The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-19, Page 11The Vhitechureh 'Women's instftute held their international _affairs -meeting on July 12 in th comniunity Merle IVilson was theonvener. Presi- dent, 'Mrs. -Marjorie 'Mall opened the meeting •with the •opening ode, Mary Stewart celled followed by the Lord's Prayer. -The ,'secretary, Agnes -Farrier, -read the minutes And gave the financial Teport. The institute ladies •from 'Winghain eaill entertain At:Brookhaven-on July 19. A thank you 'note was ',received from Pearl Hodgins of Wingham 'for being able to Attend the .good bus leip.in June. A piano instrumental was presented by . 'well talented young Man from liar- Tiston by the mute 13f Jonathan Oldergarm, a -relative of Mrs. Greg ,r-46i c4C f , 0 . , • i'. '-'. +. , -, „.Stewart .of Whitechtarch. Be is studying 4be -a toncert pianiet. The Toll eallwag answered by 20 ladies with a famous .quotations given out on :paper :by Merle Wilson. The elistrict Annual report was give by 'Helen _Currie. leire. Jean Tiffen playedea -piano -solo. The motto, -red,. yellow, black, white was given 'by Mrs. :Elgin Johnston. Merle Willson gave a 'talk on citizens And education.The institute singers, in- cluding lean iiffin, Gertie Dwinin, Jean Ross resccoinpanied by -Agnes -Farrier at the :.piano sang. A geegraphy match concluded the meeting. The lunch committee of Mrs. Russel 'McGuire, Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs. Gettie Dwinin -served lunch. The Dungannon W.I. members inet in the Dungannon United Church basement -on July 6. The meeting opened with potluck supper at 6 :pm. and was -presided over by Canadimi Industries c enven o r Jean 'Err ingt 0111 land Agiirejlenre convenor lle 'Crozier. ;President .Mary Robson opened the meeting in the lisnall =timer 'singing the opening ode and repeating the Mary _Stewart 'Clillect. "The minutes of the May meeting were -ready .and Adopted. -A report was _given of the '75th -Mirth- day on June 1st, -read by Sec. ;Roberta The Call was answered by liming ea :product•c-which -mould :be missed .4.1f the :farmers ewerd -,stitilte". In the _correspondence thatddlowed thank:47ml -mote was -read !from Dreta :Stewart who had been bCdLon eher 4/..th !birthday. Also A letter --from _Myrtle .Bericer who extended 41 -Best Wishes" to the Institute. The -report of the District AnnuaLtheld in Baler elmr-eh was given by the delegates TihnireTimligan And Jean ;Er- riegton. -311Imira gave the morning Aes- sion and Jean gave the afternoon report. 'Welcome was -extended to All present :by Stella 'Reath= Of Tiger Dunlop 33ranch. An invitation is being -extended to meeting for next -rally by 'St. lielen's Institute. A'remit agthe june 'bus trio to .-Erlemd lee Mame and Museum was given by Ithe six members -who enjoyed the trip. 1Theinetindent tbuetuntedlhe meeting ..over :to 'Canadian 3ndustries. !convenor :Jean to gave a thurnorouS Treading 'Same Job, Mifferent "The August •Thagge fThe1-ftesconvenorLoann --Doug. a Lueknow Sentine19 Witihvegasizaily 199 1$80-4Pagtfl , .. • • . Come Eon - .1 got ya, iseems to he what llatleue Aitchison, on first base, is saying as lama Stmde makes aimed tbadeloriirst base taring 'Wednesday 'evenings game. Matthew Meatin, in the baeligramid leaks on to make sure the play is fair. (Pat Liv- ingston:Photo) 'Twelve tables of :euchre were played at the Dungannon Senior Citizen _Centre on Wednesday Evenhig, July 12th. • Mary Jrdmston beld itigh white card, while Arthur Stewart liekl low. Muth &Well was -high lady with Ilarbare -Pollock low. Alitmt :250 persons enjoyed :the Beef/Pork Barbecue on Saturday the 15th -tif duly, isponsored by 'the mon Senior =i7s. Proceeds *Tim this event Are ented rfor *keep Our ampreeiathm to 2111 Who ieelped with : anICCCOSS. fiGANNON ley Bonnie *hedges L'ongratedations to Glenda and Marc P-anzavecehia, London, on the birth of their limighter icaystal •• Anna , on Friday ably 14th at 3St. Josephs Boepited. Primd Igrandparents are 2rdert ,and 'Martha Parks, petegannon. L . McDONAG1- eler, INSLIKANC,in .5M2031 ,IJICKNOW etiiIMNOW elet185',X252.5"ehetiroisted cwatere$110.0.0 LUKNOW-c14440.1ovv2 'T.3-i)Oilte91001 catiNteozPaVidlitiVeOnv,,,,idadowii,sfulli ' immosagati..-.04411140Rtigoittool1. .i1SIN141108-4-reisiggete, WRY tIk & W Q' loistiNgg"Wanto0 clitASBRAtogINNON 101D;MitailtION Q Birthday fClub ,Jori IOW luIy0, 1985 lesarsegid EAST ,DF 141,ICKNOW rIAI ?HWY. SO 6213490 ,For rcrop itiformn Pia our Vwn car Beady Piaed it*ohr Mot"; • liclay 10 iin. di 9,4113.0 19 am 5.30m4. 7 ' s, 6