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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-05-31, Page 12
Page 12-01AltkirwSegthiell, liVsdattildly9 fidy:319 adline - Mon. ,tet 12 noon 1 1. Articles -for Sole TRY CAE FURNITURErnew _and used Dial Godetich„:524-1231. '--40tfar RAMD-PIREWe a aSLAES _delivered by truckload now or order for later. Joe van Osch11954865orcontactJacob Stuizman at St. 'Helen's mill .--45tfmar GIWWINHOUSE-E&Ilydroponic Gardeners - Get the best i.selection and :prices in Canada -plus ifree ishipping program. Buy fromthesamesourceaslocalstores. Free catalogue. Western Mater 'Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V8B .3N9 (604) '.882;;6838.7----lbc- SOLA BALLAST Pro -Ark and Sylvania Lamps 'Hydroponic 'kits .and books plus much much more. Send $2 for .catalogue. Greenhouse and hydroponic store, .63 Clarke Sideroad, .London, Ont. N5W.5W7 (519) 4524919.-10bc BEST.BUILIUNG'BUYS -Compare -.Com- plete Commercial. QoAlity straightwalls .40A411548,840 (Notquonsettype Similar smvingson various -limited steel - Serious buyerstrally..PARAGON "1400426341499 (24 hours):-.-46bc STEEL $1 S .,Clearance Sale - Quonset :19x9x24 112449 ; 40x14,t50 4509; 50x.17s6048.49.9 ; withEndwall and endwall with sliding doors. Straightwall :30x10x30 $4,399; 40x12x45 46;199; 'Wood 'steel with endwalls. _Limited offer. 'Call Pioneer/Econospan 14004684422 (24 hours ),---,19bc ASPARAGUS _for sate. Phone "Frank .Maelienzie,1211-.23931-419422x • TENCILISM cAllthotencingeaperttGottheanawersto thenhowsgandiithatslifiroiler•AgeAtie9- .1,rical dewing. SeeGInatJ 1 1ior calrt28031 Seelthe Arectedlencelzigbt Linitheitereler new .lideananchinnovationsinalencing,-+2422ar .�l •$ IPAIINAVIS AO% ',OFF `IOR MORE "Ibreabowrooms. New lines iinchade Y '1 V RA/tATTAN Marehouseaopezylkesdayto:finturtley,-71 XingWestAorest. (519Y.186-11110.4-422ar SII.P.IROMR-fonnewer Mends 3wheekATCrYnwahgaivkeel-ATC,'Thone 3954308.-422,13x -PROPANE `,STOVE,`130tineh, few IC condition. Thane Teter „528-254144.-.4122x SLIDING TLAII7 VASS xoiltb)40ws Ino .fraine.$) -9.one26"„.;x[36" ;Awelve126"z,z42" ; twentyosix 20" rz36";,,alsoltwor4,pairtblaek InetailleconativeShotters14" .202",.Thone i524.4371.-40tfrixe DOORS :fiuminsidetioOri30":x78 .40Lione A244371.4-40thixe IIAIIDRAFTF.4), iew, githite vine lawn • rs.IcApel;tod,r.style.190100,,,each. 6i42944214,44fnie r leyth f tts lotily1042441 4 1. Articles for Sate TOLEDO .ELATTRoNre -SCALE 20 ib. Capacity Electric "Pallet Lifter, :Stainless Steel Freezer Door and •Frame. Open To s..Phone52448211,9-5pan. or524-4240 after Opm.-16tfrixe Co' • - Factory Inventory .28 x 40 $3;986 ; V166025,450 ; 46.x,90$8;900 ; 60x 120 $17,000, Clear Span Widths from 20 :feet to 240 feet. Call °now 14004684338 or (416) 1792=2704.-18bc $ 1 in I RESTAURANT, hotel, deli, :bakery, but- cher,.grocery, suiznarine.and pizza equip- - rostit --for salc -or --lease -AR= REFRIGERATION Store Fixtures, Est. 1945. ;Hamilton (416) 52841528, 'Toronto - ( 4 1 6 ) 281-2800, •Welland (418) 788-3433.