The Signal, 1936-4-23, Page 22 lh pelt 23rd, 1936 t1 .�, eseemeimum etas Ossimiliss Weskit, N.wMMe Assedades �JtltlOH : OANADA ed every Thursday morning. •rlptioa price $2.00 per year. f paid In advance. Subscribers Mid States will please add 60$ et43MAL PRINTING CO. LTD. . Ki*Iaracw, Editor sad Matllge► admit* 36 Goderich, Oat. Thitrudsz:-Aerii- telydr_ie•t _ GEORGE SPOTTON SPOTTON - Teo death of George Spotton of f1i ham, former member of the House I Commons. removes a figure whish at beets outstanding in the politics of North Buron for two docade a or more. A strong speaker and a hard fighter, Mr. Spotton was a great campaigner rad loved the game of politics fee IN own sake. While be aroused Ratago°- tllee, he also made warm friends, and sten the eget was over he was willing to be friends with everybody. Though strongly attached to the Qsscervative parte,-les. had dlsti&wt streak of indepeadMeSSand It Waal his boast that he bad "never tired' a Lib- eral ibOral odice4soider." In former years he was an aggres- sive Orangewau and 12th of July speaker ; but of late years bis aggrve slveaeas in this respect had given place to a coocillarury attitude. THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. es EDITORIAL NOM About that $15,000 St. George's Day, April 23rd. • • • Prfuaera FAlsabeth was ten years old ou Tuesday. M.lt.R. to li.R.lf. • • • A 81wroe church announcing a function cowlings! with the words "Sliver cvolltvtiuu Nickles are not afloat.)" • • • River mine Will be re-enacted' to men's minds for years to come. The courage and deter- solat1un _oL1 e)ierple +t'uecsmake 4.1.4,www-dsmuers gtNnm knit eplaole an imperishable story. Mote time was spent In detto dug • • • and defending the purchase of till* London, Out., papers aunuun that sub subject, mal lhaei ewas luding 11 ent on income y tax other tax bill the street railway line to Spcingbaa► and the *Iterate school measure. Park has leen abandoned and the The debate in the House on the pur- tracks are being torn up. So the old chase of the high-priced Shorthorn ordrebangeth. Visitor. to the Park was punctuated with frequent bursts will miss the cars that tarried loads of laughter. On a dozen different cscations during the two months' ses- of sightseeing Soumgsterr—though or'rias• the question of the bull canoe doubt said youngsters will enjoy quite up. Bach time members of the Oppotd- a. mucp the trip in the motor -bus. tion waxed sarcastic and ridiculed the • • • entire attblr. And out through the Bob Armstrong, veteran Dungannon Province Went the story that the Ilep uwtl-carrier and weather prognostica- tor burn Government spent $15,000 of the for of note, has reason to believe that taxpsyPrle hard-earned money to buy a severe winter is ahead of us. Bob the animal. It wasn't that the Con- servatives deliberately gave this hil- ls a keen observer, and notices the prevision. But nevertheless the rural the manse year Hon. Wm. Finlayson habits of wild animals As be coven dipped into the for $432!1 Bull Purchase sa+� Not Paid for by Public Money —A Gift to the Province a Judge of cattle,. Mr. Marshall was convinced that uo••better animal could be obtained. So a sale was made. ]folly Acres, Conservative member for Carleton, had a lot of fun at the teeeeaR'titi_7 ' sWr'y11&gWz .Lii. seeision. Au unpolished humorist, the genial member put on a one-man show in ridiculing the purchase of the bull. Mr. Aeries knows a lot about farming and cattle, but bels thought to have II •ed tern much of a political Savor to permeate his address. After all, Tonto, April 22nd.