The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-10-11, Page 15Lu.ckuow I7 Thirty ladies from the three milts of Lucknow United Church • assemble in the fellowship room of the church for dessert prior to the meeting on October 3. The room was decorated for the -Thanksgiving season with a colorful horn of plenty and mums on the tables. Deanna Reavie presided and opened with a poem, followed with a hymn, ac- companied by Elsie Houston at the piano. Mary MacGillivary read the scripture and Anna Mae Hunter gave the Thanksgiving Meditation and prayer. A trio comprised of Elsie Houston, Mary MacGillivary and Noma Campbell favoured with 'music accompanied by Marion McFarlane Lois Walden introduced the speaker Marion Zinn, who had visited Turkey a year ago. She gave the group a brief geographical and historical background of the democratic county. She gave a Most interesting commentary with her slides of beautiful churches and other public buildings which have existed for hundreds of years. It is a country of many moun- tains and prairies, with .grains and cotton fields, orchards of fruit trees, peach, fig and hazel nuts and many vegetables. The women do almost all the field work. Allene Bradley 'thanked the .speaker and presented with her a token of ap- preciation. It - a Reavie gave the an- nouncements and the trio sang, Showers of Blessings. Deanna closed this part of the meeting and the three units adjourn- ed to hold individual meetings. Unit 3 Anna May :Hunter ,presiripd for the business and opened with a poem The minutes were read and approved. Twelve ladies answered the ''rollcall with, Something I am thankful for. The offering was taken also the Collection of the Least Coin and prayer :offered. D.A. McDONAQH REAL ESTATE C. INSURANCE LTD. 2,8422Q'1.1 ' OW LUCKNOW-..Lot85' x2526',ebydroand water. S15,1100M0 LUCKNOW • iB 2 - 3 bedrooms, garage, paved ; .new windows, full basement, :oil heating. Priced to sell. KINLOSS - Complete equipment for the manufacturing of,septic tanks. Including delivery truck & winch as is. Asking $10,000.00. Enquire for particulars. Listings Wanted FRASER MacKINNON 52&3013 BARRY MeeDONAGH 62&3821 DAVID MacHINNON 3952483 vets ois Discussion was held regarding The fowl supper and helpers and for the lunch following the anniversary service. The meeting closed -with the UCW Benediction. On October 3, members of Units 1, 2 and 3 of the United Church Women met in the fellowship room of the Lucknow United- Church for dessert at 1 p.m. serv- ed by the committee -in -charge. A social time was enjoyed and a very well planned program proved most interesting. Each unit then retired to their ap- pointed area for a short meeting. Marion McFarlane read a Thanksgiving poem. Pennies were gathered for the last time this year for Fellowship of the Least Coin. There were 11 members present who answered the rollcall with a "blessing". The birthday jar was passed for Mary MacGillivray, Marion McFarlane and Jean MacLeod. The minutes were read and approved and the treasurer's report given. Unit 3 is responsible for flowers in the church this month. Food was planned for the fowl supper, also helpers. Clothing for the bale is needed and to be brought to the church after the fowl supper. Unit 4 Unit 4 of Lucknow United Church Women held their monthly meeting on October 3 with an attendance of 20. Bernice Johnstone presided for the pro- gram, opening with a . prayer. The scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Johnstone, follow- ed with prayer by Kay Crawford. Ruth "Ritchie sang two pleasing solos with her own accompaniment on the harpsichord. CORDON 'T. MONTGOMERY LTD. Bus Trips Aov. a.9..,- oyal'Win e/ ..T i :. Toronto Nov. '12 - Kim :Mitchell Concert HamiltonPlace June 19, 1990 - :Geritol =Follies Hamilton Place Call =Thelma -528-22813 SORDONI. ;MONTGOMERY LTD. Bus Lines LUCKNOW 528.2813 "' E Victoria Street, Lucknow, Sunday, October 15, 204 p.m. Veryrattractive,,new, °a bedroom, quality cuetotrl ',bunt ,home,on,a queenstreet tri i ucknow.4109x900{00. Flew....n Lneklow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 11, 1989—Page 1$ erre Thanksgiving .season Norma Weatherhead presented the topic on refugees. Norma and Kay Crawford acted out a short skit followed by a general discussion, all pertaining to the topic. Mrs. Johnstone read an article on women as refugees, closing with prayer. The program was glosed by all repeating the mizpah benediction. Mary Boyle presided for the business, opening with a Thanksgiving verse. The rollcall was answered with a cur- rent event and the members donated cof- fee mugs for Wesley Mission, Hamilton. The treasurer's report was given by Anne Anderson; citizenship by Kathleen Collyer; stewardship, Alice Ritchie and amnesty, Laura Lee Cayley. Kay Crawford gave the community friendship report and Rev. McFarlane reported for Christian education. Roberta Whytock reported for social functions, asking for food and workers for the upcoming turkey supper on October 17. The Fellowship of the Least Coin was conducted by Marg Finlay. This year in the service of the Least Coin, we have prayed for changing conditions and sup- port for the people of Israel, Fiji, Nicaragua, Chile and South Africa. May we who share in God's world, be led to those in need. A circle was formed, with all joining hands for a prayer of dedication. Mrs. Cayley was pianist for the hymns. Announcements were given and a social time followed. Unit 1 Unit 1 of the Lucknow United Church -Women ,met October 3 in the fellowship room with Deanna Reavie chairing the business part of the meeting. The rollcall was name a blessing which seven members answered. The treasurer's report was given by HURCH MEWS Lois Walden. The mystery jar offering was a .10 if you visited the fair, .25 if you didn't. The fellowhsip of the Least Coin was prepared by Women's Inter Church Council of Canada and given by Phyllis Morrison. Laura Hare reporting for supply and assistance said we were holding bale goods until January and February. Soon quilts would be read to tie. Evelyn Cook told of her visiting and this month had sent no cards as she had heard of no one sick in our unit. Lois Walden got her up- coming fowl supper needs filled. Deanna Reavie closed the meeting. CGIT has six new members Lucknow CGIT has welcomed six new members this fall. They have been lear- ning about the Canadian Girls in Train- ing program, its purpose and uniform. A cookout, scavenger hunt and games were enjoyed at one meeting. The members have made collages for the parts of the purpose, Cherish Health, Seek Truth, Know God, Serve Others. A letter and pictures from the group's foster sister, Beatrice was shared. Everyone signed a Christmas card for her. Marita MacDougall will be president, Cathleen Conley will assist Marita,and be treasurer, secretary is Alesha Moffat. At the service for new members on October 29, Becky Ackert will speak about her year as a Rotary student in Japan. „ Ceebratjr 2OYears Busness See Yo at Our Open ouse dobe.., 13 14 Buy a Yamaha ATV now andreceive a pair of Tasco binoculars: Want to see more of the great outdoors? Look no further than a Yamaha ATV. It's light- weight, agile, .and long on reliable Yamaha power, to get you to those °great hunting ;grounds and fishing holes you couldn't. get to any other way. I3uy now .and you'll see even more with a pair of Tosco binoculars. Worth up to $800.00, they're the ultimate sporting binoculars. Which makes them the perfect companion to the ultimate ATV. Just see yc ur nearest Yamaha dealer Ire now. ... r e make difference. the feren c •*Buy anew current. non-current YFM 260 or YFM360FR and receive a pair'of 222BRZ Tasco binoculars. 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