The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-10-11, Page 8Pole 8-44xteknew Sentinel, 'Wednesday, Oetober •11.9 71149 Monday Night Mixed Men's high single Of -241 was rolle.d.by Bruce Nonnaiii,and the high triple went to Martin _LeBreton with,565. J allies ;high single was roiled by Wilma Euiott7with a .237 .and Shirley Kennedy's 565 took the thigh Games over 200: 'Fred DeBoer 202,200, Joan Beim 205, Martin LeBreton 201, 13race Elliott:205, Doris Culbert 217, Mary Lou Itaynard _207, Wilma Elliott 237, Bruce.Noninan 241, Dave Sproule 210 and Wendy Ritchie 205. Team standings: .Strike Outs 25, Aees 24, Five Pins 22, 'Spares .20, Gutter Balls 19, Ileadpins 16. 'Town and Zouliftty Jean 'Phillips was ladles 'ILA with singles of 217, 2031or aAulble Of -420. Lloyd MeDougailvtilled 'a ;Whopper of a sirigle score oft96.41e also took the tlon- ble ,With -410. Games 150 and over: Isabel Miller 180, flarold Campbell 187, Bill Anton 183, Mabel 'Whitby 184, Don McCormick 168, Joyce Swan 166, Caroline Menary 162, Jake Conley 160, Ann McDougall 174, -Ann Anderson 156, Ruth afters 156, Helen Todd 152, Gordon Johnstone 152, Ruth Conley 150. • Team standings: Tulips 8, Daffodils 7, Pansies 5, :Hyacinths 4, Crocuses 3, Snowdrins 3. 'Wednesday Night Mixed Men's high single was Joe Agnew with 162 and high triple went to Nick Beyersbergen with 605. Womeres high =sitigle and triple Wert captured by Mary Lou P.aynard with '247 and 052. Games over 206: May Lon Rayna 207, 247, Pat • Livingston 209, 211, 221, Merle Ehody 201, 'Nick BeyerSbergen 202, 207, Gerald Rhody 201, 219, 'Evan Keith 216, Joe Agnew :262. Team standings: Squirrels 14, Tigers 12, Wolverines 12, Chipmunks 10 Kangaroos t, Gophers 6. 1111•1111111111111•111111111M •Artivitis is 'responsible for the loss of more than :.$1,4 .billion in wages and nearly $150 million in tax revenues annually. *Arthritis affects nearly four million people in this country. -.Sixty per .cent of the nearly four million Canadians with arthritis are women. bnwagain, .-Erstiniefor Danadi SavingsBonds and this year -the .sales :period isirorn October...Dix) November 1. Buylournewbondsmiherever youtiankor invest starting 'October 19. 'You may date yourpaymeritNovember 1, the day new-honds start earning interest. ' SAFE AND SECURE. Canada Savings Bonds are fully guaranteed by the Government of Canada. They never tall in value. LE- ANYTIME. Canada :Savingslionds can be cashed at any time. Your money is always available wen you -need ;it. • • INTEREST -RATE ANNOUNCED .MID-OCT013ER. Thelnttrestrate and purchase limit for the new -series wiHbe announced in mid-October. Details •wil I be available wherever Canada 'Savings Bonds are .sold. DON'TBE 'LATE! Remember, November 1 is the .last day,. you on. :boy the new bondsatface value...But the bontis-m4y-te twittldrown from saieotanytime. ,C*11P",ii, 4,ilt* It 1 -,40.:010, iiii, 4744,1r f_# •• l'illi 4111.141•:' 4„0, .., lgi,g .f.'..