—No polltfcal it is kuowu that many of the best weapon has as sharp an edge or as animals in Ontario have been bred a o% t - >,s mutaldkule- This (ruin lu,lsorted cattle. If Ontario is to _ saltie industry, _.h raSJt high ic_3itt 1 remark 1a P11$ 111 l y a review nt there must 'be Witty orwtfi-toed site:. the dlsc•ussiwts lu the Legislature on i --- W THE MONEY WENT (Simcoe iie�orttaerT - while Premier Hepburn's stunt of holding a public auction of Govern- ment motor tars was subjected to come criticism, it is evident from fig- ures made public in the Legislature recently that the Henry ministers ex- ceeded all bounds of discretion and economy In the use of Government cars. From 1930 until the Henry Govern- ment went out of office in 1934, the 'Provincial treasury Was touched fur $31,091 for new cars. The Cabinet Seamless Axminster Rugs_ Special Sizes (Barrymoor make) Size 21/4 x 3 yards Size 2% x 32 yards $19 and $25 $25 and $35 _ Size :1 x 4 .% Ards Sine 3 x 3 yards,.. Size 3 x 3l/J yards $30, $35 and $49 Ministers' can alone cost from $28,000 to $34,000 per year in upkeep. In 1932 lion. ileo. S. Henry spent $3,143 of Government funds on his car and sections of the Province conceived the d.ip o o publicpurse- his many miles of route each day. He idea that there had been rrtravagance for the rune purpose. During 1931 on the part of the Government. I five Cabinet Ministers spent a total usually large store of food fur the In fairness tb the Government - of $18,15.1 In ear upkeep. says the squirrels are laying in au un - winter. One squirrel was seen drag- which hal a lot of other actions to so- Meanwhile at Ottawa it was re- alm( a cob or corn nearly es large ewer for—the $15,000 for the bull did railed that Government travelling as Itself ' to its hideaway. Bet) not come out of the Provincial cot- expenses during the Bennett regime also thinks that after the many sum- fern. This sum was subscribed by were above nineteen ands half million a number of wealthy gentlemen living dollars, nearly seventeen mlellot bete user but spells the winter will be usual- ly harsh. in and around Toronto who wished to listed ae "travelling expenses" and two and a half million on Government cars- and this did not include cost of gas and lubricants. it Is little wonder that public debt has been piling up in recent years wben.;afbrfvagenee in snigsmedly cots. or mutters is carries�to such extreme. in addition to his ability as a sls7ek The foregoing paragraph appeared be of some service to the industry of er, Menage figure, his great toits and in The Signal of Sel3tember 26th last. agriculture. They believed that by "Bob" was *wily out -tin his forecast P+[t'chn*lug a .high class animal in Scotland and presenting it to the of the year prevvious. but be hit It all •tgrh ultural College at Guelph they -. lla ould Itf• performing a service to the Seat tan ear ahau.hare to keep a dose•�+w'rtile breeders of Ontario. They be- YUevtd that it. would help to -nits the irafrh on the gdnlrrPia artd tt '""y;standard of live stock in the Province land that, as it result of their action, his hearty laugh made hin, conspic- uous in any public gathering, and lie wW Sens w coeie as or of. Unseat. ewe ,of dis- .�� tine.ffrrn- -- -. - - TION TO PERISH! begin hoarding again the tensible thing to do will he to -et outs for other seraphs men 'night do likewise. TO filers Mini ter Baldwin is attri• Florida - that is, unit-'' the squirrels Not Uncommon in England bided iutatetnent that mother dilww [beret lo, are foneastl a COW The names of these gentlemen have !new k. pt se -ret -.he -the lioverttutrnames LINOLEUM RUGS 4 z 5 yards. Regular $22.00, On $17.00 isle�................. $24 and $30 $29 and $35 KNITTED SUITS �. KNIT -TO -TIT„ rad "GUTRX A large and beautiful range in all Spring shades Sizes 32 to 44 $7.00 to $12.00 Prices range FL9CR OIL CLOTHS SPRING COAD M__ soc and 60c All wool tweeds, silk. 04.50 to to $24. filo time 34 to 44., , . . _' 21/2 and :i yards wide. Square yaril W. AC..HESQN &SON HOLMESVILLE HOLMESVi 1,LE, April IL—Mr Holt inuer, Niagara Falls, has •been visiting with his daughters: Ere. Vie$ Potter. Misr Mary Jervis spent the Mater holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. Walters, at Benmiller. - Messrs. Harry and Charlie and Miss ThemaCudmore motored to Brainy- Sunday in Goderieh. r Mr. --Chas. -'t) -d;-`.cot L - vlsltwt with -Matit--.1.: s -Y Moore, t/ BENMILLER BENMILLER, April 21.