The Signal, 1936-4-23, Page 6Your Shoes Up Your tockings or • fieso, 7N tatNr sole[e•aeatkl0�e• Ile lou needt•epayl Brin[itemcomfort food Wefoyd of any Footwear fwddlsa.rtasu our atm to sive you real satisfaction sty and a live and let•ti.ve price. d see us, anyway. No karat4Ae If you do tot buy. Thanking you for your past patron•age, we solicit your future good -will, Socks will and that roughness on dams your pour Inner noise: Ladies' and ild s Shoes at L►eeal. and Men's at 1111 emra per parr. other irs t lour them in, and we will up to yourer and good appearance. vite ou to give us a call, it In children, for work or wee THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. �t Club oa top of another almost to the root. ■ M ' � . Sunday. ._ I Lords and lad.. generaleh•a0 str ta. J.es- Coope tyro tlt sun•4.7� In human atr.u. j""" • The last conn placed to t $tion rest* an Account of His Last Summer's Trip on othere wheel in their tutu rest on that of the ireat-g'reat-ltrandfatber. Many here been dead for 500 years and yet they have not gone back to lana sod we saw numbers of Icebergs, dust: their tech is the texture of which became more numerous as we tough leather, and their jotnt bones peewee along. A cumber of tbe peework. The generally accepted t ry gets stayed up all night and for which explains the remarkable pre - bowl the boat was ereepinge along at aervatlre quaYty of cite vrulta ta that a ensII s pace, loving t0 echo to a tlr+ air le cbemlcattJ tmpreeaatedby full stop once, the fog was so dense. the remains of an oar forest which A Typical Day A/as1 stood there In ancient times. So long The seven days went very quickly as the vaults are kept perfectly dry Indeed. Everything possible to the line decay ceases. NA of entertainment and cow/fort bad been A Yobs 1 Owned for the passengers. A type The arnt jlegt a4 air vWt In Eng_ Mr. A J. Oooper, wbo with bin daughter, Miss jvelyn, made a trip to Europe last summer, un a recent meoesty morning addressed the Men's Sunday flub of North steeecCtitted church, giving au account of the trip The fdlowlug 1a tin part) Mr. er's address My daughter and 1 left on the taoruluj of July to, when we were to talo the boat for cal day would be as follows: o s� . Montreal that afternoon _ The trip 'brisk walk around deck before break- wedot the later was very pleauut, the fast; breakfast ; atter breakfast there weather beteg exceptionally ane and were the dock games for those who the water like • smooth sheet of glare. were Interested—deck tenets shuffle- Wit were awakened early Den morn- board pingponi etc., or It lou felt eo Ing as we were passing through the iudlnedlow could sit Daek 1n lour One Thousand Islands, and although deck chair and rest or vend. Atter we had Seen them before they seemed bee lunch tiler* were organised ship pores to be at their loveliest early and In mid-afternoon tea was served morning. At Prescott, we were sup- posed to change to a boat that mould TBE East Street Footwear and Repair Shop. Oppesile Knee Church WM. AHI PROP. • Goderlch for Toros - Coop- shoot the rapids, but unfortunately 1t was out of commission and we had to retrace our course Davit to 1Srock- talent among the I,aeaengerr, Doth Do- I any number ot these ramblers walking vale and take the train from there ling very good.The „cher evenings I briskly along or cy llai as the case I We *toyed in Montreal were taken up with a carnival. ■ might be bridge tournament and dancing. On their baoty_there may be two togeth- the Sunday a service war held, a min- rr or they may be • wtuole club of later from Hamilton preaching. forty or fifty. Throughout the coos The liner did not go right into try there are Inspected •rad licensed fast docks, but we were met by tender. Douses and bottle where theme people illy the time we got through customs can stay overnight for a amatlemoune often just a shilling for bed aad break- fast. It seems to be the kind of week- end tbey enjoy best and It b bath street. and healthful and inexpenrlre,-_._ .