\°114':::IL411teillito3at$:$111104? , S*1*,*; 107.0'. if -0 , ., s0 s AY$'..0, 100 ;it, -#1 ,121ti' ,00,44' I .0461\, ' 114 •0:14 St" •/10 i `111.44.;',4i, A! gaog' i• It.tals air results A record Crowd attend:I: the Tapley r " beautiful skies, enjoying a huge pared other events seheduled for the weeken, Winners in the parade were: r, and Cirbs; tomtits, 'Sitten Tight a fol cornmercial, C.J.'s Small Engines. Decorated ca. and Cheryl Morten, Mount Stidges, 1935 For.: Het, decorated pony and saddle Itan'IVIseDonald; decorated horse and saddle Leanne Cronshaw; decorated bike Skuninmibile, Jennifer Culbert; decorated tike, Care Bears, Kaitlin Coiling; beSt eizw,n Roxanne Courtesy and Dana Farrell; 'antique cars, William Keyes, Gltem- mis, 1931 Plymouth pie up; onAhing (Imre or nuli.e by small engine, Ripley Wolves Intermediate I -I team. Pedal tractor pull winners, Friday night and Satur- day, respectively: up to 50 lbs. Dan 'Kelly and Intim Jones; 51-75 lbs. Peter 14/McDonald and Jill Shetvfelt; 7&95 lbs. Jolene Dewar and Jennifer Gattinger. Over 100 children took part in the tractor pull. Bale rolling: girls, Becky Phelan Katherine MacAuley and Angela; intermediate bo,' Greg T' Tim Van •Siclde, Nathan Stewart. Et [;vi. d Bauer; junior boys, Joel Artnstrabog, B ' , ronshavv. Oldest lady and man, Mrs. Clare McLeod, Kincar- dine, 15 and Jack Peterbaugh, Field crop competition: most points in five field crops, Sandy Pollock, Wes Smith and Ron Brooks; grand champion hay, Peter Van Sickle; reserve, Jim Needham. Corn show: 15 cobs Mark Stanley; corn sheaf, Mark Stanley; 'six cobs, Peter Walden. Soft wheat, Lymt Courtney; mixed grain, Ron Brooks; oats, Sam Fhude; barley, Gary Courtney; flax, Lynn Court- ney; soybeans, David Edisbury; •granel champion sheaf and reserve both to Betty Schmidt; Fran Wylde Memorial Trophy 'Regan Bowers. Fruits and vegetables: most :points Betty Sclunidt; collection Of garden vegetables, Sharon Courtney; potato .display, Mn;. Fred 'Hallam and Barton Griffith; spede'display, Liz Large; championship in milk com- petition, PeterVan 'RietriP; first .prize white eggs, Allan Warder; first prize brown eggs, Lorraine Kerr. Overall champion in ,plimts and flowers, Joyce Elphick; Ripley Society Special Recipe in Book, Lor- raine Kerr; Pin e River Cheese special, Gail Farrell; Schneider,•;;:ls: Apple :pie, Ruby _Peterhaugh; chocolate cake, VI beth Geddes; butter tarts, Jane • Elliott; •Fry's cocoa family favourites fields McKee; Bruce County Cream Producers -Evelyn Elliott; New Exhibitor .special, qI1eib 'huga; Robin Hood flour special Lorraine Kerr. Needlework: grand champion quibt, Grace Murray; Mildred Wylds; overall ,champion, Betty Wall, 'Kincar- dine. Arts and crafts: most points Marie Inkster; most .points in Christmas special Maryann Forster; spinning and weaving: junior - most points, Alicia Pollock; most points first year member Corey Pollock; most points for boy, Mark Goodhue; senior - most points, Bette MacLeod, Dorothy Brooks, Grace Murray; group _display, Bervie Women's Institute. Poultry Show: Best Standard male and female, respectively, Clifford Pepper, Dashwood and Michael Becker, Dashwood; best clean leg Bantam male ,and female, Michael Becker and John Tilt, Kitchener, respectively; Best feather leg Bantam male and female, Orville Shewfelt, 'Kincardine and George Shular, Southampton, respectively; .Best gander and „goose :both to Scotty McHoirn. Rarriston; Bet drake and t'duke, Donald 'Betimes, Listowel and John respectively. Heavy horse show: best tandem hitch Ross Young, Tiverton; best dressed and hitching