The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-06-07, Page 5LC s students Ltend Young Authors' fConference The ,Teactherillbrarians' Alsociation for ',Bruce County has jolt 'completed its 4Ith' YOUNG AWIRORS' CONFERENCE, June 1. Ibis year, eael -school in the southan section of the county was Invited to Par- ticipate in a boOk making unit in 'con- junction with their creative writing or literature programs. Teachers selected :approximately two .or three students how -each class to ,be delegates to the Young Authors' ,Conference. The selec- tion was made, based upon the amount of effort put into the -work, and the ex- cellence ,of the ;production. About 200 children from the southern section of Bruce iCounty attended, which included 18 from Lucknow Central. At this year's conference, the chiklren met with two famous published Cana- dian authors of ltbildrent bras: Max, tyn Godfrey Ind :Sharon Siamon. As well, they shared their own books with each other and participated In a variety of workihops related to the creative process. These events were add at Walkerton District Secondary School. 'For an event of this magnitude, ,we have to rely on donations from a varie- ty of sponsors. The generous support of the following organisations 1s 4:natty Appreciated. Lucnow`Legkon, Wakerton Legion, Ripley 'Legion, Federation of Women Teachers' Association of On- tario, .Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation, Bruce County Board of Education, -Royal Bank, Barger Xing, Scholastic Books, Md)onalcrs, and An - nick Press Ltd. Live life, but love and love Jesus The general meeting of Lucknow United Church Women was held May 30 in the church ;parlour. Deanne Reavie, the vice president, welcomed everyone present. Rernadean Ritchie opened the devo- tions .with a prayer, followed by the tmligiire reading by Allen Bradley. Mrs.- 'ed 'Love "Love God, Love Thy Neighbours, and Love oi ves", then 'led in prayer. The offering was received by Evelyn Cook and Marion MdFarkme and 'dedicated by Tay Crawford. Mrs. 1VidFarlane was the accompanist for the 'hymns. The .guest speaker, Wilda 'Thompson of Pimple Grove, co-ordinator for this ,area of Bruce 'Presbyterial was in- troduced by Anna May Hunter. Mrs. Thompsores theme "The World God So Loved" stated that God loves . beauty; •the leaves it everywhere. God loves law and order; -his laws are dependable. loves wholeness; At can be seen After '71the tdevastation clef war when everything begins -to grow *obi and also after disease, in the 'thealhg pro- cdure. God ism ,every battlefield and trods the city streets. "Mie advised as to live life but love midlive Jesus, there is no neutrality. 'We -must :Bee -that -the light tf love burns brightbr; -self -,seeldng ends in disaster. move is a master fkey :that !opens the gate to happiness. Love is thriatian care and compassion in ac- tion. This °portion was ended with" a •poem "Today islhe Day" -,then prayer. She inentionedlhatwe baire a wealth :Of time, MAO seconds aach day to be Awed Student w -to a good purpose. If we fall lo use it all, what isn't used is lost, so take time. Mrs. of the the .U.C.W. Conference meld in Port Elgin. She reported that -the study book for next year will be "My Neighbours Faith and Mine". Each U.-C.V. 'is asked to donate $10.00 °toward refurbishing a MOM at St. Pauls College, 'University Of Waterloo. The church is beginning en "Ecumenical 0 • • e" :for solidarity of women. Stewardship of the terrain is being focused on, such as garbage, soil erosion, 'prillution, hazardous Chemical storage -etc. She closed with a reading "In 'Whatsoever State - Content". Me acourtew temirks were made by Lois Walden. Mrs Reavie .Presided for the business zporfionc.of 3hemehtinife 'Manua ,144tride, 'tont the Attteeldance walitIts and °the mbnites �f the previous meeting. 1The :treasurer's -report was liven by 'Maine ,Steer and Alice and& reviewed the budget. A711.CM. 7retreatatillbe 'held at Silver 'Lake CamR, June .422, the theme being "Walking in 'Love. "nem -WM be a worrbee at -the camp Arne ons Of articles to replenish the supplies at -the wimp -are -neede. A motion was made A° lave /Amyl supper in Flowing ,the committee -reports, the meeting djourned. Seilidael, W.. 1111 Comae to ."- alley Green Flowers mew. 8$18401M for the fest in Floral Arrangesnesitsb • Wedding Flowers and Funeral TrThutes designed with that extra touch. Talk to Donna cor Nate, who have elver 20 years conalshaed experience In the retail florist busbaess. met Forget We &diver to: RIPLEY, WINGHAPI, DUNGANNON, and surrounding areas. A, s 4,14 Ili! My name is „Joan ICUtkert and I'm •a :student in Grade 12 .attending 7. E. Madill `Secondary &hod. For two :credits this year have 'chosen the CoOperative .Education 'Program. The program, ratarted by :Mr. Inwood last yea, !has given imeigrest "hands .on" expeence in the working world. This 'program requires -a student grde.12-or13,,to stork 120 Iowa vver the sohaelyearin,ateartath worktatee• Mien -a :student enrolls in the ts.lp ;Program < they Ida either-vrott in thelnornings or afternoons. 1Thataver.fits into their „Schedule. I have „for al -swami_Of years been deepty interested in lc* tiglabogi idacatiaa. 1'.E..11,1adilllasitiverme Fait -chance Through US -Vag= to wet* Aim* with Aden. A.who4e -school year vrorking-Wrtiiildren either Will -en- lorce 111Y 'claaire to work -With ,other Children or make me -maize *other job -woukt he sere innUible for me. Mr2iguiesueet for the firit half .ofthe :school year -Woo' r,tiarserY school. Imiine vriben I Alm = Jae, NOW, 0tiester one trAn8101` ax VW) ;sot force: atraisht fi me worting As If I were hired with .an 'SAE They. two **them us:15 me to work 'directly. with the ;Children. Story -time mras4great. Mead* .ones ready to grab :on to ,ritnovatIgetb- lained IrcorboOksItureltillifferaittrthen reading to -my tlaaimatee English irc1e .titlass. was another great es- verleme. Cleaning t alter graft time, denotaling the T00111 for :different taw .sions,r,Unikhajg astir ,ziatelfS (for 'the lime men were just great. Every anyee of numem;aohool cwas,ahavm 'Awn*. 'V* loilleolfAill the' thildro,gr sneasTarrival Stflpodtleter -*Tot tbe!_thildient werefao,,, t firStowid the mglsrmenuitie'Ase coop -,p1'ootmo3 the esierientosi'l sio titosterOt tallovting toe 11112rexpettii4ee, fll-;never. forget, riFebnualrAlivittehotio 'moth the 'DO' coo -Centre -ieltingbm. :Here differeoce between iTherAri tar - two nin Iwas Amery 1. boaetup•for Jog fur ,-0,040 ever, - 411Y 1111 Box 400 EAL EED RIPLEY 395.5955 Since Veal Production is * palatable and growing business, AVE Sdr Thompson feed& Suppirleellhats Veal Into Night would bean mow:. • Ing well spent. Along with -some key speakers and your partitipation; this will bea very rewarding GUEST,SPEAKERSUREACOCICShunOfl. titrition Manager lifted liVeal 'The Sburaein War' PETER GRAHAM Shur4Gain Atihnallileafth Supinilsor "Extras That 'Par THURSDAY, 'JUNE 15, 1989 RIPLEY LEGION HALL - 7:30 - If you are,tibuuting to attend, please reply by Tuesday, June 13, 1989. Looking you there. Barbecue hamburgers are on us. ve to see UPPY b11 4aY(One Iawe Y cat • 41,