-y, — was cold and foggy. It was the first window facing a busy We were staying In a town la Lan - time that season that they had taken about the first thing* that Impreunaed caahtre called Shaw and were surprised this northern 'route around Newfound � us were trams keeping to the lett and I tr, see nearly all the stores and places passing 00 the right, the double -of businees cloned just as if the whole decker street cars and t , many small !town were on holiday. land was la the forth around Man - cheater, tbe centre of tale melon trade. ll Englaed la very Pict req of places to rtdt with its many old cathedrals and manor homes, You very often hear that the English people are cold and formidable, but we certainly did not and them • so. They like to be out In the open as much as possible, which la evidenced in the lounge and on deck, the sblp■.Iby the great number of outdoor clubs orcbeara ptaytag at fhb time. Oa tbere are, such as walking or rambling two evenings concerts were put on— club. and cycling ells*. On any one by the crew and the other from week -end rain or •bine, you can see BRNO ter�aoa. DRANULIEKDE !!By ABEL HAMILTON Goderlch, Ontario Awake, i� soul, in joyful lays, To stag to y great Redeemer's praise! He )Wetly claims • song from me; His loving kindness, 0 how free! to Montreal. , with their knapsacks on over night and first thing next morning took a tail down to the docks to board 1 the 'Ietltts: ' Bel 1 W .ware seven days going from Montreal t0 Belfast and were favored with good weather almost alt the way across. The only nnpteasantne&& we 1 it was nearly 3 in the morning,Nat d was on our deed day out when I we went straight to our hotel. akfaaL • . • PRAYER Lord, teach us to apply our bearta onto wisdom, that we may .o live and love as others taking notice of us may see Thee as rhe source of oar eoatt•et. in Jesus- name we pray. Anes.-- • • • & 8. LIMON FOR MAY fed, IMS Lawn TagtlaJ■■us Tombs Fsegive. taints, Baealliy and Oratltaia Imam passage -Life 17:1.111. °sheen Text--,� a 4:32. "It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto frim, through whom they come." we were pawing through the Straits of Bette Isle, and of coarse here It morning we were having bre our table beteg directly in front. of a THEY JUST SBEM ro TASTE BETTER! •rad that was automobiles. exactly what 1t was. It b the custom We forded hi Belfast at the time of In this county for each town to take the rinds and you would see soldiers I a week's „ay from bailees, . The and pollee driving around in armored tow•epsopN are suppoecd to get to tare and tracks. in the afternoon. I their supplies for this holiday week while we were wafting for friend* to � the previous week -end and ,the plan yaw endlake es out to Bangor, the is esld to bars worked out trery n of one -of the rt aMea*aI••drot'eJ410 Ttteea-are alwori sDectal bas ram We understand from nucha sentence as this, what a true. alma Judgment of life the New Testament furnlsbes. It tells us the worst; 1t does not gloss things over. Its writers and teachers are sot carried away by enthusiasts. They do nut paint the world si a happg dr -land of perfectise--a Utopla.- Ws remember who it mer that spoke Ode sentence. It WWI riot one who despaired of humanity, but one wbo, "bo loved the world" that He came from Heaven to live In 1t and to die for It. And yet. In spite of this He could say calmly, "It 1s Impossible." Our Lord's words give the key to one side of human stn and wretchedness. A life of selfish enjoyment can hardly escape being a life tbruugb e-blcb of- fence comes. A life of folly and wtckednew will undoubtedly lead to sin and wretcbedness In others. It is a question that we need to be asking ourselves,we T --VA or making Meld cep- I have appointed blm our church trees- QtJttlnrantrtt, acct. We are hoping—Bat there, los w to ne are War: A small man entered 140 yard tutelar. rho bundles that n ulderlty M e carrying Mir deftly piloting two huge the Weaver peaeadd on bIa ministry dangled from either end of his rhe??lim I of helpfulness.—Fres The Hosea carrying pole. Who avoid be Messenger. None other than the Weaver, the re- aponsible leader of the little Cbrtatiaa group I• Salt Village, four miles away. W 'ITT' IELD (That is the group in front of whose snit -prepared place of worship a bell limb crotchety tree A gnarled wooden ty_tour present. The meeting was la tit -time panned our hotel. Withoat and a great somber -of the people go exaRRerati n, the street and roadway Ito the nearest *reside resort. i am for a whole Mock was swermed with !loot sure whether this b the custom the need of an Increase of filth walking behind the hearse.1t t the countless or not I they could at all comply with tbe ,urmv that when home people the next place we stopped • � D WrerrIHJLD. April 21.