The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-28, Page 2211/ i AIIINIMMINIMUMMINIENNialliia fl MIN -.1.1innte-and Itarlenearetthilll- W to „announce :the :birth L:of their licn, 'Taylor James M.I.) Am June, Ile Lin 'Victoria lloanli, Uon, weighing, 6 fibs. 11 caz. 'Proud ,lierandpinants .are "Ainugd land 'Yana Valor mull .Jain Irwin le IL .3,1Winglaun.11.J.A.s-agroatimuttionlbr „Lyla Vreleavtn, ;Anna Jiihnston, Vintham,MiarnicegiotMtida. tInvinEanci Iziwis Valor, .1;acknow. lAind fBrt (Een)bf ''"reeavoiter atrettliiItithindAiiithlitetarrivall ,tithelr-von Michski cilkaiey„ can jone 16, 131bt. 13 Goa., Witigligan land Madrid litiebaell lit La Avec brativer for,jarria. TAIr1128101V - 'Pamela Patterson ,of 1, Winghain Irelcornes Itith love 'beratin, 1Cev1n, ',born .June 12, UN, tin ViOhinta and'33iattiet BIth1,weighbig 7 lbs. "13 nz. - Autd *cove tai IntiknOvrare litesatti 4innOUnte the b1tTh4if thOlr ilOn, ttar*n Arahain, on <June IS, •-in Witighten and biltritt ilOopital, /MOW 43 fibs. 43 ,az. .01641114Pgrents zaire barn ,ALton raham ,and VANNUS - Tom nd 4lane lianibeth art iileasod to soinotinee the arrival Craig "Thomas, May 18, 119. A :trailer fer Lair and TOME Are Vb. laid Uri C. VIM* • 4indViro'y taidile URN* ,off it 1, ant - 'Mart y told Ibthli Met :E�yle) Ihsait tveti ter the *ate 4tritoni :their *St 4thd, Ahditaw Ishatin, 4arte 1/, VW At St. Joaeplies Iziotratil„ tebdoe weighli* Th. 11 ft„ at 7:1 fli. Prile 4ran4padit5 :a Jim And Vary ?Soye o Iittelmew. WILLIAM 1111ARLIDS:MCICINNON TIVEZtinnanzflt: figtingstonlifted isatidenlyathialximestmVednesclay, June Int ..1whisI4thlyear. Mr. Mainnonanarbemememberedty isomeln revenlhough:heleithis anloplzd ° iandLyiliaMeltinnon, isecondeoncessionideaboilt392431r. .settled mew djoyeetEle (Ifingstonzuva Yaratlivedanactiv.eilifeln Ihemounnunity. Atfhomebornvhourrivedatthalain- nonfarminSeptembee19.13; lorgotithetemdlinies,_ J:ffoinfigatplunithe_ Innuataingside2ouffinnilybadtiscusm •placelatJoyeeffile. lieviaathechelondlusbandttEaralLeter- trudeliturryglearbrotheninziaw Id Mem, Marne 'Terry and Ins 7wffe Meta, MbanaslEteranitaster- imlaw.,33etty33erry;rhelovedxlearnneleof MehrInaukLinstaife,Judyzankl, itickandTinrymIsomuTvivedrhymuneraus Itheraferyidearmiecesandlnephows. .11r..,'Auecintionmeatetkat thernmpkins ,3GannnoquelmitiTihrefiuwiral amine .was !held mn,June 46. r raenhaveamemcdallamiens. iiiiitoennoteAXW: IA -Ottawa, .agrandsonAtill/simIL-ydia McKinnon, lAppideprovidedtheJabominfonnation duraronierazittheliniabsel- 144314altiOnclallothistaie ted away rowny Minaniline and Mini:rid Iloppitaiflutitune16,1989,,atthesigeoffa. Mdffiiptidownsbiplanner, litaelinnniewas-nanembennftheutalifieki rftesbyterian :1111mreh and the ladinow Ile 173121S lb= ligtheldttawaship on Mare= 392,1 Isabelle 1:1)liktelcenzie. "On: 3948,1inTinelliverlinit&I ihirilandienziennaniedthefonner liettbalifaiden,qoflimarlownship. ilinaideshisidWBetthaolifraifinelienzie dsmurvivedLitryisisthildrimMongititUber- lia;'.narytifiUhertaalinne landirlorcatoLandTanyleftif -Torattoiiielsalsosurviredimtwasisters, liatheriaelfterslefigerrisbargaattlielin ,Matlimger cOf Tnint XIatrk, and Inine caandchildrn. rEmaeralarrangemeatswereintimulte0 ALscitenzieAmilleCreetlauseddlieme, locknow. memorial•Aermice irotakilliettilkeshytetienThavhsellon- Way, , lune I9, with Itev. LE :Nugent of Ashfield;PieshyteriartiCiurthAadltev.A. -.Bikisleyteflfiaosatisealtelirstetioartbuith Officiatiag:Drgattiatwasifamesafartin. Tinal ,mestiag place was Tweenhill IleineterY, UtOknow. Wea ther changes merVB inBtiiuie icuie,'plaits Ine ialebowl3vomews austitatLibme magetogivocikeidlon.hweaotztisitiorn ha1LThs,was ,toilavo iieoen [tke Joao .euti.iimeAtoviteather Istirditions mks rd roco. A fizot tiwk kitztelosn 40As tiaeldittt 1230 lbeill;k0A0g1PentatitithAbeSkielaid the Mary '1Atelyart thce tl)erOthy:1300m. Msess;soart, of Uwlageting qgonthWittl• u1y J2, 1e ,AtAssjoar PRIEM UICKN13W S782730 WOOD DESIGN rPattilligi Refiribdting The ilefinhihing Specialist WindoiNs Tancia Sofffts • ,.:EaVelitrOUVIS'• • And All rWood7rzim AwcitimowynNc. WhOieNtie- 44wy.416412ast 1.1101514PAMINKM HOMEMEATINGIIIIIVICE241,1101MSLIMAY tomostmon .-110CliEYABALLVORTA01110)114COOMORIM Moin:3310141-41$019411,10/31114DAYAAMK9MM 4EIXOTRICAt, CONTROTORS AWL IAMB.* REERKIELWION liERVICX AU-4MM a4,144$ WARRANTY 'SERVJVE :941741ftlie lgill0005410 42,1*W AIM 11)iNtY"ild SW** ir.)PIP%1;1037,3itt Olt 1WOKAM4 07400 rARateIgfiPPA104140 IPONNAW3519.403,,vo