The Signal, 1936-1-23, Page 44--iThersday. January 23rd, 1938 - ERICH, ONT. DUNGANNON thanks; in tMMa' to bold the. arwe Discoun Sale Suitsand .Overcoats aT Was L Pw V YO1 1 TO BUY NOW r-- All Witter Overcoats on Sale at Big Reductions --W C.f ridham Son =MI S7r Tai SQUARE GODERICH Capital Phone 47 Now Playing -Jack Holt and Edmund Iowe, in "Heat Man Wins" SOUND a= seeTrM heatrs � Coder ch MONDAY, TUESDAY sod WEDNESDAY - DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM *T. COOPER, ANNA STEN and HELEN VINSON present as eetertalning comedy romance to Bohemia* stele "THE WEDDING NIGHT" ---., TULID CAKMINATI, MARY ELLIS and IDA LUPINO waistaia tae continental atmosphere with a Parisian tidbit PARIS LIL 54:11 ,..r,.- ^ 4 Arline SATU1ib Y- ' _ '."^:""'� • . DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM WALLACE FORD and MARIAN MARSS present an exciting tale of highway speedsters "IN SPITE OF DANGER" THURSD II ,� R1iW �VENTURESt A thrNling new serial featuring the Olympic star Herman Brix Matinees •Wednesday and Saturday at $ p.m. Coming -Grace Moore, in "IA)VE ME FOREVER." HEAT FOLKS ���CortE HOME HAS A REAL HEWN(' IF THE HEAT FOLKS SAI( 1T l( Isn't it wonderful When you come r lain at eight - Cold and tired sad rieq/- To find your home Jlaa! as warm and comfort*14 as ft was when you left It? - It makes home -coil, a real pleasure Lea Leave to 11 an tis Job when you go nut. And they'll keep the house cony and warm for you. GALTHE dee Bayfield. togetibeldelrelee" and auditors of Grace church and their wives, were entertained at Mi- ner at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jas fodtbeet. The regular meeting of the Men's Club will be held on Tuesday evening, January 28th. The evenlpg will be t La -. playing games, Refresh. Meats will be served. Word was received today of the death of Mrs Oliver Edward, of the Orb concession, in Toronto General bospltal, oq Monday, January 20th. Mrs. Jas. Lockhart Is spending a scruple of weeks with bee Mundt -La Dundalk. s. GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERICH TOWNSHIP, Jan. 21. - Mr. Charles Bell had the misfortune, while cutting wood, to cut his foot, requiring several stitches to close the wound. Mir. Gordon Harwood returned home from tbs Goderich hospital last week and is somewhat Improved In health. Mr. Earl McAllister has been en- gaged for a mouth by Mr. A. Proctor, Holmesv'lUe. Dasa Mirth Nates. -The annual congregations* meeting of. . Union church wilt be held on Wednesday, Jan - nary 2etb.....There was only a small congregation at Union church on Sun- day, and Rev. F. W. Craik conducted en informal service. delivering • tine address on "Going the Second Mile." Next Sunday, services will be as usual, Sunday school at T p.m., preaching service at 3 pm. Junior Red Crrab-The first meeting .4 the Junior Red Cross Society In the new year was held at Union school on Friday morning. Armand Lassaleae presided and the following uga were eu-SerevtGeed Health House." by Mar,- Hni' "The-- w" *fir; "8t. Vessels antLtlttLBt Tiebbourne; "Mugs Takes a R e." yy Betty Fuller; "Rules for Junior*;' by Pauline Lsssiene. Miss Mcliwaln led In dlaeuselou on "Food Values.' A4tAt MOM ,ice. Mustard Coal Co. !lits-• WIN. G. WeRWAN. Manager GODERICH. ONT. 5 (Continued auditor stated lea nor la which Mr books lightened lb considerably. At this paint Various depertmee for brief report* Wm.= we falling off of ex elaaaes Was due to mossy, bet the pr prises compared given la ether fair The bog exhibit quality, stated Jo there were so ma there were ins outdate all. Frei quality, but some in Primates in t Home manure science exhibits mrd, reported Mrs. Mau. Wm. Doak. W. H. Robert attractions Comm evening entertain cessful as 1t silo police protection remarked that program, which j u risdiction of said to be ins Reeve Haacke, and Reeve Fest ship, spoke suggestions for the afternoon .1. W. Salkeld, the fall fair was Park fifty years a walte, who has 1QIjince 18e7 After eruae-d eoatianst.tbe again this year. The Society will Ontario Aaeocia WESTFIELD president, ERr.. on Pebroan 4 WESTFIELD, Jan. 21. -lir. W. T fair dates this yes Campbell and Miss Wlnnifred attended and 23. the funeral of their couin, the late Mr. J. B. Tyerman, of Seatorth, on Tuesday. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell on the birth of a baby girt on Friday. January 17. Amyl Meeting. -The annual meet- ing of the Westfield United church was held on Thursday afternoon, with the pastor, Rev. H. Wilson. hn charge. The meeting was opened with a hymn and prayer by the pastor. The min- utes of the het anauat meeting were read and approved. The roll was read showing 2117 persons under the pastor- ate. Mr T. H. Taylor was re-elected as elder; Mr. Fred J. Cook and Mr. Maitland Henry were re-elected as stewards; Mr. Alva McDowell was etsesaa chorea basses;_ M Wia. McDowell was sites* werenesry sad maintenance treemrrer; Mr. Marvin McDowell, church secretary: Miss Minnie Snell, organist: Elsa Witrelfred Campbell, assistant organist. The various reports, when read, showed the church to be In a good financial stand- ing: The church treasurer's report showed a balance; missionary and maintenance report showed $154.48 raised for missions. over $10 mere than Last year; the Y.P.U. raised $44; Ladies' Aid, $6.20. and the W.Y.S. seat $141 to branch treasurer, $28 more than last year. The meeting wok dismissed with prayer by Mr. T. H. Taylor. JANUARY SALE ,pupa Il i mashie ilasa- •iMkMthis Mere work s of the '-ot • eiammin tee opinion a In the bores /spin the prise t thought the ally with those ea. vee of excellent . werby, and *tries last year ;sus to accors- eo was of high ors were slow Mplays- pt and domestic f a high stand- s. Howrle and *airman of the stated that no could be as sec- s until adequate provided. He r'e afternoon an:'f2.-MI'. Eli belt ttte4 deeter'e-skeet--- After a need Me friends hope to see her erdund again soon. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. L. Redy and fam- ily motored to Stratford on Suede, and visited Mrs Redy's sister, Mrs. Nicol, who is in hospital there recover - from au operation. Misses Doris and Winulfred Swan tNlre Meats -ea In twelve boy and girl friends on Wednesday night. Same of "lost Heir" was enjoyed, also dancing to radio music and violin selections by some of the guests. A dainty lunch was served during the evening. Mrs R. McAllister left Wsdneaday to spend the remainder of the winter with her sister, Mrs. Dan Fowler. A lead RvenI, -Sorrowing friends ilia poialai Vie eher •r'e ' ah Ueekey.--At pthngaanon'e neW link oe Saturdal afteenuote 7 defeated Luc now in ■ junior hockey fixture by the score of lit) The game was fast and clews and Dungannon bad the edge on the pay, especially In the last period wham condition began tO tell. A. Durum scored three goals and his end-to-end rashes featured. I. Fedy counted once and the fifth goal waa a fluke Currie carried the play is (SP the I.uc•k'now net, and In the raerbie which resulted Q4feles batted the tuck In accidentally, scor- ing on his own net. For Lueknow, Cook was a constant threat, while Altcheson In goal steed time and again what looked like certain scores. The next game wit be in Lennon, rink January 25. The teams: Lueknow-Cook. Mc- Kenzie, o-Kenzie, McKim, Garotte, McDonald, here atteided the funeral of Mrs. Jas Treleaven, Altcheson, yin4ysou- Dun - Johnston, of Auburn, formerly Grace gannoo-H. Dunes. A. Durnln, F. Hamilton, which took place on Moo' Ihedy, I. Eedy, Park, H. Culbert, L day to Dungannon cemetery. The de- Culbert, Brodie, Re- cessed had been ailing for some time,Currie, Hodges Ro- but underwent an operation Poe goitre teAmnia O. Kidd. on Friday merinos sad succumbed SW i �� ���� early .Saturday morning, her unex- The annual rdeetlag of the Dungannon petted death being a shock to all. Mr. United cberroh was held on Monday Johnston conducted a hardware bust- evening. January 1301. la the base- ment aso-ment of the church. In spite of the nese here at one time unfavorable weather, over seventy per- Wsmen's Aaseetalbn.-Tbe January sons gathered for food and fellowship meeting of the Women's Association at the well -laden tables which the of the rutted church was held at the ladies of the congregation bad pre - home of Mrs. Kedy, with the president pared After a brief program of mole �mlttee was and worship G. C. Tre'eeven was ate a hymn and prayer, followed by the . . tea township, answered with "A New Year Reeolu- ulborue town- , New appointments were made ti,the *ewers! Dun." Twenty-three joined for 1936. , hoard of session by the election of H inlentWWPIRS epetcreuenti seise tat within the � In charge. The meeting opened with pointed secretary for the meeting and Serlpiure lessonThe roll call was the work of the year was reviewed r fill,". fAfters.