The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-19, Page 4--"LueloanntSeathael, Wednesday, Jib? 111119 P.D. Box 400, Lucknow, Ontaro NOG 2i40 £28.2822 Established a4 Thomas Thompson — Advertisng Manager Subscription rates ltdVaTlile: Pat Livingston — General titanager 711° Outside Canada *SOP — Editor 111490 Outside Canula $58P -Senior Citizen Second class mailing reg. 'no. 0847 Advertising is accepted on the condtion that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising apace occupied by the erron • item together with a reasonableallowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. • _Growing up on a farm can be o wonderful importance. The Thriftless opportunities for play, adIi.1 explanationlii--11-0111C farm yard a haven for :children. But it can also."). a piece of unseen andunexpected stringer. As any farmer knows lagricultural equipment, chemicals and livestock are not playthings. They are tools not toys. Each year. many young lives aro-lost and many more injuries occur 'because of farm :accidents. in 1987 alone, 22 children -died on :Canadian farms as o direct result of :agricultural accidents and the sad 'fact Is - most Of these tragic deaths caukthave been „avoided. 0 the four E's to child safe- ty had been nforced. ,farm Atifirty.Week, July 23 - 31, isa MOO tim. 10 raviow your ,cisieratIon, annum It's -mita and to look Irlosolly at Mut four nu the f,hazarids, Iledsnate the cldighen an -bow to linhavo around madditery and Ihmettodc, Talforcerstifety rides and, latest im- portantly, 'set a good Example .for the young'flanners of tomirarrow. The theme of -this year's Farm Safety Week, sponsored by the Canada 'Safety Conndl in cooperation with Agriculture Canada, is ChIlidren on the farm and Keeping them Safe. Tho aim is to make adults aware that it is their respondbliity to make she ,farm o saki • environment for %children. Rules of hum ,safety are NOT meant to be Inaken and children must Jeans this early:Iblreep your farm safe :from -trimedy,listiforc, e the rides such as mo flagmen wiechbrenr„ IMO Of protective equip- ment when alealhm with hazardous chemicals, 'keeping soave areas of the yisaiLa'AllerSotry' zone, and by .Obsenring these ladesyourself. Even the list.behved thlId can forget or ilisiikey. Sbnlierlly, ,superviesdAddlidren will occasionally and up vdsere they don't belong every parent; can contest to -this fact. Taking ahlkinswfor granted sand aseurebig that your yornmster. °knows better' can be extreme- :ly silangerows..isiveri The statistics are ,staggedim.'Don't let year child or a child vislthig your -ham become part of 'them. 0 undy's back • fik] AHIE !IL'S •by FIW " -Indy -kIt's good to be back. 'Not Pat hat* ir Umbels (while Mrs. Fizit is I days), bat good tote back i. Yen„your former editor hir6111 to the or stomping grounds iLot off tk- heels Of an extended tizebnion hiatus in South Amerieli. And, believe it or not, I feel very fortunate to be here. Sure a long holiday in some wild and !exotic location is a great experience and one filled with adventure...but'there'.1 lot to be said for •staying in a place Nvfiere yqu can drink the water, breathe the air rind speak the language! I envy Mrs. Plait She's probably reading this while sitting in a lawn chair with a summer beverage of some s -rt. She's wearing a halter -top an coloat; shorts. Her only worry this week is what Harvey is going to make her for supper. Now that's a holiday. • A week ago, your humble scribe here was in the depths of the Amazon jungle battling the biggest biting bugs you could possibly imagine. The only cool drhdr available was treated water scooped from the thrashing currents of the Amazon. I was wearing a plastic rain poncho and rubber boots. The only colour on my per- son was the red welts caused by ant bites. • I did' n't have to worry about supper. It Wits_._the same as it had been for a week - rice and Med bananas, with fried bananas andric' e for dessert. Mrs. Fixit is right now working on her tan. 41 6 week I was working on how to Does this dug -out canoe sink very tan : in Spanish. vaIe I was tryhig to figure out how in heaven's name an international flight cori" delayed by 26 hours and what there was'to do in an airport in Lima for that ler lth of time, Mrs. Fixit was try - Inc to time out how long it would take Ninnber One Son to weed the garden and whet.