The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-04-12, Page 5Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 12, 1989—Page 5 Huron council and residents question a Editor's Note: The following letter Wag sent to the Since CountyBoard of Education by NUMB Township Council. Attn: PA. Martindale Dear Sir: In light of the recent resignation and con- sequent appointment of a :public school trustee, Huron'Township Council would like their feelings known to the rate payers and :schoolboard on /his 'matter. Firstly, due to the length of the term re- maining we felt that =election should have .been theld in the Township and Village of Ripley to fill this vacancy. A motion to this -effect WaS sent to theErnee CountyBoard of Education, chairman Alvin Thompson :and to the 'Minister of Education Hon. Christopher C. Ward. Withoutan election we were afraid that no onefrom this area would submit their name for an interview and the possibility would then arise that someone 'out of our district would beappointed out of default. Forttmately a number of applicants from the 'Township did come forth, all with ex- cellent credentials, but to no avail. The in- 'terviewingcnnunittee seems to ignore the fact that mese candidates were qualified, familiar with our needs, and taxpayers, but chose instead to look for experience. As a result a non residence trustee is now representing us at Chesley. "We to not question the integrity of this person but, rather the principle of the ap- :pointment. Why should someone from out- --able-TIM-11THIlieireility- even -be consUerW when there were reputable applicants will- ing to stand from within? How does the Board expect .to function after any election faced -with the possibility of several new people around the table if they could not ac- • commodate one inexperienced person now In .light of past events we once again reiterate that a trustee be replaced by an election and we WM be sending this recom- mendation to the !Board Of Education and Minister of Education. Yours truly -ThumiTovmship"Council "Reeve John Gamble To theEditor: Asmeniters 01Purplearove-Womeirgin- stitute, ;and residents and -ratepayers Of Huron Township, we would like to inform you of how.we feelabout the appointment of 11\%,14 ' 11 ' dico, -',,b`-.1•1 4 ' ' 4 If ;,i 4,((;.•':•:1110 WE ,HEARDIT THRII THE '.11RAPEVINE„.. 33rest Savings .0n These Used Qtrs.& Trucks. Some One 'Owner Low tifiktsge. 1 -1988 PLYMOUTH SUNDANCES 4 tioori-low mileage 410a '4'*1740 101--44-1N1 '1441.1: 4414 SIM 1968 ,F °,'TEMPO,4:door, very low mileage. 1886 CHEVrcHEVETTE, 4 door hatchback 1965 DELTA ,86 ROYALE BROUGHAM loaded with extras 19115 'MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS 1983 1111ICK PARK AVENUE, 4 door, loaded 1180812$10815PICK4!Pfverrlow mileage 11105 CHEV ½TON PICK4JP Jaw mileage I986 ORD -34 TON PICK.UP 111115 DoHEV ½ TINPPICKAUP 19115 iGhfC 3/41.0141 111111111111111111.11mommommmen Mr. Sclunidt of Kincardine to represent our area on 'truce County School Board for over two and one half years. Huron Township Council suggested that an election be held, but :this was denied. We're not Objecting to the man himself, but to the method of his selection. There were three applicants from Huron Twat* well qualified in 'business and education. We would like tolmow by what method of selec- tion an urbanman was chosen to represents mostly rural district. This lathe second time that Ripley -Huron has been slighted -not on- ly in the closing of their high school, but also th losing our electoral district •representative. We feel it would be a courtesy for the Board Chairman to come to an open ratepayers' meeting to explain the Board's choice and as to why our applicants were overlooked. We are aware that the Educa- tion Act permits such an appointment, but we are objecting to the overlooking of our Huron Township candidates, as well as to the fact that they were not notified of the Board's selection and learned of the ap- pointment through the media Yours truly, PurpleGrovelfiemolesInditute— To the Editor: I am writing to express my concern with Bruce County Board of Education's selec- tion of a trustee for the Ripley Huron Elee- torial district. The board chose a man from Kincardine over three very well qualified applicants from the Township of Huron. The Board skirts to app intment of Mr. Schmidt by sk ,ag they chose the person bestqualified for the job, but best qualified according to whom? The Hoard, Who 'feel therrequire his...experience or the :people of the ,area that he is to represent? If the Board -had begun this term of office with a totally, new slate of trustees they would hetequired.to.attunblethroughtheir cpcoreituginidgetandlnisetheigiokeittlie people therrepresent I feel the people Of Bipley4Iuron have been 'denied the right guaranteed by our Constitution which says we may have representation by the choice of the people. Mr. 