The Signal, 1936-5-7, Page 6Very atten
read it, "All the people, as they heard
Him, took His part:" and so it comes
In very properly. as • reason why His
ensiles' could not find what they might
do against Him. Till His boor wan
come. His lnerest In the common
people 'protected Him; but when His
hour was come. the chief priests' in-
fluence upon the common people de-
livered Him up. -(Condensed from
Matthew Henry's Bible).
• • •
Some lssposslros of n Visit to Angela
h 1518
Ry Ellie Jamieson Clay
Tbe first lmprett4lon made Indelibly
on my mind on arrival to Africa, was
of the prattles* of her people.
visitor Is the one who feels strange.
it Is the native people lobo are maw
tors of the situation. !oven when the
eeremonlaa of weleosse Inclnded • w111
and owRime
im is satireegorf*t be oboe
ittherarlea donned to all points
in Canada, United States and
T Poem IMMO Wogs INK Id. SS
s t. utmost. MK Tit kV
t IR, MR bust Tel 71
Central (Merle Lisa La
•---Thursday, Maty 7th, 1166
Ke•p GOING with
ENJo7 Kellogg's PEP Bran
Flakes for crisp goodness and
flavor. For nourishment. De-
licious any time. There's
enough bran to be mildly lax-
ative. Buy a perksgtaAi these
better bran fakels.ifiplla.3•oar
grocer. Always oven -fresh and
ready to eat
with milk or
cream. Made
in London.
5. -Mr. John
«lDnion ataaUc Club May 5.- ed Tariff Items Cameron,
Pse*& OUNT
pA><AYc*3NT, ltsy
�r from Toronto, is a visitor
Union Dramatic Glob is Laving W this week with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
its monthly meeting on Friday !ren ( that Mrs
tug this week, tnatead of Tuesday, at We are glad to report
the home of Mrs. Mary Phillips. The (Continued from page 2) Alex. are larmtd, who V a patient
Leen rffruntrcf and something *mould !a VitorLa hospital, London, L much
improved in health.
Mr. Calvin Towle, of London, and
lira Howe, of Toronto, were weekend
visitors wttb titer deter, Mrs. Fired
Mr. and Mn. Wm. Martin, Fred
and Goldie were recent visitors with
Weeds at Tiverton and Uaderwood.
Mr. Grant Mae /termed has engaged
Mr. Iters ftt*a e! from If'& •-
work for Pim. Mr. and lire- Staniar
are living ie tbe house on Grant's
other farm.
Friends of ManFrank
_ . this
were greatly surprised to Ma
she bad had an operation in tie WiagDe
Lem hos
pital abbe 1s expected home
keeps 1mOro fnsfl(
the tint of next weer.
Lads Friday was Arbor Day at the
Tdm--'•Dad you daily with the break-
ers when you were down et tie sea-
Act-f'lar. I Mt two eharming
girls and they broke Ise in a week."
main feature will ire a debate on the
subject, "Resolved, that hard work
bring, prosperity." of ber
Mei. Geo. Hewitt disposed
bouaehold turniabings at an auction
sale on Tuesday afternoon. lies Hew-
itt is giving up housekeeping
and make ber home with ber son. Mr.
Prank Hewitt of Stratford. Her many
friends are sorry to have her Isere
the commodity, but bope she will ea-
jees wen esreed rest.
lL/ttle Maxine McAllister has been
very ill after complications following
the measles.
Tbe members °afterUnion
on ftball team
p�a ng
spent Monday
their ball grounds.
Arbor Day was not celebrated at
Union school Miss EFriday
teacher,, Esther Mel wain, being
Notes, -It was with
Union Church
regret the news of tbe intended remov-
al of Rev. au was r received, (rPetDuring
y both Mr.
tIIelr floe- years among ut,
and. Mrs. Craik bare endeared them-
selves to the members and adberents
of I'nlon church..... There was no young
people's meeting Friday sight, owing
to the small attendance .......There was
a fair-sized congregation at Union on
Sunday. The pastor, Rev. F. W. Crack,
delivered a message to the young
people from the text. "What Tshall�we
then say to these things• (Ro-
us, who can be against us?"
