The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-21, Page 9June 6 saw 23 ladies .attend the Solith Kinloss W.M.S. Father's Day meeting. Elizabeth Dickie was hostess with direc- tor Ruth Bell, Shirley CelweB and Florence McConnell. President, Wihna Clarke, welcomed all and opened with a Father's Day reading upon 'which a hymn 'God Who Made the Earth' -was sung -accompanied by Vera Schmidt -at the piano followed by prayer. •The secretary's minutes were read and 'approved and correspondence heard. Next years study was suggested to the group either the Philippines or Islam will be chosen. The treasurers' and ladies' aid reports were given. Various business matters were given attention to. The Ripley Presbyterial was reported on to •the group by Elizabeth Dickie. Coming events include a congrega- tional picnic/farewell dinner to the Ramsays June 25 at 5:00 pin. Ruth Bell presented Mrs. Allison Ramsay with a small token of apprecia- tion from the group. Roll call, 'Something which I dislike', added a touch of humour to the program. Florence McConnel gave a well prepared Bible Study from Psahn 115 -which .included responsive reading' from the hymn book. Prayer Circle included Margie Col- lyer, Mary Lavis and Marion Campbell. Shirley Colwell gave a reading, 'My Neighbour'. Shirley then collected the offering and gave the offertory prayer. Articles of interest were pointed out by president Wilma from the Presbyterian Record and the Glad Tidings. A film was shown by Ruth Bell help- ing to bring Mrica closer to our hearts. A young African girl was centered out to tell /of her many trials and tribula- tions and her brave struggle to carry on despite the -many unjust practices shown. Codrtesy remarks were -extended .and the meeting closed :with hymn and prayer. , Next meeting is August 1 at the church with Mary Buckton as hostess. Dungannon Play School wrapped up its year last week with a -picnic at the Wawanosh Conservation Centre. l'he lit- tle ones wearing motarboards will be at- tending idndergarten in the fall. Left to right, front row, Catherine Robinson, Florence Stalenhoef, Amanda -Scott, (Anis Young, Karen Irvin, Ashley Giesbrecht, Amy D'-uoust. Second row, Pauline Stalenhoef, Karl Ulch, AmandaBrindley, Jesse Jolmston, Sandra Van Niekerk, Craig Peterson. Third row, Nathan Bak - Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce are seeking the public's assistance into an investigOtirm of vandalism, Which occur- red in the Wiarton area. The Wiarton Detacinnent Of the On- tario -Provinciad -Police report that a local 'Marton resident was dstor.inzlins` 1977 GMC Van, which was in -excellent condition, in a barn located just north of Wiarton, off of Highway No. 6. Sometime between May 24th and September 24th 1988, some unknown culprit(s) entered the barn and fired a shotgun into the van. One shot was fired into the windshield, one into the front passenger window and it continued out the Airiver's side window, .:one shot was fired into the rear quarter ...panel, and one shot was fired -into the right -rear side -Window. Approximately *1,500 was 'done to, the van„by the shotgun Masts. 'The motive and the identities Of the kers, Barbara Mole, Jennifer Bere, Nathaniel Miller, Evan Lonsdale, Alexis Lansdale. Fourth row, James deBoe;, Jeff MeNee, Kyle Johnson, Adam Smyth., Ryan McPhee, Billy Johnston. Teachers are Dawn Tucker, left and Judy Miller right. (Pat Livingston photo) person(s) responsible has not been determined as yet. It would appear that this act of vandalism was possibly the work of an uncaring irresponsible person. If you feel you can help in this or any other case, Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce are willing to pay a reward up to $1,000 for information leading to an ar- rest. Call Crime Stoppers at 118002654787. You will not ibe asked to identify yourself. You will 'be issued *Mb a -rode flunkher. you will never have ;testify in Jeoint. %14 :11Mk;:ig 1#1101111111111111111111:11111111ou111411111111111111,11111$11$1111111111111/ 111111111111111 PLEATED SIAM 1).00.014147',APPLIES 0)41Y OITIL ME 80, *100 4 .111101,11N4- au d - ES WV 1110 t1 WA IS 1 our 4 #011111It i 114111114. 4%. 1011 41111114 tot i• 1111 0 tli tail* al 0 Ili IA Ill 0 lotoss 0 4 Mi. A . Allk..... ) Bath In Stock Sheets Wicker 81 Reg. !toss -Rattan 4°5 Furniture v- .0 444/ai '14110411.014041. UI* I t 11111 CIS 111•11111