The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-02, Page 22At 111.4vigt tonitrig toirits mOVINGAIIST GIV Ws47rto41. vend trine One �ma1eriotaker IA& (spOsdrkliosg.' -Vteellelat with thildren„ 144. :Engilgertientz MCRAUSZN,I.FOX aarbara and :Alvin Mark& ')of Iknw aritalionutsofAoderiehtfarepleas- d to 'announce the stogivgemient ,tf their children, 'Mealier :Gail McCratkern and lhomasbanVox. Abet' wedding, .4s to talteplace,on August ^19, 1909at 7 pnviri ImelmowPresbyterian Churth. -Reception Lucknow.--41m1 cBUTT-1/0 Mr. and Mrs. James 'Yaw f Wingham wish :to annomee the forthcoming ,mar- riageoftheirtlaughterLiane, teNeilButt, son 3Cif li4r. anti Mrs. 'Melvin 'Bat, Van - zoom 13.C. The weddingwill take place Aug. 12 .at -St. Andrews 'Presbyterian Chmzh, ivitimhain -Ara open weeption 'beheldattheyfeeswater Comnmnity Cen- :treat Span. 'Friends andmeighboms are welemne,--21x I.46. 4n MemortaM • BILL :in loving -memory of :a :near husband, 'lathe r :,and :grandfather who want Ao :be Avifirhislordoneyeacago, July 30 , '1988. 7hotighthe-haslitfi,uslontthis:earth taelow • 4listafe1iveslon Wearensurvbetias;heard from our TtiViherabove AlVell,noneiny-ohild.be-enveloped in My...Love. 33featly missed ity wife .Franoes, Bob,: Nancy, *Arrionnaiand 1147. '1'Cara :of -Thanks IP.ATHER,,youblessetkuswith zahmidant1iftsinTatricknurl3rOtherand 'Uncle. Wel:hank you twigs lifetand love ,And 'return Atm to -your loving care in ,joyfukhopetifillessurection. TatriekKennedY july,4, 1922 - 13orotoEternalLife ,J4y27,189 Milan And Mary Ellen lyon •4ax- press sincereAppreciation _to Idllorshar- ingtairsonvw,andforthemanYthukats tifirieridShipryouvapressedtoush,Oth.And loAllthekithervietimsOLeancervidtheir ‘Remain steadfast, ;Keep stout .hearts Land ahold -unwavering hope. 'Fear not-Ourfiodisstillatwork.iloweverthut theocorningllays, HeWi1Ftthunphan&be 'With ma ,21,vrays, .even funtil :the Rod lof time." 'Toth My ,411o.uses" 'The late Tather_Rean-VSUllivane-alnz CAMERON The ianuly of_thelateliajph 'Cameron vish toespresseinceresumreeiationto alltheir relatives meighbelirs, ,und friends lor-ex- ,pressions,of .1syn')Aithy :during lhe regent loss rof our loved chuShand, lather and ;grandfather. ',We ,e4prees ,oincere -gratitadelorAhe,Iteatttiftlirflorni Itibutes, sYMplitilY -gat*, donationsto Lonanow "PregibYterian Vbuih ie heart 410 'StrokeintandatiorkOfjantariooihe'reana- ri -CancerSocietY p1:the 410040 :Et9cietlYviiits,t0Ithe,:funerallolne:and,for "tie :'abisidanC4e Of :food hronght t�cox ,bome Uo specl'-.thanics cto flev„A. Ly orjs TOItiforting mods*, Joan r -P4) orP, lownthearers ;:end oUe h:forluOthloer3red 10UOWing Lt O.' 'Your ‘,.ishViesas ,Saitos- etl •upema wad, Dwaulti to i=teitids Liaid Pullighbourstherd, r.phano Aulti Milts While Vas In 110011tailandit,AMISktrillag hoMeApecial tletaksto,br. v.. • VW -Drs. Mad 14trrses VW* fratt Zuntits 41 the *len& And 'jig}thdayagood Ilme.Apecialthanks le Lee Ilintotd.xmdgarveylilaCkfortarbecuhig, but 'The 7.atheelehldr was -an ,eltrz1tmould have tonvviithoitt I lin hlrodti.-41 --MURRAY •wish to extend to extend a sincere "Thank 'Vo;” to -my 'family, relatives, 'friends and neighbours for their prayers, treats, 'flowers, cards, visits and !hone calls at the time x -,if ray amident. Special 'thanks to :1)r. -Gurbin, 1)r. Alice Kald staff and Xincardinefmki Irour ,kindness will always be remembered. leo Murray .--21m 401,11,51001,4 'Ayntim fike tt, :01$s our :atlit‘ere ltiouilts to (A Lour mily-stid *Wads *bb nota In Celebrating at ,Otir iVeddialigbfld weiSiStion. IroOr *its Are i-appreehttedveptriucla. IGerakiairidltary ttitanbl(et toot 4; 44 Stol* 416ivitift ttt 424121111,44,110 Ice vetva.-41 41,311. 