The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-02, Page 8Pie 8 —lateknoilSentinel, Wednesday, August 2, 19119
pRl.-'THURS., AUGUST 4 - 10
SUN. - THURS. 8 P.M.
e 7-1,6304 Q'r 24 hour 'movie .information
AUGUST 4th to 10th ;A
AT'T;OO;and 9100 PM
This fall, bring your crop to the expertsat,Cook's.
we can,handle•a braad.xange of vehicles:at
6 convenient locations, making crop delivery
fast and easy. In addition, .we have 12:licensed
white bean satellites. '
Our cleaning, drying and storage facilities are
ready to serve you. We offer competitive prices, expertise to help you get the
most for your crop.
You can count an;the peopleat Cook's forfair
grading, .honest weights,andfriendly,.personal
service. We've built our reputation on it.
Part of the Cook's Crop Input 'loam
(from !eft to right):
Atwood`Plant Foreman.
3 years ith.Cook's
Brian "Buck" Glanville
'Hensall Assistanttranch
14 years with Cook's
Jamie °Hackett
Kirkton Branch 'Manager
1 year: with Cook's
Division of
Parrish St Heimbecker, Limited
Hensall (519) 262-2410
Centralia (519) 228.6661
Kirkton (519) 229-8986
Walton (519) 527.1540
Amberley (519) 395-3601
• Atwood (619) 3569292
Licensed White Bean Satellites:
Beechwood: Glencoe Grain &
Seed Company'
Becton: Simcoc District Co -Operative :v
Bornholm: Fra•Laine Farms Ltd.
Burgesville: Homeland Grain Inc.
Oakwood:. Harold Schroeder
Milling Co. tad.
Dublin: Dublin Feed MITI Ltd.
Kcrwood Glencoe Grain &
^Seed Company'
Maxvillc. Maamen Grain Inc.
Milvenon: Tdpmttch Feeds Ltd:"
Parkhill Glencoe Grain &Seed
siouft ifle: St. tawrtncc Grains
Vernon: Trenton Grain Elevator'
•.Ilittxl�+n oI Parrish N I ieinibeckcr. Limited
•','Division of Lames unhanlstn 4 sons ltd
ew musical, The
The ® i written by 'Raymond
Storey 'with music by John Roby opens
July 26th at the 'Blyth Festival. Even
though the first two rows of Blyth
Memorial Hall have been eliminated
due to the large set of `Them
there are clots of excellent seats
available for this outstanding big band
musical playing at Blyth from July 26th
to August 36th. The Dreamland is
generously sponsored by John Labatt.
"My history with the Blyth Festival is
now ten years old" says playwright
Raymond Storey. "Country Chorale, my
first play was workshopped in Blyth's
first workshop in 1979. Then Artistic
, Janet Amos provided me with
one of the single most valuable ex-
periences lin my career -an introduction
to Blythes resident composer at that
:time - John Roby. John and I -.e enc -
ed great success�'with Country Chorale
and went on to create Girls In the Gang
and The Dreamland which were com-
missioned by Blyth's current Artistic
Director, Katherine Kaszas and
developed through a series of extremely
productive workshops and readings.
People often ask us, which came first -
the words or the music" says Mr.
Storey. "In truth? After eight years, it's
six of one-half a dozen of another. Col-
laboration is what theatre is all about,
and we are delighted to be back in part-
nership with the Blyth Festival for the
premiere of The Dreamland. Presented
with a play that demands a swing band
and a cast larger than Les Miz, most
Canadian producers would show you the
door. Special thanks to Katherine
Kaszas at Blyth for the stage and to an
exceptional group of collaborators:
director - Richard Rose and assistant
director - Jennifer Brewin,
choreographer - Susan McKenzie,
designer- Charlotte Dean and lighting
designer - . Kevin Fraser and stage
management, the crew, the band, and
the .cast."
For more information about perfor-
mances and special events at Blyth
Memorial Hall, call the Blyth Festival
Box Office at (519) 523-9300 or 523-9225.
Froeeeds - from performance
eing donated to Aids
The Blyth Festival announced today
that there will be an extra .performance
of the sold -out comedy, The Right One
by Bryan Wade on Friday, August .18th
at 2 pan. at Blyth Memorial Hall.
