The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-30, Page 13Ate LIU 2liappy :11earts lib ',,-41,g0teniber Tmeting In the 7(Jilted thureb tationetitim_714idaYp:Selitenlbee8 .with luck ',dinner It 12 Lovelotk. 'Please ztake-mhtice-tolthe .thangeatplace. Minor Vports ',Mitres iBe _sure lo _see Atoticesztrom the ;Willey Sum -Recreation ltegbitrationJor Minor Mockey, -Itingette -and 'Figure 13Itating :by Are-Start1ng4 Do you:retdizelhat±the localrfall lairs -are tere drain this i. n - IStarting ',with 'Kincardine this 'Friday -and .Saturday. Utipley 441 Nei :Club 'ThelifthmeetirigAtthellApley -vet club Arias:held Aug. :2 _at Lit Tan. 'An the met linie. mare -the meeting members AiscussPd Ahe _annual ,4-41•'trip and then .chose :prods. In ithe :book lesson this :meeting they learned fnbout -respiratory --disPaRes f 'food, .artimals and how to ire - vent them. Sen Bridge :brought _out ahlferent -vac- cines and they tliscussed-them. Memext :meetingLbe:held Agg .29 at • 7.430 :pm. attheliolyrood'iSchool. "This :article was subrinfted :by Mike eddes. V Prif $r 1 or - AVANDA ErAWEEY Mrs. 'Wanda Dawley, e Df :the late Victor Gawley -.passed,-:away Jast 'Friday, -August 25, _1989 in University _London. She miss torn Mecember 28, 1909 An Moron Township :She is survived by three Ilauglgers, •Velma Chadbourne and Iriend Noim,a -.Robertson, of ILIL3 33olyrood; Marlene - Mrs dyne ;Gregg of .Luck •. Gladys - Mrs. 'Marry Johnston, 711:11.3 -11olyrood. 'Seven:grandchildrenand one Irma -grand- son. .She was :predeceased :by two, IbrOtherd:Delmerand.lvar 'The Ituter,al Aiervice was teld at Lthe MadCenzie Metrellth 2Runeral 'Ripley Ian Monday, kAugiat 38, 3189 ipm. 4 -With 'Bev. Men 411tePitersen of St. ,Andreaes linitedXittath . ment 7=was4nlhexernatartlitAt1neardine. Ttal zbearers Were Bert 'Thompson, 33�b 'Thompson, 13ontild .iltobertson, .0111)1m .tol- :Collins, ,Tand Bob;lEtinerson, from Vie "Par* ,Zrove area on the .12 concession east An Iluran 7Tevaiship - :where:the Dawley earn vas located. LUCKNOW ADA - rry t SarrySnollf*MindySttmley Saturdamaaptember!2 Stinday,Supternber3 .•11o1salinse 'Pridayaltturday SeptemberT543, ...LuckncepTall+air DPSNMATES SEPTEMBER23 712,20,41 47 01 - 'IDNLY' • (L toR Joan Shantz, lianhileimriehaud 'Mari 'Vere were ,,pottini the ',finighlug louches aiiika Jiffy good year iffundraisittg ior anuseidar jystrophy research at Saturdayks :warners Market An Courthouse *ware. V:ere, ans area .r.00rdivator„Alipill 25,008 gladiola ideals sorderedAave been sold. The __Groderieli "'Legion Auxiliary iiinc.,uperitted Isuccessfal apre,orderiux program and also...2sohl lgIaLI plus". Ater .7ator rribine *Disc 014it ricisitturAl in ower • ar en ¶ractor 6, Ififiltdra And Rduy :DASiddirktiA. te0XlibliflAYMISOWNIOVelte marriage ..at lbw Fiunited lOwen 4tPiril i. Abe atev.I.Vart.72,Rossmorojittielatedaiorthe ,teremony.iliettnideticthettianginer;:of .:.14oxnelkencylunt%telyniTtnnjjan. 71:be Fgroonv.:1nlielielizetaititittirlieejtrit, • rtastteliditiAliebrideArtre;nuid-,:gtkOnoirr oientigerianteandittideinulidolleaTintr ,ribidite.4:50tBstioot,,,was :skestmaw 7,werelNal :3rvinejoa ::44110wed.:$72,uerMeiLrAra ,:inourioil Jr, c1119101740 c.su Y UQW -osideinlOwsWJAINO. : „fence ,INIginiVailDRP.WORBENCA -..;i13SweenT*1/40.11111110401V e. —Betweenaarnirationkitiltilove• —aotmmon .Altd Istubtormeo• twootpatriOttimAgt.ones-,ogonornic -,-*.,4AAWAiktquitaraanOvOitilsbrie0. -14*Itifterk*iilifakiilla7P,OXWV14148400. -41etWell 7111')&18ic -..and rnpl that i1; itse1t:bvilhe.1406.1*.1411*. ito‘• ,h AittnDere .a NEM 1: ILAN. A, %OP CPU', 0,10 cfsLYT41 242.44rINA, •