—The Y.P.Q. bangs suspended from a met oe Wednesday evening with twsa- tub f striking the bell reposes in charge of M►re Jean McDowell, Cbr c or t, and fork of the tree No rextuy is paid tlsn fellowship vice-president, a or - for ringing that bell. and indeed no was led by Mem Mary Cook.• great skill is required for tbe job. I Edythe McDowell and Rev. H. Watson _ _ .. When those wbo have arrived early I` were In charge of the devotional pro - at the meeting house feel that it b gram. A readtug was given by Mr. dais for the rest of the congregation I Hay Vincent, `All for Jew." The • to assemble, several willing bands topic by Mrs. Wm. Carter, -The i In rivalry for the honor oz bat- Changed Lite." A pisco .o10, "Medi- - strive bell.) The two loads dani= tatlon" was rendered by Miss Wln•t� Ing the Ilei from the Weaver's pole were tot teed Campbell. The meeting closed -- cloth 011 the way to market, but a sure I with tbe Ylapab benediction. indication that at least two young Mr. and Yrs. Cesare., Smith were girls from Salt Village had arrived etruc•efield vieltorr on Sunday. for study In the Mission School at I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crosier, of Crewe, Welbwel, and that he had carried I visited on Monday at the bonze of the their luggage these four mitts for 1tatter. patents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. them. I Campbell. We exchanged friendly greetings as I Mrs. Mansel Cook, of Zurich, spent the Weaver brought bis cumbersome 1 lam week w•itt bet mother, Mrs Wm. burden to rest on the well curb. With- Rodger. In a few minute; we were discussing Mrs. J. Harrison and Master Gordon, the affairs of his little congrep of (loderlb. were week -end guests at whether bo are le ttvlae a• end he inquired, "Baa the elder toId the home of Mr. and Mte, W. A• to help or Injure there wile Uva wltb ve had?" m you of the truuWt_tlt�ll} or near to us, those who Will 1• stir •trouble? No. What trouble A pie was bell it tiE•Waab way form a standard from egg aMs there been r• add church on Monday evening with r character. W.U.' old the Weever, "It's all a good attendant*. A good program Tbm Jasaa- W -hams a,. , - m _now lieu ate to talk about it. (was d,en, conitst►ng of califs, readings. toriiving other and tote- mews'' You tae, the summer ratss`v'atne very' dome and -violin mnstc. Affaa th. - d1Meult to the disciples that they f late this year, and as the but, dry day■ program there was a social time and — fotlowed each ether In dreary 'acres-' loncb, conslrtlni of undwicbes, lite _ _ .- alc+tu peopir's hear$ became anxtour, and coffee, w■s served. Ota[ native. Sonne war realised. villa ern not Cbrlstlans, began mea P wore re I a otber t was dremente of Jews. Then it is that sod dlaturbed and�Mgl tuning from the funeral of the pre-Blscktsol, wbtek Is one of tae Largest !Jeans points out to them that it le not of the [ who -'r 1001 victim a sniper shot thea chap, 1 and boniest seaside resorts !n Eng- the quantity of their frith that needs i to suRgeat that our CDrlstlan group I who+• funeral It now was and they land. Regardleee of where you live to be enlarged but the quality. !t' had east a'spell over the weatherman} k{ chances, If strength to anoot be so vett' many requires true nobility of soul to for- gradually distrust centred aad a number's meant any ttg. � ►kw from the ser. w sed that there were taking no in England THERE'S a special goodness in Kellogg's Corn Flakes. It'a partly their delicious flavor — neverprotected b successfully tlly Partly oven -fresh rrispneae, p 7 i�►XTiTE ismer wrapper. A[ for the world's leading Corn Flakes, made by Kellamron, Ont., and give your family the best. NotbiNNE plop of �pv�' CORN FLAKES Alias PRUNES mural L.