The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-26, Page 1Farm safety week "Children ,on the Farm Keep Them Safe!" is the theme of the Canada Safe- ty Council's National Farm Safety Week Icampaign, this week, July 5 In almost every case accident on the farm involving children could have been prevent through attention to some basic "principles of farm safety: 1- make equipment and buildings safe 1- dangerous equipment, materials should be inaccessible 1- know where children are at all times practice safety 11- set good example - educate - don't ask too much anticipate lapses !- remember NO PASSENGERS EVER make work areas off limits - build safety into farm structures • - neatness counts - provide safe storage supervision is needed at all ages Remember that children •are sometimes careless, and may forget. y may try to do too much, and sometimes deliberately disobey. IN the d, safety is the responsibility of adults. No matter how carefully they are taught, children are still children. Implement the 4 E's to child safety on your farm: eliminate the hazards, en- force the safety rules, educate the c.rurdfen —and set a good main e. : • The Lurknow Presbyterhm Church held Its Eiridn' 0' the Tartan service last Stub day..Some ,of the tartan bearers included, left zto right, Jack Needham, MacDougall Tartan; Maudie Fisher, -Fraser Tartan; 'Blanche Needham, MacDougall Tartan; Mary Boyle, .Dress ,Thompson; Beryl Lee of 'Tomb; ,Jean Whitby,ltruce County 'Tartan; Mirelle ?McKenzie, Nadia and Alia Karaishi Asfith grandmdther Muriel MacKenzie in theMatlienzie "Tarim; 'Fred Ward. lathe farpicture,`FzatdiffiacKemde, waxing the MadKinzdeTartmand'itod MaarriziehrtherStewart Tartaapiped in the procession. Maw Itmihartpbetes) nloss receives gr c t Murray Elston, MPP for Bruce, Chairman of Management Board, and Minister of Financial Institutions, to- day announced that a grant of $33,375 has been provided under Environment Ontario's Waste Management Program to :the Township of Kinloss for the im- provement of its landfill site. 'The Waste Management Improve- -ift9grams '474 glo?gram.. the • The litduiew Presbyharian Unwell held ,Lits MAI& 'V the "Tartan service last Sun- daYiVdtlyalt eapatity. ;erewdirrattendanee. According to thk:pregrain for the day, '"AbtorYtdisinethatiafterfthe :Battle of Volltidea,*41745, Awing the .days OPPre. seriptimrifrhentheviges, the ',Gaelic, the kilt and the tartan,Along many of theScOttish.traditionsAvembanned, some of the ithitszin the Highlands of Seethuid • weiddlieltsucbisfaerviee in secret. The tlansinerywoulthwalk to church in order- ly and -reverent fashion. The lanai ser- vice Of -Whatever denomination sttendeil was aillowed.At atime andaignaLiknown ofljy to‘kthe iiiiinsmen they wouldtaueha piece ettartan concealed attar person and the clergyman Aveidd !then live a blessbg, by means of ,a short period Of silence ;during Which private prayers were offered. A theetfuthymmxwasImmg followed by the Benedittion andlihe lab would then lathereutsidethe churl* for a time of fziehdly visiting boIfore4depar- ting for home. Bagpipers Frank MacKenzie and Bad MaeKenzie piped in the choir, the trainisbrs,. distinguished guests and tartan bearers. 7Fratik ,Eiegsbridge's „oldest xesidenti relebratedtbis101sthhthday on IllegdaY,,Juir251with a speeialparty at the Vountrylloads Lodge Where the lives. 1, 1, Mr.. Sullivan:was • beni at :his theme Eingsbridge to ,Jelin E and Catherine Winn) 1Stillivan, the ablb chiidoLathm(- iyo eight lie is mow the last curvi flieniber Of ;this fluidly and the ',Minivan at itingsbridge.. "He's really is remarkable man forliiis -age;" says DorOthylarriSlit operator ,of the Country Roads Lodge inetiremeot Some. ' 4110',e , up at six every lmdrning , and .is lusuaily -dressed and at , 'the breaktatt table lbefore everyone else." Frank bas been ca faithful,and lifelong member of the 1St. JoSeph Pariah, Mhfield And„saysile,can remeznberthe lintlog ''', e .where,bemadehis Tint ',4.11.013,‘.Communin s well as the in 305. 'oat ' dge bread to his house for five cents Bloat ',lough Frank still possesses a keen his favorite excuse is "I don't -remeniber..4en account :Of my age." One ,zstoty his friends like to !relate about 'Frank tis the lino An Acquaintance iv/as bean' to Tema*, 4!I -hope 1 -go quick - When I go. I %Wet -want to be .a bother to Anyone:" 'Heating this, Frank. replied, tette 1 11003401a " Track's theory of idol** life .is this: "Always be prepared, be -tearlY bed andearly to.rise; ,eat,.,zegular meals and Jots Of yzereise." !To ,show the ty'seein for *rend old lentietmatt Bev. :Father Ed ***Or, Vat..., Par* -priest at 4thigsbridge, 401ebrittlevd,_ r Frank's intentions followed -by - the open beii8e at the Country 'Roads e Ora* lhas TeOided .since 1900. 40441 Plaques land gonoratglatisits Fmk froutlAsesiald. inder, j4eutenant Governor; ; the Matable Alan lOuirppAyi „of . ; Void .,1) of 9staris; 14441C *OA Y y gs from it many t ':hip „we t a long way to 8 --.tak,Mg egovancs 10)fit tigrthdeY 41,Yery special I. ido. wZ• • 4 I :1, • ' 11.1P lnotellosthe :required for the aafe &woad domestic waste The Township of Kinloss will use the funds to conduct "a bydrogeological study, implement a monitoring system, create an zeidte buffer area and pro- vide for final Closure of the landfill site. Lt Nigel .Bellchaniber's recent hiring as Huron County's new administrator is both a career step and a move home. The former Bayfield resident, who is acting manager of the London Field Management office of the Ontario htinisky of Municipal Affairs, begins his employment with Huron County r 1. or Belichainher, who was raised and attended elementary school in Bayfield, and high school in Clinton, and has a 'cottage in Ashfield Township, the move brings bin eloSertellerOn County roots And foully. His mother, Audrey, lives in 'Hayfield 00, while his wife, 'Dianne, is OOP Oederieb, ire berflarents Bert And *Ole ,gdsheli;e, 441 . Move iliat sloolilerwardlo," BellehaMber old last Week. "I've ikOPed foraVOW Yeattk in posi- tion .10 V0,04 ;fw . 1ip very 41041ki ('TTU 1 res 1 N, with 'hf (VA v 40 sor ee Affilvonts y•4114 WIO ren.40 clerk-Adinitgitrator TOO 14,00