The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-08-02, Page 3h- _- eld To ns p's _as° tam - to clerk, full time position ASlifield TownShip-eomell membersdealt WithseveralpiecesTabusitessdrettog their meetings In APprovalwasgiven foran application of dust contrortt Huron 'Road at Amberley Beach. Council discussed a letter 'from the Ministry011tnvirontnenteontattringrecorn- mendationsfortheupkeeparidzoperation of the townships vaste dispitsal site. The recommendations weronotedandthe clerk directedtorforwardateopyoftherecornmen- dations to the waste sitesupervisor. Borrowing By4aw -2340, 1989 was pass- ed to requestapproval to borrow additional fIththfrorffthe Province for tile drainage debentures. To date, for 1989, loans have been processed and applications approved totalling 420000. Amotionwaspassedmaidngtheposition of:clerk's assistant .as July 1. Councilmovedinfavourofsuppoitingthe ronQoyQmc11'srespwiset&theCon- sUltationion Onnznitteenn Connty:Gmernment in Copies.of thismotionmeto be forwardedrto thellonotable JohrfRairins, Minister of Stimicipal ; the Liao for co:ty 'Honorable Jack Riddell, 'M.P.?. Reim and Mr. 'BA. 'Hanley, CierkpAdminiStrator, County of 'Huron Cotnicil also passed amotion supporting a resolutiontirculated by the Township of 13etitioning the 'Provincial Govern- ment to enact legislation 'requiring all chemical companies to -provide for the Tettirla illindreeyeling of pesticide and her- bicide 'containers. A letter fromthe Ministry of the Envtron- ment was discussed, confirming the township's eligibility for a grant on the replacementa waterline atthesouth end of Lucknow, along County Road 1. The clerk was authorized to contact Steve Burns of . Ross and Msociates, requesting him to actasengineerforthe project and direc- ting him. to proceed to obtain/he necessary approvalsand-with the engineer's design. 'Theroadsuperintendentreportedthatthe construction bythe Ministry tif Transporta- tion, of a new bridge orr-bighway 21 just souttrof Amberley, wasscheduledlo begin on *July 119. A detourbas been set up along Siderozul 9.fronilf,intail to highway/16. The projectis expected to be cranpletett by the middle 3of October. dairy prin. eess The :Brace County Dairy Princess Competition is planned .for :Saturday, September 16 -in 7Formosa. 'The competi- tion is open :to contestants -between the ages of :16 and'15, whose parents are or .thavembeen invoivethwith -cream or Milk -production. The winner -mill represent Bruce Comity in the 6 • o Dairy Princess Competition 'held at the 1990 :CAM. -Toronto. Dors -iiillrbesassessed lor their ppearance, Amowledge IA the Tilairy in- Alustry, ,Ttersonality, maturity, 1,interview If -xesponseLand„-cipeeckpreoesdation: .7iyou ,rwould A° manpete iintthe 1989t13oimty0- 4 4 Zom- upetitionicontacttheliNkerton MmArlif- dice Lig 1480042654023. Application deadlineAsMonday, August 1.4th, 1989. 44414udgiag Brice itibey Of 'Paisley took the lawardlor lligh,Aggregate.score at :the reyA3race ;Judging ..13oppetition held in iHanover on"the evening 1;t0f ,JUly •15th. liruce 'received a gift cettificate dor a match drom theiBruce ,Vatuity and :Port .Junior -Faffiter.S. ale also 'received ,1 a , tote hag :from Ikuina 'Weeds , and a .lift certificate from United Cooperatives of Ontatio :for :being top ' judge Fin 'Mo.:senior' !category. ..Andy *74ettlertriVitilkeotOn-received tote 'hag :from -Patina Reeds and 4a g1ft cr.:certificate 'from ILCD. for top honours In the Intermediate !category. The 'C.NR. or top 'novice_ judge was presented to 'Matthew ''Farrzell .of l'he ',honour of high beef judge was !shared by Andy 'McCulloch and Jeff :‘Eaust, both of''the 1:taisley avea „Bruce ounty Cattlemen's .4Association Twasor this trophy. .Bruce :Whey lad the thighest 'score on 'beef r!easons and "was Ipmeented with La -clock :from , the 'Grey- "...Bruce:Shumate Association. • 111 iine '•11E.! !