=•tt+• 2 lbs. OARDIEX PATON17_oa. tin GOLDEN t�NRN SHORTBREAD BISCUITS- CLARK'S I fiS CLARK'S 25c you c thi The papers m id makes It giveOffences in another.chapel bell Some ignorant an estimated the followers at 10.000. We gerrlble fur tits great maJurl[y of the ja vsrner 7.10 Jrsua *peak++ • Dat' chapel bel fellows insisted t Deft and Mtntster—"Aad what deep year thee ad`s¢ yam whoa you've he/I1 , that • good girl l" --_ width t Little 04r1—"Illi. lees tete Oaf bons rstitiousfrom chorea " , Jtpent the week -end at Bangor. a huesable wbitit dors not seem to have •nl + was a dent Jit that tits people to let to the nes for a holiday. from r rwurt abort twelve miles one day that we were in Black- tonne icon with what went tactor*. It din It made was the cruse of the con- fnd that there were be supposed that the disciples I tinned drought. We answered them pie there 1 at impatient 40 !with ,r Belfast. pad tee pa said t a may con - Is the Fee* State flay• the 11th kind words and told them that three and a Mit million {feu were somewhat From here we went !o a town called Iwadoa aad Paris kingdom researed to Israel. They 1 the till was really gnlM muelcal and Dundalk, which is on tbe border be-' We were In London fur u Piste over weu� }i�t{eat of the delay, ■nd •0- I entirely barmless. But as- the stills- I Sween t'Irter and the Free Stair, and It a week rad realize what people mean 'toes to enter on the rewards which i flog continued we volunteered to have teemed rather graver to have our tug- whcu they say that you really need they expected In consequence of their.the Lel;. which had been that In Went. searched again. eAtta Dublin we to live la Ioudon for six months at devotedness to Him. Jesus by this ; wet only • few mouths ago• melted rlucdOl o ty and went dewy ere least if you want to cover Its pieces parable of the master and the servant' down and recast In our own village., Fl)upe county and I might say here of interest I won't have time 10 allows the disciples that they should ! But they were not so mildly satisfied. i that they now Leve a wonderful bus anything more ;rico surely be rewarded but there was a They brought ow matter up In a con- I mention the system throughout Irelan�t ago there �� r order of things and that this *lave before tD• village <'hlef. when Lewitt rce tbere new years th* The'~ of some ,rt SIM seams we visited. I (rope They' In luded Wlakt4lnstt r Abbey, a reward was not to be expected_as• )*oder aaTuatn apokenman t were scarcely any. In the Erse Ste St. Margaret's, matter of molt. but would be glveatpglfst{e,i 11'$5 a baphew of the Chi" Westminster, service at at the goad pleasure of God. for thee jTo the seaters' the ofd gentleman rut notice stat all the road signs, ge,stwliatrr, the Parliament butld- Ii ln l,) nn stores, etc., ■e printed firsf lugs, ti,..ti.anp;;ing tat the rd at St. 1 were but unprofitable servants. They t spoke kindly bat firmly, saying, 7 sail we have not hrntMted God, or laid ! home In directly across the street from in Lhigllsh and nndcrutath 'in Gaelic Janet( Palate, Buckingham Palace, Sf. Him under notobligten.l Our , ler. 1 the • to dlr ctly across one litre t from The Government Ir trying bard t0 )g'aol's cathedral, the Tower of Lon- I' arer 1 *1 1). back the Ilaellc language and don, where we sew tbe crown Jeweils, vices are mingled with intpertec- to It than I, or hears Its tone* more tion+. We are far, very far from tbe I distinctly. 1 assure you that wt have it et now compulsory In all the schools the Ion,l n Zoo and some of London's tio,iexample tet tae by the Saviour, end i�' received no harm from the Dell, nor iiriving through the rural parts you famous theatres. „snot help tont notice how' spotlessly We thn went over to Paris for a we are saved and rewarded, it will be lean t contrive that anyone else ham, all of grace. And as for you, ml sone said he, tyro- white the cottages are kept. You__ few day.. u. *l lwugh em rwtilae u Kill ire many donkeys and carte. pony touristw we a shown the most at- In verses 11-19 -19 there Is a striking Ing to his nephew, 'take my advice aid netive le ,tad=2tap• In Were p■rts• and ingratitude don't meddle. 1n things tied don't eoo- 1. the turf hogs stn the winter. ,booRiver tee an in city, 1t Impressed example a i Aad in rttcnlar do not , ;x•antlful with � As J•+tae-l/sg treretting towards Jeru-!cern syo ��(slrrlsNa�m. 