—Mr. and Mn. Harold Walters, of Toronto, spent the week -end with the, former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell, who spent the winter -In Florida, arrived home this -week. Mr and Mrs. Dave Harman spent tea to spend the week -end with rela- tives la- tives there. -- Yr. and Mrs. NarakeirMair had as niece. I Stoddart, of Iowa, dater of Mrs. Jacob !lather, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fisher. Mr. 'and Mrs. Wilting, of London. and Mrs. Ruth Thompson. of Detroit, visited Mr. and Mr's. Harvey Fisher on Sunday. Mrs. Tbompson is re- maining a week with her daughter. ('era Little, of Belfast, Meet NW ter week with her cotwl n, TOW 1L it Errington. of The escv.m1 l4 the Lord's Supper diipaaed'ia-iDe United church w cora-finaAa2' Merited/1. Four new members were added to the member- ship. The Y l' I'. bekt their weekly meet- ing at the home of Mr Earl Feagan. convener of missions. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mims- AIM*. Waiters. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP t Sunday I Mrs. D. Wright, MI" hb m;t Elwyn 1'frlmmer Is suffering from Mabel and Mr. George Wright, from blond-1glwmnin; In one of his —Miss Amelia Mcllwain has damned Mr. SheWoa $faeM til suff}red an Recent vi sitors with, C. J. Walters Siker r f rday which COLBORNE TOWNSHIP, ipr$l 22. Summerhill. bands. ' European War would destroy civilize, wirier- • .for. an obvious reason. PU141ca0ou ut with bee friend. Mian lean ih deli. of will keep h(m eoafned to.hls 1pme for in tide ast j feHon. Dr. Simpson, Minister of Ed .'tubber, would ni not ('ionization take take' cation, in his address at tile O.E.A. M - a departure from Europe and musky convention last ;week, intimated that, habitation in other parts of the' I while he favored larger units of rebore De- test where men are not crazily iii- I administration, it was nut the upon slaughtering one another? 1 pertinent's intention to force town - Why should Europe consider itself ship boards on Abe people. A fur- phllauthroplats. emtdty of instate - dm exclusive home of civilization!' tiler statement was that the Depart- tions of learning are endowed' by rich Take a look at it! !diatom' of people went would not set a minimum salary "}°' .bL• uoue rarely hears of very • -theiw miames would leave them open to Norma. several days �rrietiul persecution at -The hands various individuals who wished linen- on Sunday atof Yr.. and Mrs. Frank Yc1Ywelu mo 1— Yrtmit Potter -returned-Ivo toF5'-to London and on i•'week from the Clinton leoepitili. metal aid for their schemes. In Eng- their return were accompanied by the and, we are happy to report, is making I land and other parts of Euiope it is former's mother, who had leen visiting splendid progress. quilts x eomeauu lhlmg.for mesh's, men there. Last Tuesday illez_�lt �13utler • • to contribute -.urns of money for the Mrs. Maribel Andrews etas returned underwent an operation for the re- development of agriculture. Aber all, to her home in Toronto after speeding moral of her tonsils, and is_ now res little enough is dune for farmers by the past week with Mr. rods Mrs. Wm- covering rapidly. y it Mellwain. _ We greatly regret the fact opened on Monday with a full atten- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Montgomery minister, !tee. .1. W. Herbert; is laid damn. and Mlsa D. Webster In charge. and children, of Goderich township, up with throat trouble, and hope that Misr Irene Stoll, teacher at No. 16. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aldln her recovery will not be lona delayed. EaR Wawanudi, spent the Easter week their property—of their very- lives. ring to rural sections especially, were Purchase of the buil was left in Allyn. and family were Mr. and Mrs. Dan S71Udsk'o.'bf Holmesvflle, and Mrs. Wm,. ii'eagan, of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer_ Kilpatrick ve returned to IITUir- laying in this viciatty. CARLOW_ .