The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-30, Page 17r ,25; Wonted 10 13toy OWL% PdaNTING$ -and WOrks of Att. One-orentirecolleetion;KariMeanisoBox 1266, 'Caledonia, Ont. NM •1AO (416) 785,8782.,---34bc. 'BOOKS, Quilts and Linens. Amberly Antiques. Call 395-5298 or 3964637 after S.-453637. 126. ''Pleip Wanted 'TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED - Get your Class ''"A" licenceat OntarioPsoldest andlargest -training centre. Courses start every Monday. Fax deductible, weekend courses, job assistance,ino experiencere- quired. MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 14004653559 Cambridge and 1atsidon.-58tfar LIVEaN 33E73)-4 days a week -.moving and transferring -client from wheelchair. involves •:general :housekeeping, cooking and personal care. 'Phone 52441147 or 5244768.-3345 B 6 1 ,Motherst&interested per- sonsaeeded Immediately to sell toys -and gifts -for NationallkunePartyPlan.Noin- vestment, deliveries or-monercollection. Call (519).2584905.-33bc HOMEMAXER WANTED 24:30 p.m., 3 days a week. Phone 528-2305.-34,35. HAIRSTYLIST needed for maternity leave. Call:523-3341-45ar. POSITIOMS AVAILABLE for seasonal duties with an established landscape con- tractor. Experience is anasset, butis not required for these physically demanding positinns. Please .apply in writing to: Huron Landscaping Ltd., .Box 429, MITI Lucknow, Ontario NOG'2H0,--45ar START 'TODAY! Exciting Fashions! In- dependence! 'Flexibility! Midra Money! A free •sample 'line! Call ns collect. 41643249090/82742660. MA ' c - 1 -a 1 -Home F.ashionShowspEst 1975,-45bc. REPRESENTATIVE NEEDED. Ve are expanding again and are looking for a •representative in your area. No -ex- perience necessary. Cross Canada Paralegal:Plume 1418-173-11299.orwrite 12 -KingSidelload,Suiter202,Michmondllill, Ont. 1AE.IAL-44bc. HALIBURTON HIG . 'Taking :a semester off ,school? Would you enjoy :spending thelallandminterseason :work- ing at one of Ontario's leadingresortSrWe .have iivein accommodations and .need :friendly, outgoing _people for positions in our dining room, cocktail lounge, housekeeping, kitdienand reception.desk. Please call immediately. (416) 16141358 (direct Toronto line to' Wig4-Mog Inn) or 70545742900,-34bc. 27. Wanted 'General • WANTED --someone to install -an Oil !fur- .nace, reasonablevall2954204,45x. 128.13usintess 'Opportunity AREA DISTRIBUTORS seeded. -To sf;er- vieenationat amounts for aeratdrandmin tickets. Unlimited ,:earning Potential vocoon plus. liosellingrequired.Partand tlathne business investment from$12,970. Callior..brochure (24'brs.) 5194324302ext. NO. Fax .51945911341. Financing ,available. •-.45be. 30. -Empioyment Wonted „IF YOUNEED BABYSITTER, callthe Babysitter',s club, Monday, WednOdaY, FridaY,and Sunday at 525-„2543,--45.36x. 13.110.S. SERVIC,E REMOVAL, trinunilig, tw.p amoral, ;expert serviceoluilyAsured. Also, buyers .cf standing.tiraher;CallAillen519445023 40.:Ted'4003742.725.--*bc. 7 V , . SAL'EEY'TENDER LUCKNOW 61)1STRICT 'FIRE DEM. 1075 CNC 6000 FIRE TRUCK AS 1S- V.LN. TCE625V576728 _5 speed, 2 speed axle, V8, 7320 miles, 1.000 x 20 tires (Firestone), 1 100 gallon water tank. 'Truck can be seen at the Lucknow Fire -Hall. Tenders must be received at theLucknow Town Hall by:5 p.m., September 1 1 , 1089. 31. Service Directory SMALL EQUIPMENT 'RENTALS - lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, mov- ing, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, 'much more. Doupes Equipment Ltd., -3 miles Eastof Xincardine on No. 9 highway. 395-2685.--42tfar PHIL'S REFRIGERATION* :Appliances Service. Dependable repairs toall makes and -models of :major :appliances. Phone 1-8874862.--42tfar REFRIGERATION AND Appliance Ser- vice -rebuiltappliances; cash for your' us- ed appliances. Call Lucknow Appliance Centre, 528-2946.-4tfar , AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald, • Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 3954353, -Teeswater 3924170.--tfar AN AUCTIO10 'No-sale:too Ilgartonamzilli CtffiAllanlifiller3954062 or Rill Haldenby 1954142, Licensed Auctioneers.-11tfar. ° -CUSTOM SE " 5 G and alterations, 'reasonable rates. Call Ruth Ritchie at 5284141 or "drop in at 471 'Woisley :Street, .Luclmowb---46tf 13ACICHOEING 'Charles C. -Culbert Septic •Tzanks, Weeper Becis -Farm .Drainage, Basements RR #6Goderich 529-7571 Quality, ,handmade chlidran'o,c1othing REATIOtilS FOR Forhome,prtyorprivateVlewlflLCaII 4OCELYNDEBOER5284223 ;1011114111CKEY tONSTRUCTION -ifienovatkme 1!:Notw001.300110tion ingpiecimat windaws n „vivo findllooni -1•Alinn1ntlin TriMillork ifFarolluildinos Licenomid-sarponter AZygosts 1;PortAlitert ifter Amato. and3t4paierbelest"- Georso Smyth Weding:argllibohine Shop L1td 2 ,Auburni.-Ont. 1teo. 2972i2 29771 Ar. Litazoiv$61 ‘$ervice'Directory NANDA GUICHELAAR tan take Students forargan lessons Starting thesecond week of September. Phone 395-5888.