 1*
The National Employment Commis stabilized and what the gold content
:Len held a preliminary meeting and t
asked three of its members, Mrs. Saxe- t of the dollar .honed be. In boom
times, he added, credit should be re -
nee issue, to be used for ordinary
er►aad, Wells, B C., Tom Moore, 01
taws, and E. J. Young, ex-M.P. for itra stricted, while in days of as fume,
Weyburn, to devote their full time for It should be enlarged, it was tlttlte,
the next two years to the commission's Mr. Dunning claimed, to bring lip tion
work-. The remaining four members argument of paper money, because he
under Arthur 11. Purvis, Montreal la- 'yarned. Its lesson is still fresh In the
duNtefeltft, ts-ehttr'fsser-.- a11L - sire public mind. The Bank of Canada
only part time to the comsbsslon's should be subject to public embalm
activities. A careful surrey of the I and the sovereign will of the people
present unemployment situation is tet through !ta elected representatives in
inter Task eg.�*e,
Parliament: there should not he two II
4w � to one stele.
C�1ite�j Mari Itsa►e Hon. Part Lawson. Toronto -Conner -
retire, characterised the hill as subter-
fuge and detnsfon. s definite breach of
the pledges of Mr. King and the Lib-
party. an anaemic measure call-
ing for part public and pert private
ending hest wishes to Mr. Rowe for rewaerahlp, J7e said it would be bet -
many years of useful public service. IJ ter for the Government to pay back
r. King remarked with a stalk that their money to the shareholders and
e might be exerted if he yoked the take complete enntrr.l,
°ale be would not attain the premkr
hip in the immediate future. Per Central Bads 6t..alglsile
Word that Senator 14. N. J. S. Woodaworth, C.C.P. leader,
,r mer Bennett Mlafster of Finance. said hie party stood for public owner -
ad muttered a stroke on a fishing Irl ship and control of the hank. He ad -
the (las f P mated. however, the rdberai pollee; vise
Gaspe peninsula drew from Mr. better In that regard than the Ben -
Ing the remark that It was Just an- nett Government pulley of purely pet-
tier evident* of the strain of public rate ownership. Mr. Wordsworth
Gov -
Replying to 4i g4rpstion h I proposed an amendm,nt that the Gov-
FIR pl Social ('redlt member (Otto 11. ernment hely out the present ebare-
d,rsley, Social er tank fiber f a are J holders and completely control the
created 1,; loan+, Finance Minister C.! was ruled
Ceno oTrder
by Depot/
A. Dunning I was ruled not of order by Deputy
nit dlerrtet►7 replied. "These ? Atrenkpr F. G. Sanderson, bemuse It
questions relate to matters of. mono- jj sabatituted an alternative mimeo to
tory theory and do not form a proper I that ro
in -
deject of Inquiry of the Minister." wring the 1st x ,v di ii(rvt o'f public
Te c� theey. pendlewoture tlf ald
Rt. Ilan. R. It. Bennett. sews- he Deputy S Mr. Rkpr p ruling.'
' but the
lire 1(•441,1, beck time off to p pemker'a rel vote but the
York to Ioarticlpete in the a ie' niin i to t20. It was letwee upheld by a vote of Il l
eprero f Igtereeting to note (bat,
vales for the Rritlsh ship, the ? for the fleet (lin, thle aesslon, the
ertr Mary: 'Mayor asoGocr 41111 the ;C.C.F. and Mortal Crprllt semhera
me. There wee a rumor one night voted the *erne way. in tido rase
t Mayor Yctieer, who travels home Iat411•t the ruling of the ebalr. -Also
Vaneouv,r by air frequently, had ' four (bnaervattve members, Mtetera,
n kilted in a plane wrer-k, hut, tike i Walsh. Montrtel. Leonard. Wentworth.
at Twain, Mayor M.(lrrr Mea+ able I 'treelike, Royal. N.R.,
speak --Old' the reportand J. against
g ins(
as ".tights; ex- ! i.lnisrin, rated with the C.C,F. tgalnmt
crated.' the majority at the (`onaeryattres prest-
o Inekientm touching the Alberta I pet In the Hnu4e at the time. Hon.
al Credit (iovernment reuses inn- H. H. Stevens. Reennsernctfon, and
rahle comment bete during the EIm. Merphetl. U.F.O.-fehnr,
k, Oae that all Alberta brands , Rrarp_ also voted with the C.C.T. on
n0lelally removed from the Lon- I the "me ot'da"lon.