- 11AitterfW;`--..a. --,.a.1 • heoL 1. - for -"Two w'ee cs, much being done for the men on the living In fear of the destruction of for teachers. While teachers, refer- land. Millions staving to pay the cost of in- I doing excellent work and were un- *n-mears of war—other minima taken doubtedly worth more than they were • Rom Industry to wear uniforms and getting, tinantlal conditions would nut train fur the role of destruction, to warrant the setting of such a mini- . kat and be killed! Not knowing when min shot may be the signal for a eeasagration that It will take years ei thee and millions of lives and bit Hees of treasure to stop. And not yet elltraty years away from the [mote de - re war of all time --a war that mum ($770). Dr. Simpson is reported as saying. The Minister further re- marked that he did not doubt that as timer improved the salaries would im- prove also. in broth tbe-e matter, t t1 Mee Mialster's announcement will be was to end war, to make the worltt 'WM fit safety! ReeS$l the home of civilisation! 1001W is a mad-boialla will use perish, but d.ul.lton Ate !$ �iJDAYI - The comes Sews -hamar seems to be worrylog about holidaysm. Am* notlag tisk May lath etalaa ee gun - day IN. year and the timee'e Btrrtayy scant as ,,with Blusvale Maeda.(bend y wilt mere h.awrved 'may llpproved by the public generally. the hands of Hon. hunton �sarsnau, Minister -of Agriculture. While In Scotland Mr. Marshall took the oppor- tunity of attending auction sales of prise animals and he was able to strike a good bargain for the purchase of this Shorthorn. As a practical farmer and The teachers and students have re - sowed their duties after the Easter vacation. Mr. Brock Andrews and Miss Shir- ley Bennett. of Toronto. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mcliwaln over the week -end. National Flo ral Emblems Mother Canada and four of her Pro Departmental Influence should lead. rinces—Nova Beutta, Manitoba. Alber- uut forte, the improvement of condi- t , and Ontario—have adopted native floret emblem's Canada's emblem, the Gone• maple leaf, like the trailing arbutus of Nova Scotia, was highly favored more ST. AUGUSTINE than a century ago. The former, like etre rose of England, etre thistle of Scotland, the shamrock of Ireland. IT. AUGUSTINE, Awn 21.—Miss and many of the elder national else Catherine Reid. of Ashtitaid. is the bleats, became established without of - guest of her alder, Mrs. John Ftnigan. betel enactment or public procnenue j[ra. Jaa 1L Wilson "Pent a few tion. The trailing arbutus or May- IZugwe at wtita aoOerlcti tr1eN* !tower of Nova Seetia, the anemone rad Ill. 7. 1. McAllister patiens of Manitoba and the wild rose of Alberta have bass made edictal by Provincial legislation, and a bill has been prepared to give Dietl standing to the trillium for (interie. National dement have In certain countries ■ peculiar igemilicaoce or are symbolical of the characteristics or feellugs of the nations. In many cases, as In the Canadian Province. and In the rafted States, the chosen flower has been adopted by legislation. In other cases, as in 'several European countries, ia iraypt. India aid Japan. It has by ie� association with poetry. religious ce nice or popular renn- et of the $IOple gradually become thy rpe•guised as the nation's IOW t uta iMw M there win et bad wadestt M a qday on tiereattioe Isar. in new at St. Allan lay of nett year, and, It en, It there day waning. Apr Angustio• will be two holidays In that month.' tie iwaaty-fifth asnS wnen'e It also wants to know somethi g about Petc,r s Dminnomi-i yanary. --tn spite large number gath- e haiI on Wednes- ith, to celebrate is of the St. titute. St ..