The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-04-26, Page 10Page 10—Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 26, 1989 Edna Boyle honoured for 76 years service as organist A goodly number from here attended a tion to you Edna, as Sunday after Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald visited at without fail you were at the church organ. Walkerton with her father Mr. Joseph No doubt you have seen many changes Guest and with their aunt Mrs. Jenny throughout that time, but may Almighty Struthers. God continue to bless you and on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. William MacPherson had the Diocese of'Huron, we give thanks for supper on Monday evening at Ripley with such a dedicated life." Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott. Edna was completely taken by surprise, "We are all pleased that Jack Scott who but was very grateful for this honour. has had a long shut-in time with painful ar- Following a service of Holy Communion, thritis, is able to get out some again. We a reception and luncheon was held in the wish him continued improvement. Also parish hall. Ellwood Elliott after a sudden illness. Mr. Townshend spoke again for he • Dr. Mac MacDonald and Mrs. Mac - wanted to share the good news that his son Donald of Kincardine visited here with his Todd had completed university at parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacDonald. Waterloo, and decided to follow in the We are glad that Mr. Edbert Bushell who footsteps of his father and grandfather and had surgery on his hand awhile ago after begin his studies in theology. suffering all winter in pain with it, was a Mrs. Janie Hamilton of Lucknow and patient in Kincardine Hospital and is home Mrs. Jack Barr from here returned from convalescing, so glad to be free of pain. visiting at Portage La Prairie. The Presbyterian Congregational sup - service on Saturday at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Lucknow. Dr. Colin Campbell spoke on the healing ministry. It was interdenominational and open to anyone who desired special prayer. On Sunday, Bishop Robert Townshend and his son Todd were in Lucknow for their annual visit to the parish. Anne Pritchard was organist and directed the choir for special musical numbers, and hymns. The Rev. David Atwell welcomed everyone and especially our Bishop and his son. A letter was read by the Bishop which had been given to him _and written by Bishop Darwyn Jones to Miss Edna Boyle from the Diocese of Huron honouring her .76 years of service as organist at the Church of the Ascension, Kinlough. He said, "It is a record that I feel very sure a life of dedication brings a great deal of satisfac- HURON -PERTH WHOM SCHOOU -ASI EDUCATION WITH A DIFFERENCE - The Board is proud of its educational leadership in Catholic Education since it became a County Board System in 1969. We emphasize a Christ -centred approach to education that is rooted in Gospel values. We also fulfill all other requirements of the Ministry of Education. Parents, ratepayers and community at large are invited to visit our schools during Education Week — April 23-29, 1989. It is only fitting that you as our partners celebrate with us the theme — PARTNERSHIP FOR SUCCESS Please Visit One Of Our Schools: St. Joseph's School Kingsbridge St. Columban School St. Columban St. Patrick's School Dublin Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Mount Carmel St. Patrick's School Kink ora St. Joseph's School Clinton Precious Blood School Exeter St. Mary's School Goderich St. James School Seaforth Holy Name of Mary School St Marys Sacred Heart School Wingham SL Boniface School Zurich St. Mary's School Hesson St. Michael Secondary School Stratford St. Ambrose School Stratford St. Joseph's School Stratford St. Aloysius School Stratford Specific Programs For Individual Schools Will Be Conveyed By Notice From The Schools. HURON -PERTH CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION 1969-1989 INLOUGH by May Boyle per and worship service following was held at the church. It had been planned for earlier but had to be cancelled when the sudden snow storm made driving hazar- dous, so last Friday night was a nice even- ing to enjoy it together at the church. The Women's Institute last euchre party was. held at the Holyrood hall on Tuesday evening. Five tables were in play and all enjoyed the evening. Winning prizes were high lady, Mrs. Sadie McLeod and low lady, Mrs. Irwin, high gent, Harvie Thompson, low, Jim Miller. The two lucky card draws went to Mrs. Ellwood Elliott and Harvie Thompson. A good lunch top- ped off the party. Alex and Alice MacDonald and daughter Alexandria from Fort Nelson, B.C. were home visiting family and friends. They were at David MacDonald's of Lochalsh and Roddy MacDonald and family at Amberly. They also visited Jean West of Kintail and Mabel MacDonald at Creshaven Apartments, Lucknow and other family members in Goderich. Harold Campbell from Kamloops B.C. has been visit ing..his_parentss Mr_ and Mrs Dines Campbell at Cresthaven Apart- ments in Lucknow. Mrs. Glen Haldenby attended the Presbyterian Synodical at Woodstock dur- ing the week. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Johnston of Wingham spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody of here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hedley of Teeswater on the birth of their baby girl at the Wingham and District Hospital. Gary is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hedley. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Deren Filip, the former Debbie Smith, who were married at St. George's Church, Goderich on Saturday. Those at- tending from this area were Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breckles, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sparling, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Haldenby and family, Mr. Bob Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith, and the Haldenby families from Sarnia. Presbyterian W.M.S. ° Mrs. Don Bushell was hostess on Wednesday at her home for the Kinlough Presbyterian W.M.S. The president, Lorraine MacPherson opened the meeting with the Lord's Prayer and a hymn, followed by the repeating of the purpose. The roll call was a scripture verse or poem on spring and the new growth. Isabell Thompson had the devotions star- ting with the way to God from Hebrews chapters five and six. Winter is past, spr- ing and new life, a real challenge to us all. May the new life return also to our souls. Be faithful in worship, learn obedience and complete trust in God. Nina McDonald had the program. The Study was on poverty. The ladies divided into groups to discuss the elderly, the single parent, poor housing. Many anx- ious farm folks, equality of justice for needy, neighbourhoods lacking unity. The answers were helpful. Trinity thankof f ering The Spring Thankoffering meeting was held at Trinity (Ashfield) Church, April 16. A good crowd was in attendance as members from the societies of the neighbouring churches were invited. President, Elizabeth Irvin opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. The scripture based on "Paul in Ephesus" was read by Marion Zinn. Meditation on the Scripture was given by Bell Hackett. Ruth Alton sang two solos during the evening, accompanied by Dora Alton at the organ. Guest speaker for the evening was one of Trinity's own members, Marion Zinn. She showed slides she had taken when on her tour of Turkey last year. These were very interesting as some of the pictures pertain- ed to the territory Paul had travelled in Ephesus. Following the closing hymn Rev. Arm- strong pronounced the benediction. A social hour was then enjoyed.