-20bc ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, potable water or air ;treatment quality (specify) minimum order- 6 lbs.; $4.20/1b.; add 8% PST; '.Shipping $4.75; inail check KO liommercial,..Box 846, Station "U", Toron- to, . M8Z 5Y9 :-4.22bc :19 STEEL SUILZHISIGS ”Summer Sellebra- ..tion" on_Quonsetsand S Series. --Payments, :lease or :purchase, we have „a plan tor 'everyone. CallEtture 1400468841651-.22bc HARDWOOD in log lengths, &livered in truckloads only. Six bush cords,369 cu. ft., .$550 or .12 bush cords, 1536 cu. ft., .ueoo. This way of pur.chasing -wood .has many .benefitssuchas: Entyour -ownandsave or .share:,a loadmithfriends and:neighbours. Cut ,a.vartloadlor -youself iand :sell the intaneeatapriifit.The 'choice .is yours. Vallt29t.11569tf A*0 ; Tireplaceoismeivoiever:4ghted. Tioldenkapperienamelifinish. lso„ Astnew,lireiroofteorner Ifk)orldan And malliprotector-paneis lininhed Kvtith mat - thing 24 ',brick. Vannliste ;SIMI Mime 124-1901.atifteriatftini.--:,20ffnze .CIEDAIMNCE OATS, ',braces and An- ItherSalmne11040154.-00 ird :Slate r-YAIIMAIZolaturd#,Y,Ainelfttli,= rOf alasselotik And 1,udgard Streets, ludulow,istextipjlitc:Vam. 1232E rzqlrfc9e 'Sole , 'UNRAGE A I , Saturday, ,ribine',2,,ter- ling at 100 am, vier fItess Awl litillepghby Streets in LuCknowArtides LinVinde ieewtg axxathine, slink% Twin :table, ',assorted ,-glavware And other ousehOldlem-22 UltUN',G,A1160BSATZ-41, t , L1.041,Sunday,„41une 4,Norn ?„at4507 Vtc- Ada _Street North, LaChnow. 7cverYThing nutstve,,liain,er Mined -42x tinIQUE4,14-POileAtibies• eV/mm*5111m gtont*esi indglii*Vilts,11,1ZlitPre IOW AOWtrYlintls.Awn_417 thigige,or4IpPoint went Tkiene4041$0.-÷,2144Or ,;;P:03.13AC f:P.1 ,ViglOette,Ailt 24,431.1.-4311X .4 oteree 441' V -31871/1t- .9 S . Cars for Ste it CHRYSLER NE* YORKER . ChocolatebrownlotteriorandinteriorAx- cellent condition. "Norust.PowerSteering, :power, brakes,powervindows,air, cruise, -many -extras. Asking i$8900 certified. Call 524-9211 'between 9-5 n., after 524-4240.-16tfnxe 1983 surac CENTURY LTD., 27 litre, 6 cyl., loaded; immaculate condition; cer- tified. Phone 528-3009.-22, 23 15. Trucks, for Sale -611EV-ONE -TON-Zargolian, V8, low mileage. Take over lease $376.00/month or buy out .$14,500. Phone 524-9211 9.5 pan. or 524-4240 after 6 p.m .-1tfnxe 1985 CIIEV HALF TON. Phone 395-2615.-22 1980FORD RS CAPRI, V6, auto, p.s., p.b., factory sunroof, RS package, :new :paint and -new exliaust.$1,800 certified or $1,800 .as .is. Gall Dan (519) 2384095, 8-5 'weekdays, after '6 p. and -.weekends 7. Ear Sri be Slanewi UNLIMITED STRESS free exercise and tanning for $25 a week, .until July 1st. Phone Slender Concept, 357;-2801.--229ar PAMPER YOUR 1114 110S and feet. .Manieureandpedieureincludingwanning mitts and boots. Only $25 until July ,Ist. Slender toncejit,1Wingliam257:42801a-22ar jis. mac., vehicles - tampees /8, -Trailers !V, 'General Bonzes and -Nor- thlnd& &oilers. TivviouSly slimed tent and ttsavel *idlers. Also, atidtwooms, ridleracessarieslio#partsalthermants ClovellentandTraileillsrkaiR4,1Cincer- tdine.Tivene4116i2757.