�, know tow- hee aadsersary of the {resent Minis 'tented their play, "All a ifertake-: birthday, but it bas the thing so mired which wenenjoyed. The In - up we don't know just whet it is It atttute Ode yr saw sung and while wants to know. tJ,o president was an amountAs to the first question: �doe't of the twenty flee sea of the Instltrtte the tweets -eve know whether there will be • bolt- `i etted on the three -dors were day oa Coronation Day or not. but 1 twee, Mrs. Oster of B'it th. d R there is, and if there la also a hall -1 president. pave a abort address. Atlee day on the 24th of May. there will i forlunch wns a few s red b'Rtie In Itnes tP was� in contortion with each of certainly he two ltrolldaycl in that organised by Mrs- Laura Rose Steph- I re is an Interesting story. mouth, unless (I) Coronation Day should be in some other month than May, or (2) Coronation pay should be on the 24th of May In either of Blake. Mrs. Bert Tompson. Mrs thews cases there will be only one Archie Meaner and Miss J. 1. McAllis- holiday In May of next year ter. sera on February 8th, 1911, and at ' ceatary «lura emblem more than a this gathering there were only four symbolical o"rregarded as highly charter members present : Mr.. Mary Thin was indicate, atlad/an people. Saint Jean Rap„;,; " leaMnet of the Montreal on Jury .k•ety held to quetlug hall woe prof ,,,,� hrT:ed n - with (branches and feaster ,nA maple and the main speaker, sugar Benjamin Vlger, spoke elaln.eNis- fronted i)ane stepping on a thistle cried the virtues of the maple tree. w `t nut, giving alarm to the defending was highly prnised for its sturdinnes• Idlers, who quickly drove them off. in the fores:. the snhstantlal chane -tip• leek for Wales was shoo chosen as Day. New Year's Day, and Good .1n• the son cone" besmin' down'Rnls, ler of Its wood for fuel and lumber, leer ervice In war. When Cad - leer to melt the st.ayin' show, and Its great service to the pioneer I t') ,...,,,the Welsh leader, tens about Prllay. That's all w, far as we I An' the erns keep up a-i-seklln' (in it. annual harvest of syrup orad he orAPt win, King of NnrtM+mhrla. know now, unless the N. -R. takes a I Juin t' prep the stayln' snow? sugar. The sentlmeuts expressed by their help %As men to wear a leek in the speaker were undoubtedly pope- tar term enable him tar In these early dart of remedial' life, iun'a emblem. i .'ii t as the na- The trailingearbutus, malt the of- itihwmnc�k when It help., chose the wash emblem for Nora Mcotia In 11411. to make clear to the w -o a Patrick was highly rogardpd as early xs 1IC25, �` the when the flower was represented in a Mystery of the Trinity. decoration that appeared on the front The finer-t4--lla. or Iris. the gaga err a Nova Seotlan " Thirty, 1'mblem, la said to hare ben' nney years later It was associated with the.ee'ronetiOn eerernoniga. When a keep rose, the thistle and the shamrock on wits crowned he was carried antelope poetise ■tamps. This flower is also.: his people carrying an Iris to repre- the 'Agate flower of Massachnsetts, l rant n sceptre Where It is better known as the May j Interesting dories could he tMd flower. There its name was naso- atowtt the lotto of Fatypt and Indis, Hated with the Pilgrim Fathers, who, the chrysanthemum of Japan. the corn. - at the mel of their first winter of flower of Germany, the linden of I'rna- great �lration, an seelna the first sta. and amaranth of Sweden, and flowers of ten spring appearing from the forty -odd State flowers of the soil called the plant the Mayflower l American inion. Most of the It. S. after the hintork' Alp that brought state Sowers hare been adopted with - their to Plymouth Reck. In the past forty years, snipe by the s'tw, ealie +a emblem. the anemone school Mtldren, tont in mast Pas* hr patbna, rhss0n hs the Ptorinclal lent- tits *ate legialstnre• on the recnm- flcnitnral AOeMy. was moo °mini In mondatics+ of awthorltative Atelier sock ten • the 'rhythms -et as the' Mnghters of America. -J P However. that is a long nay to Lok ahead. There will Ills other holi- day* before that: Dominion Day, the civic holiday. Labor Day, Thankegit- Ing Day.Remembrance Day, Christ - JUST SPRiNfi' D1d pets ever notice sono•how, 'Long shoot this elate -a -sear, When the turkey cock's a-etrettln', An' the rooster's