( o -
mans 8;31) ....... Mother's Day
observed in tlifon ("etch orrice will Sue nday.
The Mother's I*y
at 2.45 p.m.; Sunda] school at 2 p.m.
Anyone wishing 10 ba
tiled ntr It _h4 at
"Repoxe is not a question of sit-
ttag still. it la a kind of spiritual
■ttrtbute."-urs. Franklin D. Roose-
Ire done about to maintain
r. King, remarking
,seise• .
tbat Messrs. ('oldwelt and Bennett
were seeking "to make a play of some-
thing because 1t has reference to 'Beau-
barnois," asked, "le it to be assumed
that a attest of this country Is not
to bare the right to critklae the ac-
tion of a Government? What is to
become of freedom of ezpreasion if
Mat is too iria, Tint is leek my dewj
of tbe rights either of government or
of citlaeuship." Then the storm sub-
sided aa quickly as it had arisen.
Groat Trade in Meese
Owing to the tremendous increase In
exports of cheese under the new United
estates trade agreement, the Govern-
ment announced through tion. James
G. Gardiner, Agriculture Minister, that
the half -cent per pound bonus on
chose has been abolished. Designed
to sttmutats.jhe use of milk for cheese
instead of butter, the bonus resulted
In the distribution of 21,100,000 td
producers and as a result the produc-
tion of cheese increased one per cent.
Since January 1 last the export of
cheese has jumped from 06,900 pounds
to 2,711,700 pounds. In lierch alone
this year 1,525,200 pounds were ex-
ported, compared with 14,700 pounds
in the same mouth a year ago.
It was stated that the Bennett
Government, under the Natural Pro-
ducts Marketing Act, paid out $73,781
to six Montreal firms to take butter
oR the market last year.
Mr. Gardiner, replying to a quad
tion by Hon. H. 11. Steven*, Reeon-
structk nkat member, indicated that the
recent rise in potato pekes was war -
.rented to- the retest-- that storage
holdings of potatoes_ on Aprti 1 were
only 48,152 tons, compared with 246,-
073 tons on the same date a year ago.
It was explained that, owing to much
higher prices for potatoes In New York
and Boston, Maritime potatoes which
ordinarilf. ,would bare been avallable
for .as & is valor parts of Canada had
Wee Lutea tto rutted States markets.
Votes of $300.000 to aid. in coopera-
tion with the Provincial Governments,
in the re-establishment of needy !Ober- By Betty Barclay
men and of !1800000 for an active ad- Whenever you get a little weary of
vertletng campaign to sell the products
no„washing up” after dinner, just treat
..,aln dish
Paator-"This morning will have
for my. topic _MR -
Prominent trember of congregation
(rising) -'I've got an engagement to
play golf, so 1 can't stay, but I'll head
the subscription list with 61,004 to
relieve tbe suffering (!neatens."
P. A. Zimmerman
Repairing - Refinishing
OTTOMANS for Needlepoint
Sunday Afternoon
• • •
Uoderich, Ontarto
O Word of God incarnate,
0 _Wisdom from on high,
0 Truth uncbaaged, unchanging.
O Light of our dark sky.
We praise Thee for the radiance
That from (be bellowed page,
A leatern to our footsteps,.
Whines on from age to age.
-W. W. How,
• • •
Help us, 0 Lord, to hear Tbee say-
ing unto us, as Thou (Mist say to Thy
disciples, "A new commandment give
I unto you, that ye love one another
as I have loved you." Amen.
• • •
tl S. LESSON FOR MAY 17. 12118
Lesson TLgio-'J-'- Lass res Hey.
Lesson rinsege-iliahs 11:1-19, 4646.
Golds 'Post --110i= 110:12.