'The7 alta .tenon the runniest' v were lepers and therefore! **With sort • ea .tmtwtg the place/owe vlslte'l here were I They d 1 rah r to &p- re Misdated head of the village the meta - drawing the time we were s'Ii * we as being u�aspelt7 Ltd.. iomtouulty the men were boo Its wade tregllned boulevards and the I seem there were tee men travelling I mole t through it also but In an ol,poslte dlretilon: I harming no one.' drawing hnme theft Mol t"PP17 from i feed from the cep - two week before they had tut the the famous louvre, We Troe$deroa 1 rnrf from the hog hp iuet'*,• .lout the trlffc rent places made famous by the else of a hirer Krick and spread it out e dry, onnlag it We went back to London and spent _Jt would dry thoroughly. rte a couple of dal' before wiling on the French Revolution. •t fromrimeto time, orf gee -a very [art beat bat burns•B--.---ria from Southampton for' stepped to one to e n o e the other. -co from enntaglon. Itrgntzing' tient subsided. ;hire they opi'n• Items they tilled to iflm—"Jesus,' village Chief? -lad then, tee rein Mater, have mercy on us." In re- team*. (leis. ply Jenne rommanded them to go and "The Tiller., ehl, f is not a show themselves to the priests. By than. but be I a fine eharattPr, one of I the meat resp,ceted men In the village. cep quickly. We sprat about ten days I New York. The Twat was filled up tete rommand fie Rare .u.•... , aI toward nnr t back tip to Dublin. attb 1800 passengers and a crew of plied aaturance that they would be', He Is kindle bier here mad then went sou and In order to interest bits see' sleds• of Dublin MM. .Ilking a larger and taster boat healed. The obeyingg required no'i D• vat+ore wt faith on their part;l date and while 1 re we vinfted man,' I a few things suet) as a daily sews- for did not first heal teem and then Ik1n - tl11 them to go : He told them to go Dublin. of twee*, 1s quhe np-tn- i than the 0710 we went ever on, 1t bad .tat ?te noes of Interee. among thein being paper, swimming pool anQ to i d n.arrr--- them that the Parllame0t tolldinee, the Meetwa-9cturem that we had Ka had coming without exold be healed, and withoutberthat and ttotsev Gorden&. The Royal wo oerwoad day The and we had a real ndie passed no on they any evidence to show to the priests spent Horse enjoyable was oand wa 7 yet of why they had acne* for per- &pent a mast eninyehle day there. It !good clew of iE We merle Is an annual event and draw' bores i In fire and a -halt daps and apt 'a earifil t metier again In 'society. from over the whole world, Canada! week there before returning to (leder- "Air they went, they were Gleamed." being relieeeented of course The kb, exactly two months to the dal Then 14 wen the power ilfferff eeJin the {n re- 1 ehu- milttary j ing wee really wonder- since we had left. elplent& of the pc ' tui, permit, taking fleet Tiber and.-- man experiences. tine of the ten the Irish 11lilh "tate &eecnsl end third.A termer once made to Abraham delayed hl& going to the prTeit tom oleo witnessed an interesting polo Lincoln •n obviously exaggerated I enough to thank his benefactor. Be between the top F)nirlteh team statement as to the height of his hay , returned and slowed hie gratitude to top Irish, Free State team, crops "God by falling down on his face before hHn mus attendwl our first I've been cutting hay, too,' said !Jew'''. And what made his conduct to omfngntly in the eyes Lb. 19c POR[ AND BEANS ..... ss fig. tins19c Imam' 9 Squat tine 15c TI•201121" SOLID PACK. .. s tins ... 25c CORN .......... UP 9lb. 1gc ROYAL YORK COFFEE ROYAL TOUR MAIM • - L- DIST IZICBARD'S CARBOLIC 5 -Ib. tin 39c 1 -lb• tin 3 boxes 25c GUSTS LYE 11/' 12c SOAP 2 ban 9 c O&M Ott J. J. McEwen sy• { :p Phone 48 talking -- 'were aunt. ghee landing and we was allowed''. t•' nee that smoking tare. About efteeout the whole pie - How many toner were a in. per cent. of know how been leant expected of the ten to was pine Well, 1 don't exactly his gratitude to tend. was bias with It. We and the air many tons," said Lincoln carelessly, Iexprested later that the. was allos.