The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-10-04, Page 19• • .s► Pmge " xekiow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 4, 119989 411. iQ: Gads Ekway 48. Cornlinn Events II , half 'Te., . „ : bnalf Beagle. Call b gag menta DOt 'LMAN-REYNEN Mr. and M°.,. Brian Doelman announce the oming marriage of their daughter Anne to Raymond, son of Mr. and Mrs. "Ienry Reynen of Ottawa. The wedding will take place on Friday, November 3 at 11 a 'a. Auburn Mis- sionary C. ,,.LL b . Aubu, “, Ontario.---40xc 47. Card of Thanks FORESTER Thank you to my wonderful family for a great day! The "Brunch" was a treat to start the day. Thanks to all who came to call, I was astounded at so many, also thanks for gifts, cards and phone calls of best wishes. Thanks to Donna and Gary for hosting the special day. Ronald E. -40x BECKER Thanks to everyone who supported the Walk-A-Dog-A-Thon for Canine Vision Canada with your generous donations. "Jake" walked for $912.00 to assist in the training of future leader dogs. Nancy.--40ar JURJENS We would like to thank Drs. Bekasiak and Shubat, O.B. Nurses, friends and family for their gifts and visits while in hospital and since coming home. Joy and Kevin. -40x RINTOUL I'm home now as some of you know, I still haven't got my "get up and go". The flowers and cards brightened up my room so much. Thanks friends, neighbours and relatives for that special touch! To Winnie and Donna for cleaning the house, and picking up the crumbs that had been feeding my mouse! To Allan for being ,a great chore boy, a task I'm sure he really :enjoyed. And finally to Lee and Lila for the biggest job of all, keeping an eye on the kids and letting them call! A special thanks to Dr. W. Wong, Dr. Leu, the staff at Victoria Westminister Campus for your special care and kindness. Thanks a million to all my neighbours, and friends for the food and flowers that have arrived since I came home. Last but most important to uad for watching over all. Thank You. arbsra.-40 VanOSCH We would like to thank Dr. Bekasiak and O.B. staff at Wingham 'hospital for their help and care during our stay. Also a special than /Ls to our family and friends or the lovely cards, flowers . and gifts. 'ie would like to thank Grandma ()sea and Grandma Kempton for ���ysitting Jenna while we were in the hospital. It is all greatly appreciated and never will be forgotten. Brian, Helen, Jenna and Alexander. -40 IRWIN A sincere thank you to all who remembered me with cards, gifts and visits on the occasion of my 90th birth- day. Viola. -40x WALL Sincere thanks to Dr. Gear, Dr. ,Finnie and the nursing staff for your prompt at- tention before and after My stay in Vic- toria Hospital. Thanks also to Rev. David Atwell and Rev. Robert Foster of London my family, friends and neighbours for prayers on my behalf, cards, inquiries and visits. Your concern and caring helped to speed my recovery. Midford.---40x McDONALD We with to thank our family, neighbours and friends for best wishes, cards, flowers and 'gifts given to us on :the oc- cation of our 50th wedding anniversary. Special thanks to;Evelyn,and Peter Cook, Doris and Bill -Humphrey, Leta and Gerry Hudson, Brenda Clipperton and Gladys Rea for the nice dinner on 'Toes - day and thanks to all who attended our celebration at Lueknow I Top , aturday night with :a family -dinner at t o'clock and.,yy'dancing till 1. Sincerely, `Charlie and Rtby°_'_"40x KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Monster Bingo, $2,500 prize money - $1,000 Jackpot to go, at Saltford Valley hall, every Thursday night. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Bingo 7:30 p.m. -attar INDOOR FLEA MARKET sponsored by Dungannon Agricultural Society Saturday, October 14, 10-2 p.m. Dungannon Agricultural Hall, vendors wanted, call 529-7390.--38,39,40,41ar DABBER BINGO Lucknow and District Lions Club, Dabber Bingo, every Sunday night, Lucknow Community Centre. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Bingo at 7:15 p.m. Air conditioned, wheelchair accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go ! -tfnar BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth & District Community Centre, $300.00 Jackpot must go. Over $1,000.00 in prizes.