-IIMINIIIM1111111111111111111111111111111•11111111011111=1 ARM REPORT , Bruce :County OMAF !Lehighest searing ,xlairy judge, :Greg McGillivray :of Paisley was 'presented with a :trophy lrom the Bruce County Xxsaau .:Pcodueers. ;Jamie :Convey of iTiv.ertonteittiVid a :certificate imm New -0A4fil),,r;Ar staving Abe :biighest ,acore,;:M~reasons. • One hundred rand ;an= competitors .'Ircenitrueezand ,iGrey jwjgedTimes L�f Aeltr, "heel, i1aijy, dandsoPOZ, tgreen peppersiftstaitkitits, ddetitfficationmuiz and i'Sheep. This annual -event is *Old th.mu'±o encourage members to lievelop .,:decision making and public speaking, and 'rto 1. -have inn tat Abe same time. Many 44,11 .,leaders and parents „helped to aware 'that Aheaven- lng -wawa mcceis mid theirtifforts "-,were appreciated. ...441-TAMILY PICNIC ANWBASESALLIUME The team from Dunkeld, after a stiff competition, ,lias '-selected 1to rt ;Bruce :County at "the ITri4Coukty -4411 Baseball 'Tournament. .4-11 members, parents and leaders :sathered at the for ca :day Of fw in aun,a.baseballtournamentand,a potluck lunch. 'learns *am Chesley, Dunkeld, ,Paisley, Bipley and leeswater ;played an July .23. 'The cwaspiatuted 'by She Bruce -County leaders' Association, the baU tourna- ment .by the .44H Youth :Council ,and ,!social 'recreation !by Abe -Purple "Grove Social Aeon:alien 'flub. Dunkeld w1i1 J,e up Against -teams -from'-,Buron and "Grey 'Counties at the 'T'rKounty Saaeball •I‘Tommament .to be 'held 4uguSt20 :in Aineardine. yth Festival's rGreat Seat Sale b ins °,1The 'AiSeth Festival Ureat ''Panadian $teatiAalei.*egius!AtctiheAtir Festival," rrisc.,iteneraManager etlgiSt:lear!:tor the;famme d: eats rAlw,feStival. 1-.:AvallAtOlYprolect 4n- iitiotpr. I.:months to $ s.eats'OVOr 17- imoltsow Satinet INDEPEAIDEN97.1e DISIRIBUTED BY: EBB somas .3tHAINLVON STRT, - 411301914eN editesday9 A t 1,10-41itge 14EPR5SEN1AIWEVUZildialli 1116141t Min 8244580 PICK 'YOUR OWN OR READY PICKED 5 km. east of Lucknove on 'Highway '86 Ca 5284900 for crop Information v OPEN: Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a;m. - 5:00 p.m. All Mousehold & Stable Brooms ..... ..... SAVE 15 All, Giimant & Ideid Shovels, Scoops, Yorks, Hoes .. SAVE 15% All Leather Gloves sawn% "Complete Nutrition in the (Country Tradition" DOUBLE1lARREL DOG, F00.1),10cke.lisli highly palatable food in a unique -doable pelleted,form. ,Preferred 12 -1,over other peeled dqg loads. likez. S17,13 .$11 fin INTRODUCTORY OFFER SAVE 2idarg., ,tstallefi ow the, ..t. Two seats ean be pur- haed.Jorr 4299 or ',three :SOO• or 'more tor .$129.each. '13Y" PXkdervrtiia0 a1;900 ithe, restoration ,ievatos, YOU give unique lift, the ,e,gralininitt." Plum -now ,to ,Septernbtro VaOliOght at ,,the Blyth Festival, ,board xduntegrs-And-torpPNY fllovAkers,101). be vgihie on ,the front ,lawn of l3lyth _talking,,Ahout our: ° xpnsun '.,For -mor matin t 3110 Blyth Feetival t lot ',von. PURINA DOG CHECKERS, 20 kg. is a conwle1eandbalanced onomylooll in a ,pelleted ,form. reg. $14.541 NOW SAVE $1,100 COUNTRYJIRAIND CAT FOOD, s isa tomple,tedand dikndif:bghqualityality Ingredients with law "h 0.000. :REG. $11.1.1• $ 474 Now .$AVE Auwarmakiiwo The will be,tiosett MONDAY, AUGUST/ fertile 'Civic MO - y. For your convenience, we wabe opewth00 4411.111,1 5;00 p.m. Saturday, ugust :k.44,A40.* 11 St. FOR itOTTOMIINE ..114111j$1 $2430a,1