The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-04-19, Page 13IKingsbridge parents heara The past several weeks have been an ex- citing xciting and busy time for the Kingsbridge community. The Holy Week and Easter liturgies saw the church full of several occasions. March 31 marked an historic occasion for Father McCormack Council 9484, St. Augustine, Lucknow and Kingsbridge with the celebration of Charter Night. A well attended auction sale was held for the estate of Ray Hogan on Monday, April 3rd. Also on Monday, April 3 the St. Joseph's Catholic Women's League began their an- nual election meeting with a pot luck sup- per at 7:00 p.m. The focus of the evening was the election of the new executive. Con- gratulations, good luck and God's bless- ings to Laurie Dalton, president; Virginia Stright, president-elect; Denise Dalton; past president; Betty -Lou Dalton, first vice-president; Shirley Martin, second vice-president; Jennifer Miltent urg, recording secretary; Veronica Shoemaker, corresponding secretary; and Dianne Wisser, treasurer. Several C.W.L. members attended a Reflection Day on Wednesday, April 5 at St. Columban Church in St. Columban led by Father Hardy. A large group of ladies filled the parish hall on Thursday evening April 6 for a community shower in honour of bride -to - a e ch - -- The parish .community was saddened to hear of the death of former parishioner Jack Wildgen who passed away recently following a lengthy illness. The communi- ty extends its sympathy and prayers to his wife and the Wildgen family. Staff and students continue to be as busy Ho rticultural Society delegates tour 1DP Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 19, 1989 -Page 13 ut ":,ds on the lock" program as ever at St. Joseph's School. The in- termediate girls basketball team beat St. Mary's, Goderich in an exhibition game and are preparing for the zone finals to be held at St. Mary's, Goderich. Monday evening April 3 a parents meeting was held at the school. A presen- tation of the "Kids on the Block" program by the Huron County Community Child Abuse Coordinating Committee was made. This presentation included two skits, one . on sexual abuse and the other on physical abuse which will be presented to the Grades 3-6 students at a later date. The school public health nurse, Anne Haley, gave a brief overview of the pro- gram.on physical changes that she will be presenting to the Grade 5/6 students. She made available for parental viewing the materials that will be used in this program. Also making a presentation was Dennis Mackey, Religion and Family Life Consul- tant, who spoke on the "Feeling Yes - Feel- ing No" program which will be taught to the Grade 3/4 class. It was a very infor- mative and worthwhile evening. The children have now finished their science fair projects which were on display in the school gym April 11. The displays reflected much hard work and thought on behalf of both student and teachers and much credit is deserved by all involved. Winners of the various categories will follow next week. Wednesday, April 5 the Dental Division of the Huron County Health Unit paid a visit to the school to give a brief visual in- spection to the teeth of the children in K, 2, 4,6and8. The First Friday Mass of April 7th was hosted by Jackie Simpson's Kindergarten class with Spring and New Creation as their theme. The children decorated the altar and lectern with art work reflecting this theme. Father continues his weekly visits to the school much to the appreciation and delight of staff and students. In preparation for First Friday the children from Grades 3 to 8 had the oppor- tunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. An Open House Birthday Party is to be held for former parishioner Mrs. Mary Hogan at St. Mary's Parish Hall, Lucknow on Saturday, April 20 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Mrs. Hogan is celebrating her 90 birthday. Congratulations and God's Blessings on this wonderful occasion. Seven delegates from the Lucknow Hor- ticultural Society were: among 182 in atten- dance at the Bruce Nuclear Power Development information Centre for District 8 Horticultural Societies' Annual meeting. Following an interesting film about the BNDP, delegates weretaken on a bus tour of the plant, and ef special interest the Agri Park where 80,000 tomato ;plants are grown. Each plant produces approximate- ly 40 pounds of tomatoes. These greenhouses are heated with excess steam. Following.a delicious lunch, courtesy of Ontario Hydro, the group .assembled in the theatre for the business session, with .a -welcome from Colleen Jacob, president of Kincardine Society, and various dignitaries. A suggestion was made to have a "Hor- ticultural Week", this to be sent as a recommendation to the Annual Oai.A.. convention. BritaBall was guest speaker. She iswith OMAF in Walkerton and she mentioned that there are numerous people available through OMAF, 4H Leaders, MasterCrard- ners to name a few. The Society Grants ,also come through OMAF. Winning :slides for the photographic competition ,were -shown, as well as snap- shots, with Vi .Arnold receiving several prizes for herentries. Election of officers for District ,8 was field pith Chris Bust .of.Markdaleacclaim- eedas District Director. Past District Director Clarence Lange was accorded a standing ovation for ;his <dedicdtion to the Society for the past several years. This was a iliiferent format train ;usual meetings Mid was ;quite enjoyable. DOUBT a right that must be warned with, the ,willingness ato Zit*. —4s the beginning; to be willing to act when we know the truth is the •-Is the leginnintef =reel; r age." —Is the first step toward proof of the truth. -FIs no mark of aloft* AtelltSence• —Is ionetight tletbezttaXls to every man vibe ..]seepsan oPdn. inti. --4.5tm . itylorthe truth. ti °L, Cs S AN EDUCATiON; WITH A DIFFERENCE- The Board is proud of its educational leadership in Catholic Education since it became a County Board System in 1969. We emphasize a Christ -centred approach to education that is rooted in Gospel values. We also fulfill all other requirements of the Ministry of Education. Parents, ratepayers and community at urge are invited to visit :our schools during Education Week — April 23-29,1989. It is only 'fitting that you as our partners celebrate with us the theme — PARTNERSHIP FOR SUCCESS Please Visit One Of Our Schools: St. Joseph's School Kingsbridge St. Columban School St Columban St. Patrick's School Dublin Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Mount Carmel St. Patrick's School Kinkora St. Joseph's School Clinton Precious Blood School Exeter St. Mary's School Goderich St. James School Seaforth HolyName of Mary School St. Marys Sacred Heart School Wingham St. Boniface School Zurich St. Mary's School Hesson St. Michael Secondary School Stratford St. Ambrose School Stratford St. Joseph's School Stratford St. Aloysius School Stratford Specific Programs for Individual Schools Will Be Conveyed By Notice from The Schools. HURON -PERTH CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD CELEBRATING 20 YfJIfiS Of CAThOLIG EDUGATION ]969-1889 4