Zaccbaeus, being a Jew, was much
despised by his fellow -countrymen for
acting as a tazptherer. He was
not only that but be was chief among
the publicans. 'bat is, be received
tbelr collections and sent them to010
Roman government. The evangelist
bas thought it worth recording that
be was rich, perhaps because it was
so unlikely that a rich man abould
foUbwso poor and despised a person
as Jesus. of Nazareth. Not many rtes
were called during bis personal min-
No doubt he, while following pi -
Pupation, had beard of the prWht
Nazareth and when Jesus came Into
his vicinity natural curiosity prompted
him to go to see Him. It would seem
,also that mere curiusity led to his
conversion. He made haste to get a
good position in the crowd and not the coast and In the great blaterlaad
long after be made haste to receive the i Ile vast stretches, as yet untouched.
an ara tMsauraged to V 1 gtlrextend
1.xhis home.nd hospitality,ws Are we not people too. have not we a
we nay entertain "sew right to the Words of God?" asked
naewegess - In this case a royal guest some women of tbe dellen people a
to the Alert eR as ordinary traveller I fortnight prior to our arrival In Africa.
was received tato the home of one A gigantic Unfinished Task. urgent too,
whom the Jews regarded as a sinner. for a materialistic ctvtltaation is sweep -
Entertaining Jesus and listening to int in on Africa.
But the most tragic impression of
all was of suffering Africa. It was
to meet the need of suffering hussaalty
that Albert Scbweltaer went to Africa.
The land of the witch doctor desper-
eeperately needs the two -told ministry of
healing. The tropical ulcers, malaria.
leprosy. pneumonia, tuberculosis and
of Canadian fishermen In
domestic markets were approved by
tbe House.
Radio Broadcasts
Evidence given before lite special
tfdio committee showed that about
$175.004 was spent oa network -broad-
Oasts In tits last election. Thiel figure
was made up as follow*: Conserva-
tive*. $$5,000; liberals, 846.000; Re-
construction, 35,000, r` nd C.F.. $301 0.
The Conservative party paid
the "Mr. Sage" broadcasts. It was
stated that 36.908 of the Coneervattve
party radio account 1s still unpaid.
Wbile political broadcasts Were con-
sidered by the commission in the same
category se commercial Com dC*St ,
Hector Cbarteeworth,
chairman, gave It as bis opinion tbe
'lir. Sage" broadcasts were "just
It developed that -Rupert Lucas, a
commixsion employes`;8od-
T to•actor sfti fangb-
yourself to a meal of one
and a dessert. This casserole of cauli-
flower and ham is a grand and satis-
fying dish. Its texture is perfect,
for it's thickened with a small quan-
tity of quick -cookie" tapiocaTbe
Beginn the meal oas thickens lwitbt to Oa queen's mato juice
cocktail and end it with a green -lad
or a light pudding.
Scalloped CaaMIawas
mer and Ha
1 entail cauliflower, separated tato
3 tablespoons quick -cooking tapioca
Irk teaspoon salt
1-8 teaspoon pepper
1-8 teaspoon paprika
2 rope milk
2 tablespoons butter
1 pound boiled ham, chopped
te cop flee bread crnasbe, buttered
Cook cauliflower in boiling,
water five minutes; drain. Combine
quick -crooking tapioca, salt. pepper.
ckir.g after ()o d, ar iso 11p00: Iloa:e' me beat wor* % boudoir,
to be found to every village mutely stout working.-C+rlyle.
Tben vtrldly is seen the power of
the Christian religion to redeem. To
redeem men, transforming them tato
sons of God. devoted diadples and ro-
isterers In the bridging in of the
Kingdom of God oa earth. To re-
deem the community, for In place
puddled huts there arise better bo
on straight streets, with an attempt at
some beauty by the pleating of trees.
border and Sowers. Power to re•
deem human relationships, for
were homes where hnaband, wife
children live together, the one home.
Mary -"Hare you beard the latest
seas* abobt Hilda? -
Jane --"No."
Mary --Well, asili,-1 suppose there
isn't any."
Someone once spoke to ltboastnl about
■ monument to be erected to him.
lhoasinl, sot thea very rick, asked
bow much 1t was going to cost Then
told Z),000 francs, be replied
me half that sum and 191 stead on the
pedestal styselt!"
Instead of the buts of several wires.
with different mothers of the children
and a polygamous tamtly life. Tbe
contrast between these children de-
monstrated 'that 1t is in the (bristles
family that childhood grows to
strength and beauty. The redeemed
Spirit House 1s the School-tbanb,
whkb stands In the centre of the vil-
lage. with all that means for Ore re
demptton of mind, body and spirit.
