The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-05-17, Page 5Lucknewliestinell, Wednesdays, May 179 111W4x4ge1 ToMe editor: AsIxicknowis basically arural faiming area:_and Its we -aremelebrating our dist DbitrictAnimalinlocknowon Maylk with -Methane, 4fWorrierizmdtheindronment', thoughtthisfeditorial intheltronto Star w-ouldbefealghteiting-as Lain sure many of our vitizens are not !wart ef all the Lucknow Women's Institute and our very .active Junior Women'aInstitute have done in this community. Ourtherne, -"Forliomeand Country" has been Illustrated'In many worthwhile pro- jects ourbranch has done for thiscommuni- ty.Tomention only a few .5 supplied all the llishesferthe community centre; placedthe Dr. McKim'spictureinthe Medic.- 1 Centre; prese.ntachievement awards to boy.and girl _in Grade .8; providing;the meal toren Fair Queens. As -well,vve give generously to all worthwhile organizations .such as the fire tiepariment,Vingliamllospital, Fair, band •uniforms, Ilomelimmd, etc. These are on- lymentioning a few. Hope thisisenlighten- ing to our citizens. Dorothy Brovni, 'President, lacknow'Women's.histitute. Cturiancknow-Tweedsmuir booksare .op to date, rarpfutly testoredand vaulted 'away foranylutnre 'references needed in :thisvoraimmity. Editor'slinte : "The followitig is fromdlie article trom the Toronto Star that Mrs. :Browatefers to in her letter. W6 61 'S INSTITUTE IS THE -43NOKBONE-OF-OUR-TZUALIFAMIIN COMMUNITIES if you've,everought thatameeting iof the 'Women's Institute meant a circle of _ladies,sippingteawithorookeddittlefingers and -swapping 'cookie Tecipes,thinkagaio. Amongst other.things, we laavethelV.I. tothankfortheflashingstoplightspowinan- datory on.allschooltaises. -Thatwas. Tesolutionthatstartedat thebixachlevel,passedtoprovinciallevel andthenwassuceessfullylabbied through govarmnent -nomean feat. 1i1 ,Ii 4.415 THE EDITOR 1111111111111111=11111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111M Last yearthe institutepromoted recycl- ing and featured their efforts in -adisilay at the Royal Agricultur VinterVair: - yearis theme is Women and The Envir-on- mentand yes, there are courses in cooking, landscaping, rug braiding and other crafts plus the friendship. Which isas it should be, since the VII. is aruraltristitution whose odestates, "A good 'thing is to meet in friendship's circle bright." The INumeif's UMW° began in 1197 in Stoney ere& and spread until today its members number 9 million worldwide. Basically, it Jean organization of rural women from farms, villages and towns. It is nomsectarian, nonpartisan andrion-racial and itsstatedldm is to develop a more abun- dant life for Tarsi people. One of Van Leeuwen's -special interests Ore the Tweedsmuir history books. Sometime between 1935 and 1940, during her husband's tenni of office as governor General, Lady Tweedsmuir urged the branches and districts to keep an ongoing history of their areas. Wanted: lesson in chartgin tires • from page 4 nevermovethoseboltsthat hold thetire on. We botivogreed that we had no love for walkingin the darkandalecidedthatifthe brewed flatme would justsitlherelmtil someone ramealongthat loolredtrustwor- thy or waitamtil it was liaylight Vediavetlecidedthatoncevefinishthis photography seminar, we Teeny should comae inhowtochange ; _even mamt as far as appmaebing mechanic _as to' whether :he mad& :in- terestedin teaching sucha course. Remain- tainedliehadsome other projectinmind for hissparelime. kradlythiniche felt it would below:Mica to teach the two females dn questiontheintricateartortharighigatire andlie could vaywell be -right. IlmowsomeonewhoWillteach me - Mr. •Fixit lias had it easy for long enough. -People lave.been zommenting on howicindand 'patient mytobbie mast be, thisteaching challenge Will really put his .patience to the test. 1 25 AR ES mixed bush, 1st Conc., Huron Township, Spring. $26,S00. -98,ACRES pasture, 4 acres bush, 2 ponds, older bank barn. Asking *60,000. 