-43tf TUPPERWARE OPEN HOUSE You are invited to see the wonderful col- ours and new product releases in Tupper- ware. A special morning is planned at the Royal Canadian Legion, Vimy Room, Goderich, October 5, from 10:00 - 12:00. In the evening we will be at the Sutton Park Inn from 7:30 - 9:30. Everyone is invited to attend. Bring a friend with you. Sponsored by Elite Sales, Tupperware Distributors.- 39,40xc THANKSGIVING TURKEY DINNER Super Scoop. All the trimmings, October 4, 1989. 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Cost $5.75. Sign up at Super Scoop 528-3017.-39,40ar PAUL HENDERSON Will be the guest speaker at Knox Presbyterian Church in Ripley on October 8 at 7:30 pm. Everyone welcome. -39,40 COFFEE BREAK/:STORY HOUR Wed. 9:45 11 am. ,Lucknow United Church. For more information call Gladys528-3338 or Hilda 357-1688.-37-4Oar HOMECOMING - Nipawin, SK, August 4, 5, 6, 1990 for all former residents. For in- formation contact Box 1990, Nipawin, SK, SOE 1E0.-40bc 2ND ANNUAL FARM TOY SHOW & SALE, Sunday, October 15, 10:00 a.m. 4:00 pm. Community Centre, Hensall. Admission $2. Sponsors: Hensall Kinsmen Club. Call 262-3125.-40, 41 SINGLES DANCE every Friday, 9.1 a.m. Music by D.J. Country and Western and best of the 50's. White Carnation, Holmesville. $4.00 per person. 482-9228+--40tfar RIPLEY AND DISTRICT LIONS WILL BE CANVASSING Huron Township and Ripley for the C.N.I.B. from Monday, Oc- tober 9th to Wednesday evening, October filth. --40x Hear guest speaker John Orlando, author of "AIDS: A guide for parents" at Strathcona :School, Owen Sound, 7:30 pm. October 19th or at Bruce County Ad- ministration Building, Walkerton, October 20th, 8.45 - 4:00. Lunch included. Wo cost. Call Bruce-GrepOwen Sound .Health Unit 376-9420 or 88111920.-40 HORTICULTURAL MEETING, Tuesday, October 10, Lucknow Legion Hall, 8:00 p.m. Topic, Herbs. Speaker,, Frank Sanders, Blyth. Interesting! :Please at- tend, non-members welcome.40ar HIGHLAND DANCE Classes :for beginners ages 5 years and up, phone 52837. Classes starting Oc- tober 12th. --4Q, 41 SAL BAZAAR Welcome to The ::lith Annual Koiuntry Bit- ehen Bazaar, Pine River United .Church, .Saturday, October' 7, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. --40 HOT TURKEY 'SUPPER . Lucknow United Church, Tuesday, Qc- tuber 17, -4:30 - 7:30 :p.m. Adults $700, Children under 12 • $3.00. Auspice, Lucknow United 'Church Women. Come early if you ean. 0, 41 48. Coming Events 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Lawrence and Margaret Taylor invites you to attend an Open House to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Women's Institute Hall Belgrave on Sunday, October 15, 1989 from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Few delights can equal the presence and best wishes of our friends. --40x RUMMAGE SALE The Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital is holding a rummage sale in the Armories on Thursday, October 12, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., and Friday, October 13, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Donations will be ac- cepted until 5 p.m., October 12. All unsold articles donated to Goodwill In- dustries. --40, 41 DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY HALLOWEEN DANCE Saturday, October 28, Dungannon Agricultural Hall, 9 p.m. - 1 p.m. 6 piece 50's and 60's band "High Tide" $6.00 ad- mission, lunch, costumes judged at 10:30 p.m. sharp. -40, 42, 43 PAUL HENDERSON Will be the guest speaker at Knox Presbyterian Church in Ripley on October 8 at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. --39, 40 •Arthritis is the most common chronic disease in Canada affecting people of all ages; it can be permanently disabling, if not properlydiagnosed and treated. Brookside principal pleased with involvement of volunteers By Danielle Cranston, Melissa Nicholson and Dawn Dow Principal's Desk Mr. Whiteley September has gone and October is here. What a fast month! As the new principal I must say that I was made welcome by the students, parents and teachers and I am now beginning to feel at home. It is a pleasure to work in an environment with so many smiling races and where helping out is so com- mon. I am very pleased to see the number of parents and friends who sup- port our school at functions like our "Meet the Teacher" night and our adult volunteer program. The more involved you become, the better our school is. Kl, Mrs. Cameron This wee we have been learning how to sort by Mem. and shape. On Monday night our parents came to see our