-4345x C)RIENTAL RAILING POR YOUR HOME. Just call and we will repair or replace your old railing or build you a new one. 3954467.-35,3637,38 SEE US POR YOUR STARTER, alter- nator, generator and regulator needs. Albrecht Auto Electric, north of Whitechurch. Phone 357-3495.--18tbar PHOTOCOPYING. The Lucknow Sentinel now does photocopying. Drop in and see us -or call 5284822 for details. -31U SNG DE s AT 10N Sprayed on Urethane -Foam Agricultural, Industrial, Residentlai, =Commercial 'FREE ESTIMATES , Rm. Lucienow 5284129 34. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655.-40tf 36. Announcements UN • 1,I HP PHOTOS. Do you have an unclaimed photo at the Sentinel We think you'd like to have thain back, tut we can't keep them indefinitely. Please drop in to our office and reclaim your photo soon.--32tfnx LUCKNOW BIG BROTHERS is active in our community and district. If you have a need for our help or would like as Big Brother, please don't hesitate to call Bill ,Bunter at the Recreation Deparlaneig. 1284002 to* any f the totemnittee memtera-435. 136. ,Auction Sole August 1$1111894)age FREE: 1989 guide to study at home ,cor- respondence Diploma totu.se for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air con ditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics. Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W, Toronto. 1400-950.1972.-34bc. Learn AUCTIONEERING al the Southwestern Ontario Sehool f Aue- tioneering. Nett Class: r 28039:89. For information contact: Southwester School of Auctioneering, R.R.5, Woodstock, ont. N4S '710. (519) 5374115.-84bc. *CASH IN ON 'FAX REFORM! Learn In- come Tax Preparation by Cor- respondence. Earn your certificate now. ALso enquire about excluidve franchiseter ritories. For 'Free brochures, no obliga- tion, U&R Tax Services, 2054345 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2136, 14004654144.-35bc. 44. Engagements GAMBLE-K-ELLY Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, Kitchener, On - tart° wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Karen Anne to David Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs Allan Gamble, Ripley. Wedding to take place -at St. Francis Roman Catholic Church, Kitchener on September 9, 1989.-35. HUSTON-WES'I'ELAKEN Edward and Aim Westelaken, Blenheim wish to announce the marriage of their daughter Carol Ann, RN to Brian Glenn, son of Glenn and Alma Huston, R.RA Kin- cardine on Saturday September 16, 1989 in St. Mary's Church, Blenheim Ontario. Reception will be heldat Ripley Commimi- ty Centre, October 14, 1989.-35. The War Amputations of Canada... SaTety is No Accident PLAYASAFE Program 313. Auction Sale U We wouldlike to. take this !opportunity to invite ,you to an excellent sale, Friday, Septernbereth at 700 pm. at-DAVIDSON -COMMUNITY CENTRE, Durham Street, KINCARDINE. -PREVIEW 1-7 PAM. - ****DON'T MISS THIS SALE**** FINE fURNITURE AND :ANTIQUES We have at:Okada :complete line of .dining and bedroom .suites, ;antiques, estate iurnishings,‘classic taproductionsancic011ectibles, along with many interesting and unusual items, ,s.uchkas: tand vainted porcelain; ittiarble top washstands; .French imOkcases;lieSks;VatOuSellhorses; lockingtorse,s; kwicker buggiesiliMuch, much more. ta. , ue mnee : Brian aboll IF YOU MISSED -OURTIRST SALE ON JULY 14th YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS THIS -otuei Se.nyourlucal -newspaper fordetaiiericiistiaw next week. For further -in- formation: ,Janssen .Antiques, 416-5624595, Dick ;Janssen. YOUR -FUTURE _starts with...Tri-'Co Truck Driver 'Training. Established 1978, job search asSistance Available, •daytime, evening and weekend courses. -Course Fee Income tax deductible 14009$54400 -DaMbri4ge.-42The TBANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for ,Class "A" licence. No experience necessary. 'Proven job ,placemont Assistance. Markel Insitute of Professional Transport Training, 4Guelph. 1.4004465-7171,44be. How To PlaY POPULAR PIANO DR MAN. New home study course. Fast, -easy -method. Guaranteed! PANE itifor- ITiatiOn. Write: Stitelio 7, au -,Bougborie :Road, Kelowna, BC. VIZ ,- 2. be. 46. In Memoriam „. 'MCCRACKEN Inloving memory of a dear father, sonAncl brother, James W. McCracken (Ernie) his brief lifeendedsuddenly on August 81, 1979 in his 24th year. )3eside your grave -we oft' Vane stand, and tbillk4,03.1t the past, ,Remernbering All you childhood days, Right AT until the last, It seemed Ate only yesterday, Tbe .wound is,_SiiIrlSo ,Sore, And -revery day of every welt, We ignoyou moreAnd inore,, 00110 our sadness may not show, At Antes tbrOU131104 the year, Deep in our tbe..arliSY01111,01WAYArknow, ilave you 4030S Oar. adlyAniasesixidloved, by son Ricky Loo, MOM 414 1)40 (Alvin „oxl ',Barb)) brother John aid ,ikatilY, sisters -Brenda, ;Karen, ',KOreon-and Heatber.35