The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-10-18, Page 11Br ,ksi stu els to bAt thankful f by: Denise Black, Daniell Cranston Dawn Dow, Tania Lohse 'Melissa Nicholson Please mote that Brookside Broadcast and the L.C.P.S. Insider columns will run alternate weeks. 'This will allow the students more time to 'compile their submissions. i From the Prine Des1 : Mr. Whi eley Congratulations to all soccer teams. They behaved well and had fun. Our teams were not champions in the end, but they deserve recognition for representing Drooide in such a positive fashion. Our adult volunteers program is in full swing this week. It was a plee sure to see so many children working with so many adults. Our pro- grams are much richer thanks 'to the help of these volunteers. A large THANK YOU from onr pupils and staff. Mrs. Cameros This week we have been talking about fall and Thanksgiving. On Thursday we made cranberry bread with Mrs. Mac - Donald's help. Thank you. We also went to Allan and Linda Andrew's Apple Or- chard. On Friday we made a delicious harvest soup from vegetables that we brought to school. B2, Mrs. Young This week we have been doing many activities about Thanksgiving. We have heard stories about the Pilgrims and In- dians: We read "Stone Soup" and made our own soup from the vegetables we brought in. Mrs. Clarke read us "Cranberry Thanksgiving" and Laura's mom, Mrs. Weir, helped us make cranberry bread. What a tasty day! iN Grade 1, Ms. Watt Well, we made it through or first month of grade one. Our family unit was great fun. We are .still waiting for our apples to dry out to begin our apple puppets. Jeffrey broke his nose, and that has been our topic of discussion all week. Thanksgiving. has .been a keen in- terest and yes, we are looking forward to Halloween. `Grade 112,' Miss Matkers Grades 1 : and , 2 have ,:beenworking :on various Thanksgiving activities. We have many 'things to be thankful for — food, our country, Moms, .Dads, pets, our school . and even tractor pulls accor- ding to the children! Grade .3, Ms. Morton We've been working really hard 'on our Thanksgiving Centres. Some of our stories :are fantastic! We've also been busy making soup and pumpkin pie for our Thursday lunch. Thanks to Mrs. Park, Ms. Baskerville and Mrs. Morrow for helping us bake all our food. Grade 3/4, Ma-. Yeo At tis time of year we looked at what we are thankful for. Some of what was harvested, was put into a .vegetable soup and five pumpkin pies. We had this for our meal on Thursday. We especially than Mrs. Jan Logtenberg for helping us make the pies. The forest ecosystem is being eic- plored through stories and pictures we have found. Grade 5, Mrs. Worsell Mrs: •Worsell's grade 5 class celebrated their Food Festival this week. Each child presented a project on R CANADIAN SAVINGS QRRTJFJCATES 5 TMENT 12 COURT:HOU.SE ,SQ ARK > OQLElI01 1410265:16K 04,2773 ve a 1 t BROADCAST one kind of food and brought a tasty trent ,,or the rest of the class. Grade 5/,6, Mir. Culp A member of our class was a celebri- ty this week. Jack Chisholm had his pic- ture on the front page of the Lucknow Sentinel. Jack and his father were ship- ping lumber overseas. Grade 5/6 had a Social Studies test on Wednesday. In Mrs. Graham's .,rt class we are ex- perimenting with line and form. On Tuesday to start off a unit on mysteries, Miss Rennie went ,missing from our class after lunch. We finally found her in the 'boiler room, with Mrs. Clarke's help! Grade 7, Mr. Meyers Mr. Meyer's grade 7 class has been busy working on music projects. We re having a math test on Thursday, Oct. 5. We have been reading Curse of, the Vik- ing Grave. We hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Grade 712, Mrs, Graham. This week we had the soccer tourna- ment. Senior boys came in third and the senior girls came in Iasi.. But they worked very hard. In art we are doing monochromatic. It's really awesome ! ! ! In matin we are dong basic algebra; it's pretty hard! Friday we are having P.J. day. We'll be wearing our p.j.'s until noon. Wow! Nice way to end the week. Library - Mrs. Clarke The Brookside Library is really bustl- ing! Mrs. D'Aoust, Mrs. Meader and Mrs. Robinson have been fixing up our new books ready to read, Tania Lohse answered the puzzle and won the .book draw (Why is honey like the letter A?), and groups from Mr. Culp's class are just finishing learning about °the frog's life cycle, and writing reference. notes. Ribbit! Jutervlew with ih ,Mr.:"fit Mr. liatitt grew 'up .near 'Genn filler. Be :has :.taught every -grade from four ,:to eight. Be has .taught :at Bolraesvilie and in Toronto. Be chose to become a teacher because he -wanted to help kids come into society. Mr. Ilazitt enjoys reading, working. ,with wood, photography .and likes horticulture. Be also likes to swim and .play baseball. The best part of his jOb he says is that he likes the challenge of teaching kids and he thinks that it is fun to work with them. Sports Report A great effort was made by :all teams who represented Brookside on "Tuesday at 'the soccer tournament at Victoria school. The Junior Boys placed fourth with the help of Mr. Yeo as coach. Great goals were made by Colin 'Becker and Grant Cairncross. CANCER 'INPORMATION SERVICE Who can you turn to if you have ques- tions about cancer? The Cancernfor- mation .Service is your confidential link to • cancer information. Our staff can give you the facts. Call, toll-free, 1400-2616750. e.r r_11,4 orritiesiviitiTED ,p, ,1L.AjNN $2419 ANNAN Arrp74 NIMAPAPIN X3710 56AGREO Gulross, Oacres bush, sheltered building site, $39,900. WINOHAM - 12 x.60 mobilo, .6 acre. lot attar Maitland, ,19,500. i00 . S - 50.pasturo, balance mixed bush, .545,000 ileACKS PASTURE - 5 hardwood, barn, opring fed pond, $VgBAt. 10Q ACHE .sash crop acreages in .,Ashfield 5 Kinloss. •bU ,CHEM M -Largo 2ntorey,ttomm, F30 x: BO.barn,fenc- ed, $110,000. °9IURQN T.WNP. - i0O acro.tarm, 3 •bedroom brick home..ox- i:ollent boot 4arn, 05-workablo, $$10O+000 AESTALIRANISA4MANfialIONCE - Capacity for 20 ;pshono:KosollantAnoorno, Xoarlyisale3 or 065,000, Would MAO ,goo& ttlliy. fuaIn _so. Cpll for olatalls g,RO;flP 'II iWWN • 3f?edrpOm stonetstricco.home, 24 ; 2e ,workshop, 9mI10 rivor, sfQQKed pond, voyed,a 09 500. 1011,, 6 1AY-14inlpos, a ttedraorr► ref0xated,hOrnO, ; Signed Karn, 21 ;;leaps. ,Willppll .cows, quota 0+ machinery, $150,000. Astivinio - gOO.acros, 85.1evol, woritablo. a ,bedteom Iramo,!bank:barn:sot op for Imo, 292O,0110. Lueknow Sentinel Wednesday, October 1891'989—Pae 11 Yoi 9Ifl Fine %r AL. 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