The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-05-17, Page 1, S tw i 7„, 1en ,, t ,., Vingham and District hospital ;was the Tecipientuftwosignificaa pieces of equip- ment -last week; equipment ,which will benefit :area -patients, doctors and other inedicatAaff eter Thankstothe I .:..4 eNightingalellome Pounclationnfthe 'Grand Chapter of Ontario, the Winghamilospital is homefor anEagle 'it,RpirnmatAr alinstnimentthatisusedlo measure theiweathing capacity of the lungerhisistinenftwospirometersiocated intbisimmediatearea. et nhospitalhas :a mitailarinstraiment;.butnotasadvanced. likie vast icifthelunitwas359904f00. 'The spirometerivallbe usedbythosawho mufffir _chronic lung -problems, such as .asthma oramphysema. "The imitregisters the amonntufairbeiziginhaledurmxlndecl .ancl7Willgiveaxraphicreadout. Xeith'Carson, Nursing Coordinatorforthe Emergency Department .at Winghlan hospital 'was on band to _explain how the • ,sputimetervmrks-Asamplecasegiveirwas that ofanastimmtic-patient, -whose lung tapacitywasmeasuredbeforeandatterbe- Itwadatinisteredalirnonucluin: Ateigraptdcreadolitithowinibtore eaddldter4Acture,,vdtlfibevatienttaving iexperienceda30:pereentincreaseiniunl vapa3rfOflowiflgAdminisiration tif The alpirometer -mid Also -be :used on surgical patients Tprior to receiving aneSthetict wdeterniinejlthapalientwas asaferandidattfor surgery_ IN:Therapy :Chair :With the donation of an Intravenous "Therapy Chair, 'patients receiving ebenzOtherapyinospitaiwill be made -more =Wadable. Mae $1000.1)0 ithair, that could be tom- ,peratto Ainzprions 'reeliner ebair,vas tioaatedbythalnrontlapter434,13tftler Of theMasterntar,itoylketmettandthe lateldargaretBenneft. -According lo Keith Carson, :more local „hospitals are Administering therapy to cancerpatients. Forthosapatients who're- -quire _anywhere from two to four tour 'treatments each session, being 'made •as comfortable aspossibleismeryimportunt. Patients wholva3reunabletorecline coated to receive treatment, tad MO Tecotzse but to sit onaliar.dchair .7hismailmo longer:be ilecessarythankstothiszenerousaionation. merest cele Ifiashamardllisirictilsopitilwasike-recipientfOlata;V:Therapyilhairiorlhe treat- :mentef eancervatients:Thestionated*Royileanettilkelateldarsarenten- inettluidthe Ewen tbap N0.119:43tderef the EasternlitarMilughalhe left, Sitirley.Langridge;Thelfortityltadzon-efikeTtiasternlitar,ItoyllenaettandAtuy Lou T1jeonpoono:hairmanrotikelloardi0 Garvernerslorlffinham and Distlict Hospitid. leatedislitithlearson, NursingVoordinatorlortheEntergencyDepartment. (PatLiv- Inaba:photo) 2 a' t, „es Tineerest liturs* anne, .Lacirinow celebrated its ffithantavortoMiatt Iatur- -day Withvpenbouge.'Asoodnunter:Otarva residents ,Ldropped into *it Auld ,enjoy refrefilnents. Marie;V011mer,oslutinistrator,Itays th home nowliwas.11,rooidentsasigi there is matting list.TineereetwUlbesurveyed-for ateredit' ationonMayl9AntiMarieloptat A-. good -polormaiwrecors1 will Ow the Ora threoyear.perioAl, Whittibo borne reeeived the last lime.v,Amodt4onow be-grnteillorltute r two iitatc;PetiO4.41$'.witil• P100074-110$:Alway,s been bleiggwl-ma 0-1(00-,Mitnberlifxoluntoors-finohislooal loops and tho-Ohurelivf , but --more vigolitsarkarep01444:to loneltssis;w1thlhe=roidents• 'The 'Veil -bowie was:J40 n- On WAWA with4111411444-roittrYttookt, 170,011.14$ -*Vet:W01v V- " We* Ot*e-Attlikeisitrisetreit ilirtttior vareistop.todstliithoestat sjlth salgiter04017, 'Mot Liv ten ) C.; toJejt After several months Of *aiming, the L-ueknow Vourist Association 'has published a brochure hoping to -entice tourists to use sad enjoy the numerous attractions zmd facilities In lite indmow area, ltesidents of Luclum are invited takeaveekatihe luselmre. alic to the Mo olderadtdts onMonday, May29, (weather pennitting)asversonsZ5 years of agezmd Lucimowls•mainstreet will be Eked with betterTgerlovallrhrthe • .back. Figuratively, that is. By the time the 'Town and thuntry :Seniors' -wallas over, morethanX, miles will have teen eredited 'towards meeting the Eiderobic Mounwalk national challenge .of "walking” the 476,90Dirdles •tilthe .moon .and tack. This is one highlight :of Canadals Fitweek, May 26 to Jane 4, says Juan _Robinson of the 'Town and Country Senions.islationally,Elderabirlithxmwalk Is TOIsponsored try 'Transamerica life Companies and Fitness 'Canada and is coordinated The 'National. Pensioners AindSenior Dilizeus'Pederation. • 'illrellehni-lopersons55 ilyeenz awe in. Initler. 'To ilate 'organization dam leen AneceneW in E inghtetinginorellam14100partittipansin theayeek.iong- Trogram. 'The ,TrO*Jtin.. =eases tbeznatber -Of zilder, -alto are aware ol the volitive iffEeets "This willbealimaisingeven;" says Joan, unnethatezereises hearts, minds, :bodies And aoles." Totagisterfortheno-costwalkoorto ob- tainfurtherinEonnation, callJoan Robin- aon att284I53. weekend ve hours Thie to the long holiday weekend, the Lurks* Office,Willbeeloseduext Mond4Yadar22. Please mote That all advertising and pylortheMayZeditionsifthe -SentinglisTaildre-d to be in this office by 3,-p.ro. Friday, May 19. lbe Sentinel staff would Me to take this opportunity to sviShiyouand yours safe AndinWY Victoria Day Weekend. Music (students leir '.w0.11 in Wake n •-$.even f, -Ruth Aitores =We 'students took ort in the Mitiweatem 'Ontario itotaryMutofil.-etiy‘heldatMalkorteon first.wek • They Adi Arery•,3Vgl .Heather Alton P1400.1intirutv. lims9f-lAwitkAnkark9f 04140)4407KW404:0**4erigil0 04!KAliti'ill-PdtiffethOr44100945, r,441 ,reeeiVi0044-010,334104)0Y101V 40414-ontVAL11#000)***101-.501104 aDd83 re�peeiveIy.,Aithough 041 4Ltorand tbe''tOP"'1440Vt40Y1',1991:000 very •higb • 1414t011i. .44090.49:thera-441. MrIZVIZT