The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-05-10, Page 20Page 20--Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 10, 1989 31 Service Directory 33—Miscellaneous _ 38. Auction Sale WOOD DESIGN the refinishing specialist is now offering the same quality and craftsmanship for exterior painting for your home or cottage, specializing in galvanized eavestroughing. So call today at 528.2328. 16-19ar COURTNEY SEWING MACHINES Sales and service. Phone 395-5341. Satur- days 396-2945. RR 1, Ripley, Point Clark. -18922 SEE US FOR YOUR STARTER, alter- nator, generator and regulator " needs. Albrecht Auto Electric, north of Whitechurch. Phone 357-3495.-18tfnar JOHN HICKEY CONSTRUCTION •New Construction •Renovations •Decks *Aluminum Trim Work •Farm Buildings Licensed carpenter 12 years Port Albert ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching Back? Stiff Joints? Sleeping Hands? "BEULAH OIL" helps! ! Send $1 for brochure/information: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Man., R1N 3C5.-19bc 34. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655.--4Otf 38. Auction Sae *Replacement Windows and doors *Roofing after 6 p.m. 529-7872 J BACKHOEING Charles C. Culbert Septic Tanks, Weeper Beds Farm- Drainage, Basements RR #6 Goderich 529-7571 36. Announcements c�� NOTICE 10 CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of RAYMOND EDWIN HOGAN late of the Township of Ashfield, in the Coun- ty of Huron,-°eceosed, who died on or about the 13th ..-dy of February, 1989, must be fil- ed with the undersigned on or before May 17, 1989; thereafter the Administrator of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then hos notice. Dated April 19, 1989. Francis J. Hogan, Administrator, c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, LUCKNOW, Ontario NOG 2H0. NOTICE . TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of WILLIAM JOHN JOHNSTON, Retired Farmer, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, who dled on or about the 16th day of ,March, 1989, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 20th day of May, 1989, as after that date the assets of the estate Will be distributed. DATED at .Goderich, Ontario, this 21st day of April, 1989. PREST AND EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate FEATURING TWO DISPERSALS Ar * BEEF COW & CALF SALE * To be held at Carson's Sales Arena, 1 mi. -Sr • east of Listowel on Hwy. 86 * SELLING FRI., MAY 19, 1989 AT7:00P.M. �c * CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME! 'K DISPERSAL #1 - SELLING FOR BRIAN RIN- * TOUL STOCK -FARMS: 52 - Polled * Hereford _cows,. approx-_-35-with..Young- calves at side. Balance due sale time. HERD SIRE SELLING: 1 - Reg. Potted 't Hereford Bull `H-B.M. Royal Unity 24L', * born June 5/86, sired by 'Norden 1OG'. * This is an exceptionally good Individual: * sire of This Years Calf Crop. This is a Fine Herd of young cows. It is * with regret that Brian sells this herd. He * has been breeding Herefords for 30 yrs. * and showed at many Fairs & Exhibitions * over the years until 1982 -when Time would no longer allow him to show. Since then * he has concentrated on producing Top * Commercial Cattle sb he now has Top * Commercial herd originating from his goodshow cows. "Raised under Commer- * dial conditions. Brian's Auctioneer career is demanding his full time and he has it decided to sell. This is an Excellent oppor- * tunity to purchase good cattle. * DISPERSAL #2 - SELLING FOR R&S BEEF * FARMS OF KENILWORTH: 50 - Crossbred * cows, several with calves at side, balance springing. Cows are mostly Hereford * crossbred, bred to Charolais Bull. * "Also 15 Angus cows springing." • We will accept approx. 50 to 75 more cows * for this sale. For more information, please contact: • Auctioneer & Sales Manager * * David Carson -4( �c R.R. #3, Listowel, Ont. (519) 291-2049 *************** EVENING AUCTION SALE of Home Furnishings, Antiques and Wood- working Tools will be held for MR. A MRS. NELSON PICKELL with added Consignments, in Teeswater Agri -Curl Building, on MONDAY, MAY 15 AT 6:00 P.M. Partial List: Selling for Mr. & Mrs. Plekell: living room furniture. shelf units. antique chest of drawers. antique washstand, an- tique kitchen table, blanket box, upright freezer. chest freezer. gingerbread clock, child's press back rocker, electric typewriter, books, garden tools, wood working tools, electric router, sanders, drills, saws. 6 In. jointer. B&D Workmate. vise, blacksmith's anvil, B&D hedge trim- mer, hammers, garden tiller, lawn mower, 3 wheeled bicycle and much more. Consignments include: 2 violins, stereos, variety of chain and tables, coffee and end tables, chesterfield suite, dishes, glass, or- naments, kitchenware. bar fridge, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, 3 now "Arc- tic Cat" coats, table saw; radial arm saw; Winnebago. low mileage. loaded with ex- tras, sleeps 6; and many more useful and interesting items. Listing subject to change without notice. Owners and Auctioneers not responsible for injuries, accidents or losses connected to any way with the sal•. Terms - Cash or cheque with I.D. night of sale. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM :#KELSO McNAY ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on the 10th day of April, 1989, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on' or before the 27th day of May, 1989. AFTER that date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 3rd day of May, 1989. CRAWFORD, :MILL ;& DAVIES 217 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario NOG A2W0 Solicitors for the Executors CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Livestock, Household Effects & Antiques for DOUG YOUNG ESTATE R.R.3, Rioderi h, Lot 4, Lake Range Ashfield Twp., 9 mi. N. of GoderiCh on Hwy. #211, 2 mi. S. of Port Albert. MONDAY, MAY 22/89 1.0:30 A.M. For information contact: Helena Young .3294334 Auctioneer: Brian Rantoul 357-2349 Watch net .week's a paper for complete listing. 