�t,t flat out *hut my men stacked ell they could j Jesus then said to him to en now to the p'lest and obey the law of God --for wlthnttt lits certlfleate a I -lennsrd one could not he rednred to the P0- elety of his friends re to the mettle worship of Goo. St. Luke Is the only one of the eyatm- gellets' who reeords thy& cure of the ten lepers. Leprosy was a disease which the Jews nrpposed we. Infileted for the punishment of mune mirth -tear Lincoln minding. '+Good (Tope' *eked the farmer.' of the Jews was that this men was • Samaritan --the one who might have aU the large theatres In lx)e nearly •out of doors and then stored the rest and England. Something eh•tand In the barfly. drew our attention welt the t amount of eating that was done O�OR'17jN , - tlw theetres. They didn't stop wit► cboeolatesi, but many were having) 5 do be wrong who. R7 I come afternoon test%Pried them right where . Atli 'they were vetting > 1 knock, and fall to lad The mat unusual {,tate we rikFor nr e' < In Dublin was St. encMn's church, door " 1 mtand outside your which is eery Md. Vlaltors go 10 At. And het yon; sin, end to he. more than oilier Mebane to look at the bridles In the •rad win, �'• •rad °lee to de" emotes. n mark o1 (*toys dispteeenre: vaults beneath_ Thee are pr0•erved Weep, net for precious and therefore Christ who came to I hy Rolm- peculiarity of the atmosphere . p 'este. plowed _ .c.. and turn eaAy wrath, unray, as perfeeely as Egyptian murnmtea. . nil not for golden Age* oa The sexton takes you outAde through nM e►aM the ehnrcheanl and appronehes heavy Feel night I baro the remotes K tiw Iron dnnre on the ground level against dap• wall rat the church. Thoth he m,- .11 sunrlw every soul 11 torn seta. Itsealtcl Laugh •e a bey a pleasure, that Its t1)0 [cast kindle-. of Malts Into darkroom. Yon 11MIte hAve aped �t r of atigethi t took pwrtieubr care to cleanse the leper. that eamc In hie way. Jess took notice tMt nine did not retnrn when they saw they were the wa . How very great le the Hn invite and you look down a steep sight tat 1 Ill 1 t h °t legretitudel Nine out of tett were an yon dweefA that the all 1a 1)44 the To viuil+lrtel joys he blind, end deaf, tfitlled. clammy air of a erypa: It is and ducat; almost warm and of Is sttr•pt'inittj I By judgments wail the dead part with frostbite's. L the desd. tiff ♦ fro* sombereach silIp of high -van ofasdt,•ntrn! lttr11, Imes! d } come.lint never hind a moment yet to me. •ase rwnning Pent end Wort ts•nenth ! Thengh deep In nitre, wring not your the church. They are Acted Wkh Iron ' heels and. weep, gates. TDF a•ston take.. an enter I lend my arm to all Who M) "i an;" 1 lamp. opens • gate. end leader the' e,, ehamefa,rd outcast ever Mak 110 1 way Into woe 0f the vaults fll,lies hIs deep MMA over the moat ghestlr •.irht eon 11n1 he ,nicht t'i•e, and be again a man. ran imagt•e. Coffins Ile sacked eve 1 —Walter Malone. 110 to thorn by this stranger whom, thrr tame in torn* with when tra,el ling nn tM• cession road • • • WMt1.11 MiSSION.S The Rea r h Klug it was the npmfog day rat the nn. ham Reload term. Many ptupils who had already arrived at the elite hoarding school •nsI settled 1n. wen nun .,uttered on the playground, chattering or romping with old sem • a TIsr Chance to Win a Handsome Marshall Mattress The liers-(i•lt Company la giving aw 7 5 of the famous Marshall Spring Mattresses fo the first Ave fie_ wham names are rawa ff 4C! "Marshall Week" Drawing• All you have to d0 is fill In the coupon with your name and address, bring 1t into our More, Ant we will mall your coupon to the Marshall Company for entry In the drawing. It la all free. You are under no obligation to Arty, but your entry mum be made during "Marshall Week. - April rth to the 25th. We will know the results an May 15th. We supply the ooapona. J. R. Wheeler 1'u „r,'d [einm'l„, and _ Fvr,,,line Dealer . . •` Hamilton Stmt. G wkf motets. Stage ARS; Mae. g5tt COSTS SO LITTLE! • You can buy • Wainer hour. for as lied• as lee • der. Aslt it. *boor this special plan. No wonder we are enthusiastic about the extraordinary value offered in the Westinghouse Golden Jubilee Refrigerators. Never before has such a combina- tion of beauty, efficiency and conveniences been offered in one refrigerator ... Modern Tines of graceful simplicity ... the time - tented efficiency of the hermetic- ally sealed unit . . . and extra convenience of such handy fea- tures as the Stor Dor, Ejecto- cube ice tray, fast freezing shelf, etc. These are the things that make up the extra value is West- inghouse Refrigerators. TALBOT & CORNISH • GOOKRION ONTARIO •