classroom. We were very excited! Grade 1, Room 1, Ms. Watt Matthew Fielder has his sixth birth- day this week. Jennifer Van Niekerk had another tooth come out. That makes 3! Our apples are slowly drying out for. what we hope . will be a successful lesson in Art: "Apple puppets!" . Our unit on colours has been exciting, especially during fall. We now know why the leaves are changing colour. The learning just never stops!! Oops, Corey Simpson's new tooth is growing in - we found this out in show and tell!! Grade 3, Room 3, Ms. Morton This week Grade 3, Room 3 has been working on finishing our Tree Unit ac- tivities. Next week we will be starting ving activities. We are very ex- cited about our adult volunteers - Mrs. Park, Mrs. Weir, Mrs. Baskerville and both Mr. and Mrs. McQuail. We welcome them to our class! Grade 3/4, Room: P1, Mr. Yeo In discussions of the settings of books, several words emerged to describe just one setting. Pupils used some of those words in writing about a setting of their own choice. Grade 4/5 Room P2 Mr. Culp In grade 4/5 we have a fish tank and we have a turtle in the tank, a few back swimmers, snails and other kinds of pond animals. We named one of them the "Bumping Car :Beetle". We ..ap- preciate the people who helped bring in our water -animals, but now our pond is full. Grade 5, Room 7 Mrs. Worsell Mrs. Worsen is :reading "James and the Giant Peach" ' to the class. Many students .brought their parents to Open Boise on Monday evening. It was nice to see suet) a ,good turnout! out! Grade 5/6, on�ga P3 Ms. Rennie In current events we are talking about the crash of the snowbirds and how the Blue Jays are in the :leadfr In NIP we :bbave been making a folder about our values, influences and peers. Citable Marshall is :going to come and visit us in4he,.month of October. We :are making "Ponce ,prints" in French= You drp your thumb in ink and put it on your ;cage to make a picture which shows what ROOKSIDE weather is like! Grade 7, Room 10 Mr. Meyers On September 19 we visited the Wawanosh Nature Center. Thanks to the Forest Managers for the afternoon, and thanks to our parent volunteers. We had a great afternoon! Winners of the Who Am I? contest were announced today: Jocelyn, Mellissa, Mac, Philip, Gail, and Patricia. Thanks to Morgan's initiative our classroom is now filled with plants. Thanks Morgan! We have now begun the Quest program and are looking for- ward to an exciting year! Grade 7/8, Room 8 Mrs. Graham This week we finished the Book "Down the Dark Hall". We are having a pop quiz on Friday to see if we remember what happened. In Art we have been painting monochromatics, us- ing one colour plus white to create shades. The theme is a repeat pattern design. Grade 8, Room 11 Mr. Hazlitt Mr. Hazlitt is reading a very in- teresting book .called "Jonny Tremain". In Geography we are studying Africa, South America and Australia. Room 6, Mrs. Morrow Brookside School is very interested in expanding our Adult Volunteers pro- gram. Volunteers help improve children's performance, greatly aid the teachers, and help volunteers to better understand the goals and operations of the school. You don't have to be a parent of a student currently in school to help out. A variety of activities await you. These may include, reading with one or a few students, drill, material preparation, cooking etc. Please remember, you will be working with the professional staff who are available for questions and training, if needed. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact Marlene Morrow at 529-7900 (Brookside). Library, Mrs. Clarke We had a great book sale last week, earning $300 to buy books for our library! Many thanks to all our helpers: Denise Black, Jennifer Black, ' Danielle Cranston, Mike Culbert, Dawn Dow, Tania Lohse, Sandra Meader, Duncan Mowbray, Melisa Nicholson, Cedric F uddy, Tammy Roberts, Heather Robin- son, Patricia Robinson, Tammy Up- thegrove, Mrs. Whiteley, Cailin Clarke, Mrs. Bakker and Mrs. Clarke. This week a writing group is exploring Aesop's fables, and the library has been involved in some ; etty mysterious hap- e,� in P3. lementary, :my dear .Watson ! Sports ,Report Soccer is in full swing. All fields are teeming with kids who are practi for our coming soccer tOttrnatnent. wishes to those teams next week! Meet the Tetteher Night Last Monday, our "Meet the Teacher" night was a great success.