Then comes the ltnpresdua of the
rise of tbe Untnisbed Task, for there
Is still to be seen in the light of the
morning sun, "countless villages wirer
tbe Gospel Inas not yet been preached
The new work •mung the Lalmhi,
Chokwe and Van Gonzales tribes has
scarcely more than begun. while ap'.
His talk made a deep twpee
Z*ecbaens. We are inclined to believe
that this tax collector was quite aware
he bad been somewhat unjust and
was perhaps troubled thereby and so
the words of Jesus fell upon prepared
soli. His conscience caused him to
[sake open confession there and then
sad be resolved to make amends. At- many other diseases, tropical *114 ether_
a Teti be was not worthy to wise, ravage the African people. It
seemed to me quite the grat. aa -
solved problem confronting our work.
an Glaser, well-known Toronto stock 1
dtngtoa eros I paprika and milk In top of doable
Promoter, successively played lir. Sage boiler. Place over rapidly below*
in the broadeaste. Lucas quit beraater, bring to scalding point
he didn't like tbe role; Boddington, it three to Live minutes)and cook 500
was said. received a letter threatening minus''. stirring frequently.
but -
his iife after he took part in some of ter. Place layer of tapioca mixture
the broadcast,. Donald Henshaw, an in grea,ed braking .11.11, then layer of
American citizen.. ansl a comma+ion cnulifionver and ham; repeat, finishing
employee at 36,144) for eighteen months' with layer of tapioca mixture. Cover
work. -supervised the lir. Sage broad- with crumbs'. stake in moderate oven
g�..•� casts,- written by R. L. Wright on he- COO* F.1 twenty minutes. or until
The t.eadg dM I1VaT Adhll j sad JOtI_��4 3: 3.
Gibbon* Advercising rrnmlra are browwent ed. Serves thee-,
_ Agency.
tit. Williams' Orange
Marmalade ..I4e. 32-m. Jar 19e
chocolate Bridge
Biscuits lb. 19c
Maple leaf
Salmon 1/2-1b. Tin 19c
..3 lbs. 19c
Sardines 2 Tina 19c
2 TINS19c
Corn Starch 2 Pkgs. 19c
Spaghetti 2 Tim 190
Suds Large Pkg. 9e
Cates Asserted
Toilet Soaps
Wheat 2 Pkgs. 19c
Icing Sugar
2 lbs. 19c
(mrslee (coking
3 lbs. 195
( ordinal
8olaases 2 Ting 190
Oatmeal lbs. 190
Aylmer 19
Infant's Food .. . 2 Tim c
"Country Kist"
Casrsab0R x Toast*
2 Tins 19c
Mop Sticks Each 19c
0h000 *te Ban .. , 4 for 19c 1 w rite Pimp
4 for 19c 2 TINS 19c
Chewing Gum
J. Calvin Cutt J. J. McEwen
rum« l li or 218 Plows 46
or Holds Fes Riots
Minister King told the Route
there utas no political significance to
the proposed visit of the German cruiser
"Emden" to Montreal on a routine tour
of South and North American ports.
The Bennett Government, last Septem-
ber, concurred -To the visit eloR made. delicacies
eaten noun after Dating-
Witlte be admitted that Mayor Houde ly n the next nay the fruits are king.
ofli Montreal had protested rio iga r. the to 1* dried Into bullet -tike lumps. Thus
,visit, fearing ,Ole good
Kine the taste of the whole cake 1s ruined.
ofHieexpressed the Lope that the sense...i,etety- t have made- some esettint
Toe 1tEl yidnpl aaant niresi rurrtn .-pre--.-discoveries about this. Certain Eng -
rent any had been
pecs cally ap NO lief bakers, I was told, bare long used
money he specifically reception.
appro- glycerine In various kindi of cakes -
Ki g added, for the though tbes reeeptll it especially their lulMous fruit loaves--
Htng usual - emir- D� dilatable to
testes to foreign battleshlpe would be to keep them molal and pa
the last bite.