139. Educational TRANSPORT DRIVER 'TRAINING for class "A" licence. No experience necessary. Proven job placement assistance. Markel Institute of Profes- sional Transport Training, Guelph. 1265-7173.-7bc Learn AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auc- tioneering. Next class June 10-17/: s . For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR 5, Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7V9. (519)537-2115.--9bc Snack Bar AUCTIONEERS Wallace Ballagh,. Teeswater 392-6170 Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 39. Educational FREE : 1989 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air con- ditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1.800-268-1121. —19bc 46. In Memoriam WALL In loving memory of Eva Wall who entered eternal rest on Mother's Day, May 12,1984. In a quiet country graveyard, Where the gentle breezes blow, Lies one we loved so dearly And lost five years ago. To her resting place we visit And place flowers with love and care, No one knows the heartache When we turn and leave you there. Lovingly remembered by husband Harry and family. -19 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of TRACTORS, SHOP :EQUIPMENT and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS for Evelyn Casemore R.R. #4 Wingham, Lot 8, Conc. 2, Morris Twp., one corner and 2 mi. E. of Wingham on Golf Course Road on Friday, May 12, 1989 5:30 P.M. 1972 Ford Y2 ton truck/new brakes, good condition. Selling as is; Case 530 diesel tractor, power steering; George Smyth 7' snowblower, (single auger); Massey Har- ris tractor; Bolen's riding lawnmower (new); Lawn -Boy power drive lawnmower; Craftsman garden tiller 5 H.P.; Black & Decker hedge trimmer; Lawn -Boy snowblower; lawn grass seeder; walking plow; electric fencer; wheelbarrow; jack - all -lack; small .air compressor; water trough; hand sprayer; shovels; extension ladder; logging chain; hand posthole dig- ger; battery charger; hay fork. SHOP EQUIPMENT: • Tecomaster saw; hand saw; clamps; saw horses; skilisaw; electric drills; planer; vise; grease guns; lumber; tin snips; chisels; screwdrivers. HOUSEHOLD: Norge fridge; Leonard freezer 15-17 cu. ft.; kitchen suite & 4 chairs/buffet; color T.V.; old burner; rock- ing chair; dressers; .small tables; dressers; trunks; hifl; radio; antlqya cupboard; garden hose; small clipper; 'garden toots; other small Items too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash day of sale. 8% sates tax where applicable & proper I.D. Any an- nouncements or corrections clay of sale take precedence over written advertising. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for loss of purchase or accidents day of sate. For Information contact: Evelyn Casemate - 357-1267. FARM SOLD AUCTIONEER Brian Rinto.ul - 357-2349 47. Card of Thanks JONES We would like to thank all our friends, neighbours and family who came to our anniversary dance on Saturday, April 22nd. Many thanks for all the lovely gifts and cards. Your generosity will always be remembered. Special thanks to our daughters, Sl bene anergy and Bon- in -law James for all their work. Also to Carol and Margaret Ferguson who helped Sharlene that evening. And Mayme Wilkins for the special cake decorations. It all helped make the evening special. Barry and Betty. -19x CRICH I would like to thank everyone for their phone calls, visits, flowers, cards and fruit baskets while I was a patient in the Univer- sity Hospital and after I came home. I would also like to thank everyone for the food that you have brought to the house. Your kindness is very greatly appreciated. Thanks again so very much. Donna Crich. -19 THANKS FOR SUPPORTING the Girl Guide cookie campaign. Lucknow Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers. -19 MOWBRAY We would like to thank Cliff's Plumbing and Heating, Lucknow Home Hardware, Elmer Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow District Co-operative, Montgomery Motors, Lucknow Village Market, McDonagh Insurance, Your Favourite Things, Valley Green Flowers, and Willits Tire Service, for the beautiful family Bi- ble. John and Marion.-19nx THE LUCKNOW TOURISM Association would like to say a big Thank You to the Beavers, Cubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Brownies their leaders and all the other adults and children that participated. in Lucknow's Pitch -In Day on May 6th, mak- ing it a great success. We would also like to thank the village council for their co- operation Floyd Milne for his assistance, the Sentinel for the press coverage and Brian and Dick for the treats. The response we received was very much ap- preciated. And a very special thank you to the person who made a generous cash donation. -19 WALDEN I would like to thank Dr. Shubat, Dr. Omole, Dr. Gear and the nursing staff of ICU and second floor of the Wingham and District Hospital for their excellent care while I was a patient there. Also, thank you to everyone for visits, cards, flowers and goodies. It all makes one recovery easier. Lois Walden: -19x joiratimmwo SOFTBALL PLAYERS (353-•\ THAT'S HOW MANY CANADIANS ARE THAT'S HOW MANY CANADIANS ARE SWIMMERS to" ;1°134';',...li worcttafili Gi