201 AMES Flt hog farm, 2 storey red brick home, 760 tog capacity, sealed silo, auto feeding, 140 acres naturally drain- ed, near Teeswater. 306 ACRES - Approx. 150 acres drained land, 140 acres bush 6, swamp. 3 bedroom home, barn, pit slio. Kinloss Twp. .Asking $125,000. '5 BEDROOM HOME in excellent condition, 1 acre lot, close to Lucknow, large family room, deck, well insulated. 411EDNOONISIDEPLIT -½ acre lot on edge of Lucknow, finished basement, new win- dows, Avoodstove & fireplace. Approx. 14 years old. CHINOS496 acres, 115 workable, 50 acres hardwood, 30acres softwood, 40' x:60' barn, drilled well. SOACREfARIA with 4bedroom brick home, completely renovated, 32' x S4' shop, small barn, 45 acres systematically tiled, small creek, well landscaped with 2500 trees. 6 miles from Goderich. ASHFIELC TOWNSHIP - 300 acre farm, fietdstonetome, 5bedrooms, excellent von- dition, 200 acres workable, barns set up for farrow to finish, heated shop, approx 80 acres bush. um. D. modem kitchen, ail & wood furnace, wood stove,bardwood4loors, comer lot. Priced et -*Gomm. LUCKNOW --4bedroom raised ranch, lenge kitchen, family room with fireplace, carpet, double lot. Excellent condition. LISTINGS WANTED PAUL ZINN 528-2411 ALVIN ROBB 2954174 •WARREN ZINN 5282710 - 40,0SROti4i. ei y tke c• . rs 0,.14 , -,cars; 4)90141;40V than; horse's. 'Dar Auctioneers -say they Mit 40.114.Mytkilig yoR yic-Vp S Af I.irTHE '' .• ,„ . . , . . .,•wEiEji ,,, :' k. , ,: 4 . . Nottit:off.Mltreet,--Spront:fortiiii4:20490.4 • S?6-3 943 Aithf4014.--liieNan-01411094406$ lfiteitt-WinfonuaL...--Steve 12% =1110 Tuasticittloos-, lEao DaiV643 or_tr nod* 1404013014011 3954786 al "ROMPS iGOMMUNATY sermativon 1 ,.., DC) ,iNARDIVIALLt • f CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS auditing, income :tax, .coniputer and management services. WAIXEWTON MOUNT FOREST B.F.-Thomson, FCA • ILL. Drier, CA - R.J. Millen, CA Culi. Munro, CA P. "Thor, CA 291-1211 323,2351 1 TE Offering a full range ofaccounting, ilANOVF,418 W.J. Aldersiey, FCA LH. Willett, CA J.J. Hunt, CA 364-3790 1 25 AR ES mixed bush, 1st Conc., Huron Township, Spring. $26,S00. -98,ACRES pasture, 4 acres bush, 2 ponds, older bank barn. Asking *60,000. 201 AMES Flt hog farm, 2 storey red brick home, 760 tog capacity, sealed silo, auto feeding, 140 acres naturally drain- ed, near Teeswater. 306 ACRES - Approx. 150 acres drained land, 140 acres bush 6, swamp. 3 bedroom home, barn, pit slio. Kinloss Twp. .Asking $125,000. '5 BEDROOM HOME in excellent condition, 1 acre lot, close to Lucknow, large family room, deck, well insulated. 411EDNOONISIDEPLIT -½ acre lot on edge of Lucknow, finished basement, new win- dows, Avoodstove & fireplace. Approx. 14 years old. CHINOS496 acres, 115 workable, 50 acres hardwood, 30acres softwood, 40' x:60' barn, drilled well. SOACREfARIA with 4bedroom brick home, completely renovated, 32' x S4' shop, small barn, 45 acres systematically tiled, small creek, well landscaped with 2500 trees. 6 miles from Goderich. ASHFIELC TOWNSHIP - 300 acre farm, fietdstonetome, 5bedrooms, excellent von- dition, 200 acres workable, barns set up for farrow to finish, heated shop, approx 80 acres bush. um. D. modem kitchen, ail & wood furnace, wood stove,bardwood4loors, comer lot. Priced et -*Gomm. LUCKNOW --4bedroom raised ranch, lenge kitchen, family room with fireplace, carpet, double lot. Excellent condition. LISTINGS WANTED PAUL ZINN 528-2411 ALVIN ROBB 2954174 •WARREN ZINN 5282710 - 40,0SROti4i. ei y tke c• . rs 0,.14 , -,cars; 4)90141;40V than; horse's. 'Dar Auctioneers -say they Mit 40.114.Mytkilig yoR yic-Vp S Af I.irTHE '' .• ,„ . . , . . .,•wEiEji ,,, :' k. , ,: 4 . . Nottit:off.Mltreet,--Spront:fortiiii4:20490.4 • S?6-3 943 Aithf4014.--liieNan-01411094406$ lfiteitt-WinfonuaL...--Steve 12% =1110 Tuasticittloos-, lEao DaiV643 or_tr nod* 1404013014011 3954786 al "ROMPS iGOMMUNATY sermativon