I extended. I tried it myself In some of my far -
Tbe &Bank
pe iofe Canada might a de- orite fruit bread end rake recipe*,
that a turn was
bunk tos otke !stent with real success. Not only did the
mat o n 30,4474 wof thwl 100,0000sharesg wo- cakes remala fresh many days longer,
men e 1 of the 50 but the fruit was brighter, juicier, bad
of the haat. I"o6,hold 1 ,179, a more appetizing appearance. All I
and nu "ladle," 6,800; widows, 3.179, did seat, rub the fruit with glycerine,
land surest, 1,010. allowing it to stand for half an hoar;
It was stated that the..,.Cenadien then I mode the cake ss usual. Jest
national war memorl. at wblb Ridge a quarter teaspoonful of glycerine was
ix coding 61.29t►•(100• it will be un- enough for a standard small family
veiled on July 26 with great ceremony. Mite The wholesome liquid act,
There Is to be a royal cothe prob-
on like magic in keeping fresh things
to Inquire Into all phases of the froth.
of merketin* Canada', wheat as 1 know you will want to try this
one ot•the major questions before theI a fruit tea bread
By betty Barclay
Everyone likes cakes and tea breads
enrlehed with fruit, but the economical
housewife often -hesitates to make thewe
be called a son of Abraham. Now by
repentance and by receiving airlift la -
to his life as well as into his home, Africans. The problem is too great W M
be became a real sen of Use anther of sired 1n any other way. Bet weld
the faithful. "And Jeans said unto It be another fifty years before a erase,Islas. TW day 1s_ satratlea come 1° 1 in medlciae could be established? Now
this posse, toraomnch as he also is • we learn that the missionary doctors
eon of ADrabam. For the non of min sod nurses, confronted at all times by
Is come to tick and to save that which'
that spectacle of human suffering to
Africa can only be healed by the
was lost."
Jesus then, while in the bosh of
Zaccbaeus. spake a parable similar to
that of the talents as recorded in St.
Matthew 25. That was spoken after using to open at Dondi nest *s-
he readied Jerusalem -this while on ren, a three-year' coarse of t train -
( there. That was of Improv to ing In medicine. It w111 be a eo-oper-
(be tient the miltneceed to em. Tis attve undertaktne and will also be
the talents cur committed them. Thla co-educatbnal. women being admitted
was to tedstst • m 1s di idea about on the same basis as men students.
His Messfalbin, W entering
were Constructing a language to ire a
expecting et m, 11 Hie entering Jeree medium of light and culture for count-
(beJ to art uy }iW kingdom and free l hew relishes, establlehing a system of
the Jews from the dominion of the rem
building a ,porch of Christ
}lo .. .-o I a healing ministry fer a people,
To correct thin wrung ezpectatlonol title is what impreswes you wben you
visit a mission field In Africa.
Will the home Church ask men and
the thousands of village* throughout
Angola, are to attemptthe tmposdble.
and without remake's, but with that
faith wblcb can reniove mountains, are
Jesus tells thept of a man wbbo
right to a kingdom, yet
taking possesstun of it, went foto •°' women to leave teaks 11te that or will
HHeber k i also -away beforlatime Heing that 1 the bbd 4hI. stay at di!ir. work sad
ale el also gou awe before He (verwouseti
give them tbe resources to carry it
completely set be His kingdom i verse through in a way befitting onr great
12). He tells them that this nobleman lord whose lose and .aerlflclal death
left his servant.* property to be the
1n his absence. lie tells them ; °n the Cross i, the me*eaRe onr am
that tills nobleman was rejected by bassadors proclaim? --From The Mis-
hits own citizens saying. "We will not lsionsry Revlew.
have this man to reign over us." i "Atnef�t ilea' great lwcsc,n for
Jews wished to convey tp the minds !the world -that there 1e a certain
of His disciples by this parable that ,
the nobleman represented Himself ■nd `Idignity In bettering the standard of
that his going into a far country (living for the massa" -Andre Meg -
meant Hie returning to heaven to the fried.
r11'M 1wad`ef gee, before fully ',situs i
up His kingdom and establishing His
reign along men.