crowln' clear. Miss Joyce Kemp. of Mitchel. at her home here. visited relatives in this community over the weekend. During the recent vacation the Misses Marie and Eileen Glidden spent Miss Alma Hallows, of Stratford Normal School, spent the holiday week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mallows. a few days with Goderich relatives. Mbar Thelma Fengan returned home Mrs. Clara Bennett and children, of last creek after n few weeks in God- Goderich, were guests at the home of erict+ Iii: and Mee. Edgar Trewartha last Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seshrook, of week. Goderich, and Mrs. (Rev.) W. W. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Proctor and Miss Elva have moved to theft new resi- dence In Clinton. Their former hoose is the 9th concession was pmrebeeed Alberta's emblem, the wild rose, 1s ray Mr. Edward Grigg, who Is engaged also the State flower of North Dakota, �� at present: Iowa, New York and Georgia. Follow. -The Holmesi!Ue ..ladies' lug a suggestion by the editor of an Edmonton newspaper that the Pro- vince of Alberta should have a floral emblem, the Women's institute took the matter up, and passed It on to the Department of Education. The choice of the native rose was made by the school pupils of the Preview. Oatarto's choice, the trillium gran- dlflorum, also called the wake -robin, was accepted by the Ontario Horticul- tural Aaseeiatb° In 1106 atter it had been recommended by • committee of botanists who canvassed the views of the Horticultural Societies in the Pro- vince as well as the High Schools aged Oolleglate Institutes_ The trillium, thriving as it does In woods over most of the Province, responds well to cul- tivation In the garden, but must not he used as a cut flower, because the bloom cannot be plot d without taktag with It all the foliage which is needed to develop the Whose root for -the Isle lowing seamen's bi000s. SMT, this RUM reason the trillium should not ie thoughtlessly gathered In the woods. The row of England ag the flop) emblem dates back to the thirteenth century, when Edward I chore it is honor of his mother, who was known as the Rose of Provence. Two cen- turies later Henry VII cbose reedits badge the Tudor rose, which is de- r eoacert goes to Porter's Hill, a all Its entirety this Thursday. A A an - der the auspices of the T .U. of G race United church. Mrs. Perdue and little Claris, were Sunday guests with tare' former'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller. Y. P. U. Netesa-A special Easter meeting was held by the Tonal People's Union on Friday, with, Mr. Mervyn Lobb, missionary convener, in charge. About forty members and visitors were present. The program opened with quiet comic played by ala Norma Potter, and the convener fed !n prayer. After the first hyena, Mr. Mervyle Lobb gave brief, appropriate readings, and Mine Grace MaeMath read the Strip - tore lesson. The cilia! masked som- ber m ber was a pleasing duet r1adered by Mesa Ruth and Mr. Fred Potter. The speaker of the evening was Rev. G. Wylie of Benmiller United church, who delivered an interesting -and im- pressive talk a bleb was appreciated by all. 'The chairmen expressed the thanks of the assembly, and after the anal hymn Rev. Mr. Wylie dismlmed the gathering With the bened1 Con. W.M.S. and W.A. Meet,—On Tuesday last a very good reprewenta on of the members of the W.M.S. led W.A. groups of Holmesvlfle church congre- gated at Miss Acheson's dome for scribed as a double red bloc& with a thHr April meeting. Mil. Edgar white centre. The thistle of Scotland Trewartha was in charge , of this served a useful purpose 1n the early month's W.M.M. program, wbiib opened when s night attack was being with a hymn. Mrs. M. «'alter, torsi- daysmade by a Danish army. A bare- dent, lei in prayer and the scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Will Yeo. There were about fourteen member, present and several visitant. Three Interesting stories were read, a paper on "Success" by Miss Cora Trewartha, "True Stories from Japan" by Mrs. Elmer l'otter, anti an African tale by Mrs. Bert Trewartha. With Mrs. W. Ycco, pianist, accompanying. Miss Ada 'Finlay contributed a fine solo. The flower collection and thankoffering wear taken before, the concluding hymn, after which the remainder of the meet- ing was handed over to Mrs. E. A. Yeo, W.A. president. Mrs. H. Tre- wartha, secretary, read the minutes, and the roll call was answered with Willie verses. It was decided that •r'e roll call be replied to with as of hullos, seeds or slips of non danti and flowers. A great nates ter aprons which were do - basally w t+a apron shower for the mired. All��wwtedayed and duly ad - the Katherine y Matters completed, ek•Itghtfnl fen ft:Z:1 W a dainty and 4'M ter and Mrs. Joi « . Elmewt. the r renew. holiday on the 12th of July. Possibly our Clinton neighbor will say that it wasn't asking us for in- formation: Ant we are always redly en oblige. THE KING'S ENGLISH (Italtlnsorl• Sun) King Edward VIII, in his broad - east to the British Empire. said he Intended to carry forward the policies of ills father. Americans alta heard the King (solid not have failed to note that he brings to his task two of the quallgcation• which George V pile- ... ' neescl and will. i eo deeply and right- ly impressed is'rsons who never saw Ike:land and who know very little ;t87be I1rcrie ar ane polciee of Thew are en ee ellen! Vales and a great gift tor speech as dere mad simple as It Is rich in _. TIM late King spoke an Eng- le* ntbMy trio tram the tonal peon - and ldi5Sationa of accent tu. assay Abscicstia and prob- ers. mere . Here Is rug. rrgtlab. An' the bud, begin to ripen, Arc the wap begins t.' As' the ioya get mit their buckets. Cur. it's maple anger time? ' An' the new lambs keep a !delft' An' a't,mptn in their play, An' the children shout and honer, Hnntin' eggs among the hay. An' the of grey nag gets friable When peh turn her to the stack. .tui' the sexrlin' taken t' kickin' Like veiu'd think he'd break his back? Did soh ever notice somehow When these signs are takin' dare. How cels feel the smiles and giggles Sort -a plapin' 'round yet. face? ' .tui' yeti feel 'bout ten years younger Timer yell did a month ago. Cur the grip and roomatiam All has melted with tit Meow. An' )ph woofer what's the matter. Whet makos ail creation slag. Then ych enddenly remember 'I1tit the t111°re-rear i Fg'Rlwi --)IAiRH GORi)ON tial Crawford Street. Toronto. • `" e to ((sfin- The result wa.7%the enemy soldiers, and the choice , �r for the Welch •n-siAl.., tttM Spencer, President of the Ontario grown towgood slap before on come, Arad peon., *terror. It la the lRatp flaw• i h•alt ea! Assneiatloa. again." y or of Routh Dakota r 4 OTEN GUARANTEED TRUST �� czarncAS A legal inrestwa nt lac Tr sc Funds S100. and Upwards Accepted for Terms of 5 Years. Unconditionally Guaranteed THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 1 iONTo Departing Gnat --"Twee, pretty place here, Frank. het le—`1.14, a hit Imre yet." I-lost—"Oh. It's because the tees, are rather young. i hope they'll have art Clothes for Good Dressers s` Custom Made $40.00 to $55.00 Special Order $19.50 to $35.00 Frank H. Martin —TAIIAR.— Tel.rlems 317 West Stet Spring Is Co Be -Prepai S FARMERS, ATTENTION! Formaldehyde lb. 30c With own bottle 25c English Style Health Salts 390 Burdock Blood Bitters 960 Praitatives 96e, 42e dant 'Crouton Salts . , . Sic Sao's Trait Salts... 49e, 790 Pink ?Oh '.-MO Olympend), the Antiseptiz Liniment 60e, 91.00 Redwood Iron es. ibo Baby's Own Tablets... 22e Moth Belle lb. lbs Moth Killer lb. 39e Dyes—Sunset, Sit, Diamond, Tinter.. -.lbs each 2 for 250 Lifebuoy Shaving Cream See Listerine Tooth Pests ..260 Cute: Preparation. Reg. 36c, for27c Nosema, 260 size for 160 Noizema, Weise sad Nor - gems Soap Reg. 10e BOTH FOR He Taos Elle, 400 sheets for 130 FOR SALE AT GODERICH DRUG STORES Wigle's Dragster. Lauder's Dunlop's Campbell's Dragster• Drwg.er. Drwg.t.,.