The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-10-11, Page 17Where is ' urple Grove? In this season of _being thankful I cannot help but be 'thankful for our ancestors who braved the harshness of settling our com- munity. Some of you have asked where Purple Grove is? In days past there was a post office in the residence now owned by Marion Emmerson, and a lovely little Methodist Church. Of course the post office is a thing of the past and the church has been torn down. Now Purple Grove is situated in the hearts of those living in that area east of the 15th and taking in Concessions 10, and 12 and the boundary between Huron and Kincardine townships, bordered on the east by the Huron -Kinloss boundary road. And because Purple Grovers have always had large hearts and don't like to leave anyone out, there are a lot of folks outside of that little area that claim the name. Because each one contributes their part all are welcomed and appreciated. One of the positives in the community is the former Purple Grove School, now con- verted into a Community Centre. It's *a great place to gather and celebrate our rural roots. Congratulations to the folks at Teeswater for (putting on another good fair. Some from our community attended .and enjoyed themselves. Recent visitors with Marjorie Thompson were Cheryl Yeip and Lori Nodolski from Michigan. °They really enjoyed themselves .at the Ripley Fall Fair. Also visiting with Marjorie and Bert was Jean Barnes of Michigan. The Bible Study group met at Joyce McPherson's last week and will be meeting at Marion Gambles this 'Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. Ainslie Christine Simpson, daughter of Don and Dianne Simpson, and Daniel Russell MacKay, son of Eoin and Lisa MacKay, were baptized at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday.- Relatives were -entertained at the Simpson and MacKay homes after the service. Visiting with Mary Anne Kukoly during the :week were. Jean, Barnes of Mic1 gap ..and2Naney :Greenwood, . Joel and • cy-Ellen. Katherine :Collins, Marjorie -Thompson, Gladys Arnold and Bette .MacLeod enjoyed • '.a :mystery bus tour to Bracebridge and Gravenhurst last week. They ..also toured a cranberry farm .and.. found 'it interesting. Earl and June Elliott were pleased to have Ian and ShezYe Elliott of Ingersol with them for the 'Thanksgiving weekend. Jim and Isabel Brooks spent the weekend with the daughter Barbara and her hubby Allen Brown :in Toronto. Alien and Marie Coning, Jean .Barnes and Marjorie Thompson spent Thanksgiv- ing Sunday with Nancy and Rob Cumming, Shannon, Amanda and Tyler in Port Elgin. Ed {and Sandra McGillivray and family entertained the Collins and McGillivray families and Thanksgiving. Those ,attending were Katherine Collins, Jt tui and :Marlene Collins and family, David and Margie Lochhead and .family, Eunice and Wib Em- merton, Rick and Debbie McGillivray :and family, Ken McGillivray, Steve and , Kathy Emmerton and farnily, Bob and Mary Em- merton and .family. Those :helping Don and Anne ,McCosh celebrate ei 51st Wedding Anniversary and . Thantssgiving were Gladys Arnold, Currie .Colwell, Richard McCosh .and . Mary Anne Kukoly. Congratulations to all the groups that participated in °the, agricultural displays at ;the .Sutton Park Mall last week. Each display . was informative and of course the munchies were .good. The Purple Grove Orchestra played for the,45th Wedding Anniversary celebration of ,Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hedley in `Walker- ton Saturday evening. Congratulations to the Hedleys. Marion Emerson and Bob .entertained Francis Emerson of 'Shrewsbury,, Susan Emerson of .Chatham, Harry Bedford and Joe and Geraldine Emerson for Thanksgiving. Don ,and Anne McCo0h visited with Tom and Lily `Walsh -of .Kincardine ,duripg the week. 'Visiting at McCosh's was 13111 of Freda Collins of the Lakeshore. The family .of 'Francis ,arid , Irene Boyle gathered .at Sam and lleather l 'ixlie's residence to celebrate Thanksgiving. Those attending included Bonnie Boyle °nf London, Kevin ,and :Kerry. Harrigan of Toronto, John -and °Corrine Louther of Walkerton, Fannie of Loridon . and Joyce for °eh and ,girls. assammamommiammammt ' RP ' GROVE The Women's Institute meeting on Wednesday evening was pleased to have Grant Collins as the special speaker. Grant spoke about his role as a representative on the committee dealing with the environ- ment. He also stressed the need for recycling. Celebrates 85th birthday Don and Marilyn Reid hosted a birthday party at the Purple Grove Centre to celebrate her mother Josephine Mac- Tavish's 85th birthday. Friends and relatives gathered to wish her the very best. Congratulations to John Paul Greenwood on his excellent showing at both the Tiver- ton and Teeswater Fall Fairs with his horse Rocky. Gladys Arnold was pleased to attend her grandson Ken McEwan's graduation exer- cises at the Fall Convocation of the Guelph University. Ken received his Master of Science in Agricultural Economics. Gladys and Joyce and Jim McEwan then travell- ed on down to Mississauga and spent the night with Jamie and Barbara McEwan and Ian. It was certainly a beautiful time of the year to be travelling with all the fall colours. Norval and Isabel ,Stanley, Helen .Swann, and Edna Stanley spent an enjoyable two weeks visiting relatives in British Colum- bia. They visited with Ron Stanley and faintly of Whistler, the families of 'Howard Stanley in Vancouver, David Stanley 6f Peachland, and Dick and Nancy Stanley and family of Osoyoos. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 11, 1989—Page 17 LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH invites YOU TO Worship With Them On Sunday, October 15, 1989 10 a.m. anti 7:30 p.m. Nursery downstairs morning & evening EVERYONE WELCOME Country Classics Hairstyling call Sheila Gibson 395-3644 Evening Appointments Available BEDWETTING GAN BE STOPPED For FREE booklet send name, ad- dress, phone, age of enuretic to: THE ENURESIS CENTER Box 172, Stn. 'A WINNIPEG R3K 2A1 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Br, 4309 FINANCIAL STATEMENT POPPY TRUST FUND October 1/88 - September 30/89 Bank Balance Oct. 1188 1395.45 Receipts Wreaths 448.00 1988 Poppy Campaign 935.41 Donations 69.00 2847.86 Expenses Wreaths & Poppies 635.00 Veteran's Favours 295.00 Literary Contest Awards 251.57 Bank Charges & Cheques 24.76 1206.33 Bank Balance Sept. 30189 1641.53 [BUYNKW!J amml *4101,41 MOs it 1 CALL REP. ELIZABETH BONE 524-7580 tcervy ThefinestHarriesOrThemAIL. 38 HAMILTON STREET EBB HOMES GODERICH r, • • • D Leadership? D Excellence? D Courage? D Dedication? D Initiative? . D Selflessness? • 4044 woo dir M1 k utstanding contributions to the quality of life in our communities are being made everyday by young citizens. Do you know someone between the ages of 6 and 18 who has demonstrated selfless service, overcome a physical or psychological limitation, performed an act of heroism, shown initiative, or simply a dedication to the well-being of those around them? Someone who has more than "measured up" in their commitment to others? You can help Canadian Airlines International and the Ontario Community Newspapers Association honour that special someone by nominating them for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Every nominee receives a certificate and up to 12 individuals and one group will be the recipients of a plaque presented by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, $200.00 and a family portraitwith the Lieutenant Governor. Nominations are accepted up to October 31st, 1989. "Today's Youth ... making a measurable difference." Ontario Junior citizen of the Year B Awards Program NOMINATION FORMS are available by contacting Lueknow Sentinel f28-282,2 a joint community project of Cantidian ,Airlin:s,intennationul