(Eng.) stock exchange and the 1
r that R. J. Ma bled Important Feature
ger. Minnfrpal flu- 1 Mr, (tfevenm rpm+elect that the Gov -
el expert, bas 'levered his menet.- ernmenf meld make wide use of the
lir advisor of the Ail.prte Cine= I Rank of Canada, peen under the pre*-
, ernment, ent sed. He hoped
Hon. W. 1). Enter, Whistler of Trade wnnid nuke a (nistate(mentr. i^ofnthe
and Comnteree. 1a expected to ieare (internment's pole.' with reused to the
shortly after the se"sion einem around I hank, ea the ratter of pollee, more
July 1 to take np (rad• •• �••--- -
!'rime Mlsleter Mackenzie King, on
he entrance Into the House of Hon. W
F;art ltows, 11.1'. for Dufferin-simcoe,
paid n grateful tribute to the new
►ntario Conterratire leader. E
• • •
• • •
A Federal bre-election on Monday
Vi'torla, 11.4'., to till the recency
emoted by the death of the late mem-
ser, D. R. Pinnkett IConserrativet,
rseelted In tie return of Hon. Dr,
R r. Tnimie, Ctmatrradve. There
era eandtA*tes, Conservative,
mono; aged Alit r -�•
seta separated the winner and the
Marti, wed was third man in tion
all the nine Provin(ws on a day ordered I Qu
i.3 a dictator, to mark ballots with , ea
only the dictator's name printed on J tha
them? Ij to
It 111 become, • 31*
cast down In mind��,nl►rr to be yes
voting. The C.C.F. nominee was 94 goer'',
vote" behind the winter. 11he fe- nide
sate was eurlon.ty simltar to that itTear, et-
mg.the general election of last Mem
rept that the vote ■t the general etre-don
Hon Mea" larger. Then the C.C.F. I °the
man was 1,024 vote" behind the win- lane'
nor and the Liberal candidate was (lone
104 votes behind the C.0 F. nominee.
There we• also a Stevens randldate
In 1083, trout be received less than one
thousand ,ottaa The aiseer In Mon-
d . Ar,-„1blade, was at one R
time Mtalster of Agricettnre- a " y"
taws. 'doe*
ing n
... J that ownership of control, was really
rltl,h and German (internment( a
t the most Important feature of the
eaderataad. Prime Minlater King 'motion..
not export to attend the lirlellila't""" t
emeded 411
Canada's war memorial et VIm7 (Ooatis ed page
Sunday school at 2 pas. Rev. F. W.
Creak in charge.
l al^C, , June
of tis C
Mid OA
Tuesday ermines at the home of Yr.
and Mrs. Harvey Fuller, wtth twenty-
eight members present. !'Mather Yr
liwalu was chairman and introduced
the following program. Selections by
John Clements, banjo, Eric McAllister,
guitar. and Maurits Harwood, viol's:
reading. •'fbe (}olden Street," by Elva
torr; selections by the Harmonica
band: solo. 'The Lonesome Cowboy,"
he Mary Hzrwood ; reettatloh, "Pa's ;
('heap Car," by Eric Speltan. The
call was aaswereQ'bj'a'nese oft oeerf.'•,'.•,:'
The Dramatic Bulletin was edited anti
read by Mrs. Harwood. Much dis-
cussion ensued over a picnic to be
weld some time this summer, Luse*
was served by the bootees. assisted by
Mrs. Roht. M'Atiiater and Mal, Har-
A bashful youth bad been presented
to a vivacious flapper and for ten min-
i uses be sat speeebleaa growing redder
and redder and more emberrasaed.
At length the girl 'mid eweeUy:
And now let us talk of something
Clothes Included
>ttYG•Rtn--SIATkRM4,a, +ip,'
Nt) -1slRvff)iry
St•:1.1, THEM.
Frank H. Main
PHONE 317 Ott=
ION... by Telephone
. . . The Perfect Anniversary Gesture
Ask as fee fell details •(
Cwdsreete Call Service far
nonce, MY Day sad
mime weenies, is
year family.
R. S. ORIFle,
"Just like being all
together again!
It was Jim's ides. He had heard of
Conference Telephone Calls ander
cash and inexpensive o�neon'llother
make."Whp not spring
and Dad for their anniversary?" he
thought It was quickly arranged,
and at the appointed time young
in far-off Winnipeg, Helen in Ottawa,
and Jim in Montreal, were exchang-
ing greetings with Mother and Dad at
home in Simone, to the delight of all.
"It made the day perfect," said Mother
afterwards, "every voice was clear."