41tatisital, yoir I would like to thank time Where *o ithal tome alter my accident. llaitiks /Or the cards, 'visits wnd he calls. Special thanks goes to Mrs. Ambrose (Barb) Red- mond, for ,a11 ter 'help. TVs Inice to tiaxxe friends and 'neighbours that really mart. I thank Gorltuid rikvaeat belt that rrn Alive indwell. Beth McA1lister.-41 48. Comirke Events IMJIKEK 1 lhi like to thank all the ladies of the SolyroodMinlough are for the shower and all the lovely ,siitts. A special *honks to Charlene lacEwan and Debbie Ithotly. Vilma (Duiker) lloydyk.--3111 MIRES LITZ& iwoiildtIiketothankDr. Shubatand staff cat .Luelmow Medical Centre, 'for looking after me twice on such short notice, Mr Rimer Ihnbach for lining scripts nn :his closing day and hi-ataff ther days tor their helpfulnessnimrconhision Also to y brother Jini and t..de.ar aisterditilaw klioriaandrialhheirandtotilendsupthere foraluthPir support 'ldargaret-41 maellinFRE Terluipwyousentaihradymard, • satuidetlynuavhair, Terhapsyousentaimaralspray, lfsoovesawritthere, Verliwystrspiketheitindeat'avords, amanyffriandcrioditigay. —Perhapswouwerenotthereatall, juatthoughtliftusthatday. Wilutteveryoullidtomonsoletlieheart, Vethank-yousoamtchlithateverthepart. lletanillytifthelateMorencellaelnlyre • slitaFtpresstheirhearffeltsppreciatora ve.sandfriendsfortheirmanyacts of gldndneas, Morel .tributes, ,.chatittible ,,donationsandviSitatkuisilmingtherecent lossALour.MOther.,Aspetiialthk:youto Rev, INugentlor ins message amllo Mel Vominandthestaff littheTineereSt Ilursingliumelortheirysiarstftledicated xare. lhanklYouadsti lathe 1adiesAux- 111arylifSt. Andremieriantimreh loriundiprovid-- ed•Mlowing the service. •SpetialinentiontotheFlowerhearersand pallbearers. 'Tour support and titindness 301 Idways theTemnibered. ';Want And IdarietiftWingharn21 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS -Monster Bingo.42,500 prize:money 41,000 JaCkpot logo,atSaltfortIVallerhall,weryltnirs- tlayznight.Doorspen 6 iMpm.13ingo/ p.m.-48tfar R11/11MAGESAIS Saturday, August 12, 10 am. -4p.m. home of Jack McQuire (Huron Auto Wreckers) /rid con. Baron Towntilap, 1 114 miles north of Lucknow, 4mileswest.Spomiored by the Boron Bruce ChildrentS Reapers. Proceeds for Overseas adopted children. cA112.95-X127.-2942 191114111qNUAI, ORAirriAINITVA1, .Luelmow are.naFriday, Angust4,12moon - 1043.m.Saturday, August 5, 3.0am. -Spm. Sponsored :by the Luclmovv Agricultural Society. -4941 InVIS 4.10148 bletIM IMMO, cepoo litmdsty*Oit0tot.131yeittoiNtriet4iim.• trierdty ttr 04adtpet au* to. Overj.$1011000inpri7es.-4* Golden Horseshoe vrgAi t now: Gas VIII Village, Antique cm, sawmill, fiddl. tug, horsepulls, Antique Vadat ulls, &resin* parades, crafts, Harttkarrlispiay. Parndisplay. Caledonia, August4-1.--tbe 4x4 iLNGE41112s Bars, *Ube* force, August $10ESth. Idudbo, wheelo- wheel, truck -pull, 4x4 'hilleliinb, flea market. 70448.2924.---40bc awe Burt Urns holey spaaes tet an 41 ME tA,IC ICIttlISE Pt the St. lawrente itivar. Cruise with are and Willie Burt, August alst to September arti. CAL '416.4514944 or 143004684090.-Mbe ENJOY MARNE. SINI) PORK and fresh Ontario produce and listen to area entertainers at the filth Ammal Jack IliddetrFamilyliarbecueandTaleritShow ion Wednesday, August 16 at the Riddell Vann nn 3lighway 83, midway hetween Exeter and Dashwood. Dinner :served 1rarn5pm.toL8' «r Adults$12; elemen- tory aged Thildren35; pre-schoderslree Yortieltets opriitilonnatiatiplione,135-11153 ne;35742955.-41012 :JAMESON ,of'the late Sidney Mk jaiM'etion wouId Ike to :extend anneere Ithatiks_torelativestiriendsundneighbours lorthesards,llowers,irnemoriat donations =andloodeentto ourhomes.ApeeiaLthanits to Rev. A. Ramsay for Lhis reoinforting mods laid to the ladies Of the LuOknow 11,YteriairChureh for the lovely lunch. Spedal ,thatiks for the 'care she received eAt MaitiandManor,anktothe nurses arldDr.lilbearGoderia 'Hospital for the nurelbeysavelather.