team, Ken Ribey, Tiverton; Belgium team, Ross Young; Percheron, An- dy Catto; Clydesdale, Dan MaeDonald; ponies, Morgan Nixon, liViartml; .heavy heavy horse on line, Dan Mac- Donald; heavy commercial team, Frank :.Murray, Teeswater, light commercial, Ken Ribey. Ripley 41:1 Dairy Club: Junior calf, Carman Lowry, Paul Lowry, Kathy Goodhue; senior -calf, Julie Robin- son, Mark Robinson; grand champion 'calf, Aline/Robin- son; reserve, Carman Lowry. Junior Showimmistup Julie Robinson, 'PAW Lowry, Kathy Goodht, Seidor Shwa:unship, Dwain Lowry, Calmar : Robinson: Invitational Dairy Calf Show: Jimior Mike Starr,, Adam Hodgins, 'Paul Lowry; • (118)*Pat flallahan, Hein Van Denhuvel, Me junior :showmanship, Marianne Herron, i. Jamie litdlahan; intermediate calf, :Marianne Herron, Geoff McConnell, Jamie liallahan; 'senior showman- ship, Geoff McConnell. Grand champion, Pat liallahan, reserve, ',Marianne, Herron. BilgeY411 Achievement Day: Seef calf, nonSililleas Trey Snobelen, Mandy :Farrell, Dave Quiedi ., steerTroy iSnobelen and -reserve steer Mandy F • Beef Beef-thelfer, Glen Falconer, Michael G edde: Beef calf - Breeding :heifer, Robbie Thompsen, Mat, ;Farrell, Dennis Johnston; overall female, Robbie Thompson, ,reserve -female, Glen Falconer. Showmanship: Junior - Matt Farrell, Joe Sarah Hatephy;21.04a,besttideer, Jeff dileiletle, best heifer, courniyaneFAdeoner. ;Preo0H showmanship, Jeff McCrodie And '004391ne F4coner. ShowillalltilliP: Sager - Bojbie Thompson, Dave Quinn, -Wendy 11101iPe; ,chanipion •showperson, Matt Farrell; reserve ,ellam,pital, 'Bobbie 4Thompson. 4H invitational: Seetcalf - non,gaineas.Ateer, Benav Taylor, Auberz,qroy Snobelen, Ripley, Honda Fahey, Paisley; .guineas steer, Debbie aleteiA, Leciteeiv; arum Ribey, ; Darlene .Siaek, **aye; grand champion steer, 'Debbie :,Rintoul; reserve .cbe,ippice .steer, Bruce Rlbey. Beef calf, Lyndon Johnston, Holyrood, 'Heather .Alton, 14ocknow, Men Falconer, alpley. 43reediao *tier, Dudgeon, Dpbhinaton, Robbie Thoinpann, Farrell, Oraufi champion :.110ifer, Dudgeon; reserve .champion :heifer. RaAleAbowpson. The Thompson 4Feed and Supply banner was ;presented by Bob Titotapson to Debbie l3intoul, grand cbawpion eleer. , Luc ow Sales :Baro trophy and f.$254)0 was Also imagined to Debbie anitoal. Don 4irra to Oridn 'Moon, grand 400w bellei• Breed •TrOAJCS: hainpion MINN& Oteer, donated h31,4g1igrt .1billomfa'P NA,' Y 'S4 -14.V 4,19r, AtiPM;or, dondd AY &kW riawatice,,0 by tie ; Champiop .01441',0141S fl Or, *MOO by Over D9 r'.'Obat' 40 Irnm�rspn, WRn by.491kble tmcis.'01en,,010 s 'w 1) en by 'Oro, y 'evi t, 111 'Cippfpp a Jeer. 4 liv.:71pa? 010011ion .$11inaftatal 440. itoaged ..eon $iroxsp,01,1ulportiointitten; won by Matt Aire% 41,1110Y; -tijAPpktll , (IVP :SOW% 49144951 'Pefifile'S,#rlY.:Avcw ^ ,..9144111e, lq Debbie 44) - ow; 6410110W. : Ogef 4.1MV.PanAbij): "413 invitational pp • Junior, &044 .yearsi ,Matt .Farrell, 11401,, Darlene Pack, rave, AR* albeY,VaisleY; *flier, -Debbie Rin - t00 , ttoclinow, ,Melanie ;Wyk's, Voor$111. r.Oruce Obey, 'Open Cattle ,Show: Grand champion yhoii, ,re§erge 9"111°.'"011081e, Al to $ob tia- ineron,,511yer r tiaio1ai,Ripley;;Terre ehajn- pion 10.0011e, Jjarirey 410441,`,1*th Xiac50,4Ktiratle• bY Farms, was presealefl43Y PleY; o. Jot