The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-07-12, Page 11Approximately 16 young ones turned out for T-1Isill last Wednesday evening. Coach is Cliff Mann and parents help out in -field. While the little ones are having fun, they are taught where to stand to hit the ball And how to hold your glove. William Kugler gets ready to:give his best shot. Right now some of them areal quite sure where first is, ,but one of these days,as they progress, thefil probably be Able -to tell their voach a thing ortwo. Who kows - JAtelmow might lave the mart Mahe Rith! (Pat Ilvingston photo) °This annual Bruce County Cattlemen's BBQ and dance is being ,held .on Wednesday, July -19 at the Chesley Com - =nifty Centre. Diluter is -from .5:00 to MO pm., f011owed by entertainment and . a dance to "The 'Entertainers". Cost is 411 per person. -Tickets are ;available from 'directors or the 'OMAF office. -The :deadline for purchasing tickets is July 15. Farm Tax Rebate The Ontario Farm Tax Rebate Pro- gram has been modified for 1909. The following is a .sinnmary; 1. The property -owner must limn the property or part of it AUTbe-eligible Lora rebate on that property. If the entire property (land and ottliiiildings) rented -out, this property is liot ‘eligible for a rebate. 2. The rebate WM be reduced by 496 for every11000 of the property owners' off - farm income :in -excess ,of a base amount. 'The base ,amount is ',determined as - vne.owner on litle„4404800; —two -or mere olviters oil iltle,460,0000. zNo rebate will be paid 'When Abe com- bined *Vann income of „ail owners •',exceeds: - Stie ,owner on title, 410000; -,two or ,more owners so Aitle, VOA% Any source of in that is vearned from nowfanning merges, with the O - en of peewee MCOMe 444 14111111Y Ukvwance bits, ,001111idered farm income. The off -farm income will be Ile from the applicant's in- come ;tax 'return from the previous year. 3. The two payment sYsteln will be discontinued. One payment for the full -amount of the ,eligible rebate will be made in the 'fan. Application forms and supporting material will be sent out to farm property owners in late September. 4. itebate,amount will be 100 per 'cent of -elijible taxes ?levied 'on lannland And outbuildings fleas any Applicable reductions. 5. The %roes production requirement re- -maims Amehanged it 48,000 'for southern and western :O, or SMOG for nor - 'Wail and Aastem 'Oaten°. 6. 'The Wowing ,conditions will ApPlY10 retired fanners, moneys lof deceased ,fermer and iindiViduals rwto ive to Teduce,production ;due to alma-, 411" -able *TAMS, ions cur r in ,place 'WM contititte - rented-properpy will pe :eligit; tor the rebate - the rebate wili Jretweea., onling to the Own !s ,,off4e - • irirue require - Meat as *OW ',Ahoy 1. 11eVIV,grorn Igo .is are moll& on aProperty ihY,ProPtiti, Successful farming demands that you keep a close watch on every aspect of your operation, and your fertility program is no excep- tion. A well managed fertilizer program can -13C,011e of your most profitable crop investments. PLANT ANALYSIS from your local Crop Care Centre is 'one of your best tools to set a detailed look at bow well your crop is making use of the plant food you've supplied. This informa- tion can be invaluable in fineotunh* your fields for maximum profit. When it Wanswers about fertilizer and crop nutrition, tact your your local -Crop Care 'Centre . Altera, helping you keep erops 'profitable is what we're here for. "Where you von Voile omisiono oitlivorklene" IJwIImxishAtifijoi*Cicierctimilfd .cAooksilik Atiktoo WSW 2244110 i22141441 • WOOS 0100.0 1870,01 ZEEPISIO :010)1$ ROVrMn