The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-10-04, Page 10Par 10,Lueknow Sentinel, 'Wednesday9 October 49 1989
Peace, equalit
The general meeting of Lucknow
United Church •Women was held
September 26 in the church parlour, with
"Peace, Equality and Justice" as The
'theme of the worship service.
Alleve Bradley welcomed everyone pre-
sent and, with the _assistance of Kay
Crawford, gave the call to worship bas-
ed on paraphrases 'from Psalm 1%. Mrs.
'Bradley 'read poem entitled "A Lonely
Child", followed by a Litany of Confes-
sion by Mrs.. Crawford and Mrs. Bradley
about the lwayies we have in -comparison
with people of .the world who have no
clothing, food,-heds, countries or families.
Laura Bare read the scripture from
Luke 4 and Psalm M. lois Goodhue,
Anne ,Anderson, Laura Bare :an Mrs.
Bradley gave the 'meditation, A 'Boy and
Bis Blanket, adapted for POCKETS
magazine JaniFeb 1966 -from an
_and justice: flieme of I/
'Family Life Today. Reprinted by pelmlis-
sion !of POCKETS, The Upper 'Room,
Nashville Tennessee.
The:story was about a 'boy, Trevor Per-
- Tell, who, after .watching the six o'clock
news which, showed :a "street person"
sleeping ton the 'sidewalk in Philadelphia
(with :hundreds of others like .hina), in-
sisted that his father take him to
..Philadelphia so that he could give them
one of his blankets anda-pillow. When he
gavethem .to .a "man crouched by a sub-
way .grate trying-toLkeep mann . bylneans
13f :the:stem, the 'man smiled .and thank-
ed birn, whicirdetermined Trevor to con-
tinue the :nightly trips, taking clothing
and .blankets to his "friends", the lost,
the lonely, the -flirty, the _drunks, the ad-
dicts and the bag ladies.
Trevor's endeavors mushroomed. The
Ferrolls church Offered -to rook meals for
general meeting
the street -people. Children from Trevor's
school got their families to volunteer.
'Students from the Pennsylvania School
for the Deaf came to help feed the
In March 1984, Mr. 'Perell left the
business he had run for 18 years to run
the growing ministry. Just like the boy's
loaves .of 'bread and fishes in :the Bible,
'Prevails -single blanket and :pillow had
multiplied to comfort hundreds of people.
Groups in :San Diego, :California,
Oklahoma City, -Oklahoma and even New
Delhi, India, call :themselves Chapters of
Trevor's Campaign.
"Two thousand years ago," Trevor's
dad said, "there was one _great act of
love (God's gift of Jesus). We are here
to keep that love ,going. All of us, young
and old, can find someone to reach out to
in kindness".
The meeting continued with Mrs.
Anderson leading in ,prayer. 'Throughout
the .service, hymns number 20) and 260
were sung accompanied by Elsie Houston
at the piano.
'Following this, was a skit entitled, The
Torn Garment, .involving the five ladies
in .charge. It was based on the IftsiOn
Study, "Justice, Peace and'Equality".
This was in the form of a planning
'meeting for a ITCW workshop, -with a
decision made to split up, one group to
plan -the Bible study and another to plan
a program on world social issues,
because they thought the two weren't
closely connected. After considerable
discussion separately, the conclusion was
made that God wants good things on
earth. ,Justice, peace, and :equality are
:linked together, we cannot have one
'without the other.
This portion of the meeting dos • with
'The president, Laura Lee Cayley open-
ed the :business portion of the meeting
with the poem "Love" written by Mother
Theresa. Jane Treleaven, recording
secretary, read the minutes of the last
meeting and took the attendance. The
-treasurer's -report was given by Elaine
Steer and correspondence was read.
Laura Mare axmotmeed that the IJCW
will be celled:Mg articles for Goodwill
.after the fowl supper which is being field
Tuesday, October 17. 'Lois 'Walden en-
couraged the members to make use of
videos from Avel; an excellent one being
3'Strangers at Our Door" from a CBC
Man Alive program.
The new study book is on Multi Faith
and Faith Of our Neighbours. There is
program .material in. the Resource Centre
of the Church. Mrs. Cayley invited the
ladies to a meeting • 29 at,
7:30 p.m. when 'Becky Ackert will be
speaking .on her experiences as an ex-
ehange student in japan. Other an-
nouncements were The Bruce
Presbytery Retreat, et 30 at in-
spirat,ion Roint, Pakley and the IMW
'Meath/A ..xif d*"toe Nincar-
dine 'United Church • Wednesday,
November 8 at 630 p.m. with a program
at 1::00 pan.
. The meeting closed with the 'members
repeating the 'UC'W tenetliction.
*Muth aitebnittier
lies have
Qn Sunday *Berman, * ,joint moot*
of :Lucknow and South Alaimo
Presbyterian ‘einirobes was Add 44'6010
'Odom V)iuroli. :it was to Note qin*liew
minister, Bev. Mama* iginsinenws
the 14.U.C.M$101 ono. She WAS mster*
in Manitoto..iler parents .1tvo in
Am an ;Betty Morrison *nd *Ivo of
&lbw :visited over weekend with
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and IV 'COO Al.fl
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weekend in Parry `SPAII*1 44lhedY iaw 'the
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