The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-14, Page 12Scuff 5d4 ea. & 7.44 PERFORMANCE TEST SUNDAY, iNgLrF D a 2J Rev. Gere (41GF��a ,r50 Nursery and junior congrerlEm - - EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCF Sunday, June 18, 1989 aso ►►iv,o Act GCOOMCO Sa74.73a3 11:00 A.M. Worship Service Nursery for Child �7b Dal end 1 •( years Rev. Allison J. C3amQ4„y, °.ndistor Everyone Welcome VEAL INFORMATION NIGHT Since Veal Production is a profitable an d growing business, we at Thompson Feed & Supply feel that a Veal Info Night would be an even- ing well spent. Along with some key speakers and your participation, this will be a very rewarding evening. GUEST SPEAKERS: PETER PEACOCK Shur -Gain Ontario Nutrition Manager "Red Veal The Shur -Gain Way" PETER GRAHAM Shur -Gain Animal Health Supervisor "Extras That Pay" THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1989 RIPLEY LEGION HALL — 7:3:O PAL If you are planning to attend, please reply by Tuesday, June 13, 1989. Looking forward to seeing you there. Barbecue hamburgers are on us. i!aie, 2 77'` die meetingfor Unit 2 of the n�axcnow United Curch Women was held at the home of Margaret Cameron, with 12 members and two visitors enjoy - a. g a pot luck luncheon. Marion MacFarlane opened the business part of the meeting with a poem entitled Summer, a reminder of Sunday in July and August. The rollcall was an exchange of recipes. The treasurer's report was given and the birti- 'ay jar passed for three bir- hdays -- Alen Cardis, Grace Campbell ane Noma Campbell. Plans were announced for the 75 year and over dinner at the church on June 15. The travelling basket proved very suc- cessful bringing the unit the sum of $60. Pennies for friendship were collected and the prayer repeated. The devotional part of the meeting was chaired by Margaret Cameron reading the poem Daily Prayers Dissolve Your Cares. Ellen Cardis read the scripture followed with prayer. Mrs. Cameron read poems very suitable to the beautiful month of June. The envelopes were collected and the benediction repeated. - A very capable auctioneer in the per- son of Stella Tilbrook conducted the hob- by sale bringing $56 and a lot of fun. All enjoyed the afternoon winding up this half of the unit's year. Unit Unit 3 of the Lucknow United Church Women held their June meeting at PinecrestNursing Home. Edith Webster and Jean Conley entertained the residents with their music. The group participated in singing hymns and other familiar songs. The committee served refreshments to the residents and visitors prior to their meeting. Anna May Hunter opened the meeting with a poem Hands are Funny Things. D- ein Lemoine read the scripture and Allene Bradley gave the meditation on compassion, followed with prayer. The minutes were read and approved. Thirteen members answered the rollcall, How to show Compassion. The offering was received, Collection of the Least Coin observed and the bir- thday jar passed. Mrs. Hunter reported on the two ban- quets and the luncehon that had been served to the Institute District Annual. Lois Goodhue and Edith Webster gave readings and Mrs. Hunter read a letter from a worker in Angola, who is working with the World Council of Churches. Following a closing verse and prayer, the meeting closed with the Benediction. The Lucknow afternoon Women's Mis- sionary Society June meeting was held at the church hall. President Rhoda MacKenzie opened the meeting by a call to worship and read a poem, This is the Day God Hath Made, followed by prayer. Following a hymn, the group repeated the purpose in unison. The Bible study was given by Alice Taylor, itholpoke.about a woman of the Bible, "the life of Debra" and prayer. Peggy Henderson 'accompanied on the piano as the group sang various hymns throughout the meeting. Rollcall was answered by giving an item on South Africa Vivian Wilson led in prayer and gave the highlights from the Glad Tidings. Mrs. Wilson told about the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the W.MS and the 125th anniversary of the first of the three founding organizations - The Women's Missionary Society, Montreal, The Women's Foreign Missionary Society of Toronto and The Women's Home Mis- sionary Society - held at the University of Western Ontario, London. A lovely banner designed and made by the ladies of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church was on display at the anniversary in London and sow will hang in the Lucknow Church. The Mission Study was given by Celia Aitchison, entitled "The Liberation of Theology - on which side shall the church be counted". The offering was received and prayer given by Elleda Laidlaw. Following the business portion, the meeting closed with prayer, grace and lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Aitchison and Mrs. Taylor. - rrp '-* With blue skies overhead, members of Trinity Session welcomed approximately 200 guests to their 20th anniversary (120 years since the first church was built) . The overflow crowd which were seated in the church Sunday school room watched the service on T.V. while Jim Nivins ably ran the video camera upstairs. Rev. Albert Cook of Lucknow very capably conducted the service with Rev. Robert Roberts of Dungannon giving the welcome & announcements. Rev. Arthur Scott of Sarnia gave a very thought pro- voking message entitled "Kicking out the Slats' while Mrs. Marian Hummel of Beamsvillle (widow of Rev. James Hum- mel) told a very interesting story to the children. Ruth Alton at the organ and Shauna An- drew at the piano provided the music for the prelude and hymns. Special music was rendered by the junior and senior choirs. Rev. Arthur Scott and his wife Betty and son Ian sang two inspiring numbers with their son Darryl at the piano. A very beautiful arrangement of flowers was on the communion table presented by the Zinn family in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin G. Zinn. The remainder of the Church was decorated with bouquets of flowers arranged by Mrs. Win. K. Andrew. Following the service everyone was in- vited to Brookside Public School for lunch and fellowship with friends, neighbours and former members. "The friendly store for Father's Day" Daily 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.:m. Fridays till 9 p.m. Wing ham The St. Helen's Women's Institute meeting of June 5 was based on interna- tional affairs. The opening ode was followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Roil was a sentence ot,ithort ver on peace and was answered by 13 members. Elaine Errington presided for the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting and treasurer's report were received. Reports from Lila Rintoul and Margaret Cranston on painting and on the Huron West District Annual at Ben - miller May 29 were received. Elaine Er- rington, Edith Cooper, Jean Phillips and Muriel Moffat had attended the meeting. Jane Mue. ge reported that 500 4-11 Members had taken the Working with Wool club. Beth Wilck nutrition consul- tant spoke on good nutrition and the im- portance of this in daily lives. Several ;ladies attended Dungannon Women's Institute's 75th anniversary at Brookside on June 1. Norma Raynard showed a film on Third World countries and had a melody of international songs. Lila Rintoul, who was hostess for the meeting, gave several readings on the theme Grandmother.