- nr not stx 1 ,011 enough ice cube trays to last the full 14 days of her vacation. Ana while I was climbing down out of the Andes in a blizzard at 15,000 feet, she was climbing into her easy chair for a rousing session of Wheel of Fortune on channel I had a very difficult time figuring out the exchange rate of the Canadian dollar to the Peruvian IntL Mrs. Fixit is having a !lard time figuring out which day she'll drive 'to town to exchange the green dress for the blue one. I bads's. pretty good time on my holiday south of the ecuator but I'll bet dimes to donkey dung that Pat is having a blast and will return to her desk here at the Sentinel refreshed and relaxed. I returned here reeling and with a rash. Some people have all the luck, eh? PS. Have a good holiday Pat, and if you ever have trouble with malaria, I've got some pills left over. it.B. • • Mid -Summer Sale Special el 5 LADIES' SUMMER DRESSES—ALL THE LATEST STYLES —COOL AND WASHABLE. SIZES 14 TO 20 AND 38 TO 44. REGULAR TO um IN LOT. Affs,,iir TO CLEAR AT *Z. 95 The Side Is Still Going ,On With Drastic Reductions 43n The Entire Stack. Buy Now And Sap sr!, 411,..5 Remember vth -Dn c all11111111111111111111, '10 years to ' „Ifif 'Celehnition st peace, -.:Saturday tot this week bas been ,holiday throughout the Britinh Etre for the 'celebration !of the Teace!Xreati tonnid- lY .bringing *wrote. War40tuvend and Clinching the fought victory of Bri- Ilan and iher allies vier flerizany. Lucknow, She:every tother' town in the country, •celebrating And Illitergort is being made tomake The tday,o004; the beet in Abe iiistorkof .the /*age.: are out iannouniOng a7tiong,liot 01 lie games and,vonteottoibe *flikott Caledonia Park Saturday. • The field Aday rwW be 4:41900:0 f• -•A islendid evetibc01 e*ertai&mieit in ib 'Town Hall. Entrance been 100 Siita money iroPltiqg 1111.111111111111111110111111111.111111.11111111111111111.11_ 11ThattEMOIRS 411101.11111111111011111111111111111111MMIIIM tomer barna have be* deetrOed TecentlY• 'The fires Alive ,Ileen locearring at Tegular intervals ofboort every two weeks. 'There is 110 ,eVideaCe •tO =gigot oll* oirolnal is. Se yeas ago y19, born enough weight to achieve any aca lion. 25 years ago Balt Idts local bones - A -brief but violent electrical ,Atorin late Tuesday aftemoonwas telt In at least four, homes in Lucknow. It was fortunate that fatalities ,-and fire did not :resut. The .most ,datnage occurred at the 11010.,eAefliOnnan Taylor and it is indeed bleStat that the (residence vise un00- „,oupied At the OMe of the storm. "The Taylor AMOY time`..h011411,0 4 0* Acton UO4 Itheti ,thoy received meow by oat that thrJne had been.atruck Jy pvinglestryoing army worms, :discovered Ashfieki Towel* ten days ago, seems to be well under control with -corn- paritively little damage. • it was 41 week ago Sunday that Lorne lather discovered 'the infestation. The 1V0111113 were 'discovered on a farm near the lake. The Toad wars and the worms had worked their way into a field of barley - *Ming 0P/rations were Varetully *car- ried out and, it this has been ef, lective in o 1hng the pests. • * years ago ;Sy It OM ca• ° jallelt:en Unit eb e A toronto man *molt, en*. and 0*ing 410:. ,int,o a 140 1,0111, OP* . !Wm am- ia *woos') IP June. est lot Abe l_art joie. p. stolen were reredwheivu oorwQ,PP searched iflantsleskienee in Toronto. 'The man 'Stratford ,iry lie who (the* iteiloW4° a AM* bC0kin r,tfl that city4 Article*, fromthat theft as well AS *tiers frovri * Winklham rpbbery were found in '•the 00400, -of