Verses 45.414. -Jesus after Iiia
triumphant entry tato Jerusalem went
directly to the temple. Though He
had just prophesied the destruction of
the city, He showed His present
t i
terest in the temple by purifying
He gave His reason for so doing. It
was a house of prayer set apart for
commnnlon with tied; the buyers and
Dere made it a den of thieve, by iho
�o HOLIDAt--
L]OL1DA estramss ? sows
Oast l/ �obis-
snow Ow wsyatartw. — -.
s nest wools to as Wig tiara -
soa,nrm m•cr...r..csa
a aalo40..w . . .-- -
alts Ma s wipe asaaargl
last oboe. ballrla crawl'.
•i .a sod &War. iject•-€4111
/bas dm treablo-troo ma.
�r�aof ~agrhereat wssasdaa►
Oodarich Ont.
country today.
}paving agreed In principle to the
Federal loan council plan, Premier
Patterson of So.katoh.wan was given
a loan of .2,000000 by the (tank of
('anode to meet Provincial maturities
due May 1. for a alar onth period un-
til the loan council machinery can be
put on tbe astute (woks and the
B.N.A. Act amended secordingly.
here yourself,
elpeiimreht on. I'm sure you mon people at that time! 'They were
tyre to bear Him." Some
fraudulent bargains they made there.
He put It to e best nee that ever it
was put to, for He taught daily 1n the
temple and that for five or six days be-
fore His cruciflslon. Tbe great San-
bedrim that should bare attended to
His preaching and should have
summoned the people to attend to His
words, sought to destroy him. How
different was the attitude of the cone
will be as pleased as 1 waxoo
Hey Fruit Tea Bread
14 cup honey
% cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons, shortening
1 teaspoon salt
cup pitted dates, sliced
tic cup dried apricots, chopped
'4 teaspoon glyeertne
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 egg
21/1 end' flour
tic teaspoon fond*
4 teaspoons baking powder
1-3 Cap wheat bran *nor
Rub fruit with glycerine and allow
to 'tend at *ant one-half hoar. Mix
honey. sugar,tbottenlntt. Nall, Balt and
milk. Heat e1001y only until auger
is dissolved and shortening melted.
Cool to room temperature. Add len,*
Juice and beaten egg. Rif flour, *oda.
and Mikhail powder toher. Mil in
wheat bran flour. Add dry ingre-
dienta to Mit moister*oo4 afbr ma*.Do not beat. 8411. la a greased loaf
pan. lined with was pap* 1s a rand-
orate 0vfor one hone
DONNYBROOK, May 4. The repl-
ier meeting of the Young People's
Union will be held on Friday night
of this week in ibe basement of the
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was administered in Donnybrook
united church on Sunday.
Miss Jessie Moo et tioderich visited
Mende here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1'. Robinson and
family spent Snnday•at the bome of
Mr. end Mrs 1b{'llnehey of East
W a w a nosh.
Mr. and Mrs Wilt Ripglite of Reaa-
aFTE'V1Ilted at the home of the latter's
broer, Mr. !George Wallace, on SAL
The Si I s Clubbing Rates
Save You Money
The Signal and Tbe Toronto Globe 16-00
The Signal acd The Mall and Empire 36-00
Tbe Signal and The Toronto Daily Star 37.00
Tbe Signal and Tbe Toronto Telegram 36-25
The Signal and The London Advertiner 4&50
The Signal and The London Free Press 36.50
Tbe Signal and 11* Stratford Beacon -Herold 3&50
Tbe Signal and Tbe Family Herald and Weekly eltar32.10
Tbe fernal arid The Canadian Home Journal $2 40
The Signal and Tbe Canadian Magazine 32.40
The Signal and Toronto Saturday ?Debt 34.25
The Sienal and The New Oudot* 311.40
Tbe Rivet and Canadian BOWS and Gordene 33.25
Tbe Signal and MacLean's liagasthe 32-40
Tbe Siena and The Chatataiwe 32.40
The Signal sod The Toyota° Star Weekly $4125
The Signal and National Homo Montb11 $2.211
The Rival and Woman's Moose Companion
The Signal