The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-10-04, Page 8P". ,:ilitinvOlitehristAfClivolynUlfg s2artlity,10inobef7 Aciwii7ThINsiaVarilOsoh :Suridaydletaiber..0 tipatunsay,710etobeTrI4 MilfrcantitivertA:DiswittliintenberB 33,FEN:DATES xiCTOBER134047 NoiiamiERtwasy 1;7L24, MALL3284632,191cm„fi - 410145Xti natibe 0 I ity Zentiv s.Sunday9 iktoberAIM 4560.00Aiv4twizr ,410in-Calfitey -3,:uttnew 1258.;:ea. IfttentialitrigIoard *340o. 4atiefistaup,S4Xia1ls. 4.3.eastisugo. Iturple:Itiiii MUM° Ilialimperis-wv4i3o4ron. tiliggovarts4f7ds4ean. :.',‘‘ , ,.. ,tr. - 17 ,t-•''' 1 1,s1 iii T'k ,., , r !,, , :i; ',,.; , We wish taiadviselhatwemilfbeendinglhe sale „of_Ltitterrticketsaszf clos- ing tfrne1hisPriday, Xactahertth, 1989. 'We -have heerka'retailerantliorwholesaierDf lottery tickets sinm, icitterieswere first Tnade-iega I in ranatia-lpriorlo 'the tvlentrea 1 :Olympics, ,wel irr-excess.-of fifteen wars. Wewistriolhanklhemanrhundrecis ,of custOrners.whwhaveourethtswith theirthusines vertht !mars. LiewmeopiethavelicketszeirtmidAtzurtiffiie.V motiid wrireciate it if :sihesemotrid:beTickedluirbylactoberfith., •*•••-• * Wilimontinusioloperatexturintintnvntbusirtess,milithlvirektairerbeen inlotthemastrnintaTeam,t in liteadinedoratimae.-642Maniphit !Mt, , Int:know. vilTficorription ICAVelIdleryNIKW lajdoxstv5282213 ArVineMidylillamiarimlIneseb MO was r4if TiAtieu menfiltrs xibletiblg —ilatttionerlealitriintsbbe'Stthatillastweiik, adeutifbitionly/w Alriata Jos 'beat wry well weaved 'iby ',Vireftts Itidiebers lam Milt lAtiogsten *MO he Mhlid *Idelittliniktion Whirl iNSE111n ItiStriet tMold Mnarlizin:letionaintlisnow girojettOf the' nimill Iommaticl,lsaintalliaree AgairiAbis2lear., Mbitiergatien times areAzle .Hvery -ntith tthe AV Abe Jstaidatit tilfautbobLbeinlibneiteveryAbree Wt ;3tears. Abe ;A:itarnicinnirai f the mars*, gw1Lg theiraaachlIbibitiOnieltbastAkbg- 711a010, ,ige and mane. 2hrtilleosaare-.1 hen Owe to The prin' Otpiilldflhertoa,athosiceeps.thein 4onzhatidthotildthemeediarisetolvrvean Jinmediatealeseittlidonatifinmissingliiild, Mast ?week =wihers ,7:1 know Mranehl.189,3tvineMedy, Mai/tette, rtil- deen7.100. andamearenzierwerelit the labium :zeta' :IPA& where corerAiso teem ciadontd. Mill Xtlice, intim** lie **mei pais- lzd the legion !for Its an the schools ty way if this li.greigrarn, along with the -4feeth, pion and *my valets and Iraiihy :donations. Mr. Mire amid lie this avithing but montidimentsAtonigniberitsmagarding the lehlididettifieatkm "hlteos. eavast-iced the loteellent ?rapport iiretween 'the ±hildratandlheUsioniTlientelSillakg the Addeo, alayiliz 'that lor „ ati Treat deal riff lienteand undeitbindinglfor any *Welt afta lc/ammo thevatnero. to Ittiorlorilielituriaitislaiinglittnett (vet AeatheratanittsithneWiththilaiers 'discuss iV1 thisis tie* dloile and 13) ,wiliforee'afety mates An this algae " , , otIlt•U4, .v• ePt tinter ,t Th� r the litV (thero,A11,wextro oMsftwurr�d kng )