-ietinar ti 4 Ili BLINAIRItiV.!sitarailers.1111110,11arti- Am, 'Tent, alttiritheel, Travel .titz Rat* =odds. Also gurmings, Atifiroem, Air 'Conditioners, Iriller4litehes &Are eenaories. 'Used. lon'ge folection, Jaw/grim. Seyarlzailer IzILAT.T4entre, eitiatda1e,13nt. 019),143=.2122.-12be loot ItV MfAil BOW 19I0 model, liebize, fUllY ,egitppd, wgeilent eetglitlen. (19) ‘•3144:124 or (19) 2344.1100.-22be 7H. Rfpcits, Motors 4 Morinv 262 FT. WKE P4JSR, head vabirveauver VP0xttions,166 .Mere. ,vraiser, taleeps 'trailer, 435,4900/Skest Igfer• ,4rionttider iirnallerhoat(PriMertY.112441100,40 11A . Tor $.1:1i0 fgener0 I 4740. '9* new .0149 lo Itt tlogilercir#0.'1) 9,005610A 'Mk Worite4 7.49 I L4 1711001)11NOVATAN,PM 14174).4 51V/Mtedie:404000410-11/144-#0, 0 livestock LIMOUSIN BULL for sale. ROP index 112. flihway Farms Limousin, Ernest and Jeff Atkert, PortElgin. Phone: Office3894142, Res. M94488.-22 IF 'Farm Produce FOR SALE - 150 square bales of straw. Call ,aftert 4)..m. 529 4-152.22, 23 i1H. farm Services LYNN LOWERY FARM SYSTEMS LTD., -1-Zineardine, manure, feed and grain handling re- quirements e,R113952615 or 395-2616, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost.-42tfar BE_RG STABLING EQUIPMENT cleaners, manure pumps, ventilation equipment, hog equipment. Contact Lloyd Johnston, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-5390.-31tfar GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY - Patz and Marline belt feeders, conveyors, silo miloaders. -Flex auger and stable equip- ment. Custom belt lacing Repairs. .Lucknow.295*851,--42tfar CUSTOM BALING - 4 x 4 round bales. Phone 3924103.-22, 23x - 12. Re Estate for Sale 0 AUKS on LAKE 2300 ft. yearend Toad, semiprivate Jake, abutting 30,000 acres crown land. 41110,000. Steven or theryl ,Jones (705) 645a201. Item= Lake omby ;PROPERTY on lake of the Woods - 771 semiarid, nice yard, -two tomes, two:new sheds bordering big meek, solid set !pier beeforgrahianning. Greatbunting and Cheep. 'Offers*); Milli Stheideo- ser, Rainy Slyer, Ontario POW JUL 0101452111640.--20be 14. Vovations VOITAVESIVREENT lakefront ouPereleanAtilYoSIWPPedAve alsolavoYAMILY CAMP.M. _ wfth three wilMbottivims,i)oatkoinehanfi rental, new Imam= Anti Showers loeuviinotalled ;for 1919 Sedita011- SLIME, IK. r.& f. PARK, 12 =Res east of Xineardinen Bighwayl. Rhone zoox.-11610 tANA1 =EIS rentOevern fl Voyeur; priyat* statavono.; m418; free 'broOhore fronrcogain Marc, 'Pox MO, Peterboro,411, /117-141x FQ11APITIbreglweiar4Plebflivialk31 ays41A10, "CAIPPilep §trOet, 141041)01v • QUVVNW-42t.fAr lagme A.14444e0t, 41909 49 *VOW% frdge -and IOW i0911,1090. Av14111* kmuo01,1 ly. Poie S84710,---6100. T%OP.3904/*Ortaint fijr rot, 4.1141,Y 1. trist.44W. SultaWe AVoluroAttilt. Owe .:.5,184107.—:21