'Schmidt was appointed without the peo- ple or our elected representatives being allowed any say. Is the Board telling us that because we are a rural area we must accept their choice of someone from an urban area because we are farmers and have not the intelligence or ability to act on behalf dour own people and that we must not be allowed totave any say in the education of our own thildren? Shirley MaeDonald Townihipof Huron FtatePayer Dear. Editor; Recently, individuals and businesses across Ontario have received requests for support from the Cancer Research Society Inc. 'The purpose of this lefteris to clarify that the Canadian CancerSociety is notaf- filleted with or connected in any way to the Cancer Research Society Inc., which is a Quebec -based orgtmization. Prior to 1961, Cancer 'Research Society Inc.'s fund raising efforts weraconfined to the Province of Quebec. But since that time they have solicited funds all across Canada, although most of their research grants are confined to Quebec. (Their most recent, financial statements indicate that only 7 per cent of .their grants and 2 per cent of their fellowships were awarded outside the Province of Quebec.) -The—main—doncontration—isf zanccr research in Canada is done through the National Cancer Institute (NCI), with about 98 per cent of their funding provided by the Canadian Cancer Society. Aslar as we have been able to ascertain, the NCI have never received any funding from the Cancer Research Society Inc. The Canadian Cancer Society, establish- ed in 1938, is the national organization which provides assistance to cancer pa- tients in a number of ways, including drugs, dressings, and transportation to treatment centres It is also involved in an extensive public education program. No suchservices are provided by the Cancer Research Society Inc. We ofthe Canadian Cancer Society -wish lace Aids !information 1:eiforeyi to dinar ,any -konintion betWeI tW ,organizations. 'We also might° express :our sincere appreciation for the very generous ointment ongoing support we continue to receive from the general public. Yours sincerely, Angus MacLennan, President, Huron County 'Unit To the editor: The South Bruce Chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario is very pleased at the overwhelming success of the door-to-door canvass this year. To date, over$30,000 has been raised in South Bruce and the money continues to dome in. Every area canvassed brought in more money than it ‘did last year. As well, many areas that couldn't be covered last year, but were this year, did exceptionally well. "I think the 1989 house to house cam- paign this past February did so well because of the increased help from volunteer canvassers. Every one rallied together to make South Bruce have its most successful year ever,‘' said Beth Shunski, Grey -Bruce co.ordinator for the foundation. The Smith Bruce Chapter has several otiter exciting fimd raisers plaimed for the 1989 fiscal year. If the communities sup- port them as they did the canvass, the chapter should have no problem meeting this year's goal of $72,000. Cindy Maloney by Ruth Buchrneier Iva and Elizabeth Dickie, Karissa and Shea were in Markdale on Sunday after- noon to help Allison Dickie celebrate her fifth birthday. Misty DeBoer has returned from a very enjoyable tour of Israel. It was spring there so the .countryside was so beautiful. Bob and Gloria Symes and Henry and Ethel Clark enjoyed a bOlidayin England. Bob and Gloria attended a wedding of Bob's cousin near Salisbury. They visited withmaity relatives of Bib's. Thenthe two •.c touredlandonforlourilleys. Vent Ffaintdayasiatwk_ 1The(nomitunety- Whites Itynny Mc- aspeedirecovery.ISheasaintraent beiVineiam ReaSe contact your 'newest 'W,:a Thompson & Sons Limited Branch for more details