The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-04-26, Page 17Bats Ars.--Tiaetirt -CAA* n'ix I like bats. because theyare scary . They are scary because'they come out at night when itisdark.Satsare blind sotheyase radar. Bats sleep in the daytime hanging upside downwithlireireyesen. 'Bat are small maimnals And live to be 15 to 20 years okl-Bats live in caves. Bats.are black and brOWill and have long viings.Bats are good because they eat in- sects.Thereare over900kinds of bats. The mostrommonisthe littlebrown bat. Bels .my favorite. Some other kinds of bats are .thefoxbat, vampire batvlisheatersand the fruit bat. 1 have ,seen a .fruit bat at the Toronto Zoo. It was big. 1 have my own bats at home. They are toy bats. 'Their names are Rex and Jaws. Bats are good .becausethey eat insects. I knowmany peo- pie don'tlike bats. I think bats are nice. 1 would like one for a pet. But I still have to convince my mom. Conor McDonagh Grade 2 :1v cat Wild rats • ;Hockey He's on -a breakaway in the top corner. Be scores 35 •seconds. We won the W.O.A.A. Brent got the barmer, and the trophy. Allihe yelling wasfrom our -room. Wearethe only ones so farthat have won a trophy for the Championship. Unless the Immediates win. Hope they win! Ean Moffat Grade 3 iltS Can Wild cats are mean. They kill other small animals and eat them. They sleep in The day time and hunt at night tilne. Wild cats are different sizes and colours. Some are lazy. They live in the grasslands. They can run fast. They look like my cat. They have tails, whiskers„ Amill ears and four paws. Theywould 'not begood pets. 1 would not •like to play with them because they /night be too rough. like -wild cats -at thezoo, but 1 think r'll keep Jenny as my pet tat. Joe Ernest Grade 2 Cats can Catch mice, scratch, meow. Clean themselves purr, bide, Look tlif' fere'nt, Snoop in a!,arbage Play with mice. Fight with cats Hear goocl Climb trees See in the dark. X like cats. My catis namedTigger. Reis black and white and grey. Ile haswhite on his paws and they look like boots. His eyes are dark green. Belike to play ball. lielikes torun onthe ice. -Be wipes bis paws on the rug when he comesin the house. My eat likes to .drink milk Be likes soft andhardratfoodmixed. Iliketo lookAfter iny-rat-. Thies -olds littereVerysty. Iplay withhim gentlysohemon'tget hurt. I pet him And tuck himin.atnight. love my cat, Tigger. Be is my best friend. Joannellarris Grade 2 Onthe moon there is nos's, nowater and wind. There are big craters on the moon. There are lots of rocks and lots of dust. No plants grow on the moon. It is not very pretty. Astronauts travel to the moon in a rocket. -They must wear .a spacesuit. 'Thertakepicturesandtheyi/ring:them back to earth. I like looking at pictures ofthemoonbut Pni going to stay -here on earth. Mandyliavens Grade 2 Our "Type Away" typing contest was held On February 17, 19E. The results are as follows: Grade 8: 1st - Jill Sellars, 2nd - Chad Stanley, 3rd - Adrian Helm; Grade 7 : 1st - Chris Jones, 2nd - Shane MacKinnon (tie) & Jeremy O'Neill, 3rd -By_an Greig (tie ),& Steven Priess; Grade . 6: .Lst - Kristen O'Neill, Ind - Jason Smith, 3rill Crystal Brindley; Grade 5: 1st - Ethan :McNall; 2nd - Jeremy Smith; Grade -4: 1st - Mike Cranston; .2nd - _Shelley Johnston; 3rd - Tondarindley. Special mention goes to Jill Sellars of Grade 8 who scored top for the whole school. She typed :the test .three timesin -ten minutes. Our "Logo Golf" contest, held on January 27, ',shot into Action with many students competing for top 'honours . would like to land oat special con- y, - _Astons to Dawn .11ushe4l for scoring the record in our school. . Shane MocIliimmi Moon project Grade Two did a project about the moon. And it was fun to learns° many interesting things about it, The moon is -a big ball. It is in space along with stars and the milkyway. The sun shines on part of the moon and the other part of the moon stays black. You would have to do many things different if you lived on the moon. You can't eat on a plate on the moon. Yourfoodhastcbein .bags. There has to be water in with your ood. You can't fly a kite on the moon :because there is no wind. You _can't swim in space because there isn't any water. There would be some frm things to -do on tbe moon. You could jump bigh on the moon. You couldthrow a bigrock on the moon. It woulki be fun to visit the moon but I think 111 live on earth. Jayme Sutherhmd Grade 2 ' 1 hey Pio Drivwci rm Lor1e5 Pr4r401I )vicift-4eftro-oftkr% New -Sit-yte-t-A+V ifatriattAyttiwitt