* few matters of business were •J. L. Redy and 0 F. Harris for a term "it is necessary not only to have the hr.or arranged, a program. the theme of 'of Ave years and to the hoard of stew- an Ideal but to consider what are which crus "The hissing Year," was 1 Ards by the election of Dr. A. Vokes, the best measures of achieving IL" bited''erw An- d Geo. Loth_ dsrson was given. Mrs. S. Swan read , att Victoria,. use. A reading and PAINT AULCRAFT PAINTS are Yah l■ _ tallq and low in prise. You will Md nreie41ss Qui la our stuck of FURNITURE >bti STOVES We positively save you money W. H. Machine "On w Oreadway or G. C. Treleaven. The various organic settees reported receipts as follows; $JPA.45 was raised by the Womsa's Association; 1150 by the W.M.B., t'e- presenting an increase over 1954 et $25; $5 by the MIsslon Band: $188.78 by the Sunday school, and $50 00 by the Young People's Unloa. The grati- fying report of the treasurer was well received, showing receipts of $1815.08 and leaving a balance of $52.91 after every Item of debt against the chart* had been retired. C.0.1T. and Trail Ranger groups were organised dense the autumn and are growing into t'ke church life. The minister, Rev. T. L Turner, and the congregation face the future with grateful optimism. by Miss ' 1 An . Tboa. Webster, Melville Culbert and -Sir Samuel Hoare. oras regular ezh1D1• of "Outstanding Events of the Past eke alarerle. Zear' Mr.(toy Rutledge sang • dt it was decided o and Mrs. Turner gave a reading. 'A Word for the New Year " The "-66111941"111i l0117fir rsibbed'/rfttr a him 'end praT-0,- t:t by Rev. T. R. Tenter. Tea es* served after the meeting. Forty -Ave dilate with the were present. man and the Name and Scheel Mi. -Parents of i was appointed � S.8. No. 8 met in the United church Ion at Toronto on Wednesday night of last week for Goderlch fall I f o • nixing a Home and we SepTealStr School Club. Mr. . . , pr nc pa the school, acted as chairman and after a Drle( g1f esetar 7SMtrK ' tot, iia-Motwasdr ganisatlon. Titbit elected were as fol- lows: President, Mrs. (Dr.) Yokes; vice-president, MrS (Rev I Turner; secretary, Mrs. Wm. Stewart; treasur- er, Mrs. John Chisholm. It was de- tided o-tided that an anneal fee of 2.a- per parent be charged. Meetings are to be held the last Friday of each month and to commence in January. It was moved by Dr. Yokes, and seconded by Mrs A. Culbert, that the Home and School Club support Mr. Turner II. his efforts L bring about "clean thought and action In our school." Mr. J. B Young. ehairman of the school board, spoke a few word*, also Mr. V. Errington and Mr. McClure, express- iso mate awYmsct.-4 the mew e¢palsse Lion. - -Mr. - -+wed a veto of, Li THE BREAD THAT $ATISFIFS '®IICK=MADE BREAD 16 !/11 /5001 v7 r)/ 1)1'5 na'C RA A•R"N"P � at*17w. ,'NI/UL--APPET ZING -NUTRITIOUS -- TRY A LllAF -- CAKES AND PASTRIES VIE The following re were ate pointed for the Rib: President, H. L !wield: lit view president, O.F. *lewd; 2nd vice- president, J Seuarb: secrets ry-'.I treasurer, R,' C. 0 u+ Honorary di -y rectors --C. A. . ' , M.P.P. R. f J. Deachman, T. H. Golding,' M.P., Jas Balla e. Y.P.P., t, H, Edward, J. W. • • I ice Connolly. Directors -Kiss M. l: Salted, Mrs. J. B. Howie. Mrs. . Green, Miss B. Parrish. Mrs. I. Soweeby, Mrs. Rm. Doak, Mrs.- Good. Mrs. oble Young, • • o islthwalte.- Gas. Maur, ! H. Robertson, Thos. Bowler, L 4 . .z. J Sowerhy, Wm. Duck, r. L -� re J. W CCnteie, Fordyce QRNt, Yotptg. Thou. Gentry, - Raacke, Geo. P j , ran, WYE. . .. Wr J. B w t+ °i Reduced Price! Smart Dresses in warm woollens. Bright Shades. Individual styles. Sizes 14 to 20. 10 Dresses. Reduced to Regular $6.95 $3.95 15 Dresses. Regular $10.95 Reduced to $6.95 • JANUARY SALE OF 11.gri WINTER COATS The Sale is now on. These Coats Twist be sold. Prices cut! Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats Reduced to 0.9 Ladies' Pullover Sweaters Soft. Wool Sweaters'. roll collar. Colors, orange, blue and white. Sizes l4 to 42. Reg- ular $2 -95 - Sale Price $1.98 6' Men's Wool Jackets Acme Jackets made of heavy blanket sloth, sturdy make, will Rive long wear. Colors wine, green, brown and navy. Sale Price $2.95 A. COR "Shdp where you are invit FIELD A atriMar'ihumittes enmponed of the presidia*, stir tat$itressnrer and Messrs Testae, J. Sowerby and W. H. Robertson 3untedt The committee w1U feet-Patnrday, Feb- ruary 1, to draw hp the Mondial cow m(ttme for Merge. - TAC.' IN 2111:1042_ ' Chris. Sturdy s Turk -DeYonne Chris Aturtier of Howard Sturdy. Godeeie4$owf tax collec- tor, landed in Al' tan h spltal last week-esd wbea attempted to fel- low in kis father't lsoteteps. Dai Sturdy motor Is • tan Collector, where- as Sturdy Janlor was g tacks collector. The bey, with several others is school, was taming thumb trete in tie air and eabetng tbs. la kis mouth, when one slipped doves hie tarsal. He said nothing of It ttlisome time, bet was taken to the fel when be told of the incident - X -rays were taken efforts were made to locate the e -headed tack. but the attempts we bandosed when the boy's throat he to bleed. it was decided to t adore take its course, end in fu . if Chris. has any leaning In the ecting line. be will follow his Pathe job, and. above all, be will follow It. ally. CARLIW I ILA ktA2' htiAl.tl L1f FL\I=:ST QL'ALrVT s U. CLEVELAND _ PHONE 11 1' ARE YOU GETTING PLEASURE OUT OF MOTORING THESE COOL DAYS AND FROSTY NIGHTS Stedelbauer's Used Car Market CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH A NICE COMFORTABLE CLOSED CAR FOR AS LOW AS $100 Your old ear taken as part payment. Come iv. Rouse & Bell Garage KINGSTON STREET GODERICB CARLOW, Jan. Mr C. A. lint. ertson, M. f.. A., scut m E. Christine iRobertson left for 'fronto on Nater day. to attend the opening of the I Legislature. •ff We welcome Mrs Borman Imsssllne and her infant see home from Alexandra hospital oa Thursday last. Skating parties auntie order of the night The clear call wencher makes gotel Ice. W. M. S. Meilh, r -Th. W. M. R met .t the home ..f Rus. Jnhn Tubi. on Thursday afterolS, January 16th. with an ettendsM•w at eleven. Th. president, Mint C'Inr9. presided. The call to worship w'.s read and after the singing of a hymn Kra. W. W Walter led In prayer. The Scripture lesson was from Acts, 10. is which all joined. Mrs Morris read the devotional leotle. on "The Spirit Ot Rs ial Brotherhood." The nstnutes of last mediae and roll call, which was responded in by mew save for the New Tear. were reed by the serrataey. A NB and interesttne piper wee given by Amelia Mcllwsln no the tntroda'tl•n• r• the study hook. -The New Afvies -- Mrs. Frank We eon neve tele temprrdese noire A com- mittee wan appointer to write letters eonveyfeg the deepempathy a the Society to the pr.4tMae►t. where hr.. the', Dr. William •Hark. imaged away ' recently, and to Mr. Mite Wilson. who Inert beloved gr.niisan After the singing of "0 Mee of the Waking Worm." Kra. He and Mr. Treble led to pray The February meeting will be .t rm. lfeedehon'.I io shop" Pherne 418 N. Dakota. dieted WAIsessraie, Sin Teem. Loire. on ay' week � WONDERFUL ARGAIN FROM WM THE JAS. C. CARRIE STOCK IMR STORE NOW OPEN TO MAKE WAY FOR NEW STOCK • SEVERAL PAIRS OF C.C.M. SKATES AND • BOATS.. -`VARIOUS SIZES. at $1:75 to $3.75 BROOMS, 5 -strand each 330 HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS (liquid) pint sire 40o 1 -lb. tin 20c 4 dor. 10c 5c 2 for 15c TOILET PAPER 8 rolls for 254 FLOOR WAX LAMP WICK STABLE BROOMS SCRUBBING BRUSHES WORK GLOVES, various styles to 490 pair GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS and FIVS BLADES 25c per pair, 10c up per yard 40 each 80o 2 for 15c t.. -J Table Cutlery A quantity of Table Cutlery, Knives, Forks, Spoons, and a few pieces of Glass Ovenware, all reduced to clear. Aluminum Ware Pails, Kettles, Saucepans, Cake Dishes, Percolators -"IP Tinware Pot Covers, NuflineutterkTins,eto?ake Pans, Otiolde A1110 ENAMEL KITCHENWARE 1; Quantity of Small KITCHENWARE / SKATES without boots, all 0.0.M. quality 50o pair For the Farmer Lanterns, Forks, Lamp Chimneys, Axe Handles and hundreds of articles useful around the farm. NAILS All sizes per lb. 5o BUY NOW AND -- SAVE MONEY! CARLaw 0 SELL East Side The Square