Tickets are on .,sale now at the Blyth
Festival Box Office - $10.50 "for each
Adult. "We're very pleased to add this
extra performance" says Artistic Direc-
tor, Katherine Kaszas, "since many
faithful ,members of our audience were
:unable to get tickets with 16 perfor-
mances being sold -.out just days before
we opened. In addition, the cw s,y
has agreed to donate x111 'the _proceeds
from this. rapedal ,perormanee ^to the
Actors' Fund of Canada and their
special fund for people with AIDS. Each
member of the company and crew have
donated their time and talents for this
special charity."
"AIDS is a disease which we all need
to be concerned about" says Dr.
Maarten Bokhout, Medical Officer of
Health for Huron County. "It is a poten-
tial threat to all of us and any efforts to
help research which 'looks into ways of
preventing MAIDS should be commended.
In llurgn 'County, 'on,gedlig public 'educa-
;tian programs geared towards preven-
ling`ado inseam ::is coordinated
.,Aitken Of 'the anon on 'Health
New classes in Dungannon parade
The 130th Dungannon Fair will see
many changes when it is celebrated on
Fri., Sat. and Sun., Aug. 11, 12 and 13.
One area that has been reorganized is
the Fair Parade which will start at 11
a.m. on Sun., Aug. 13. Entries should be
in .place by 10 a.rn:. for judging at
Brindley Sales Yard, east of 'Dungan-
non. Children taking ;part .should meet
at the Dungannon United Church
grounds for judging before 10:30 a.m.
'This year, float classes include: ;hest
family float, business or commercial en-
try, Organization or club entry, school
entry, heavy .horse team, mit horse en-
try, pony and cart, pony and rider.
Prizes Of 420100 and $15,00 are being of-
fereid in each class.
Children% cases also have increased
Prizece received
Oh first :3s00, second $2 O all other entries
;1.00. Classes include Pre-school in best
costume, Pre-school and vehicle (ie.
bike,wagon, buggy, etc.), Elementary
child in best costume, and Elementary
child with vehicle (same as for pre-
A highlight of the parade will be the
Seaforth and Dislriet All: Girls .Marching
Band who recently -competed at the
Calgary Stampede against bands from
as far away as Melbourne, Australia.
Immediately :following the parade, the
band will perform at 'the Fair Grounds.
Another new feature, is the participa-
tion -of . anti. ue cars and trucks °which
Will be on ^- e lay at the .Fair Grounds
throughout the rest of the day.
Parade ,entries'sholild be registered in
advance with secretary, ; aren
Matheson, 529-3175 or at RR 1, Dungan-
non, Ont., NOM 1R0 or atBrindley Sales
Yard before 10 a.m. ,
Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce are
seeking the pnblic's assistance in then-
ve gation of a Break, Enter; a id ?heft
which occurred In Huron Township near
, Eineardinet Ontario.
The Kincardine Detachment of the On-
tario ProVincial that
'sometimea..w.eer► `December h zl
and January lnd , a cottage was
broken `oto. 'The cottage Is located .at
17A Bre Beach, . Huron Township, ap-
tproXinlately ; twelve ,ometres south of
UOrdine, Ontario. Entry was gained
10 ; the =cottage by forcing :A window
on the SOntbeast corner. 'Once inside the
systematically went from
room to st- gathering nP articles to
It wouid.appear from the articles
tit the culprits) were iSetttog' to
tOrnish a. house. The articles stolen in -
1 l an -eft (41),,piece set of :silver-
> one . POUnd =BB ''fire ex -
WSW" ,poutsMOB fire ex-
Vuguitir, GHQ vac1U cleaner,
two Sets of pots;tris with s, .a
fPftESTO electric fry Imo, three etic
blankets, four , t0, f quilts, one
electric f s. t, to
throe table alamps, and an tigue eliali%
The property Alan was ;valued at .ap-
proximately $1,200. To date Abe
cusp t(s) 'terve : not been identified) gor
ha, of the ;ply been recovered•
if yiu feel you can help in this or any
other 4e, Crime 'Stoppers of Grey
'Bruce .are :'willingto,pay a reward up to
$1,, for information leading an ar,
rest. CALL min sToppERs at
108001204787. YOU not ' be Asked to
identify .yourself. You ; be hued a
code number. You will never have to
fey► 'CA,ert.
--Are great serVantS anti terrible roasters.
Neednot be . evil Because they are
Need strong management.
be ed into ,reit virtueL
► e
001 a ra out af,a man.
li�'of caret gIt