`Aincerely Isabelle .and Jilt* Span, and Stuart And .Pearl larnittenAnd JAWN : • 1. sAirm At ybrookilnited Much, Concession 10- 2. .Sponsored by Donnybrook Sunday School Land TLC:W. For more informaticm Z294857,41 IISED3100KSALE Sidewalksaleatlackncrwlibrary;Friday :August th, 9 am. - 2pan., Saturday, Auguiltith,10Ain. Alitypesadult and •children's, hardcover 2 'magazines and -paperbacks I0t,-431 ItABDSA1LE Baby.tems, eflb, lughcbair, clothes, etc, Othermisc. Items164 rioughBt.,atzurdaY, Algot Ath-9-2paxil WM ANNUAL Mac 1)s. clan reunion Saturday, August Sth st MarDonsdft Cedar Grove 2 pm Please same early. Dance to follow in Lucknow. Music by Norm Dunsmoor.-30Alx 11131EFBARRECUE Sunday, August 32, Dungannon Agricultural Society's Fair and Family MuiDays4:30.410pm. Adults$7.50, 12 and under OM. Preschool free. Only .500 tickets available. For information call 5W19, -1O34 or S29.3175.--30,31ar COLWELLPICNIC August* Limdsdown Park, Kincardine 1 13311. come and Enjoy Food - Fellowship - Fon.-10Alx HAVIANDSALADSUPPER Kirshea Woment institute wi11 serve SaladSupperPridayllingust4th.S-7pan. at'Cre Ygenfival nlaninupw Arena. Atlas I610 JAM= milder 10 43100,-1031x IDS INFO by Colleen Robinson 10111ANNIVERSARY The larnilj Of raiffandicay'CraWford in- Vite,youto openthOuse, Sunday, August12, 4,Ineknowliegion.letyourpresencebe yourpresente41 DABBERIONO0 'Imeknowiand'Distriet. Lions -Chtb,, Dabber Bingo,,ever3fSundnrnkght, Lucknow Com- munity Centre Doors open6:15,pim•Oinge :at 47:15,pan. Air <conditioned, wheelehair accesSible. Potential ;prize hoard over 000-$1;000 jackpot on ;54 ,calls or less. $00,must go! tfnar MOGAN Llike lexPrean ,-our heartfelt ibanks ,,t0 :our ,faindy, 'friends And neighbQuii,or Uei,iovnd ',Supp9rt RatriCIt's i'illhess 410 (at tixn'Of this pealing. 'Your Itintlenss ' ,viltiserkhave,brolightraigreat ,dsal ort,10 u. alL raPeelea :thank Ion _to •fa r • Cd Dentleser ,e,undaeting b00,0tit01,104% Of Vio mob And to ;awe 0 Attended 'She 111040 for PAttiCit. "The ,111011Y "tong oraangwera, --ora antl van' rKreat1Y ,appreglated mere :011 e -geStUret). ItrenVe, Y. WROON 1. itillOtilITOONORY VD* Trios to 'WONDERLAND iAkMit With V""Oltrpoomet. liteket *Avis *mt. Aujimot 12 'This month 1 want to talk to you abouttheeliidemiology of AIDS in Canada And Ontario. .At the end of 1061, 10 eases Of "hill - blown" • IL had been reported in Al of Canada. None of thew were here in On- tario I reported Its first five 'cases by the '.end of 1962. Since then things have changed remarkably. In the past six and one-half years, the number of Canadian persons with AIM (PWA's) has risen to approxiMately 2$100. Approximately 40% (IMO.) of the Canadian -total are found here in Ontario. The *Wing rate Of cases in Canada As currently 10 months, coin - pared to 22 months here in Ontario. Of the cases reported to date, approx- imately 2/2's have already died. Approximately half of the total number of °reported cases are between the ages of 30 - 3. In 1080, AIDS was listed as the tOth leading cause of death for C.anadian males aged 20 - 44. Jr it had ,juinPed lip into 4t1 place. If this trend continues, AIDS emIld quite possibly become the leading caUse Of 'death of 'Oanadian males aged 20 - 44. It is estimated that approximatgy Amp icfmadjaus are airogly illfoot4 °with tae i1IV tea .innounodeftelow .ey caysep VW. It inotv oeenig very 10*y that thew, people will all *ventioal4, 'affelOP '40.4)19W,0" AIDS over Athe vouroof t next Ivo year. Weedless to say tht 41440,4 thic son our health,eau oistom ibe ,;by alL With ,u0 'cure or vaccine An Aifido SPIJCO1Q11 for nompintoi 41141110 V. 1 deJ1M. Messe lot la: orAI45 Ais :i$900) E.Yr. fr 4)404 1011